xscmd utility reference
HTTP command interface reference
Release 2.0 Client API Specification Package PackageClientProperties PackageCannotGetObjectGridSessionException Package
ObjectGridTransactionException Package
ValueProxyInfo Package PackageUserPasswordCredential
InvalidCredentialException Package
SecurityConstants PackageBackingMapConfiguration
QueryRelationship PackageAgentManagerMBean
1. xscmd utility reference
The general format of xscmd utility commands follows.
- -c releaseShard
- -c reserveShard
- -c swapShardWithPrimary
- -c suspendBalancing
- -c resumeBalancing
- -c teardown
- -c triggerPlacement
- -c showinfo
Usage: xscmd -c <cmdName> | -h <cmdName> | -lc [<cmdGroupName>] | -lcg [-cgc <className>] [-ca <support>] [-sp <profileName>] [-ks <filePath>] [-ts <filePath>] [-trf <filePath>] [-prot <protocol>] [-cxpv <provider>] [-trs <traceSpec>] [-al <alias>] [-pwd <password>] [-tsp <password>] [-cep <endpoints>] [-ksp <password>] [-arc <integer>] [-tt <type>] [-tst <type>] [-ssp <profileName>] [-kst <type>] [-cgp <property>] [-user <username>] Options: -al,--alias <alias> Alias name in the keystore. -arc,--authRetryCount <integer> The retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, then authentication retries do not occur. -c,--command <cmdName> Name of the command to execute -ca,--credAuth <support> Set the client credential authentication support [Never, Supported, Required]. -cep,--catalogEndPoints <endpoints> Specifies one or more catalog service endpoints in the format <host>[:<listenerPort>][,<host>[:<liste nerPort>]]. Default endpoint: localhost:2809 -cgc,--credGenClass <className> Name of the class that implements the CredentialGenerator interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients. -cgp,--credGenProps <property> Properties for the CredentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method. -cxpv,--contextProvider <provider> Context provider. Examples: IBMJSSE2, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS. -h,--help <cmdName> Invokes general command-line help -ks,--keyStore <filePath> Absolute path to keystore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public -ksp,--keyStorePassword <password> Password to the keystore. -kst,--keyStoreType <type> Keystore type. Example: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12. -lc,--listCommands <cmdGroupName> List all commands for a command group -lcg,--listCommandGroups List all command groups -prot,--protocol <protocol> Protocol. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1. -pwd,--password <password> eXtreme Scale password security credential -sp,--secProfile <profileName> Profile name. -ssp,--saveSecProfile <profileName> Save security parameter values in security profile. -trf,--traceFile <filePath> Absolute path to the generated trace file for xscmd command output -trs,--traceSpec <traceSpec> Trace specification for xscmd command output -ts,--trustStore <filePath> Absolute path to truststore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public -tsp,--trustStorePassword <password> Truststore password -tst,--trustStoreType <type> Truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12. -tt,--transportType <type> Transport layer security configuration type. Examples: TCP/IP, SSL-Supported, SSL-Required. -user,--username <username> eXtreme Scale user name security credentialusage: xscmd -c <cmdName> | -h <cmdName> | -lc [<cmdGroupName>] | -lcg [-cgc <className>] [-ca <support>] [-sp <profileName>] [-ks <filePath>] [-ts <filePath>] [-trf <filePath>] [-prot <protocol>] [-cxpv <provider>] [-trs <traceSpec>] [-al <alias>] [-pwd <password>] [-tsp <password>] [-cep <endpoints>] [-ksp <password>] [-arc <integer>] [-tt <type>] [-tst <type>] [-ssp <profileName>] [-kst <type>] [-cgp <property>] [-user <username>] Options: -al,--alias <alias> Alias name in the key store. -arc,--authRetryCount <integer> The retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, there will not be any authentication retry. -c,--command <cmdName> Name of the command to execute -ca,--credAuth <support> Set the client credential authentication support [Never, Supported, Required]. -cep,--catalogEndPoints <endpoints> Specifies one or more catalog service endpoints in the format <host>[:<listenerPort>][,<host>[:<listen erPort>]]. Default endpoint: localhost:2809 -cgc,--credGenClass <className> Name of the class that implements the CredentialGenerator interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients. -cgp,--credGenProps <property> Properties for the CredentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method. -cxpv,--contextProvider <provider> Context provider. Examples: IBMJSSE2, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS. -h,--help <cmdName> Invokes general command-line help -ks,--keyStore <filePath> Absolute path to keystore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public -ksp,--keyStorePassword <password> Password to the keystore. -kst,--keyStoreType <type> Keystore type. Example: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12. -lc,--listCommands <cmdGroupName> List all commands for a command group -lcg,--listCommandGroups List all command groups -prot,--protocol <protocol> Protocol. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1. -pwd,--password <password> eXtreme Scale password security credential -sp,--secProfile <profileName> Profile name. -ssp,--saveSecProfile <profileName> Save security parameter values in security profile. -trf,--traceFile <filePath> Absolute path to the generated trace file for xscmd command output -trs,--traceSpec <traceSpec> Trace specification for xscmd command output -ts,--trustStore <filePath> Absolute path to truststore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public -tsp,--trustStorePassword <password> Truststore password -tst,--trustStoreType <type> Truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12. -tt,--transportType <type> Transport layer security configuration type. Examples: TCP/IP, SSL-Supported, SSL-Required. -user,--username <username> eXtreme Scale user name security credential
All commands
The full list of xscmd utility commands follows. For further help and parameters for a specific command run xscmd -h command_nameCommand Name Description ------------ ----------- balanceShardTypes Attempt shard redistribution so that the ratio of primaries and replicas within each container server are within one shard. balanceStatus Check the balance status of the data grid for the ObjectGrid and map set specified. clearGrid Clears data from the data grid. dismissLink Disconnects from the specified catalog service domain. establishLink Connects to the specified catalog service domain with the specified catalog service endpoints. findByKey Finds matching keys in a map. getCatTraceSpec Retrieves the trace specification for all the catalog servers that are known by this process. getStatsSpec Retrieves the statistics specification. getTraceSpec Retrieves the trace specification. listAllJMXAddresses Displays all JMX MBean server addresses. listCoreGroups List all core groups. listHosts Lists all hosts. listObjectGridNames Lists all known ObjectGrid instances and map sets. listProfiles Lists profiles. osgiAll Show all available OSGi service rankings. Use the -sn option to display a single service. osgiCheck Check whether specified OSGi service rankings are available osgiCurrent Show all OSGi service rankings currently in use. Use the -sn option to display a single service. osgiUpdate Update the OSGi services to the specified rankings overrideQuorum Notify the catalog server to override quorum. placementServiceStatus Displays the ObjectGrid placement operation status. releaseShard Releases the specified primary shard from the specified container server. removeProfile Remove profile from file system. reserveShard Reserves the specified primary shard on the specified container server. resumeBalancing Attempts to balance and allow future balancing attempts for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. revisions Displays all known revision history. routetable Displays the current routing table. setCatTraceSpec Sets the trace specification for all the catalog servers known by this process. setStatsSpec Sets the statistics specification. setTraceSpec Trace specification in the form: traceType1=traceLevel1=traceState1[:traceTypeN=traceLev elN=traceStateN]* showCoreGroupMembers Shows all core group members. showInfo Retrieves the environment specifications including installed versions and JVM information. showLinkedPrimaries Displays the primary shards and all of their foreign or domestic linked primary shards showMapSizes Displays all map sizes. showPlacement Lists all container servers and their shards. showProfile Show the details of the specified profile. showQuorumStatus Displays catalog server quorum status. suspendBalancing Prevents future attempts to balance the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. swapShardWithPrimary Swaps the specified replica shard for the specified container server with its primary shard. teardown Stops a list of catalog and container servers. triggerPlacement Triggers a placement operation for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. The numInitialContainers value is ignored.Command Name Description ------------ ----------- balanceShardTypes Attempt shard redistribution so that the ratio of primaries/replicas within each container are to within one shard. balanceStatus Check the balance status of the grid for the ObjectGrid and MapSet specified clearGrid Clears data from the data grid. dismissLink Disconnects from the specified catalog service domain. establishLink Connects to the specified catalog service domain with the specified catalog service endpoints. getCatTraceSpec Retrieves the trace specification for all the catalog servers that are known by this process. getStatsSpec Retrieves the statistics specification. getTraceSpec Retrieves the trace specification. listAllJMXAddresses Displays all JMX MBean server addresses. listCoreGroups List all core groups. listHosts Lists all hosts. listObjectGridNames Lists all known ObjectGrid instances and map sets. listProfiles Lists profiles. osgiAll Show all available OSGi service rankings. Use the -sn option to display a single service. osgiCheck Check whether specified OSGi service rankings are available osgiCurrent Show all OSGi service rankings currently in use. Use the -sn option to display a single service. osgiUpdate Update the OSGi services to the specified rankings overrideQuorum Notify the catalog server to override quorum. placementServiceStatus Displays the ObjectGrid placement operation status. releaseShard Releases the specified primary shard from the specified container server. removeProfile Remove profile from file system. reserveShard Reserves the specified primary shard on the specified container server. resumeBalancing Attempts to balance and allow future balancing attempts for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. revisions Displays all known revision history. routetable Displays the current routing table. setCatTraceSpec Sets the trace specification for all the catalog servers known by this process. setStatsSpec Sets the statistics specification. setTraceSpec Trace specification in the form: traceType1=traceLevel1=traceState1[:traceTypeN=traceLevelN=traceStateN]* showCoreGroupMembers Shows all core group members. showLinkedPrimaries Displays the primary shards and all of their foreign or domestic linked primary shards showMapSizes Displays all map sizes. showPlacement Lists all container servers and their shards. showProfile show the details of the specified profile. showQuorumStatus Displays catalog server quorum status. suspendBalancing Prevents future attempts to balance the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. swapShardWithPrimary Swaps the specified replica shard for the specified container server with its primary shard. teardown Stops a list of catalog and container servers. triggerPlacement Triggers a placement operation for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. The numInitialContainers value is ignored.
2. HTTP command interface reference
With the HTTP command interface, we can run operations on your appliance, configure appliance settings, and administer data grids, collectives, and zones.
List of APPLIANCE commands
Adds or modifies an existing administrative trace string.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "AutoCustomLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "CreateAdminTrace" } }
Command Type:
Adds or modifies an existing data cache trace string.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "autoDataCacheLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "CreateDataCacheTrace" } }
Command Type:
Creates a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community.
Required Parameters:
hostRestriction (Optional) Specifies an IP address on which to restrict SNMP communication. Communication with any other IP address or subnet is denied. communityName Name of the SNMP community to create. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "hostRestriction": "autorestriction", "communityName": "autocommunity", "command": "CreateSNMPCommunity" } }
Command Type:
Deletes a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community.
Required Parameters:
communityName Name of SNMP community to delete. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "communityName": "autocommunity", "command": "DeleteSNMPCommunity" } }
Command Type:
Enables a setting that allows users to initiate the creation of their own accounts.
