Product version and history information
WAS 5.1 contains structural differences from previous versions. The...
$WAS_HOME/properties/ contains important data about the product and its installed components, such as the build version and build date. This information is included in [product].product and [component].component files. The...
$WAS_HOME/properties/version/ contains a collection of records for installed interim fixes and fix packs. This information is included in [interim fixID].efixApplied, [interim fixID].efixDriver, [fix packID].ptfApplied, and [fix packID].ptfDriver files.
Driver files have useful information about the entire contents of an interim fix or fix pack. The applied file has relevant information about the interim fixes or fix packs that are currently applied. Event.history files are also present. They contain a detailed log about updates you have applied, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Time-stamped, detailed logs record each update process in the...
$HOME/properties/version/logThis topic describes the XML data files that store product information for Version 5 WAS products. By default, the document type declarations (DTDs) for these files are in the properties/version/dtd folder of the $WAS_HOME, or the server root directory. See the Storage locations section for more information.
This topic includes these sections...
- A list of product information files and file locations
- A list of reports for displaying version and history information
- A description of logs and component backups
- A list of properties you can use to change storage locations
- A description of how the update service makes operational use of the product information
- A data dictionary that describes data in the files
Product information files
XML files in the in the /properties/version directory that store version information...
platform.websphere One file whose existence indicates that a WAS product is installed. An example of the file follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE websphere PUBLIC "websphereId" "websphere.dtd"> <websphere name="IBM WAS" version="5.0"/>The following XML files in the /properties/version directory represent installed items and installation events.
product-id.product One file whose existence indicates the particular WebSphere Application Server product that is installed. Data in the file indicates the version, build date, and build level. For example, the file might be the ND.product file, which indicates that the installed product is WAS Network Deployment. An example of the file follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE product PUBLIC "productId" "product.dtd"> <product name="IBM WAS for Network Deployment"> <id>ND</id> <version>5.0.0</version> <build-info date="10/5/02" level="s0239.28"/> </product>
component-name.component Any number of component files that each indicate the presence of an installed component, which is part of the product. Data in the file indicates the component build date, build version, component name, and product version. For example, the file might be the activity.component file, which indicates that the activity component is installed. The activity component is part of the Network Deployment product. An example of the file follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE component PUBLIC "componentId" "component.dtd"> <component build-date="10/5/02" build-version="s0239.28" name="activity" spec-version="5.0"/> Any number of extension files that each indicate the presence of an extension that you install as a user extension, as part of a service engagement, or as installed by a third party product. The <>.extension files are not created, logged, or removed by WAS products.
fix-id.efix Any number of interim fix files that each indicate the presence of an installed fix.
ptf-id.ptf Any number of files, that each indicate the presence of an installed fix pack. XML files in the /properties/version/history directory that store version history information files...
The following XML files in the /properties/version/history directory describe fixes and fix packs that are currently installed. These XML files are related to installation items by the primary ID information, which is shown in the following examples as italicized text.
event.history One file that lists update events that have occurred. An update event is an operation that installs or uninstalls an interim fix or a fix pack. The file is sorted by the date and time of the events that are listed.
fix-id.efixDriver Interim fix-driver defining information
fix-id.efixApplied Interim fix installation details
ptf-id.ptfDriver Fix pack-driver defining information
ptf-id.ptfApplied Fix pack installation details
You can view product information by examining files in the properties/version directory, including the properties/version/history directory.
WebSphere Application Server provides the ability to generate two types of reports about the data in the files, Version reports and History reports. The following report-generation scripts are available in the $WAS_HOME bin directory.
Product version reports
The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the properties/version folder...
- versionInfo command
Lets you use parameters to create a version report on Linux and UNIX-based platforms, or on Windows platforms.
- genVersionReport command
Generates the versionReport.html report file in the bin directory on Linux and UNIX-based platforms, or on Windows platforms. The report includes the list of components, fixes, and fix packs.
Product history reports
The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the properties/version/history folder.
historyInfo.bat Lets you use parameters to create a history report of installed and uninstalled fixes and fix packs, on Windows platforms. You can also specify a component name to create a report that shows the history for that component. Parameters:
-format text | html Selects the format of the report. The default is TEXT.
-file fileName Specifies the output file name. The report goes to standard output (stdout) by default.
-updateID ID Specifies the ID of an interim fix or fix pack update. When specified, the product history report displays events for only the specified update. When not specified, the report displays events for all updates.
