IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Completing the ND configuration > Create the deployment environment > Configure servers, server clusters, and product components > Set up deployment environments

Create deployment environments

Creating deployment environments involves creating the deployment environment definition and then generating the environment.

You can create deployment environments using the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard or by using wsadmin.

The Deployment Environment Configuration wizard presents you with a series of panels from which you can configure the components and clusters that make up your deployment environment. When you finish entering information on the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard panels, and you click Finish (but not Generate), the result is a deployment environment definition. Only after you click Generate in the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard is the environment "configured". When you generate a deployment environment definition from the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard, the system configures all the clusters and components based on the data in the generated definition.

As well as being able to create deployment environments from the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard, you can also create deployment environments using wsadmin scripting. As with the Deployment Environment Configuration wizard, the wsadmin function for creating a deployment environment has two stages - first you create the deployment environment definition and then you generate the deployment environment from that definition.

Set up deployment environments