Required Parameters:
enable Enables account creation. Set the value to false to disable account creation. Set the value to true to enable account creation. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "enable": "true", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "EnableCreateAccount" } }
Command Type:
Enables the ability to reset the xcadmin password with a serial connection. No other credentials or SMTP messages are required.
Required Parameters:
enable Enables the password to be reset. Set true to enable password resets. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "enable": "true", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "EnablePasswordReset" } }
Command Type:
Enables or disables Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Required Parameters:
enable Enables SNMP. Set the value to false to disable SNMP. Set true to enable SNMP. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "enable": "true", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "EnableSNMP" } }
Command Type:
Changes the default administrator email address.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. administratorEmail Specifies a new email address for the default administrator account.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifyAdministratorEmail", "administratorEmail": "" } }
Command Type:
Changes the default administrator account name.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. administratorName New name for the default administrator account.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "administratorName": "somenewname", "command": "ModifyAdministratorName" } }
Command Type:
Changes the password for the default administrator account.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. passwordVerification Specifies a new default administrator account password, entered a second time for verification. newPassword Specifies a new default administrator account password.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "passwordVerification": "somepass", "newPassword": "somepass", "command": "ModifyAdministratorPassword" } }
Command Type:
Changes the trace level for the administrative default logger.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. traceLevel Trace level. Valid values: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, or INFO.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifyAdminDefaultTrace", "traceLevel": "SEVERE" } }
Command Type:
Changes an administrative logger trace level.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace to modify. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. traceLevel Trace level. Valid values: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "autoCustomLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifyAdminTrace", "traceLevel": "SEVERE" } }
Command Type:
Adds or modifies an existing data cache trace string.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. traceLevel Trace level. Valid values: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "autoDataCacheLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifyDataCacheTrace", "traceLevel": "SEVERE" } }
Command Type:
Changes the list of Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. listOfServers Specifies a list of comma-separated Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "listOfServers": ",", "command": "ModifyNtpServers" } }
Command Type:
Changes the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) search filter for users.
Required Parameters:
ldapUserIdSearchFilterPattern LDAP user search filter pattern. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "ldapUserIdSearchFilterPattern": "(&(uid={0})(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifySearchFilterUsers" } }
Command Type:
Changes the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server.
Required Parameters:
hostName SMTP host address. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "hostName": "sicdsjc", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ModifySMTPServer" } }
Command Type:
Changes the reply-to email address used for sending passwords that are reset by users.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. emailAddress Specifies the reply-to email address. Use the email address for the administrator.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "emailAddress": "", "command": "ModifySMTPEmail" } }
Command Type:
Changes the time zone for the appliance.
Required Parameters:
localTimeZone New time zone as an abbreviated string. Valid values: EST : Eastern Standard Time
CST : Central Standard Time
MST : Mountain Standard Time
PST : Pacific Standard Time
HAST : Hawaii
AKST : Alaska
AST : Atlantic
UTC : Coordinated Universal Time
GMT : Greenwich Mean Time
CET : Central Europe
EET : Eastern Europe
MSK : Moscow
KRT : Pakistan
IST : India
NOVT : Novosibirsk
JST : Japan
AWST : Australia West
ACST : Australia Central
AEST : Australia EaststopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "localTimeZone": "EST", "command": "ModifyTimeZone" } }
Command Type:
Tests the visibility of a host from this appliance.
Required Parameters:
hostName IP address or host name of the remote host. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "hostName": "", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "PingRemoteHost" } }
Command Type:
Removes an existing administrative console trace string.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "AutoCustomLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "RemoveAdminTrace" } }
Command Type:
Removes an existing data cache trace string.
Required Parameters:
traceName Name of the trace. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "traceName": "autoDataCacheLogger", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "RemoveDataCacheTrace" } }
Command Type:
Restarts or shuts down the appliance.
Required Parameters:
immediate Specifies if the appliance waits to complete active tasks before restarting. If the value is set to true, the appliance restarts immediately. If the value is set to false, the appliance waits for all active tasks to complete before restarting. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. shutdown Specifies if the appliance restarts or shuts down. If the value is set to true, the appliance is shut down. If the value is set to false, the appliance restarts.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "immediate": "false", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "shutdown": "true", "command": "RestartAppliance" } }
Command Type:
List of COLLECTIVE commands AddRoleToGroup
Assigns an access role to a group. The defined roles are: appliance administration, appliance monitoring, or data cache creation.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. role   Specifies the role to assign to the group. Valid values: 2 = appliance administration, 3 = appliance monitoring, 5 = data cache creation. groupName   Name of the group that is being assigned to a role.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "role": "5", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "AddRoleToGroup" } }
Command Type: 
Assigns an access role to a user. The defined roles are: appliance administration, appliance monitoring, or data cache creation.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. role Specifies the role to assign to the user. Valid values: 2 = appliance administration, 3 = appliance monitoring, 5 = data cache creation. userName Name of the user that is being assigned a role.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "role": "2", "userName": "autoUser1003", "command": "AddRoleToUser" } }
Command Type:
Adds an existing appliance to the current collective.
Required Parameters:
applianceIP IP address of the appliance to add to the collective. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. zoneName Name of the zone to which we want to assign the appliance. waitOnTask Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task. secretKey Specifies the secret key of the appliance.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "applianceIP": "", "zoneName": "DefaultZone", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "AddApplianceToCollective", "secretKey": "P5Xa4F8MQeSxuuhKxnaStw==" } }
Command Type:
Creates a new group. Groups are useful for assigning multiple users the same set of roles.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName   Specifies a name for the new group. Group names must be unique. groupDescription   Specifies a description of the group and its users.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "CreateGroup", "groupDescription": "this group is huge" } }
Command Type: 
Creates a new user.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. fullUserName Specifies a full name for the user. Example: John E. Doe. passwordVerification Password, entered a second time for verification. userPassword Specifies a new password for the selected user. userName Specifies a short name for the new user. Example: xcadmin. emailAddress Specifies an email address for the new user.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "fullUserName": "someuser isme", "passwordVerification": "someuserpass", "userPassword": "someuserpass", "userName": "someuser", "emailAddress": "", "command": "CreateUser" } }
Command Type:
Deletes a group. Users that belonged to the group no longer belong to the group and might lose any assigned roles.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName Name of a defined group.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "DeleteGroup" } }
Command Type:
Deletes a user. If the user belongs to a group, the user is removed from the group.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of a defined user.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "autoUser1003", "command": "DeleteUser" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the description of a selected group.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName Name of a defined group. groupDescription Specifies a description of the group and its users.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "somegroup", "command": "ModifyGroupDescription", "groupDescription": "somegroupdesc" } }
Command Type:
Changes the email address for a user.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Specifies the user name of the user to update. emailAddress   Specifies a new email address for the user.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "user1", "emailAddress": "", "command": "ModifyUserEmail" } }
Command Type: 
Adds a user to a group. After the user is added to the group, the user has the roles that are assigned to the selected group only. Any individual user roles are lost.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of a defined user. groupName   Name of a defined group.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "autoUser1003", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "AddUserToGroup" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the password for a specified user.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. passwordVerification New password for the selected user, entered a second time for verification. userName Name of the user to update. newPassword Specifies a new password for the selected user.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "passwordVerification": "newpass", "userName": "autoUser1003", "newPassword": "newpass", "command": "ModifyUserPassword" } }
Command Type:
Removes an existing appliance from the current collective.
Required Parameters: 
applianceIP   IP address of the appliance to be removed. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "applianceIP": "", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "RemoveApplianceFromCollective" } }
Command Type: 
Removes an access role from a user. The defined roles are: appliance administration, appliance monitoring, or data cache creation.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. role Specifies the role to remove from the user. Valid values: 2 = appliance administration, 3 = appliance monitoring, 5 = data cache creation. userName Name of for which we are removing an access role.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "role": "2", "userName": "autoUser1003", "command": "RemoveRoleFromUser" } }
Command Type:
Removes a user from a group. After a user is removed from a group, the user continues to have the same roles as the group. However, the user roles for the user no longer change when the group roles change. You must modify the user roles for the selected user individually.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName Name of a defined user. groupName Name of a defined group.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "autoUser1003", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "RemoveUserFromGroup" } }
Command Type:
Removes an access role from a group. The defined roles are: appliance administration, appliance monitoring, or data cache creation.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. role   Specifies the role to remove from the group. Valid values: 2 = appliance administration, 3 = appliance monitoring, 5 = data cache creation. groupName   Name of the group for which we are removing an access role.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "role": "5", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "RemoveRoleFromGroup" } }
Command Type: 
Displays information about all groups.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewAllGroups" } }
Command Type:
Displays the information for every user.
Required Parameters:
stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewAllUsers" } }
Command Type:
Displays information about a selected group.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName   Name of a defined group.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "autoGroup1003", "command": "ViewGroup" } }
Command Type: 
Displays information about a member in a collective.
Required Parameters:
applianceIP IP Address of the member. stopOnTaskFailure Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters:
status Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "applianceIP": "", "command": "ViewMemberDetails" } }
Command Type:
Displays information about a selected user.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of a defined user.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "autoUser1003", "command": "ViewUser" } }
Command Type: 
collectiveList of GRID commands
Clears data from a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to be cleared. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ClearGrid" } }
Command Type: 
Creates a new simple, dynamic cache, or session data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridType   Type of data grid to create. Valid values: simple, dynamic, or session. gridName   Name of the data grid to create. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridType": "simple", "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "CreateGrid" } }
Command Type: 
Deletes a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to delete. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "DeleteGrid" } }
Command Type: 
(Simple data grids only) Exports data grid information to XML.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to export. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ExportGrid" } }
Command Type: 
Gives a group access rights to a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to grant access rights. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName   Name of the group to grant the given access rights.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "somegroup", "command": "GrantGroupAccess" } }
Command Type: 
Gives a user access rights to a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to which the user is assigned access. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of the user to give access rights.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "someuser", "command": "GrantUserAccess" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the capacity for a simple data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. useLRU   (Simple data grids only) Enables least recently used (LRU) eviction when set to true. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task. gridCapLimit   Maximum capacity for the selected data grid in megabytes.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "useLRU": "false", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "ModifyGridCapacity", "gridCapLimit": "10" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the security settings for a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
securityEnabled   Enables security for the data grid when set to true. gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. authorizationEnabled   Enables authorization for the data grid when set to true. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "securityEnabled": "false", "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "authorizationEnabled": "false", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "ModifyGridSecurity" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the replication settings for a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. maximumSyncReplicas   Maximum number of synchronous replicas for this data grid. maximumAsyncReplicas   Maximum number of asynchronous replicas for this data grid. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "maximumSyncReplicas": "4", "maximumAsyncReplicas": "2", "waitOnTask": "true", "command": "ModifyGridReplication" } }
Command Type: 
(Simple data grids only) Changes time to live (TTL) settings for the data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. gridTTL   Amount of time, in seconds, to keep data before evicting the data from data grid. waitOnTask   Specifies whether to wait on the completion of the task associated with the command. If the value is set to true, wait on the completion of the task. If the value is set to false, do not wait on the completion of the task. defaultMapEvictorType   (Optional) Time to live eviction type used for the default map. Valid values: NONE, CREATION_TIME, LAST_ACCESS_TIME, LAST_UPDATE_TIME.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "gridTTL": "60000", "waitOnTask": "true", "defaultMapEvictorType": "CREATION_TIME", "command": "ModifyGridTTL" } }
Command Type: 
Changes the group access rights for a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName   Name of the group for which we want to modify access rights. accessType   Type of access to give to the group. Valid values: 1 = read, 2 = write, 3 = create, 4 = all.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "somegroup", "command": "ModifyGroupAccess", "accessType": "1" } }
Command Type: 
Changes user access rights for a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of the user for which access rights are being updated. accessType   Type of access to give to the user. Valid values: 1 = read, 2 = write, 3 = create, 4 = all.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "someuser", "command": "ModifyUserAccess", "accessType": "1" } }
Command Type: 
Removes the access rights for a group to a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. groupName   Name of the group for which to remove access rights.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "groupName": "Everyone", "command": "RemoveGroupAccess" } }
Command Type: 
Removes access rights to a data grid for a specified user.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to update. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only. userName   Name of the user for which we are removing access rights.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "userName": "someuser", "command": "RemoveUserAccess" } }
Command Type: 
Displays information for all simple, dynamic cache, or session grids.
