IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Install IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Obtaining and installing the product code

Installing the IBM BPM for z/OS product repository

The files that you need for installing the IBM BPM for z/OS product code are distributed in a repository that is available with your IBM BPM for z/OS order.

You can install this repository in the z/OS system by using System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E).


  1. Add the IBM BPM product repository to the z/OS system as follows:

    • If you ordered IBM BPM as part of an IBM CustomPac (SystemPac , ServerPac, or ProductPac ), the IBM BPM product repository is preinstalled.

    • If you ordered IBM BPM as part of a Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO), the IBM BPM product repository is included in the CBPDO. Install the repository by following the instructions in the IBM BPM program directory that is supplied with your delivery.

  2. Mount the repository at the default /usr/lpp/InstallationManagerRepository/ BPM_FMID location, where BPM_FMID represents the function modification identifier, or use another location.

What to do next

The IBM BPM product code is now ready for installation by using Installation Manager.

Obtaining and installing the product code

Related concepts:
Guidelines for using an IBM CustomPac or IBM CBPDO

Related tasks:
Installing the IBM BPM for z/OS product code