Jacl scripts





Commandline usage for scripts go something like the following...

wsadmin.sh -username system \
        -password password \
        -f createcluster.jacl clstrname "node1 node2 ..." svrprefix 1 1

See wasmenu.sh for a menu that prompts for parameters and runs some scripts.

You can also run Jacl commands against a Portal server


Jacl Apps

Function Get code Set code
Listener Ports get_listener_ports.jacl set_listener_ports.jacl
JVM get_JavaProcessDef.jacl set_JVM.jacl
Web Container get_WebContainerServices.jacl set_WebContainerServices.jacl
Serialization Session Access get_serialization.jacl set_serialization.jacl
HTTP Transports get_HTTPTransport.jacl set_HTTPTransports.jacl
HTTP Transports get_JAASAuthData.jacl set_JAASAuthData.jacl
JDBC Provider get_JDBCProvider.jacl set_JDBCProvider.jacl
Data Sources get_DS.jacl set_DS.jacl
JMS Provider get_JMSProvider.jacl set_JMSProvider.jacl
MQ Queues get_MQ_Queues.jacl set_MQ_Queues.jacl
MQ Queue Connection Factory get_MQ_QCF.jacl set_MQ_QCF.jacl
Security get_Security.jacl set_J2C_Authentication_Data.jacl
Log rotation policy
Message Listener get_message_listener.jacl set_message_listener.jacl
HTTP Transport
EJB Container attributes
JVM debug parameters
J2C Resource Adapters get_J2CResourceAdapters.jacl


Admin Scripts

Note: To execute these Jacl scripts, put your jacl commands in a file, for example filename.jacl, and execute by running:

wsadmin.sh -username system -password password -f filename.jacl

  1. Configure JDBC provider and datasources

    wsadmin.sh -username user 
               -password passwd 
               -f set_jdbc.jacl cellname 

    For example:

    wsadmin.sh -username system 
                -password password 
               -f set_jdbc.jacl cellA 
                            "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver (XA)" 
                            "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver (XA)" 

  2. Configure data source max connections.

        wsadmin.sh -username system \
                   -password password \
                   -f set_ds_max_conns.jacl

  3. Configure data source custom properties

        wsadmin.sh -username system \
                   -password password \
                   -f set_ds_custom_properties.jacl

  4. Generate an installation report using display.jacl

    wsadmin.sh -username system \
            -password \
            -f display.jacl 

  5. Uninstall an application, run uninstallApp.jacl

    wsadmin.sh -username system \
            -password \
            -f uninstallApp.jacl clustername appName

  6. Display summary information about a WAS installation.

  7. Create server, modify, load app, start server
  8. Stop server, uninstall app, remove server
  9. Setting traces and dumping threads
  10. Various app install options
  11. Use a template to create a JDBCProvider and DataSource; modify DataSource
  12. J2C security; installing J2CResourceAdapter and creating J2CConnectionFactory
  13. Create JDBCProvider using template; create CMPConnectionFactory
  14. Create WebSphere variable; create URLProvider and URLs using this variable
  15. Modify WebSphere ports in the serverindex.xml file.
  16. Modifying attributes that are lists
  17. wsadminEx13.jacl


Security Scripts

  1. Readme
  2. SecConfig.properties
  3. SecConfigBatch.jacl
  4. SecConfigMenu.jacl
  5. SecConfigProcs.jacl








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