Required Parameters: 
gridType   Type of data grid to display. The types include: simple, dynamic, or session. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridType": "simple", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewAllGrids" } }
Command Type: 
Displays information for a data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to be viewed. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewGrid" } }
Command Type: 
Displays the list of users and groups that can access the specified data grid.
Required Parameters: 
gridName   Name of the data grid to which access list is retrieved. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "gridName": "myGrid", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewGridAccessList" } }
Command Type: 
 List of TASK commands   DeleteTask
Deletes a task.
Required Parameters: 
taskId   ID of task to delete. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "taskId": "appliance_10003", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "DeleteTask" } }
Command Type: 
Displays all tasks.
Required Parameters: 
stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewAllTasks" } }
Command Type: 
Displays a task.
Required Parameters: 
taskId   Specifies the Task ID. stopOnTaskFailure   Specifies whether to stop running the batch routine when the task fails. If the value is set to true, the batch routine stops. If the value is false or blank, the batch routine does not stop. Applies to commands that are run in batch processes only.
Result Parameters: 
status   Specifies the status of the command that was run. The result can be either success or failed. commandName   Name of the HTTP command interface command that was run. commandResult   A JSON-formatted statement that contains the result of the command that was run. errorMessage   A message that explains the reason for the failure, if the command failed.
{ "task": { "taskId": "appliance_10003", "stopOnTaskFailure": "true", "command": "ViewTask" } }
Command Type: 
These are the main application APIs for the
This package contains the primary interfaces and classes for setting behaviors for ObjectGrid clients for this
This package contains the interfaces and a factory class for creating ObjectGrid configuration objects
This package contains the interfaces for all ObjectGrid
These are the interfaces for adding plugins to the Grid core
This package contains built-in plugins for ObjectGrid
This package has the class MapPermission and class AdminPermission which represents the permissions for to access the ObjectGrid maps and ObjectGrid administration
This package contains the ObjectGrid client security
This package contains the interfaces for adding plug-ins to the ObjectGrid security framework and assoicated Exception
This package contains the built-in implementation for the security
This package holds the Spring specific APIs for ObjectGrid.
These are the main application APIs for the ObjectGrid.See:
Interface Summary BackingMap
This is the public interface to the BackingMap.ClientClusterContext
This interface is a context to represent which cluster/domain the client connected to using one of the ObjectGridManager.connect methods.ClientReplicableMap
This interface represents a replicable client map.IObjectGridException
This interface is used to ensure JDK 1.4 Throwable chaining behavior for all exceptions thrown by ObjectGrid even when an earlier JDK is used (e.g.JavaMap
This interface is a handle to a named Map.ObjectGrid
This object is used for creating sessions to the ObjectGrid.ObjectGridManager
ObjectGridManager is responsible for creating or retrieving local ObjectGrid instances and connecting to distributed ObjectGrid servers.ObjectMap
This is a handle to a named Map.PartitionManager
This interface will be used for calculating the proper partition for a given input key.Session
This interface represents a session container for ObjectMaps.StateManager
The StateManager can be used to retrieve the availability state of an ObjectGrid.TxID
This interface is an opaque identifier for a transaction.
Class Summary AvailabilityState
Each shard in a distributed ObjectGrid has an availability state associated with it.ClientReplicableMap.Mode
Client Replication modeCopyMode
This class is used to define the "copy" mode when the setCopyMode method of the BackingMap interface is used.LockStrategy
LockStrategy provides an enumerated type idiom for use on the BackingMap.setLockStrategy(LockStrategy) method.ObjectGridManagerFactory
This factory class is a high level helper class to get ObjectGridManager instances.TTLType
Every BackingMap in ObjectGrid has a built in timed based evictor that is referred to as "time to live" evictor or TTL evictor.
Exception Summary ClientServerMultipleReplicationGroupMemberWriteTransactionCallbackException
This exception is thrown when a method call to the Client/Server TransactionCallback detects the user is attempting to perform a write against multiple maps in different Map Sets, Partition Sets or Replication groups.ConnectException
This exception is used to indicate that the client was unable to connect to the serverDuplicateKeyException
A DuplicateKeyException exception is thrown if a key cannot be inserted into a BackingMap because an object with the same key already exists.KeyNotFoundException
Normally, record not found means a null is returned.LockDeadlockException
This exception is used by the lock manager to indicate that it detected a deadlock.LockException
A general locking exception indicating something went wrong with locking operations.LockInternalFailureException
This exception is used by the lock manager to indicate it detected some internal programming error while processing a lock or unlock request.LockTimeoutException
This exception is used by the lock manager to indicate that the maximum wait time for a lock has been exceeded.NoActiveTransactionException
An exception indicating there is no active transaction.ObjectGridException
Base exception class for all checked exceptions thrown by the ObjectGrid product.ObjectGridRuntimeException
This exception is the base class for all runtime exceptions thrown by the cache.ReadOnlyException
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to modifying operations on a read only maps.ReplicationVotedToRollbackTransactionException
This exception is thrown when a transaction was rolled back because some/all of the replicas failed to apply the transaction when in synchronous replication mode.SessionNotReentrantException
A Session object can only be used by a single thread concurrently to perform map operations.TargetNotAvailableException
A TargetNotAvailableException indicates the ObjectGrid target is not available.TransactionAffinityException
This exception is thrown for inflight transaction when server fails over.TransactionAlreadyActiveException
An exception indicating a transaction is already active for the current session.TransactionException
A general transaction exception indicating something went wrong with a transaction.TransactionQuiesceException
This exception is thrown when partition/shard/mapset/replication group/ replication group member/server/cluster/objectgrid is entered quiesce process for various reasons such as shard movement, partition relocation, system update, server shutdown, and others.TransactionTimeoutException
This exception is thrown when a transaction exceeds the transaction timeout that was specified on the ObjectGrid or Session.UnavailableServiceException
This exception is thrown when all servers are dead or when all services are unavailable even though servers are running.UndefinedMapException
This exception indicates that the map which an application tries to access is not defined in the ObjectGrid.
Package Description
These are the main application APIs for the ObjectGrid. The main interface here is the ObjectGrid interface. A JVM needs to create at least one instance.
The WebSphere ObjectGrid is designed as a data caching tier that can be used to hold data from multiple sources and then make it available to the clients of the ObjectGrid. The clients access the data through the ObjectGrid APIs. The ObjectGrid is designed to be able to store large quantities of data.
Programming Tutorial
The following sections show snippets on the usage of the ObjectGrid APIs.
Obtaining a ObjectGrid instance.
The application needs to construct an ObjectGrid reference first. An application can choose to make several ObjectGrid instances. Each instance is independent, however, and has it's own configuration file. For now, use the following code and programmatically initialize it using the setter methods on the ObjectGrid.ObjectGrid objectGrid = new ObjectGridImpl();
The instance can then have a Map defined on it using the following snippet:
BackingMap bm = objectGrid.defineMap("table1");
Again, setter methods on BackingMap allow it to be configured once it's defined.
Working with an ObjectGrid, Sessions
Each thread that wants to access the ObjectGrid must have its own Session instance. The ObjectGrid class has a getSession method that returns one. Once the thread has a Session then it can obtain ObjectMap instances for manipulating data in the ObjectGrid as well as use the begin/commit/rollback methods on the Session to handle transactions.Session session = objectGrid.getSession();
ObjectMap table1 = session.getMap("table1");
MyData d = (MyData)table1.get("key1");
This package contains the primary interfaces and classes for setting behaviors for ObjectGrid clients for this process.See:
Interface Summary ClientProperties
The set of properties used to define various preference for ObjectGrid clients.
Package Description
This package contains the primary interfaces and classes for setting behaviors for ObjectGrid clients for this process.
The interfaces in this package should not be implemented directly but are used by the ClientClusterContext to set default behaviors for application clients for an ObjectGrid instance. properties available for use are defined in the ClientProperties.html" >ClientProperties interface.
There are two ways to configure client properties:
- Create a properties file named and store it in the root of your classpath.
- Create a properties file on your file system in the directory where the client is started from named
- Create a properties file with any path and name and use the following system property to detect it:<fileName>
- Create a properties file with any path and name and set load it programmatically and pass url to ClientClusterContext.getClientProperties(ogname, url).
- Programmatically define the properties the ClientProperties set methods.
In the following example we set the proximity routing defaults for all clients that use this ClientClusterContext:
ObjectGridManager ogMgr = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager(); ClientClusterContext ccc = ogMgr.connect(...); ClientProperties props = ccc.getClientProperties("myOGName"); props.setPreferLocalHost(true); props.setPreferLocalProcess(true); props.setPreferZones(new String[]{"New York", "Texas"}); // The ClientProperites are now applied to the ObjectGrid client connection: ObjectGrid og=ogMgr.get(ccc, "myOGName");The following example uses a custom client properties file:ClientClusterContext ccc = ogMgr.connect(...); URL clientPropsURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("etc/"); ClientProperties props = ccc.setClientProperties("myOGName", clientPropsURL); // The ClientProperites are now applied to the ObjectGrid client connection: ObjectGrid og=ogMgr.get(ccc, "myOGName");The following file is an example of a properties file that matches the proceeding API:preferLocalProcess=true preferLocalhost=true preferZones=New York,Texas
Interface ClientProperties
public interface ClientPropertiesThe set of properties used to define various preference for ObjectGrid clients.
See the package summary for details on how to use the ClientProperties class and properties file.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String CLIENT_PROPS_FILE_PATH_KEY
The system property key to override the location of the client properties file.static java.lang.String CLIENTPROPERTIESFILEPATHKEY
Deprecated. The CLIENTPROPERTIESFILEPATHKEY is deprecated in version 7.0. Use the CLIENT_PROPS_FILE_PATH_KEY property.static java.lang.String DEFAULTCLIENTPROPERTYFILE
The default name of client property filestatic java.lang.String PROP_LISTENER_HOST
Listener host property key for the client properties file.static java.lang.String PROP_LISTENER_PORT
Listener port property key for the client properties file.static java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_LOCAL_HOST
Currently, this property is not used.static java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_LOCAL_PROCESS
Currently, this property is not used.static java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_ZONES
Prefer zones property key for the client properties file.static java.lang.String PROP_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMEOUT
The requestRetryTimeout which indicates how long to retry a request (in milliseconds).static java.lang.String PROP_SHUFFLE_BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESSES
The shuffleBoostrapAddresses property is used to determine if the catalog service grid addresses should be randomized when used by a client when bootstrapping to the grid.
