The file
The file...
...contains parameters that can be edited to change the behavior of a Web Content Management environment.
Many, but not all parameters are updated when certain WCM configuration tasks are run. WCM configuration tasks use parameters set in...
/PortalServer/config/wpconfig.propertes update
Note that a "#" can be added to the beginning of a parameter if they are not required. Any parameters beginning with a "#" are not processed.
Sets not updated by configuration tasks
These are the only settings one should edit directly in
default.system-email= Used by the workflow e-mail action in workflow. This is the default e-mail address to be used as the "From" address when a workflow action is executed. Enter a valid e-mail address. The name of the WCM Site to use as the default Site. indexlibrary.multiThreadRefresh= Determines whether WCM should use multiple threads when refreshing indexes. This is "false" by default. Multiple CPU servers may find it improves index refreshing time by setting this to "true". resource.nonsecure.retrieveFromWebDir= Determines whether non-secure resources should be retrieved from the web directory (true) or their source (false). resource.nonsecure.useCachedSourceUrl= Determines whether cached URLs to the source of a non secure resource should be used. Default equals "true". resource.maxUploadSize= Limit the size of uploaded files in File, Image, Rich Text and HTML Components. If the configuration setting is not specified, then it will default to jdbc.resources.maxSize when using JDBC Persistence. If an uploaded file exceeds the limit, then an error will be shown in the user interface and the save request will fail. resource.resourceServerModuleName= URL to the Resource Server module business logic This should not be changed. resourceserver.maxCacheObjectSize= Maximum size of resources to be cached by the Resource Server module (in KB). resourceserver.cacheExpiryDate= Specifies the expiry date of resources cached by the Resource Server module. data.dir= Path to store data. Usually I... LWWCM/data
transfer.holdingPath= Temporary holding directory for files uploaded/downloaded from the rich text applet. Usually I... LWWCM/system/holding
system.dir= Path to store system related information in. Usually... ILWWCM/system
web.path= File path to the web application. For example: /opt/Websphere/AppServer/installedApps/xyz.ear/xyz.war Name of the servlet for WCM. This should not be changed. control.Content=
control.Cmpnt=This section allows you to apply Profiling, VControl or Workflows to WCM items. To enable Profiling add:
To enable Workflows add:
To enable VControl add:
These controls apply to the following Item types:
control.Content: Content Items control.Style: Presentation Templates control.Template: Authoring Templates control.Taxonomy: Taxonomies control.Category: Categories control.Site: Sites control.SiteArea: Site Areas control.Workflow: Workflows control.WorkflowStage: Workflow Stages control.WorkflowAction: Workflow Actions control.Cmpnt: Library Components Note that if Workflowing is enabled for the following items, a Workflow view will not be available in the Item Views Navigator.
- Sites and Site Areas.
- Taxonomies and Categories.
- Workflows, Stages or Actions.
Individual items can still be moved through Workflow Stages by accessing them through the normal Item Views and approving them.
deployment.itemChangedTaskDelay= Sets the recurring task interval (in seconds) for the item changed task. This setting affects how quickly syndication updates are sent to the subscribers. The shorter the interval, the faster the update can be sent, however, it does affect performance and servers with large amounts of data may wish to increase this figure. (E.g., 90) Once a system has settled down (i.e. the item changed task started and no documents have been added, updated, or deleted since its last run), then any required syndication updates will be sent to the syndication application.
deployment.subscriberOnly= Set this value to true if this WCM instance is only going to be subscribed to. By default, this has a value of false If it is set to true, then all item gatherers will be deleted and the item changed task will not be added to the scheduler. This will give greater performance and is recommended for production machines that only subscribe. deployment.recentSyndicatorErrorsSize= Number of recent syndication related errors to store for each syndicator. deployment.recentSyndicatorDocumentErrorsSize= Number of recent document related syndication errors to store for each syndicator. deployment.recentSubscriberErrorsSize= Number of recent syndication related errors to store for each subscriber. deployment.recentSubscriberDocumentErrorsSize= Number of recent document related syndication errors to store for each subscriber.
Sets updated by configuration tasks
These settings should not be edited directly in These should only be updated by running the appropriate configuration task.
Parent topic: WCM Configuration Files
IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1
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