-component componentName Name of a component. When specified, the product history report displays events for only the named component. When not specified, the report displays events for all components. Lets you use parameters to create a history report on UNIX-based platforms. Parameters are the same as for the Windows version.
genHistoryReport.bat Generates the historyReport.html report file in the bin directory on Windows platforms. The report includes all updates and components. Generates the historyReport.html report file in the bin directory on UNIX-based platforms. The report includes all updates and components.
Logs and component backups
WebSphere Application Server products use two other directories when performing update operations, for logging and backups...
$WAS_HOME/properties/version/log Product updates log directory WAS products store log files to document component, interim fix and fix pack operations and updates.
$WAS_HOME/logs/update Product updates log directory beginning with Fix Pack 2. Beginning with the version of the updateInstaller program that is bundled with Fix Pack 2, log files are in the $WAS_HOME/logs/update directory.
$WAS_HOME/properties/version/backup Product updates backup directory WAS products back up components before applying interim fixes and fix packs. If you uninstall an interim fix or fix pack, WAS products restore the backed-up component JAR file.
File naming convention
Time stamp YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS For example: 20020924_211832 is 24-Sep-2002, 9:18:32 pm, GMT. All time stamps are in GMT.
ID Interim fix ID or fix pack ID For example: apar6789c is an interim fix ID; PTF_1 is a fix pack ID.
Operation install | uninstall
Interim fix log file names timeStamp_fixId_operation.log For example:properties/version/log/20020924_211832_apar6789c_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_apar6789c_uninstall.log
At Fix Pack 2 or later, the updateInstaller creates these logs: $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20020924_211832_apar6789c_install.log and $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20020924_211912_apar6789c_uninstall.log
Interim fix component log file names timeStamp_fixId_componentName_operation.log For example: properties/version/log/20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_apar6789c_ras_uninstall.log
At Fix Pack 2 or later, the updateInstaller creates these logs: $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_install.log and $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20020924_211912_apar6789c_ras_uninstall.log
Fix pack log file names timeStamp_ptfId_operation.log For example: properties/version/log/20030324_211832_was50_fp1_install.log and properties/version/log/20030325_211912_was50_fp1_uninstall.log
At Fix Pack 2 or later, the updateInstaller creates these logs: $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20030324_211832_was50_fp2_install.log and $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20030325_211912_was50_fp2_uninstall.log
Fix pack component log file names timeStamp_ptfId_componentName_operation.log For example: properties/version/log/20030324_211832_was50_fp1_ras_install.log and properties/version/log/20030325_211912_was50_fp1_ras_uninstall.log
At Fix Pack 2 or later, the updateInstaller creates these logs: $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20030324_211832_was50_fp2_ras_install.log and $WAS_HOME/logs/update/20030325_211912_was50_fp2_ras_uninstall.log
Backup JAR file names timeStamp_ptfId_componentName_undo.jar or timeStamp_fixId_componentName_undo.jar For example: 20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_undo.jarDo not delete a backup JAR file. You cannot remove a component update if the corresponding backup JAR file is not present.
Update processing might also use a temporary directory, if necessary. A Java property specifies this directory as described in the next section.
Storage locations
Product information files are located relative to the WAS product $WAS_HOME, or the server root directory.
Default file paths are...
Version directory $WAS_HOME/properties/version or server_root/properties/version
History directory $WAS_HOME/properties/version/history
Updates log directory The version of the updateInstaller that is bundled with Fix Pack 2 and later fix packs, stores log files in the $WAS_HOME/logs/update directory.
Updates backup directory $WAS_HOME/properties/version/backup
DTD directory $WAS_HOME/properties/version/dtd
Temporary directory Specified by the Java system property
Operational description
WebSphere Application Server products update the product version history information while performing events that install or uninstall fixes or fix packs. Events that might occur include...
- A WAS product adds an interim fix file (with an extension of .efix) to the version directory to indicate that an interim fix is currently installed.
- A WAS product removes an interim fix file from the version directory when it uninstalls the corresponding fix.
- A WAS product adds an interim fix driver file (with an extension of .efixDriver) to the history directory when an interim fix is installed. an interim fix driver file contains defining information for a fix.
- A WAS product removes an interim fix driver file when it removes the corresponding fix.
- A WAS product adds an interim fix application file (with an extension of .efixApplied) to the history directory when it installs an interim fix. An interim fix application file contains information that identifies component updates that have been applied for a fix. The application file also provides links to component log and backup files.