Method Summary java.lang.String getListenerHost()
Retrieves the host to be used by the getListenerPort()
Retrieves the port to be used by the[] getPreferZones()
Retrieve the preferred zones.long getRequestRetryTimeout()
Retrieves the current request retry timeout.boolean isBootStrapListShuffled()
Retrieves the value of the BootStrapListShuffled property.boolean isPreferLocalHost()
This method is reserved for future use.boolean isPreferLocalProcess()
This method is reserved for future use.void setBootStrapListShuffled(boolean shuffle)
Sets the value of the BootStrapListShuffled property.void setPreferLocalHost(boolean localHost)
This method is reserved for future use.void setPreferLocalProcess(boolean localProcess)
This method is reserved for future use.void setPreferZones(java.lang.String[] zones)
Prefer routing to specific zones.void setRequestRetryTimeout(long requestRetryTimeout)
Set the request retry timeout to indicate how long to retry a request (in milliseconds) when recoverable failures occur, such as fail-over exceptions.
static final java.lang.String DEFAULTCLIENTPROPERTYFILE
The default name of client property file
static final java.lang.String CLIENTPROPERTIESFILEPATHKEY
Deprecated. The CLIENTPROPERTIESFILEPATHKEY is deprecated in version 7.0. Use the CLIENT_PROPS_FILE_PATH_KEY property. The deprecated system property key to override the location of the client properties file.
static final java.lang.String CLIENT_PROPS_FILE_PATH_KEY
The system property key to override the location of the client properties file. This property is used to replace the CLIENTPROPERTIESFILEPATHKEY
Since: 7.0
static final java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_LOCAL_PROCESS
Currently, this property is not used. It is reserved for future use.
static final java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_LOCAL_HOST
Currently, this property is not used. It is reserved for future use.
static final java.lang.String PROP_PREFER_ZONES
Prefer zones property key for the client properties file. Each specified zone is separated by a comma in the form: preferZones=ZoneA,ZoneB,ZoneC
static final java.lang.String PROP_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMEOUT
The requestRetryTimeout which indicates how long to retry a request (in milliseconds). A 0 indicates that the request should fail fast and skip over in internal retry logic. Exceptions that cannot succeed even if tried again such as DuplicateException will be returned immediately.
Since: 7.0 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String PROP_LISTENER_HOST
Listener host property key for the client properties file.
Since: XS 7.1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String PROP_LISTENER_PORT
Listener port property key for the client properties file.
Since: XS 7.1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String PROP_SHUFFLE_BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESSES
The shuffleBoostrapAddresses property is used to determine if the catalog service grid addresses should be randomized when used by a client when bootstrapping to the grid. The default value of the property is true.
Method Detail setPreferZones
void setPreferZones(java.lang.String[] zones)
Prefer routing to specific zones. When zones are enabled on an ObjectGrid, requests will be routed to the specified zones.
Parameters: zones - array of zone names. If null or an empty array, then requests are routed to all zones.
void setPreferLocalProcess(boolean localProcess)
This method is reserved for future use. Calls to the method will not result in any performed operation.
Parameters: localProcess -
void setPreferLocalHost(boolean localHost)
This method is reserved for future use. Calls to the method will not result in any performed operation.
Parameters: localHost -
java.lang.String[] getPreferZones()
Retrieve the preferred zones.
Returns: the preferred zones.
boolean isPreferLocalProcess()
This method is reserved for future use. The returned value should be ignored by the user.
Returns: false
boolean isPreferLocalHost()
This method is reserved for future use. The returned value should be ignored by the user.
Returns: false
void setRequestRetryTimeout(long requestRetryTimeout)
Set the request retry timeout to indicate how long to retry a request (in milliseconds) when recoverable failures occur, such as fail-over exceptions. A request will timeout when either the request timeout expires or the transaction timeout expires, whichever expires first. A value of 0 indicates that all requests should fail immediately and avoid any retry logic. Exceptions that cannot succeed even if tried again such as DuplicateKeyException exceptions will be thrown immediately.
A value of -1 indicates that the request retry timeout is not set, meaning that the request duration is governed by the transaction timeout.
The request retry timeout can be overridden using the Session.setRequestRetryTimeout(long) method.
Parameters: requestRetryTimeout - the duration in milliseconds retry a client request, 0 if the request should fail immediately or -1 if the request timeout is not set. Since: 7.0 ObjectGrid.setTxTimeout(int)
long getRequestRetryTimeout()
Retrieves the current request retry timeout. Returns -1 if it was not set.
Returns: requestRetryTimeout in milliseconds, 0 to fail immediately or -1 if not set. Since: 7.0
java.lang.String getListenerHost()
Retrieves the host to be used by the ORB. The listener host property defaults to 'localhost'. This property can only be set in the file.
Returns: The host that the ORB will bind to. Since: 7.1
int getListenerPort()
Retrieves the port to be used by the ORB. The listener port property defaults to the corbaloc port, 2809. This property can only be set in the file.
Returns: The port that the ORB will bind to. Since: 7.1
boolean isBootStrapListShuffled()
Retrieves the value of the BootStrapListShuffled property.
Returns: true if the value of BootStrapListeShuffled was set to true. false if the value of BootStrapListeShuffled was set to false. Since:
void setBootStrapListShuffled(boolean shuffle)
Sets the value of the BootStrapListShuffled property.
Parameters: shuffle - true the bootstrap list will be shuffled providing each client a random distribution of catalog servers to select from. false the first viable address in the list of catalog servers will be used. Since:
This package holds the Spring specific APIs for ObjectGrid.See:
Interface Summary SpringLocalTxManager
This interface has the methods for interacting with the ObjectGrid Spring LocalTransactionManager.
Class Summary ObjectGridSpringFactory
This class serves as a factory to construct instances of the various Spring specific APIs.
Exception Summary CannotGetObjectGridSessionException
This can be thrown by getSession if a new Session cannot be obtained for any reason.ObjectGridTransactionException
The ObjectGrid platform transaction manager can throw this unchecked exception whenever errors occur.
Package Description
This package holds the Spring specific APIs for ObjectGrid.
Local Transaction Support
ObjectGrid has implemented a Spring PlatformTransactionManager. This allows Spring to manage local transactions using a single ObjectGrid session. Spring can then be used to annotate POJOs with container managed transaction semantics much like a J2EE application server does using J2EE CMT. An application should instantiate a SpringLocalTxManager using the appropriate factory method on ObjectGridSpringFactory and then wire a reference to that object in to all POJOs that use Spring CMT. This instance has a getSession method to obtain the correct Session for that POJO. The application must call one of the SpringLocalTxManager#setObjectGridForThread methods before invoking a managed POJO to specify which ObjectGrid instance should be used for any CMT on this thread.
Class CannotGetObjectGridSessionExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception ava.lang.RuntimeException org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class CannotGetObjectGridSessionExceptionextends org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException This can be thrown by getSession if a new Session cannot be obtained for any reason.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Constructor Summary CannotGetObjectGridSessionException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CannotGetObjectGridSessionException with the specified detail message.CannotGetObjectGridSessionException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGetObjectGridSessionException with the specified detail message and cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException
contains, getMessage, getMostSpecificCause, getRootCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail CannotGetObjectGridSessionException
public CannotGetObjectGridSessionException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGetObjectGridSessionException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this CannotGetObjectGridSessionException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown). NestedRuntimeException.getMessage()
public CannotGetObjectGridSessionException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CannotGetObjectGridSessionException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method. NestedRuntimeException.getMessage()
Class ObjectGridSpringFactoryjava.lang.Object
public final class ObjectGridSpringFactoryextends java.lang.Object This class serves as a factory to construct instances of the various Spring specific APIs.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String SCOPE_SHARD
Scope identifier for shard scope: "shard".
Constructor Summary ObjectGridSpringFactory()
Method Summary static BeanFactory getBeanFactoryForObjectGrid(java.lang.String objectGridName)
This returns the currently registered external bean factory for a named object grid.static java.lang.Object getBeanInShardScope(ObjectGrid shard, java.lang.String beanName)
This returns an instance of the named Spring bean with the current shard scope using the specified ObjectGrid instance.static SpringLocalTxManager getLocalPlatformTransactionManager()
This returns an ObjectGrid PlatformLocalTransactionManager.static void registerSpringBeanFactoryAdapter(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.Object springBeanFactory)
This returns an adapter for a Spring based bean factory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Field Detail SCOPE_SHARD
public static final java.lang.String SCOPE_SHARD
Scope identifier for shard scope: "shard".
Constructor Detail ObjectGridSpringFactory
public ObjectGridSpringFactory()
Method Detail getLocalPlatformTransactionManager
public static SpringLocalTxManager getLocalPlatformTransactionManager()
This returns an ObjectGrid PlatformLocalTransactionManager.
Returns: the PlatformLocalTransactionManager instance.
public static void registerSpringBeanFactoryAdapter(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.Object springBeanFactory) throws java.lang.ClassCastException
This returns an adapter for a Spring based bean factory. We use an Object type here to avoid making ObjectGrid dependent on Spring classes being present. A ClassCastException exception is thrown if the supplied factory isn't a Spring BeanFactory instance.
Parameters: objectGridName - the name of the ObjectGrid springBeanFactory - A Spring BeanFactory instance. Throws: java.lang.ClassCastException - thrown when the Object type is not a BeanFactory instance.
public static BeanFactory getBeanFactoryForObjectGrid(java.lang.String objectGridName)
This returns the currently registered external bean factory for a named object grid. If no factory has been registered then it attempts to construct a Spring BeanFactory using the xml resource on the class path @ "/X_spring.xml" and /META-INF/X_spring.xml where X is the name of the ObjectGrid. If the xml file is on the class path then the ObjectGrid name MUST be a valid resource name.
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid Returns: The BeanFactory instance or null if there were none registered
public static java.lang.Object getBeanInShardScope(ObjectGrid shard, java.lang.String beanName)
This returns an instance of the named Spring bean with the current shard scope using the specified ObjectGrid instance. This allows shard scoped beans to be obtained.
