### ### portnumbers.jacl ### ### Set various port numbers in serverindex.xml ### ### To run... ### ### wsadmin.sh -f portnumbers.jacl dmgrnode nodeManager 9809 8879 7989 5560 5561 7272 7273 7277 ### ### ...or from wsadmin.sh command line... ### ### wsadmin> source portnumbers.jacl ### wsadmin> portnumbers.jacl dmgrnode nodeManager 9809 8879 7989 5560 5561 7272 7273 7277 ### ### The script expects 9 parameters: ### ### nodename ### node agent name ### BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS ### SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS ### DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS ### JMSSERVER_QUEUED_ADDRESS ### JMSSERVER_DIRECT_ADDRESS ### NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS ### CELL_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS ### CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS ### ### proc portnumbers {nodeName NAnodeName bootstrap soap drs jmsQueued jmsDirect nodediscovery cellmultdiscovery celldiscovery} { # # set up globals # global AdminConfig # # Get the config id for the node # puts "portnumbers.jacl: getting the config id for the node" set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/] if {[llength $node] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: could not find a Node object called $nodeName" return } # # Get the config id for the deployment manager # puts "portnumbers.jacl: getting the config id for the deployment manager" set dmgr [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/Server:dmgr/] if {[llength $dmgr] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: could not find the deployment manager server" return } # # Get the config id for the node agent # puts "portnumbers.jacl: getting the config id for the node agent" set na_server [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$NAnodeName/Server:nodeagent/] if {[llength $na_server] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: could not find the node agent server" } # # Set the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS port # # This is an attribute on the NameServer object inside the Server. # To modify this endpoint, you need to get the id of the NameServer # and invoke modify: # puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS port to $bootstrap" set ns [$AdminConfig list NameServer $dmgr] set port_attr [list port $bootstrap] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set boot_attrs [list BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $boot_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $ns $attrs # # set the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port # # This is an attribute on the SOAPConnector object inside the Server. # To modify this endpoint, you need to get the id of the SOAPConnector # and invoke modify: # puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port to $soap" set soapC [$AdminConfig list SOAPConnector $dmgr] set port_attr [list port $soap] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set soap_attrs [list SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $soap_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $soapC $attrs # # set the DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS port # # This is an attribute on the SystemMessageServer object inside the Server. # To modify this endpoint, you need to get the id of the SystemMessageServer # and invoke modify: # puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS port to $drs" set sms [$AdminConfig list SystemMessageServer $dmgr] if {[llength $sms] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: skipping DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS because SystemMessageServer not found" } else { set port_attr [list port $drs] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set drs_attrs [list DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $drs_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $sms $attrs } # # set the JMSSERVER_QUEUED_ADDRESS and JMSSERVER_DIRECT_ADDRESS ports # # These are attributes on the JMSServer object inside the Server. # To modify these endpoints, you need to get the id of the JMSServer # and invoke modify: # puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the JMSSERVER_QUEUED_ADDRESS port to $jmsQueued and the JMSSERVER_DIRECT_ADDRESS port to $jmsDirect" set jms [$AdminConfig list JMSServer $dmgr] if {[llength $jms] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: skipping JMS addresses because JMSServer not found" } else { set port_attr [list port $jmsQueued] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set jmsq_attrs [list JMSSERVER_QUEUED_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $jmsq_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $jms $attrs set port_attr [list port $jmsDirect] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set jmsd_attrs [list JMSSERVER_DIRECT_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $jmsd_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $jms $attrs } # # set the NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS port # # This is an attribute on the NodeAgent object inside the node agent Server. # To modify this endpoint, you need to get the id of the NodeAgent # and invoke modify: # if {[llength $na_server] == 0} { puts "portnumbers.jacl: skipping NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS because node agent not found." } else { puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS port to $nodediscovery" set na [$AdminConfig list NodeAgent $na_server] set port_attr [list port $nodediscovery] set host_attr [list host $NAnodeName] set nd_attrs [list NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $nd_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $na $attrs } # # set the CELL_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS and CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS ports # # These are attributes on the CellManager object inside the Server. # To modify these endpoints, you need to get the id of the CellManager # and invoke modify: # puts "portnumbers.jacl: setting the CELL_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS port to $cellmultdiscovery and the CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS port to $celldiscovery" set cm [$AdminConfig list CellManager $dmgr] set port_attr [list port $cellmultdiscovery] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set cmda_attrs [list CELL_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $cmda_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $cm $attrs set port_attr [list port $celldiscovery] set host_attr [list host $nodeName] set cda_attrs [list CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS [list $port_attr $host_attr]] set attrs [list $cda_attrs] $AdminConfig modify $cm $attrs # # save the changes # puts "portnumbers.jacl: saving the configuration" $AdminConfig save } ### ### Main ### if { !($argc == 10) } { puts "portnumbers.jacl: this script requires 10 parameters: " puts " 1) the name of the Deployment Manager node" puts " 2) the name of the Node Agent node" puts " 3) the value of BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS " puts " 4) the value of SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS " puts " 5) the value of DRS_CLIENT_ADDRESS " puts " 6) the value of JMSSERVER_QUEUED_ADDRESS" puts " 7) the value of JMSSERVER_DIRECT_ADDRESS " puts " 8) the value of NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS " puts " 9) the value of CELL_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS " puts " 10) the value of CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS" puts "" puts "e.g.: addapp1 dmgrnode othernode 9809 8879 7989 5560 5561 7272 7273 7277" } else { set nodeName [lindex $argv 0] set NAnodeName [lindex $argv 1] set bootstrap [lindex $argv 2] set soap [lindex $argv 3] set drs [lindex $argv 4] set jmsQueued [lindex $argv 5] set jmsDirect [lindex $argv 6] set nodediscovery [lindex $argv 7] set cellmultdiscovery [lindex $argv 8] set celldiscovery [lindex $argv 9] addapp1 $nodeName $NAnodeName $bootstrap $soap $drs $jmsQueued $jmsDirect $nodediscovery $cellmultdiscovery $celldiscovery }