### ### set_JVM.jacl ### ### ### ### ### proc set_JVM {cname nname sname classpath} { ### ### set up globals ### global AdminConfig global AdminControl global AdminApp set serverid [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cname/Node:$nname/Server:$sname/] if {[llength $serverid] == 0} { puts "Serverid null - returning " exit } ### ### Identify the JVM id belonging to the server ### set jvm [$AdminConfig list JavaVirtualMachine $serverid] ### ### Configure JVM ### $AdminConfig modify $jvm [list [list bootClasspath [list ] ] \ [list classpath $classpath] \ [list debugArgs "-Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777" ] \ [list debugMode false ] \ [list disableJIT false ] \ [list initialHeapSize 0 ] \ [list maximumHeapSize 512 ] \ [list runHProf false ] \ [list systemProperties [list [list [list name db2j.system.home ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties ] ] [list [list name java.security.auth.login.config ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/wsjaas.conf ] ] [list [list name java.security.policy ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/server.policy ] ] [list [list name log4j.configuration ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value log4j.xml ] ] [list [list name acme.home ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value $classpath ] ] [list [list name server.root ] \ [list required false ] \ [list value /opt/WebSphere/AppServer ] ] ] ] \ [list verboseModeClass false ] \ [list verboseModeGarbageCollection false ] \ [list verboseModeJNI false ] ] $AdminConfig save ### Synchronize nodes set Sync1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=NodeSync,node=$nname,*] set xstatus [$AdminControl invoke $Sync1 sync] puts $xstatus if {$xstatus == "false"} { puts "Unable to synchronize..." } } ### ### Main ### if { !($argc == 4) } { puts "" puts "Usage: " puts " " puts "wsadmin.sh -username system -password password -f set_JVM.jacl cellname nodename servername classpath" puts "" puts "For example: " puts " " puts "wsadmin.sh -username was -password acme@ -f set_JVM.jacl hostnameNetwork hostname ops_1_1 classpath" } else { set xcell [lindex $argv 0] set xnode [lindex $argv 1] set xserver [lindex $argv 2] set xclasspath [lindex $argv 3] set_JVM $xcell $xnode $xserver $xclasspath }