Parameters: shard - The ObjectGrid instance to use to scope Spring beans using "shard" as scope. beanName - The bean to return Returns: The bean instance if it exists
Class ObjectGridTransactionExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception ava.lang.RuntimeException org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ObjectGridTransactionExceptionextends org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException The ObjectGrid platform transaction manager can throw this unchecked exception whenever errors occur.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Constructor Summary ObjectGridTransactionException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridTransactionException with the specified detail message.ObjectGridTransactionException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridTransactionException with the specified detail message and cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException
contains, getMessage, getMostSpecificCause, getRootCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ObjectGridTransactionException
public ObjectGridTransactionException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridTransactionException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this ObjectGridTransactionException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown). NestedRuntimeException.getMessage()
public ObjectGridTransactionException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridTransactionException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method. NestedRuntimeException.getMessage()
Interface SpringLocalTxManager
public interface SpringLocalTxManagerThis interface has the methods for interacting with the ObjectGrid Spring LocalTransactionManager. It also allows the desired partition to use with this thread to be specified.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Method Summary Session getSession()
This returns a managed session for the ObjectGrid associated with this thread.void setObjectGridForThread(ObjectGrid grid)
This indicates the ObjectGrid to use on this thread when a session is requested.
Method Detail setObjectGridForThread
void setObjectGridForThread(ObjectGrid grid)
This indicates the ObjectGrid to use on this thread when a session is requested. This replaces any previously associated ObjectGrid, i.e. only a single grid instance can be associated with a thread at a time.
Parameters: grid - the ObjectGrid to set on this thread.
Session getSession()
This returns a managed session for the ObjectGrid associated with this thread. Do not call begin, commit or rollback directly on the session. Spring manages the transaction automatically.
Returns: A managed Session to use with this thread. Throws: CannotGetObjectGridSessionException - thrown when an ObjectGrid session can't be retrieved.
These are the interfaces for adding plugins to the Grid core framework.See:
Interface Summary BeanFactory
Implement this interface to allow bean factories like Spring or Google guice to be integrated.CacheEntry
This interface represents a cache entry in an ObjectGrid map.EvictionEventCallback
An instance of EvictionEventCallback is passed into the Evictor at initialization time.Evictor
Data contained in a BackingMap are evicted when the map is full.EvictorData
This interface is optionally used by an implementator of the Evictor interface.LogElement
LogElements are the individual entries within a LogSequence.LogSequence
LogSequence is the ordered list of changes performed against a given map for a given transaction.LogSequenceFilter
This interface can be used to filter a LogSequence.MapEventListener
This callback interface is implemented by the application when it wants to receive events about a Map such as the eviction of a map entry.ObjectGridEventGroup
This is a set of single method interfaces for fine grained events delivered for an ObjectGrid.ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardEvents
These events are fired when a shard is made a primary shard and when the shard is demoted from a primary.ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardLifecycle
These events are fired when an ObjectGrid shard is initialized and destroyed.ObjectGridEventGroup.TransactionEvents
These events are called every single transaction.ObjectGridEventListener
This interface is used to create an implementation of an event listener for an ObjectGrid.ReplicationMapListener
This interface is used to create an implementation of an event listener for client-side maps that are in replication mode.TransactionCallback
Calling methods on a Session will send corresponding events to the TransactionCallback.TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit
The BeforeCommit optional mix-in interface for the TransactionCallback plug-in interface allows plug-ins to be notified at the beginning of a Session.commit().TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContext
The TransactionContext identifies various information that's available to the beforeCommit() method.ValueProxyInfo
This interface can be used by value objects to inform a BackingMap or Loader which attribute(s) have been dirtied.
Class Summary EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData
Special value class used for representing the key not being found in the BackingMap.LogElement.Type
The Type class is used to represent a LogElement type.
Exception Summary CacheEntryException
This exception indicates an error occurred during a cache entry operation.LoaderException
This exception is the base exception for any exceptions encountered by a Loader.TransactionCallbackException
This exception is thrown when a method call to TransactionCallback fails.
Package Description
These are the interfaces for adding plugins to the Grid core framework.
These plugins can be added into ObjectGrid in several ways such as xml configuration, programmatically adding, or using annotation.
Annotation based callbacks
ObjectGrid when running on Java 5 will start to use an annotated method callback system. This means that objects can be registered as callbacks or listeners. The methods on the object must be annotated as to be invoked for a certain event. Unannotated methods are not invoked. The name of the method is unimportant. The method arguments and return type must be the same as expected for the callback method.Why?
Usually, callbacks are specified using an interface. This works well but results in a possible performance loss as all methods on the interface will be invoked by the ObjectGrid even though the application is only interested in a single event. This wastes precious resources. Another issue is when we need to add a new event. Adding a new method to an existing interface breaks back wards compatibility. We can make a new interface extending the old one with the new methods but this is also undesirable as soon there are many interfaces in the hierarchy as new events are added. The annotation system allows the application to only mark methods to be called avoiding the first problem and if new event types are added they have no impact on existing callback objects. Newer applications can add a method and annotate it with the new event annotation to receive the event.
This package contains built-in plugins for ObjectGrid core.See:
Class Summary LFUEvictor
This class manages a BackingMap using a simple Least Frequently Used (LFU) algorithm.LRUEvictor
This evictor manages a BackingMap using a simple Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.WebSphereTransactionCallback
A TransactionCallback plugin used to automatically enlist the ObjectGrid transaction as a volatile participant in a WebSphere JTA transaction.
Package Description
This package contains built-in plugins for ObjectGrid core.
These built-in plugins can be used to configure ObjectGrid to achieve desired functions.
Class LFUEvictorjava.lang.Object b>
All Implemented Interfaces: Evictor, RollbackEvictor, java.lang.Runnable
public final class LFUEvictorextends java.lang.Object implements Evictor, RollbackEvictor, java.lang.Runnable This class manages a BackingMap using a simple Least Frequently Used (LFU) algorithm. It attempts to keep the BackingMap at less than a certain number of entries based on a usage count of each entry. This class uses an array of binary heap objects for keeping a EvictorData object created for a CacheEntry. The EvictorData object has the LFU count and key for the CacheEntry. The idea is to spread cache entries across multiple binary heap objects so that there are fewer CacheEntry objects that collide on a synchronization point since they all do not use the same binary heap object.
An evictor thread is spawned during initialization that wakes up periodically and processes the array of binary heap objects to determine if any CacheEntry needs to be evicted. The idea of using a binary heap object is to obtain an ordering by LFU value so that it is not necessary to enumerate over every CacheEntry to determine if it needs to be evicted. Since binary heap is a partial ordering, the cost to do the ordering is cheaper than creating a totally ordered list and/or sorting the list. But it also means the LFU algorithm is not 100% accurate, but it is close enough to be useful and avoids the cost of being 100% accurate by keep a totally ordered list.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Field Summary static int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEAPS
Default number of binary heaps to create if the setNumberOfHeaps(int) method is not called.static long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
Default sleep time for evictor thread if the setSleepTime(int) method is not called.
Constructor Summary LFUEvictor()
Creates a LFUEvictor object with default values for the maximum size per heap, the number of heaps, and sleep time between sweeps of the heaps by the evictor thread.
Method Summary void activate()
This method is called to activate the Evictor.void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Called after a transaction has committed to allow the evictor to track object usage in the BackingMap.void deactivate()
This method is called to deactivate the Evictor.void destroy()
Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is getMaxSize()
Gets the maximum size of each binary getNumberOfHeaps()
Gets number of binary heaps being getSleepTime()
Gets the sleep time being used in seconds.void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.void rollingBack(LogSequence sequence)
void run()
Periodically wakes up and evicts entries.void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Sets the maximum size of each binary heap.void setNumberOfHeaps(int numberOfHeaps)
Sets the number of binary heaps to use.void setSleepTime(int seconds)
Sets the sleep time to use in seconds.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
Default sleep time for evictor thread if the setSleepTime(int) method is not called.
public static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEAPS
Default number of binary heaps to create if the setNumberOfHeaps(int) method is not called.
Constructor Detail LFUEvictor
public LFUEvictor()
Creates a LFUEvictor object with default values for the maximum size per heap, the number of heaps, and sleep time between sweeps of the heaps by the evictor thread. The default values can be overridden by use of the setMaxSize(int), setNumberOfHeaps(int), and setSleepTime(int) methods. If the setMaxSize method is never called, the size of the map is unlimited.
DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME, setMaxSize(int), setNumberOfHeaps(int), setSleepTime(int)
Method Detail getMaxSize
public int getMaxSize()
Gets the maximum size of each binary heap.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setMaxSize(int) method or the default value of zero if the setMaxSize method is never called
public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: Evictor Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is destroyed.
This method is the opposite of the initialize method. When it is called, the Evictor can free up any resources it uses.
Specified by: destroy in interface Evictor
public void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Description copied from interface: Evictor Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.
The BackingMap calls this method so the Evictor instance can have references to the BackingMap and EvictionEventCallback instances. The evictor can signal events to have specific entries evicted using the EvictionEventCallback.
Specified by: initialize in interface Evictor
Parameters: map - the BackingMap instance callback - the EvictionEventCallback instance
public void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Description copied from interface: Evictor Called after a transaction has committed to allow the evictor to track object usage in the BackingMap. This method also reports any entries that have been successfully evicted. Note, this method is not called for transactions that are rolled back. If there is a need to track object usage for rolled back transactions, the evictor must implement the RollbackEvictor interface as well.
This method is called after a transaction has completed. Consequently, all transaction locks that were acquired by the completed transaction are no longer held. Potentially, multiple threads could call this method concurrently and each thread would be completing its own transaction. Since transaction locks are already released by the completed transaction, this method must provide its own synchronization to ensure it is thread safe. For an Evictor in an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin or ValueSerializerPlugin, the keys and values objects in the LogSequence will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object.
Specified by: apply in interface Evictor
Parameters: sequence - the LogSequence of changes committed to the map
public void rollingBack(LogSequence sequence)
Specified by: rollingBack in interface RollbackEvictor
public int getNumberOfHeaps()
Gets number of binary heaps being used.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setNumberOfHeaps(int) method or the default value of DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEAPS if the setNumberOfHeaps method is never called setNumberOfHeaps(int)
public void setNumberOfHeaps(int numberOfHeaps)
Sets the number of binary heaps to use. This method is used to override the default number of binary heaps created by the initialize method for keeping the usage count data needed by the evictor thread. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown. If this method is not called,the DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEAPS constant is used as the number of heaps.
Parameters: numberOfHeaps - is the number of BinaryHeap instances used to hold entry usage count data. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 and a prime number is recommended for best performance. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if numberOfHeaps < 1 java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method. initialize(BackingMap, EvictionEventCallback)
public int getSleepTime()
Gets the sleep time being used in seconds.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setSleepTime(int) method or the default value of DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME if the setSleepTime method is never called
public void setSleepTime(int seconds)
Sets the sleep time to use in seconds. This method is used to override the default sleep time of the evictor thread in seconds. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown. If this method is not called, the DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME constant is used as the sleep time.
Parameters: seconds - is the number of seconds the evictor thread sleeps in between each sweep of the binary heap data being kept for entry usage count data. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if seconds < 1 java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method. initialize(BackingMap, EvictionEventCallback)
public void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Sets the maximum size of each binary heap. This method is used to override the default maximum size for each heap used to keep entry usage count data. The evictor thread will attempt to keep each heap to be no larger than the maximum size. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown.
Parameters: maxSize - is the maximum size per heap. Any value <= 0 indicates to allow each heap to be of unlimited size. In which case, no entry usage count data is kept. Throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method.
public void run()
Periodically wakes up and evicts entries.