- A WAS product removes an interim fix application file when it removes the corresponding fix.
- A WAS product adds a fix pack, with an extension of .ptf, to the version directory to indicate than a fix pack is currently installed.
- A WAS product removes a fix pack file from the version directory when it uninstalls the corresponding fix pack.
- A WAS product adds a fix pack driver file (with an extension of .ptfDriver) to the history directory when it installs a fix pack. A fix pack driver file contains defining information for a fix pack.
- A WAS product adds a fix pack application file (with an extension of .ptfApplied) to the history directory when it installs a fix pack. A fix pack application file contains information that identifies component updates that have been applied for a fix pack. The application file also provides links to component log and backup files.
- A WAS product makes entries in the history file, event.history, when it installs or uninstalls an update.
- A WAS product stores a parent event for each interim fix that it installs or uninstalls.
- A WAS product stores a parent event for each fix pack that it installs or uninstalls.
- A WAS product stores child component events for each component update that it installs or uninstalls, beneath the corresponding interim fix or fix pack parent event.
- A WAS product stores one log file in the logs/update directory as it installs or uninstalls one interim fix or fix pack.
- A WAS product stores one log file in the logs/update directory as it installs or uninstalls an interim fix or fix pack, in response to each component update that occurs.
- A WAS product stores a component backup file in the backup directory for each component update that it installs.
- A WAS product removes a component backup file from the backup directory for each component update that it uninstalls.
Data dictionary
Type Family: websphere product family
File Types... websphere
File Type... websphere
Elements... name string required version string required
Persistence... versionDir/platform.websphere Type Detail...
The websphere file denotes the presence of WebSphere family products.
Element Detail The WebSphere product family name. websphere.version The WebSphere product family version. Type Family: product File Types: product component extension File Type: product Persistence: versionDir/id.product Elements: id string required name string required version string required build-info complex required Type Detail... A product file is placed to denote the presence of a specific WebSphere family product. WAS ID is embedded in the product file name. Element Detail... The id of the product. The name of the product. product.version The version of the product. An element containing build information for the product. Element Type: build-info Elements: date date required level string required Type Detail... A build-info instance details the build of a specific installed WebSphere family product. Element Detail... The date on which the product was build. build-info.level The level code of the product's build. File Type: component Persistence: versionDir/name.component Elements: name string required spec-version string required build-version string required build-date date required File Detail... A component file denotes the presence of a specific component. The component name is embedded in the component file name. Element Detail... The name of the component. component.spec-version The specification version of the component. The build level of the component. The build date of the component. File Type: extension Persistence: versionDir/id.extension Elements: id string required name string required File Detail... An extension file denotes the presence of a specific extension. The extension's id is embedded in the extension file name. The elements of an extension file are minimally specified. The listed elements are required. Additional elements may be present as determined by the actual installed extension. Element Detail... The id of the extension. The name of the extension. Type Family: update File Types: efix ptf efix-applied ptf-applied File Type: efix Persistence: versionDir/id.efix Elements: id string required apar-number string optional pmr-number string optional short-description string required long-description string required is-temporary boolean required build-version string required build-date date required component-update complex min=1, max=unbounded platform-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded product-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded efix-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded custom-property complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... An efix file denotes the presence of some portion of a specific fix. The ID of the interim fix is embedded in the file name. An efix file contains all interim fix data, such as description, a listing of component updates, and prerequisite information. Almost always, when installing a fix, all of the potential component updates within the interim fix are required to be installed. A separate application file must be examined to determine the components which have been updated for a particular fix. A list of custom properties may be provided. These are provided for future use. Element Detail... The id of the fix. efix.short-description A short description of the fix. efix.long-description A long description of the fix. A flag indicating whether or not an interim fix is considered a trial fix. Generally, a trial interim fix will be followed up with a more permanent fix. efix.expiration-date A date on which the interim fix is obsolete. The build version of the fix. This is distinct from the build version of component updates contained within the fix. efix-build-date The build date of the fix. This is distinct from the build version of the component updates contained within the fix. efix.apar-info A list of APAR's which are associated with the fix. efix.component-update A list of updates for components. For a fix, these are usually all required, and are all patch updates. At least one component update must be present. efix.efix-prereq A list of prerequisite fixes for the fix. Note that prerequisite fixes may be negative (see below). This list may be (and is often) empty. efix.plaform-prereq A list of platforms on which the interim fix may be installed. This list may be empty, in which case the interim fix may be installed on all