Deleting themes
By using both the Outline and Project Explorer views, you can delete a theme and its artifacts from a portal project.
Note: Before you delete a theme, you make sure that you know its exact folder name. This information is available in the Resource Root field of the theme's Properties view. Once you delete a theme, it cannot be recovered.
Outline view
To delete a theme node from the Outline view:
- Expand the
Elements | Themes node
- Highlight the theme you want to delete, the press the
Delete key.
The theme will disappear from the Outline View. To completely delete a theme, you also have to manually remove it's artifacts from the Project Explorer view.
Project explorer view
To delete a theme's folder from the Project Explorer:
- In the project explorer view, click
[project name] | PortalContent | Themes | HTML folder
- Delete the subfolder with the name of the theme that you deleted in the Outline view
- Optional: If necessary for your project, expand both the CHMTL and WML folders and delete the subfolders named after the theme.
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