Specified by: run in interface java.lang.Runnable
public void activate()
Description copied from interface: Evictor This method is called to activate the Evictor. Until this method is called, the Evictor must not use the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface to evict map entries prior to activate being called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by: activate in interface Evictor
public void deactivate()
Description copied from interface: Evictor This method is called to deactivate the Evictor. Once this method is called, the Evictor must quit using the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface after this method is called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by: deactivate in interface Evictor
Class LRUEvictorjava.lang.Object b>
All Implemented Interfaces: Evictor, RollbackEvictor, java.lang.Runnable
public final class LRUEvictorextends java.lang.Object implements Evictor, RollbackEvictor, java.lang.Runnable This evictor manages a BackingMap using a simple Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. It attempts to keep the BackingMap at less than a certain number of entries.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Field Summary static int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_QUEUES
Default number of LRU queues to create if the setNumberOfLRUQueues(int) method is not called.static long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
Default sleep time for evictor thread if the setSleepTime(int) method is not called.
Constructor Summary LRUEvictor()
Creates a new LRUEvictor object with default values for the maximum size per LRU queue, the number of queues, and sleep time between sweeps by the evictor thread.
Method Summary void activate()
This method is called to activate the Evictor.void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Maintains a bi-directional queue ordered on last access.void deactivate()
This method is called to deactivate the Evictor.void destroy()
Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is getMaxSize()
Gets the maximum size of each LRU getNumberOfLRUQueues()
Gets number of LRU queues being getSleepTime()
Gets the sleep time being used in seconds.void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.void rollingBack(LogSequence sequence)
void run()
Manages the map's size and sends eviction events to the Map.void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Sets the maximum size of each LRU queue.void setNumberOfLRUQueues(int numberOfQueues)
Sets the number of LRU queues to use.void setSleepTime(int seconds)
Sets the sleep time to use in seconds.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
Default sleep time for evictor thread if the setSleepTime(int) method is not called.
public static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_QUEUES
Default number of LRU queues to create if the setNumberOfLRUQueues(int) method is not called.
Constructor Detail LRUEvictor
public LRUEvictor()
Creates a new LRUEvictor object with default values for the maximum size per LRU queue, the number of queues, and sleep time between sweeps by the evictor thread. The default values can be overridden by use of the setMaxSize(int), setNumberOfLRUQueues(int), and setSleepTime(int) methods. If the setMaxSize method is never called, the size of BackingMap is unlimited and no LRU data is kept.
Method Detail initialize
public void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Description copied from interface: Evictor Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.
The BackingMap calls this method so the Evictor instance can have references to the BackingMap and EvictionEventCallback instances. The evictor can signal events to have specific entries evicted using the EvictionEventCallback.
Specified by: initialize in interface Evictor
Parameters: map - the BackingMap instance callback - the EvictionEventCallback instance
public void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Maintains a bi-directional queue ordered on last access.
Specified by: apply in interface Evictor
Parameters: sequence - the LogSequence of changes committed to the map
public void rollingBack(LogSequence sequence)
Specified by: rollingBack in interface RollbackEvictor
public int getMaxSize()
Gets the maximum size of each LRU queue.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setMaxSize(int) method or the default value of zero if the setMaxSize method is never called
public void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Sets the maximum size of each LRU queue. This method is used to override the default maximum size for each LRU queue used to keep LRU data. The evictor thread will attempt to keep each LRU queue to be no larger than the maximum size. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown.
Parameters: maxSize - is the maximum size per LRU queue. Any value <= 0 indicates to allow each queue to be of unlimited size. In which case, no LRU data is kept. Throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method.
public int getSleepTime()
Gets the sleep time being used in seconds.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setSleepTime(int) method or the default value of DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME if the setSleepTime method is never called
public void setSleepTime(int seconds)
Sets the sleep time to use in seconds. This method is used to override the default sleep time of the evictor thread in seconds. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown. If this method is not called, the DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME constant is used as the sleep time.
Parameters: seconds - is the number of seconds the evictor thread sleeps in between each sweep of the LRU queue data Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if seconds < 1 java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method. initialize(BackingMap, EvictionEventCallback)
public int getNumberOfLRUQueues()
Gets number of LRU queues being used.
Returns: the same value that was passed to the setNumberOfLRUQueues(int) method or the default value of DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_QUEUES if the setNumberOfLRUQueues method is never called setNumberOfLRUQueues(int)
public void setNumberOfLRUQueues(int numberOfQueues)
Sets the number of LRU queues to use. This method is used to override the default number of LRU queues created by the initialize method for keeping the LRU data needed by the evictor thread. This method must be called prior to the initialize method to avoid an IllegalStateException being thrown. If this method is not called,the DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_QUEUES constant is used as the number of heaps.
Parameters: numberOfQueues - is the number of LRU queue instances used to hold LRU data. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 and a prime number is recommended for best performance. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if numberOfQueuess < 1 java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called after the initialize method. initialize(BackingMap, EvictionEventCallback)
public void run()
Manages the map's size and sends eviction events to the Map. The thread is only spawned if the map size is limited rather than unlimited in size (e.g. maxSize > 0 ).
Specified by: run in interface java.lang.Runnable
public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: Evictor Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is destroyed.
This method is the opposite of the initialize method. When it is called, the Evictor can free up any resources it uses.
Specified by: destroy in interface Evictor
public void activate()
Description copied from interface: Evictor This method is called to activate the Evictor. Until this method is called, the Evictor must not use the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface to evict map entries prior to activate being called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by: activate in interface Evictor
public void deactivate()
Description copied from interface: Evictor This method is called to deactivate the Evictor. Once this method is called, the Evictor must quit using the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface after this method is called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by: deactivate in interface Evictor
Class WebSphereTransactionCallbackjava.lang.Object b>
All Implemented Interfaces: TransactionCallback
public class WebSphereTransactionCallbackextends java.lang.Object implements TransactionCallback A TransactionCallback plugin used to automatically enlist the ObjectGrid transaction as a volatile participant in a WebSphere JTA transaction. The ObjectGrid transaction is then called to "commit" or "rollback" its changes immediately after the two-phase commit stage of the JTA transaction. However, if the ObjectGrid transaction fails to commit or rollback, the failure does not affect the JTA transaction.
The WebSphereTransactionCallback provides an implementation of the isExternalTransactionActive method to determine if a WebSphere Application Server transaction is active. If the method returns true, ObjectGrid automatically begins an ObjectGrid transaction and when the WebSphere transaction commits or rolls back, the ObjectGrid transaction will also be committed or rolled back.
This class may be extended to allow for application specific implementations to use the WebSphere transaction manager to control their ObjectGrid and other application resources together.
If this class is used outside of a WebSphere Application Server environment, the isExternalTransactionActive will return false.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Constructor Summary WebSphereTransactionCallback()
The default constructor.
Method Summary void begin(TxID id)
Invoked when starting a Session transaction.void commit(TxID id)
Invoked when committing a Session transaction.void initialize(ObjectGrid objectGrid)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized.boolean isExternalTransactionActive(Session session)
This method returns true if a WebSphere JTA transaction is active.void rollback(TxID id)
Invoked when rolling back a Session transaction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail WebSphereTransactionCallback
public WebSphereTransactionCallback()
The default constructor.
Method Detail begin
public void begin(TxID id)
Description copied from interface: TransactionCallback Invoked when starting a Session transaction. A TransactionCallback can communicate the begin processing (along with the TxID) to the appropriate BackingMap and/or Loader. The Loader may use this signal to start a corresponding transaction on the underlying connection to a database.
Specified by: begin in interface TransactionCallback
Parameters: id - transaction identifer (TxID)
public void commit(TxID id)
Description copied from interface: TransactionCallback Invoked when committing a Session transaction. This method should be used to commit any underlying transaction and return any underlying connection back to the pool. The TxID is provided to determine which transaction is being committed
Specified by: commit in interface TransactionCallback
public void initialize(ObjectGrid objectGrid)
Description copied from interface: TransactionCallback Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized. This method is called so this object can do any implementation specific intialization.
Specified by: initialize in interface TransactionCallback
public boolean isExternalTransactionActive(Session session)
This method returns true if a WebSphere JTA transaction is active. If a problem occurs in determining if a transaction is active, an ObjectGridRuntimeException will be thrown.
Specified by: isExternalTransactionActive in interface TransactionCallback
Parameters: session - the session which the application is using Returns: true if an auto begin should be done, false if this is not the case Throws:
public void rollback(TxID id)
Description copied from interface: TransactionCallback Invoked when rolling back a Session transaction. This method should be used to roll back any underlying transaction and return any underlying connection back to the pool. The TxID is provided to determine which transaction is being committed
Specified by: rollback in interface TransactionCallback
Interface BeanFactory
public interface BeanFactoryImplement this interface to allow bean factories like Spring or Google guice to be integrated. This allows ObjectGrid to delegate to an external Bean Factory to instantiate beans needed by ObjectGrid.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Method Summary java.lang.Object getBean(java.lang.String name)
This returns an instance of the bean with the specified name.
Method Detail getBean
java.lang.Object getBean(java.lang.String name)
This returns an instance of the bean with the specified name.
Parameters: name - The name of the bean instance to return. Returns: the bean instance.
Interface CacheEntry
All Superinterfaces:
public interface CacheEntryextends This interface represents a cache entry in an ObjectGrid map.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Method Summary java.lang.Object getCommittedValue()
Returns the committed value for this getKey()
Returns the key for this getKeywords()
Returns the list of keywords associated with this entry.long getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last time this entry was accessed.long getTTL()
Returns the time-to-live value for this entry.boolean isInBackingMap()
Indicates whether this entry is in the BackingMap
Method Detail isInBackingMap
boolean isInBackingMap()
Indicates whether this entry is in the BackingMap
Returns: Returns true if this element is in the BackingMap
java.lang.Object getKey()
Returns the key for this entry. For a CacheEntry on an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin, the value will be a SerializedKey object. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key object.
Returns: the key
java.lang.Object getCommittedValue()
Returns the committed value for this entry. The type of the object returned from the getCommittedValue() method depends on various configuration and storage options used by the ObjectMap that holds the CacheEntry. In the default case, getCommittedValue() returns the Java object of the same type that was put into the map. For an ObjectMap configured to use a ValueSerializerPlugin, the committed value depends on the underlying storage mechanism, typically represented as an array of bytes.
Returns: the committed value
long getTTL()
Returns the time-to-live value for this entry.
Returns: the time-to-live value
long getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last time this entry was accessed.
Returns: last access time.
java.util.Collection getKeywords()
Returns the list of keywords associated with this entry.
Returns: a list of keywords
Class CacheEntryExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
public class CacheEntryExceptionextends ObjectGridException This exception indicates an error occurred during a cache entry operation.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Constructor Summary CacheEntryException()
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with null as its detail message.CacheEntryException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with the specified detail message.CacheEntryException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with the specified detail message and cause.CacheEntryException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail CacheEntryException
public CacheEntryException()
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public CacheEntryException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public CacheEntryException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this CacheEntryException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public CacheEntryException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CacheEntryException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for CacheEntryExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Interface EvictionEventCallback
public interface EvictionEventCallback
An instance of EvictionEventCallback is passed into the Evictor at initialization time. When an eviction method is called, corresponding methods of EvictionEventCallback will be called so the BackingMap can process evictions.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 EvictorData
Method Summary void evictEntries(java.util.List keysToEvictList)
If an Evictor chooses not to implement the EvictorData interface, this method can be used to evict a map entry.void evictMapEntries(java.util.List evictorDataList)
This method is the preferred method for the Evictor to use when evicting map entries.EvictorData getEvictorData(java.lang.Object key)
Gets the evictor data for a specified BackingMap cache entry.void setEvictorData(java.lang.Object key, EvictorData data)
Sets the evictor data for a specified BackingMap cache key.