platforms. efix.product-prereq A list of products on which the interim fix may be installed. This list may be empty, in which case the interim fix may be installed on all products. efix.custom-proprty A list of properties, provided for future use. File Type: ptf Persistence: versionDir/id.ptf Elements: id string required short-description string required long-description string required build-version string required build-date date required component-update complex min=1, max=unbounded product-update complex min=0, max=unbounded platform-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded product-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded included-efix complex min=0, max=unbounded custom-property complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... A ptf file denotes the presence of some portion of a specific fix pack. The id of the fix pack is embedded in the fix pack file name. A ptf file contains all fix pack data, such as description, a listing of component updates, and prerequisite information. Usually, when installing a fix pack, you can omit certain potential component updates, but only when the corresponding component is not installed. You must examine a separate application file, to determine which components a particular fix pack has updated. A fix pack can include updates for a number of fixes. A list of custom properties might be provided. These are for future use. Element Detail... The ID of the fix pack. ptf.short-description A short description of the fix pack. ptf.long-description A long description of the fix pack. The build version of the fix pack. This is distinct from the build version of component updates contained within the fix pack. ptf-build-date The build date of the fix pack. This is distinct from the build version of the component updates contained within the fix pack. ptf.component-update A list of updates for components. For a fix pack, these are usually all required, and are all patch updates. At least one component update must be present. ptf.plaform-prereq A list of platforms on which you can install the fix pack. This list might be empty. If so, you can install the fix pack on all platforms. ptf.product-prereq A list of products on which you can install the fix pack. This list might be empty. If so, you can install the fix pack on all products. ptf.included-efix A list of fixes which are included (fixed) by the fix pack. ptf.custom-proprty A list of properties, provided for future use. Element Type: component-update Elements: component-name string required update-type enum required [enumUpdateType] is-required boolean required is-recommended boolean required is-optional boolean required is-external boolean required root-property-file anyURL optional root-property-name string optional root-property-value anyURL optional is-custom boolean required primary-content string required component-prereq complex min=0, max=unbounded final-version complex optional custom-property complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... A component update represents a potential component update which is packaged in an update (an interim fix or a fix pack). An component update may be required, in which case the parent update may not be installed unless the component update can be installed. (A component update can be installed if the corresponding component is installed.) A component update may be a custom update, in which case the content which was provided must be an executable file. Otherwise, the content which is provided must be an update JAR file. A component update has a type. A final version may be required according to the update type. Element Detail... component-update.component-name The name the component which is to be updated. component-update.update-type The type of the component update, one of 'add', 'replace', 'remove', or 'patch'. Final version information must be provided when the update type is 'add' or 'replace'. A flag which, when true, specifies that the parent update may not be applied unless this component update is applied. A flag which, when true, specifies that this component update, although optional, should be installed. A flag which, when true, specifies that this update may be omitted even if its corresponding component is installed. A flag which, when true, specifies that this component update may live outside of the usual install root. component-update.root-property-file For a component with an external root, this properties file provides the root value. component-update.root-property-name For a component with an external root, this named property provides the root value. component-update.root-property-value For a component with an external root, this value provides the default root value. A flag which, when true, specifies that the update is a custom update. When true, the content must be an executable program. When false, the content must be an update JAR. component-update.primary-content The name of the content which is provided for the update. This will be an entry which is packaged in the 'components' directory of the update. component-update.component-prereq A list of component versions, one of which must be present for this update to be installed. When this list is empty, any component version is allowed. Final version information for the component. A final version is required when the update operation is 'add' or 'replace'. component-update.custom-property A list of properties, provided for future use. Element Type: apar-info Elements: number string required date date required short-description string required long-description string optional Type Detail... An apar-info object provides information about an APAR which is associated with a fix, usually indicating that the interim fix provides an interim fix for the APAR. Element Detail... apar-info.number The number of the associated APAR. The date of the APAR. apar-info.short-description A short description of the APAR. apar-info.long-description An optional long description of the APAR. Element Type: efix-prereq Elements: efix-id string required is-negative boolean required install-index int optional Type Detail... An efix-prereq instance denotes an interim fix that must be present (or, if negative, must be absent) for the parent interim fix to be installed. efix-prereq instances can specify a cycle, in which case the prerequisite specification is treated as a corequisite specification. The following chart summarizes the interpretation of prerequisite