IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Install IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Obtaining and installing the product code
Installing the IBM BPM for z/OS product code
To install the product code for IBM BPM for z/OS , you must have an instance of Installation Manager on the z/OS system. You also need access to the IBM BPM for z/OS product repository, and to the file system that contains the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS product code.
You can then install the IBM BPM product code by running the imcl Installation Manager command.
- Install the Installation Manager installation kit.
- Create an Installation Manager instance on the z/OS system.
- Install the WebSphere Application Server product repository that contains the product code.
- Install the WebSphere Application Server product code by using Installation Manager.
- Install the IBM BPM product repository that contains the product code.
You must install the IBM BPM product code into the product file system that contains the product code for WebSphere Application Server.
When you log in to the UNIX System Services shell to run the imcl command, you must do so with the user ID that was used to create the Installation Manager instance, or with a user ID that is connected to the default group for the user ID that created the instance. If you prefer to submit a job instead of working from the UNIX System Services shell, ensure that you run the job under this user ID.
- If the product file system that contains the WebSphere Application Server product code is mounted read-only, remount the file system read/write so that the IBM BPM product code can be installed.
- Log in to the UNIX System Services shell by using the Installation Manager user ID.
- Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory where the Installation Manager binary files are stored.
For example:
cd /InstallationManager/bin/eclipse/tools
- Verify that the IBM BPM package is available in the product repository by running the imcl command with the following syntax:
imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories repository_path
where -repositories specifies the fully qualified path of the product repository.
For example:
imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /usr/lpp/InstallationManagerRepository/ BPM_FMID
You should see the package ID for IBM BPM; for example,
- Read the terms of the license agreement in the product license file that is stored in the bpm_lafiles subdirectory of the product repository. You can accept these terms when install the product code.
- To install the product code, run the Installation Manager command-line tool.
You can use sample job BPZY1INS in the SBPZJCL data set to install the product code. This job runs imcl with the install command and related command-line parameters using the following syntax:
imcl install packageID -installationDirectory installation_directory -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory -repositories source_repository -preferences key_1=value_1, key_2=value_2 -acceptLicensewhere:
- install
- Installs the IBM BPM package that is identified by the package ID.
- -installationDirectory
- Specifies the mount point of the file system where the WebSphere Application Server product code is installed.
- -sharedResourcesDirectory
- Specifies a shared resources directory to which Installation Manager caches artifacts from the repository during installation processing. Only one shared resources directory is required per Installation Manager instance, so set this value to the same directory that you specified when installed WebSphere Application Server.
Although you can omit this parameter if a shared resources directory is already specified for the Installation Manager, make sure that you include -sharedResourcesDirectory if you also intend to use the -preferences parameter to delete cached objects from the shared resources directory.
- -repositories
- Specifies the IBM BPM repository path.
- -preferences
- Specifies one or more preference keys that can be used to customize the package installation. Separate each preference with a comma. For a list of the preference keys that are available, see
Silent installation preference keys in the IBM Installation Manager Information Center.
Tip: To free up space in the Installation Manager file system, include the preference setting This setting deletes cached objects from the shared resources directory as soon as the installation completes. However, if all cached objects are deleted and the shared resources directory becomes empty, the shared resources directory might become "unset" at the end of the installation. Therefore, if you use this preference setting, ensure that you always use the -sharedResourcesDirectory parameter whenever you install IBM BPM.
- -acceptLicense
- Accepts the terms of the license agreement for IBM BPM.
For information about additional imcl command-line parameters that you can include, see
Command-line arguments for imcl in the IBM Installation Manager Information Center.
You can also run imcl manually from the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the location where the Installation Manager binary files are stored.
For example:
cd /InstallationManager/bin/eclipse/tools
imcl install -installationDirectory /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R0 -sharedResourcesDirectory /InstallationManager/sharedResources -repositories /usr/lpp/InstallationManagerRepository/BPM_FMID -preferences -acceptLicense
- Review the job output to verify that the job ran without error. You can also review the installation log file in the logs subdirectory in the location where the Installation Manager agent data is stored.
- After the product code is successfully installed, unmount the product file system and remount it in read-only mode for use by the IBM BPM nodes and servers.
What to do next
The product administrator can begin to configure the system by creating customization definitions for the profile to be created.
Obtaining and installing the product code
Related tasks:
Installing the Installation Manager installation kit
Create an Installation Manager instance
Installing the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS product repository
Installing the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS product code
Installing the IBM BPM for z/OS product repository
Related information:
Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server