# This program may be used, executed, copied, modified and distributed
# without royalty for the purpose of developing, using, marketing, or distribution

# ex7.jacl - Jacl implementation of example script 7
#  The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the creation of a 
#  JDBCProvider object using a template.
#  This is a bi-modal script: it can be included in the wsadmin 
#  command invocation like this:
#     wsadmin -f ex7.jacl mynode me secret
#  or the script can be sourced from the wsadmin command line:
#     wsadmin> source ex7.jacl
#     wsadmin> ex7.jacl mynode me secret
#  The script expects 3 parameters:
#    node name
#    user 
#    password
#  In addition, the script sets several constants that can be customized,
#  or this script could be adapted to take some or all of these as 
#  parameters:
#    the name of the new JDBCProvider object
#    the name of the new DataSource object
#    a string to be used when searching for an appropriate template
#    the path to the driver needed for this JDBCProvider
#  This example demonstrates many wsadmin features:
#   - The use of the AdminConfig object to locate configuration objects        
#   - The use of the AdminConfig object to modify configuration objects
#   - The use of the AdminConfig listTemplates and createUsingTemplate commands to create configuration objects
proc ex7 {nodeName username password} {
  # set up globals
  global AdminConfig

  set newJDBCname newjdbc
  set newDSname newds
  set templName   "DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)"
  set driverPath  C:/SQLLIB/java 

  # Get the config id for a JDBC Template 
  puts "ex7: getting the JDBCProvider template whose name includes $templName" 
  set template [lindex [$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider $templName] 0]
  puts "the template is: $template"

  # Create a new JDBCProvider using this template 
  puts "ex7: create a new JDBCProvider object named $newJDBCname" 
  set name_attr [list name $newJDBCname]
  set attrs [list $name_attr]
  set serv1 [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/Server:server1/]
  set new1 [$AdminConfig createUsingTemplate JDBCProvider $serv1  $attrs $template]
  puts "the new1 is: $new1"

  # For this example, we do not need the WAS40DataSource object, but
  # we do want to modify the DataSource object. 
  # Note that the template for this JDBCProvider does not give
  # names to the WAS40DataSource and DataSource objects associated with
  # it.  We can use "getid" to retrieve ids for objects that do not have
  # names as shown below.
  puts "ex7: remove the WAS40DataSource object created via the template"
  set was40ds [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:$newJDBCname/WAS40DataSource:/]
  $AdminConfig remove $was40ds
  # Modify the DataSource as appropriate.  In particular for this
  # example, we give the DataSource a name, a jndiName, and we set 
  # user and password properties.
  puts "ex7: modify the datasource object -- name, jndiName, properties."
  set ds [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:$newJDBCname/DataSource:/]
  set name_attr [list name $newDSname]
  set jndiName_attr [list jndiName $newDSname]
  set user_attr     [list [list name user]     [list value $username] [list type java.lang.String]] 
  set password_attr [list [list name password] [list value $password] [list type java.lang.String]]
  set newprops      [list $user_attr $password_attr]
  set resprops      [list resourceProperties $newprops]
  set ps_attr       [list propertySet [list $resprops]]
  set attrs [list $name_attr $jndiName_attr $ps_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $ds $attrs
  # Modify the DataSource to give it a relational resource adapter.
  # We just use the first one we find for this server, but other
  # schemes are possible. 
  puts "ex7: modify the datasource object -- relationalResourceAdapter" 
  set rra      [lindex [$AdminConfig list J2CResourceAdapter $serv1] 0]
  set rra_attr [list relationalResourceAdapter $rra]
  set attrs [list $rra_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $ds $attrs
  # Update the variable map -- this JDBCProvider introduced a 
  # new variable: 
  puts "ex7: update the variable map."
  set vm [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/VariableMap:/]
  set symname [list symbolicName DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH]
  set value   [list value C:/SQLLIB/java]
  set desc    [list description "Path to DB2"]
  set new1    [list $symname $value $desc]
  set entries_attr  [list entries [list $new1]]
  set attrs   [list $entries_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $vm $attrs

  # Save all the changes 
  puts "ex7: saving the configuration"
  $AdminConfig save


# Main
if { !($argc == 3) } {
   puts "ex7: this script requires 3 parameters: the name of the node under which to create resources,"
   puts "     the name of a database user, and the password for that user."
   puts ""
   puts "e.g.:     ex7  mynode me secret" 
} else { 
   set nodeName      [lindex $argv 0]  
   set username      [lindex $argv 1]  
   set password      [lindex $argv 2]  
   ex7 $nodeName $username $password