information for two fixes... fix1 fix2 - - Install the fixes without regard to each other. fix2 - fix1 must be installed after fix2 is installed. - fix1 fix2 must be installed after fix1 is installed. fix2 fix1 fix1 and fix2 must be installed together. !fix2 - fix1 may not be installed after fix2 is installed. - !fix1 fix2 may not be installed after fix1 is installed. !fix2 !fix1 fix1 and fix2 may not ever be installed together. !fix2 fix1 This is an erroneous specification. fix2 !fix1 This is an erroneous specification. The installation index element provides ordering information for corequisite fixes that must be installed in a particular order. Element Detail... fix-prereq.efix-id The id of the prerequisite fix. A flag which indicates if the prerequisite interim fix is required or prohibited. If false, install the interim fix before installing the parent fix. If true, not install the interim fix before you install the parent fix. fix-prereq.install-index An optional index number which is used to order corequisite fixes. Element Type: product-update Elements: product-id string required product-name string required build-version string required build-date date required build-level string required Type Detail... A product update specifies a replacement to a product file. WAS update information matches the information in product files. Multiple product updates may be present, in which case each matching product is updated. Element Detail... product-update.product-id The id of the product that is updated. product-update.product-name The name of the product. The build version of the product. The build date of the product. The build level of the product. Element Type: component-prereq Elements: component-name string required spec-version string required build-version string required build-date date required Element Type: platform-prereq Elements: architecture string required os-platform string optional os-version string optional Type Detail... A platform prerequisite instance denotes a platform which must be present for an update to be installed. The element values are according to the values supplied for the matching java properties. Note that when multiple platform prerequisites are specified, these prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the platform prerequisites must be satisfied. Element Detail... platform-prereq.architecture The name of an architecture which must be present. platform-prereq.os-platform The name of an operating system which must be present. This element is optional. When absent, the architecture is checked, but the os-platform and os-version are not. platform-prereq.os-version The version of a the operating system which must be present. This element is optional. When absent, the architecture and os-platform are checked, but os-version is not. (When os-platform is absent, os-version should not be set.) Element Type: product-prereq Elements: product-id string required build-version string optional build-date date optional build-level string optional Type Detail... A product prerequisite specifies that a particular product must be present for an update to be installed. Note that when multiple product prerequisites are specified, these prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the product prerequisites must be satisfied. Note that all of the elements are required. When multiple products having the same id are supported by an update, multiple product prerequisites must be specified. Element Detail... product-prereq.product-id The id of the product which must be present. The version of the product which must be present. The build date of the product which must be present. The level date of the product which must be present. Element Type: component-prereq Elements: component-name string required spec-version string required build-version string required build-date date required Type Detail... A version prerequisite specifies that a particular component version must be present for an update to be installed. Note that when multiple version prerequisites are specified, these prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the version prerequisites must be satisfied. Element Detail... version-prereq.component-name The name of the component which must be present. version-prereq.spec-version The specification version of the component which must be present. The version of the component which must be present. The build date of the component which must be present. Element Type: included-efix Elements: efix-id string required Type Detail... An included-efix identifies an interim fix by ID and indicates that the fix is included in the fix pack. Element Detail... included-efix.efix-id The ID of the interim fix that the fix pack includes. Element Type: custom-property Elements: property-name string required property-type string optional property-value string optional Type Detail... A custom property encodes a key-value pair, with an optional type element. Custom properties are provided for future use. Element Detail... The name of the custom property. An optional type of the custom property. The semantics of this type are defined by user of the property value. The value of the custom property. File Type: efix-applied Persistence: versionDir/id.efixApplied Elements: efix-id string required component-applied complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... An efix-applied collection specifies what components have been updated for the interim fix as specified by the efix-id. Element Detail... efix-applied.efix-id The id of the interim fix for which applieds are recorded. efix-applied.component-applied The list of recorded applications. File Type: ptf-applied Persistence: versionDir/id.ptfApplied Elements: ptf-id string required component-applied complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... A ptf-applied collection specified what components have been updated for the fix pack as specified by the fix pack ID. Element Detail... ptf-applied.efix-id The ID of the fix pack for which applieds are recorded. ptf-applied.component-applied The list of recorded applications. Element Type: component-applied Elements: component-name string required update-type enum required [enumUpdateType] is-required boolean required is-optional boolean required is-external boolean required root-property-file anyURL optional root-property-name string optional root-property-value string optional is-custom boolean required log-name anyURL required backup-name