IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Install IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Obtaining and installing the product code
Installing the Installation Manager installation kit
You can use System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) to install the Installation Manager installation kit, which is provided with the IBM BPM for z/OS product.
You can also download and install the installation kit to the z/OS system.
The installation kit is used to set up and maintain an instance of the Installation Manager.
- Install the Installation Manager installation kit by using either of the following methods:
Option Description Use SMP/E Obtain the IBM BPM for z/OS product either as an IBM CustomPac (SystemPac , ServerPac, or ProductPac ) or an IBM Custom-Built Product Delivery Option (CBPDO):
- If you ordered IBM BPM as part of a ServerPac or SystemPac, the Installation Manager installation kit is preinstalled.
- If you ordered IBM BPM as part of a CBPDO, the Installation Manager installation kit is included in the CBPDO. Install this installation kit by following the instructions in the Installation Manager program directory that is supplied with your delivery.
Download and install the installation kit For information about downloading and installing the installation kit, see the IBM Installation Manager Information Center.
- Mount the installation kit file system at the default /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R4 location, or use another location. The installation kit file system is not modified during Installation Manager processing, and can be mounted read-only.
What to do next
Use the Installation Manager installation kit to create an Installation Manager instance.
Obtaining and installing the product code
Related concepts:
Guidelines for using an IBM CustomPac or IBM CBPDO
Related tasks:
Create an Installation Manager instance