Method Detail setEvictorData
void setEvictorData(java.lang.Object key, EvictorData data)
Sets the evictor data for a specified BackingMap cache key. This method can be used by an implementor of the Evictor interface to keep data that the evictor needs for determining which cache entry to evict.
Parameters: key - is the key for accessing a BackingMap entry. data - the EvictorData object to store as evictor data for a specified key. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if key is a null reference or there is no BackingMap cache entry for this key. Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
EvictorData getEvictorData(java.lang.Object key)
Gets the evictor data for a specified BackingMap cache entry.
Parameters: key - the key for the BackingMap entry to set. Returns: if the specified key is not found in BackingMap, then the special value EvictorData.KEY_NOT_FOUND is returned. If the key is found in the BackingMap, the same reference that was previously passed to the setEvictorData(Object, EvictorData) method of this interface is returned. A null reference is returned if the key is found, but the setEvictorData method was not previously called for the specified key. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if key is a null reference. Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 EvictorData.KEY_NOT_FOUND
void evictMapEntries(java.util.List evictorDataList) throws ObjectGridException
This method is the preferred method for the Evictor to use when evicting map entries. A list of EvictorData objects is passed as an argument to this method. For each EvictorData object in the list, the key is obtained from the EvictorData object and used to determine which BackingMap entry to evict. The BackingMap entry is evicted if and only if the cache entry for BackingMap entry contains the exact same EvictorData object in it. That is, the java == operator is used to ensure it is the exact same EvictorData object. If the == operator indicates a different object, then the map entry is not evicted. For those map entries that are physically evicted from the map, the Evictor will receive notification through its apply method.
Parameters: evictorDataList - a list of EvictorData objects to process. The caller must guarantee this parameter is not null or contain any null references. Throws: ObjectGridException - if an error occurs during processing java.lang.ClassCastException - if an object in evictorDataList does not implement the EvictorData interface. Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 EvictorData.getKey()
void evictEntries(java.util.List keysToEvictList) throws ObjectGridException
If an Evictor chooses not to implement the EvictorData interface, this method can be used to evict a map entry. However, the Evictor must be prepared to handle the exposure of an application removing and recreating a map entry before the Evictor has an opportunity to call this method. For this method, a list of map keys is passed. The list is evaluated and an eviction is conducted on the list. When the entries are physically evicted from the map, the Evictor will receive notification through its apply method.
Parameters: keysToEvictList - List of keys to evict from the map. The caller must guarantee this parameter is not null or contain any null references. Throws:
Interface Evictor
All Known Implementing Classes: LFUEvictor, LRUEvictor
public interface Evictor
Data contained in a BackingMap are evicted when the map is full. This plugin is used by the BackingMap to determine when and what to evict from the map based on some algorithm (LRU, LFU, time based, etc).
An Evictor implementation that also implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener interface will be automatically added as an EventListener on the BackingMap when the evictor set on the backing map.
An Evictor may also implement the BackingMapPlugin interface in order to receive enhanced BackingMap plug-in lifecycle method calls. The plug-in is then also required to correctly implement each of the bean methods related to introspection of its state (for example isInitialized(), isDestroyed(), etc).
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 BackingMap.setEvictor(Evictor), EvictorData
Method Summary void activate()
This method is called to activate the Evictor.void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Called after a transaction has committed to allow the evictor to track object usage in the BackingMap.void deactivate()
This method is called to deactivate the Evictor.void destroy()
Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is destroyed.void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.
Method Detail initialize
void initialize(BackingMap map, EvictionEventCallback callback)
Called by a BackingMap instance during the evictor initialization time.
The BackingMap calls this method so the Evictor instance can have references to the BackingMap and EvictionEventCallback instances. The evictor can signal events to have specific entries evicted using the EvictionEventCallback.
void destroy()
Called when the BackingMap associated with this evictor is destroyed.
This method is the opposite of the initialize method. When it is called, the Evictor can free up any resources it uses.
void apply(LogSequence sequence)
Called after a transaction has committed to allow the evictor to track object usage in the BackingMap. This method also reports any entries that have been successfully evicted. Note, this method is not called for transactions that are rolled back. If there is a need to track object usage for rolled back transactions, the evictor must implement the RollbackEvictor interface as well.
This method is called after a transaction has completed. Consequently, all transaction locks that were acquired by the completed transaction are no longer held. Potentially, multiple threads could call this method concurrently and each thread would be completing its own transaction. Since transaction locks are already released by the completed transaction, this method must provide its own synchronization to ensure it is thread safe. For an Evictor in an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin or ValueSerializerPlugin, the keys and values objects in the LogSequence will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object.
void activate()
This method is called to activate the Evictor. Until this method is called, the Evictor must not use the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface to evict map entries prior to activate being called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
void deactivate()
This method is called to deactivate the Evictor. Once this method is called, the Evictor must quit using the EvictionEventCallback interface to evict any map entries. If it does use the EvictionEventcallback interface after this method is called, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Interface EvictorData
All Known Implementing Classes: EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData
public interface EvictorDataThis interface is optionally used by an implementator of the Evictor interface. Application changes applied to a BackingMap are asynchronous from the Evictor activity. The Evictor is not notified of changes to the BackingMap until after application transactions are committed. Consequently, if an Evictor decides to evict a map entry, it is possible that the BackingMap could evict an entry that was different from the original entry it was tracking. For example, consider that an application could execute a transaction that removes a map entry. Before the Evictor is notified of the remove, another transaction inserts a new entry into the BackingMap for the same key as the old entry. Consequently, the Evictor could evict the newly created entry when it meant to evict the old entry. To help close this small timing window, the Evictor can use this interface to associate evictor specific data with a map entry. The Evictor can then do the following:
- store the EvictorData object for a map entry using the EvictionEventCallback.setEvictorData(Object, EvictorData) method.
- retrieve the EvictorData object for a map entry by using the EvictionEventCallback.getEvictorData(Object) method.
- Conditionally evict a map entry if and only if the cache entry for a specified key has the exact same EvictorData object (the java == operator returns true) associated with it using the EvictionEventCallback.evictMapEntries(List) method.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 EvictionEventCallback
Nested Class Summary static class EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData
Special value class used for representing the key not being found in the BackingMap.
Field Summary static EvictorData KEY_NOT_FOUND
A special value indicating that the key was not found.
Method Summary java.lang.Object getKey()
Retrieves the key object for this EvictorData instance.
Field Detail KEY_NOT_FOUND
static final EvictorData KEY_NOT_FOUND
A special value indicating that the key was not found.
Method Detail getKey
java.lang.Object getKey()
Retrieves the key object for this EvictorData instance.
Returns: the same key object that was passed to the EvictionEventCallback.setEvictorData(Object, EvictorData) method when this EvictorData was associated with the map entry
Class EvictorData.SpecialEvictorDatajava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: EvictorData
Enclosing interface: EvictorData
public static final class EvictorData.SpecialEvictorDataextends java.lang.Object implements EvictorData Special value class used for representing the key not being found in the BackingMap.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData()
Method Summary java.lang.Object getKey()
Dummy implementation method since this class will not be called.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData
public EvictorData.SpecialEvictorData()
Method Detail getKey
public java.lang.Object getKey()
Dummy implementation method since this class will not be called.
Specified by: getKey in interface EvictorData
Class LoaderExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
Direct Known Subclasses: UnavailableServiceException
public class LoaderExceptionextends ObjectGridException This exception is the base exception for any exceptions encountered by a Loader.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary LoaderException()
Constructs a new LoaderException with null as its detail message.LoaderException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new LoaderException with the specified detail message.LoaderException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new LoaderException with the specified detail message and cause.LoaderException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new LoaderException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail LoaderException
public LoaderException()
Constructs a new LoaderException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public LoaderException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new LoaderException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public LoaderException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new LoaderException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this LoaderException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public LoaderException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new LoaderException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for LoaderExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Interface LogElement
All Superinterfaces:
public interface LogElementextends LogElements are the individual entries within a LogSequence. A LogElement has attributes such as operation type (delete, insert, update, etc.), current value, last access time, versioned value, etc. A LogElement is created during a transaction to record in-flight operations. For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin or ValueSerializerPlugin, the keys and values objects in the LogElement will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Nested Class Summary static class LogElement.Type
The Type class is used to represent a LogElement type.
Field Summary static LogElement.Type CLEAR
The Type that represents the CLEAR operation.static int CODE_CLEAR
The type code constant for CLEAR.static int CODE_DELETE
The type code constant for DELETE.static int CODE_EVICT
The type code constant for EVICT.static int CODE_FETCH
The type code constant for FETCH.static int CODE_INSERT
The type code constant for INSERT.static int CODE_TOUCH
The type code constant for TOUCH.static int CODE_UNDO_BEFORE_IMAGE_KEYWORDS
The code constant for UNDO_NOT_NEEDED.static int CODE_UPDATE
The type code constant for UPDATE.static LogElement.Type DELETE
The Type that represents the DELETE operation.static LogElement.Type EVICT
The Type that represents the EVICT operation.static LogElement.Type FETCH
The Type that represents the FETCH operation.static LogElement.Type INSERT
The Type that represents the INSERT operation.static LogElement.Type TOUCH
The Type that represents the TOUCH operation.static LogElement.Type UNDO_BEFORE_IMAGE_KEYWORDS
The Type that represents the UNDO action to remove new keyword associations that were introduced in this LogElement.static LogElement.Type UNDO_NOT_NEEDED
The Type that represents an UNDO action is NOT required for this LogElement.static LogElement.Type UPDATE
The Type that represents the UPDATE operation.
Method Summary java.lang.Object getAfterImage()
Gets the "after image" value getBeforeImage()
Gets the "before image" of the value object.CacheEntry getCacheEntry()
Returns the CacheEntry for this getCurrentValue()
Gets the value for this getKey()
Returns the key for this LogElement.long getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last access time associated with this getNewKeywords()
Returns any new keywords that have been associated with this entry as a result of this transaction.LogElement.Type getType()
Gets the type of this LogElement.LogElement.Type getUndoType()
Returns what operation must be performed to "undo" a prior change the transaction made to the map getVersionedValue()
Gets the versioned object at the time the object was first associated with the transaction.boolean isCascaded()
Answers true if this LogElement is a result of a cascade operation.boolean isPending()
Answers true if this change has NOT been applied to the loader.void setVersionedValue(java.lang.Object v)
Used to update the versioned object after an update of map entry occurs.