anyURL required time-stamp date required initial-version complex optional final-version complex optional Type Detail... An applied instance is present to indicate the application of an update for a particular interim fix or fix pack to a particular component. (The particular interim fix or fix pack is as specified by the applied's parent.) An applied provides sufficient information to undo itself. The elements of an applied are copies of values from update events. Element Detail... component-applied.component-name The name of the component which was updated. component-applied.update-type The type of the component update. A true value specifies that the parent update requires this component update. A flag which, when true, specifies that the parent update does not require this component update, even if the component is installed. A flag which, when true, specifies that this component update was applied to a location different than the usual $WAS_HOME. component-applied.root-property-file For an update against a component having an external root, this properties file provides the root value. component-applied.root-property-name For an update against a component having an external root, this named property provides the root value. component-applied.root-property-value For an update against a component having an external root, this is a record of the actual external root. A flag which, when true, specifies that the application was a custom update. When true, an executable program was applied. When false, the contents of an update JAR were applied. component-applied.log-name The name of the log file that was generated by this application. component-applied.backup-name The name of the backup file which was generated by this application. component-applied.time-stamp The time of this application (the ending time of the corresponding update event). component-applied.initial-version The version of the component before the application. This version will be null if the application was an add. The version of the component after application. This will be null if the update was a removal. Element Type: initial-version Elements: component-name string required spec-version string required build-version string required build-date string required Type Detail... A initial-version instance is used to describe a component level as the initial version of a component. Element Detail... initial-version.component-name The name of the component. initial-version.spec-version The new specification version for the component following the update. The new build version for the component. The new build date for the component. Element Type: final-version Elements: component-name string required spec-version string required build-version string required build-date string required Type Detail... A final-version instance is used to supply a component level for a component which has been added or replaced. Element Detail... final-version.component-name The name of the new component. final-version.spec-version The new specification version for the component following the update. The new build version for the component. The new build date for the component. Enum Type: enumUpdateType Values: 0 add 1 replace 2 remove 3 patch Type Detail... An update type instance specifies the type of an update. An 'add' update adds a component into an installation. A 'replace' update replaces a particular version of a component with a different version of that component. A 'remove' update removes a component. A 'patch' update performs a limited update to a component, in particular, without changing the version of the component. When adding a component, that component may not already be present. When replacing or removing a component, that component must be present. When patching a component, that component must be present. When replacing or removing a component, or when patching a component, usually, at least one version prerequisite will be specified for the component update. Value Detail... enumUpdateType.add Specifies that an update adds a component. enumUpdateType.replace Specifies that an update replaces a component. enumUpdateType.remove Specifies that an update removes a component. enumUpdateType.patch Specifies that an update modifies a component, but does not change its version. Type Family: history File Type: event-history Persistence: historyDir/event.history Elements: update-event complex min=0, max=unbounded Type Detail... One event history is provided for a websphere product family installation. This event history contains history of update events, corresponding with the actual update events for that product family. Element Detail... event-history.update-event The list of update events for the websphere product family. The top level events are fix and fix pack events, each containing one or more component events. Element Type: update-event Elements: event-type enum required [enumEventType] parent-id string required id string required update-type enum required [enumUpdateType] is-required boolean required is-optional boolean required is-external boolean required root-property-file anyURL optional root-property-name string optional root-property-value string optional is-custom boolean required primary-content anyURI required event-action enum required [enumEventAction] log-name anyURI required backup-name anyURI required start-time-stamp dateTime required end-time-stamp dateTime optional status enum optional [enumEventResult] status-message string optional initial-version complex optional final-version complex optional update-event complex optional Type Detail... An update event denotes a single update action, applying to either a fix, a fix pack, or to a component, according to the set event type. Interim fix (efix) and fix pack (ptf) type events each have a collection of component events. Currently, component events have no child events. Element Detail... update-event.event-type The type of this event, either an interim fix or fix pack (ptf) type event, or a component type event. update-event.parent-id This element is present only for component events. The ID of the parent interim fix or fix pack of this event. The ID of the fix, fix pack, or component that was updated, interpreted according to the type of the event. update-event.update-type The type of update for component events. A flag which, when true, specifies that this component update is required. A flag which, when true, specifies that this component update is optional, even