### ### set_JMSProvider.jacl ### ### ### ### ### proc set_JMSProvider {snames} { ### ### set up globals ### global AdminConfig global AdminControl global AdminApp set cells [$AdminConfig list Cell] foreach cell $cells { set cname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cell name] set nodes [$AdminConfig list Node $cell] puts " " puts "Cell: $cname " foreach node $nodes { set nname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $node name] puts " " puts "Node: $nname " foreach sname $snames { puts " " puts "Server: $sname" set serverid [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cname/Node:$nname/Server:$sname/] if {[llength $serverid] == 0} { puts "Serverid null - returning " continue } $AdminConfig create JMSProvider $serverid {{description "Built-in WebSphere JMS Provider"}{externalInitialContextFactory {}}{externalProviderURL {}}{name "WebSphere JMS Provider"}} $AdminConfig create JMSProvider $serverid {{classpath $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT}{description "WebSphere MQ JMS Provider"}{externalInitialContextFactory {}}{externalProviderURL {}}{name "WebSphere MQ JMS Provider"}{nativepath $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT}} } } } $AdminConfig save } ### ### Main ### ### Test servers: nap_1_1 nap_2_1 ### if { !($argc == 1) } { puts "" puts "Usage: , " puts " " puts "wsadmin.sh -username system -password password -f set_JMSProvider.jacl \"server1 server2 ...\"" } else { set xservers [lindex $argv 0] set_JMSProvider $xservers }
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