The Installation Configuration Task


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The Web Content Management Installation configuration task is used to set configuration parameters in Web Content Management configuration files (connect.cfg, and and to install the Web Content Management files onto the WebSphere Portal server. When performing a standard installation of WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management, this task is run by default. This task should only be run if:

Before running this configuration task, run the create-wcm-tables configuration task.

By default, Web Content Management will be installed using a Cloudscape database as the data repository. If you would like to use this as your data repository you do not need to edit If you would like to use a different data repository edit the Web Content Management section of


Before running this configuration task ensure that you have entered the WebSphere Portal Administrators Password in the PortalAdminPwd parameter in the Portal Config Properties section of file.

Ensure that this password is also removed from once the configuration task is completed.


Run the configuration task:

  1. Stop the WebSphere_Portal server.

  2. Open a command prompt.

  3. Go to the /PortalServer/config

  4. Run the following command:

    Windows: WPSconfig.bat configure-wcm

    UNIX: configure-wcm

    i5/OS: -instance [WAS Instance] configure-wcm

Parent topic: Configuration Tasks.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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