if the component is installed. A flag which, when true, specifies that this update used an external root. update-event.root-property-file For an update of an external component, this properties file contains the external root value. update-event.root-property-name For an update of an external component, the property having this name specifies the external root value. update-event.root-property-value For an update of an external component, the root value. A flag that, when true, specifies that the application was a custom update. When true, an executable program was applied. When false, the contents of an update JAR file were applied. update-event.primary-content The URL of the primary content for the update. update-event.event-action The type of action for this event. update-event.log-name The name of the log file that was generated for this event. update-event.backup-name The name of the backup file that was generated for this event. update-event.start-time-stamp The XML timestamp of the starting time of the event. This timestamp follows the XML timestamp format, meaning that time zone information is included. update-event.end-time-stamp The XML timestamp of the ending time of the event. This timestamp follows the XML timestamp format, meaning that time zone information is included. When absent, the update operation corresponding to the parent event failed with a non-recoverable exception. update-event.status The result of the update. update-event.status-message Message text provided in addition to the basic status code. Exception text is provided through the status-message when an update fails. update-event.initial-version This element is not used unless the update is a component type update. The initial version of the component which was updated. This element is absent when the update is an add type update. This element is not used unless the update is a component type update. The final version of the component which was updated. This element is absent when the update is a remove type update. update-event.update-event A collection of child events. This collection is used for interim fix and fix pack type events. This collection is empty for component type events. Element Type: initial-version Elements: spec-version string required build-version string required build-date string required Type Detail... A initial-version instance is used to describe a component level as the initial version of a component. Element Detail... initial-version.spec-version The new specification version for the component following the update. The new build version for the component. The new build date for the component. Element Type: final-version Elements: spec-version string required build-version string required build-date string required Type Detail... A final-version instance is used to supply a component level for a component which has been added or replaced. Element Detail... final-version.spec-version The new specification version for the component following the update. The new build version for the component. The new build date for the component. Enum Type enumEventType Values: 0 Interim fix (efix) 1 Fix pack (ptf) 2 Component Type Detail... An event type instance specifies the type of an update event, which is either an interim fix (efix) event, a fix pack (ptf) event or a component event. The interpretation of particular event elements depends on the set event type. Value Detail... enumEventType.efix Specifies that an event is for an interim fix update. enumEventType.ptf Specifies that an event is for a fix pack update. enumEventType.component Specifies that an event is for a component update. Enum Type: enumEventAction Values: 0 Install 1 Uninstall 2 Selective install 3 Selective uninstall Type Detail... An event action instance specified the operation performed by an update, which can be an install or uninstall operation, and which may be a selective operation. Component operations are always either install or uninstall type operations, only interim fix and fix pack operations may be selective operations. A selective operation is an installation which is applied to a preset list of components. In particular, potential component updates may be skipped, and component updates which were already applied may be reapplied. A selective uninstall operation is used to back out an update which was cancelled by the user. Value Detail... enumEventAction.install Specifies that an event is an install operation. enumEventAction.uninstall Specifies that an event is an uninstall operation. enumEventAction.selective-install Specifies that an event is an install operation with a preset list of components that are updated. enumEventAction.selective-uninstall Specifies that an event is an uninstall operation with a preset list of components that are updated. Enum Type: enumUpdateType Values: 0 Add 1 Replace 2 Remove 3 Patch Type Detail... An update type instance specifies the type of a component update. An 'add' update adds a component into an installation. A 'replace' update replaces a particular version of a component with a different version of that component. A 'remove' update removes a component. A 'patch' update performs a limited update to a component, in particular, without changing the version of the component. To add a new component, the component must not exist. To replace or remove a component, the component must exist. To patch a component, the component must exist. When replacing or removing a component, or when patching a component, usually, at least one version prerequisite is specified for the component update. Value Detail... enumUpdateType.add Specifies that an update adds a component. enumUpdateType.replace Specifies that an update replaces a component. enumUpdateType.remove Specifies that an update removes a component. enumUpdateType.patch Specifies that an update modifies a component, but does not change its version. Enum Type: enumEventResult Values: 0 Succeeded 1 Failed 2 Cancelled Type Detail... An event result instance denotes a particular result for an update event. The result indicates success, failure, or cancellation. Value Detail... enumEventResult.succeeded Specifies that the operation was successful. enumEventResult.failed Specifies that the operation failed. enumEventResult.cancelled Specifies that the operation was cancelled.
See Also
Install interim fixes and fix packs
Uninstalling interim fixes and fix packs
versionInfo command
genVersionReport command
updateSilent command