Field Detail CODE_INSERT
static final int CODE_INSERT
The type code constant for INSERT.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_UPDATE
The type code constant for UPDATE.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_DELETE
The type code constant for DELETE.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_EVICT
The type code constant for EVICT.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_FETCH
The type code constant for FETCH.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_TOUCH
The type code constant for TOUCH.
LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
The code constant for UNDO_BEFORE_IMAGE_KEYWORDS. Used when a rollback does not need to undo any applied BackingMap changes, but it needs to invoke the keyword manager to remove any new keyword associates for the map entry introduced in this LogElement.
static final int CODE_CLEAR
The type code constant for CLEAR.
Since: WAS XD LogElement.Type.getCode(), Constant Field Values
static final int CODE_UNDO_NOT_NEEDED
The code constant for UNDO_NOT_NEEDED. Used to indicate no operation is needed to undo the changes for this LogElement since this LogElement was never processed.
static final LogElement.Type INSERT
The Type that represents the INSERT operation.
static final LogElement.Type UPDATE
The Type that represents the UPDATE operation.
static final LogElement.Type DELETE
The Type that represents the DELETE operation.
static final LogElement.Type EVICT
The Type that represents the EVICT operation.
static final LogElement.Type FETCH
The Type that represents the FETCH operation.
static final LogElement.Type TOUCH
The Type that represents the TOUCH operation.
static final LogElement.Type CLEAR
The Type that represents the CLEAR operation.
Since: WAS XD
static final LogElement.Type UNDO_BEFORE_IMAGE_KEYWORDS
The Type that represents the UNDO action to remove new keyword associations that were introduced in this LogElement.
static final LogElement.Type UNDO_NOT_NEEDED
The Type that represents an UNDO action is NOT required for this LogElement.
Method Detail getType
LogElement.Type getType()
Gets the type of this LogElement. The type indicates what operation needs to be applied to the map entry.
Returns: the type of this LogElement.
java.lang.Object getCurrentValue()
Gets the value for this LogElement. For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a ValueSerializerPlugin, the values in the LogSequence will be SerializedValue objects. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original value object.
The original value represents the new value that should be applied to the BackingMap and Loader. This value can be cast to ValueProxyInfo when a value interface is in use in order to determine the set of dirty attributes.
Returns: the value in case of INSERT, UPDATE, or FETCH, null
CacheEntry getCacheEntry()
Returns the CacheEntry for this key. The key, current committed value, etc. can be accessed from the CacheEntry.
boolean isPending()
Answers true if this change has NOT been applied to the loader. Changes can previously be applied to a loader using the ObjectMap.flush() or Session.flush() methods. This method reveals whether the change in this LogElement has already been applied to the Loader using one of those methods.
java.lang.Object getVersionedValue()
Gets the versioned object at the time the object was first associated with the transaction. For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a or ValueSerializerPlugin, the versioned object will be returned as an XsDataInputStream, read will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object. For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a ValueSerializerPlugin that generates version objects, the version object will be the data stream representing the data.
void setVersionedValue(java.lang.Object v)
Used to update the versioned object after an update of map entry occurs. The Loader can use this method when it is using an optimistic strategy and uses the OptimisticCallback.updateVersionedObjectForValue(Object) method to get an updated version object.
java.util.Collection getNewKeywords()
Returns any new keywords that have been associated with this entry as a result of this transaction.
Returns: the list of new keywords.
long getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last access time associated with this LogElement.
Returns: last access time
LogElement.Type getUndoType()
Returns what operation must be performed to "undo" a prior change the transaction made to the map entry. Note, an undo type of UNDO_NOT_NEEDED is returned if nothing needs to be undone for this LogElement.
Returns: the "undo" type of this LogElement. It can be one of: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, UNDO_NOT_NEEDED, or UNDO_BEFORE_IMAGE_KEYWORDS
java.lang.Object getBeforeImage()
Gets the "before image" of the value object. The "before image" is the value object that existed in map entry prior to applying a change to map entry. Note, it is possible for a null reference to be returned (e.g. in the case where a new map entry is created).
For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a ValueSerializerPlugin, the value will be a SerializedValue object. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original value object.
Returns: the value prior to applying the change
java.lang.Object getAfterImage()
Gets the "after image" value object. The "after image" is the value object that existed in map entry after applying a change to the map entry. Note, it is possible for a null reference to be returned (e.g. in the case where an existing map entry is removed/evicted).
For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a ValueSerializerPlugin, the value will be a SerializedValue object. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original value object.
Returns: the value after applying the change
boolean isCascaded()
Answers true if this LogElement is a result of a cascade operation. This only applies to ObjectGrid EntityManager programming model. ObjectGrid EntityManager supports cascade operations. For example, when persisting an entity P, if P has a relation to entity C with CascadeType.PERSIST enabled, C will also be persisted as a result of the cascade operation. The method isCascaded() returns true for the LogElement object which represents C, and the method returns false for the LogElement object which represents P.
Returns: true if the LogElement object is a result of cascade operation. Since: FIX1
java.lang.Object getKey()
Returns the key for this LogElement.
For a LogElement on an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin, the value will be a SerializedKey object. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key object.
This method can be used instead of LogElement.getCacheEntry().getKey().
Returns: the key for this LogElement. Since: 7.0
Class LogElement.Typejava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Comparable
Enclosing interface: LogElement
public static class LogElement.Typeextends java.lang.Object implements java.lang.Comparable The Type class is used to represent a LogElement type.
Since: WAS XD 6.0
Method Summary int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
int getCode()
Gets the type code for this toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Method Detail getCode
public int getCode()
Gets the type code for this object.
Returns: the type code
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
Specified by: compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
Interface LogSequence
All Superinterfaces:
public interface LogSequenceextends LogSequence is the ordered list of changes performed against a given map for a given transaction. These changes are recorded as LogElement objects.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Method Summary java.util.Iterator getAllChanges()
Returns an iterator for processing all of the changes for a getChangesByKeys(java.util.Collection keys)
Returns an iterator for processing the LogElements that have the requested getChangesByTypes(java.util.Collection types)
Returns an iterator for processing the LogElements that are of the requested getMapName()
Returns the name of the map that these changes apply getObjectGridName()
Returns the name of the ObjectGrid that houses the map that these changes apply getPendingChanges()
Returns an iterator for processing all of the "pending" changes for a LogSequence (for example, pending inserts, updates, and deletes).boolean isDirty()
Returns whether this LogSequence has any LogElements that would "dirty" a Map.boolean isRollback()
Returns whether or not this LogSequence was generated to rollback a size()
Returns the total number of LogElements within this LogSequence.
Method Detail size
int size()
Returns the total number of LogElements within this LogSequence.
Returns: total number of LogElements
java.util.Iterator getPendingChanges()
Returns an iterator for processing all of the "pending" changes for a LogSequence (for example, pending inserts, updates, and deletes). This method is normally used by a Loader. A pending change is one that has not been written out to a loader yet using a flush() operation. Note, the returned iterator's remove() is not allowed to be called and will throw an exception.
java.util.Iterator getAllChanges()
Returns an iterator for processing all of the changes for a LogSequence. This method would normally be used by an Evictor and other plugins that want to know all of the changes introduced by this LogSequence. Note, the returned iterator's remove() is not allowed to be called and will throw an exception.
Returns: an Iterator for processing all of the LogElement changes
java.util.Iterator getChangesByTypes(java.util.Collection types)
Returns an iterator for processing the LogElements that are of the requested type. Each member of the input Collection should be one of the defined LogElement Types (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, FETCH, TOUCH, or EVICT). Note, the returned iterator's remove() is not allowed to be called and will throw an exception.
Parameters: types - A Collection of LogElement Types (INSERT, UPDATE, etc) Returns: Iterator for processing all LogElements that support the input Type(s) Throws: LogElement.EVICT, LogElement.FETCH, LogElement.INSERT, LogElement.TOUCH, LogElement.UPDATE, LogElement.CLEAR
java.util.Iterator getChangesByKeys(java.util.Collection keys)
Returns an iterator for processing the LogElements that have the requested keys. Note, the returned iterator's remove() is not allowed to be called and will throw an exception.
Parameters: keys - a collection of key objects Returns: an Iterator for processing all LogElements that match the input key(s)
java.lang.String getMapName()
Returns the name of the map that these changes apply to. The caller can use the return value of this method as input to the Session.getMap(String) method.
java.lang.String getObjectGridName()
Returns the name of the ObjectGrid that houses the map that these changes apply to.
Returns: The name of the ObjectGrid that this LogSequence is associated with Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
boolean isDirty()
Returns whether this LogSequence has any LogElements that would "dirty" a Map. That is, if it contains any LogElements of any type other than Fetch/Get, it is considered "dirty".
Returns: true if the LogSequence would modify a Map, if applied; false if the LogSequence would not modify a Map, if applied
boolean isRollback()
Returns whether or not this LogSequence was generated to rollback a transaction. Note, depending on when this LogSequence is used, the transaction itself might already be rolled back.
Returns: true iff this LogSequence was generated to rollback a transaction. Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
Interface LogSequenceFilter
public interface LogSequenceFilterThis interface can be used to filter a LogSequence. As an operation, such as serialization, needs to know whether a given LogElement should be included or not, this callback object will be used for the boolean check. If the given LogElement should be used in the operation, then "true" should be returned. If the given LogElement should not be used, then "false" should be returned. This interface is primarily used by the serialize method of the LogSequenceTransformer class.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Method Summary boolean accept(LogElement logElement)
Returns true if the given LogElement should be used; false if the given LogElement should not be used.
Method Detail accept
boolean accept(LogElement logElement)
Returns true if the given LogElement should be used; false if the given LogElement should not be used.
Parameters: logElement - the LogElement to be filtered Returns: true if the given LogElement should be used in the operation; false otherwise.
Interface MapEventListener
All Superinterfaces: EventListener
public interface MapEventListenerextends EventListener This callback interface is implemented by the application when it wants to receive events about a Map such as the eviction of a map entry.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 BackingMap.removeMapEventListener(EventListener), EventListener
Method Summary void entryEvicted(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
Invoked when the specified entry is evicted from the map.void preloadCompleted(java.lang.Throwable t)
Invoked when the preloading of this map has completed.
Method Detail entryEvicted
void entryEvicted(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
Invoked when the specified entry is evicted from the map. The eviction could have occurred either by an Evictor's processing or by invoking one of the invalidate methods on the ObjectMap.
For a MapEventListener in an ObjectMap configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin or ValueSerializerPlugin, the keys and values objects passed will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object.
Parameters: key - The key for the map entry that was evicted. value - The value that was in in the map entry evicted. The value object EvictionEventCallback, ObjectMap.invalidate(Object, boolean)
void preloadCompleted(java.lang.Throwable t)
Invoked when the preloading of this map has completed. This method is useful to determine when a preload operation finishes if asynchronous preloading is enabled. In addition if any error occurred during synchronous or asynchronous preload, it is reported with the invocation of this method.
Parameters: t - A Throwable object that indicates if preload completed without any Throwable occuring during the preload of the map. A null reference indicates preload completed without any Throwable objects occuring BackingMap.setPreloadMode(boolean)
Interface ObjectGridEventGroup
public interface ObjectGridEventGroupThis is a set of single method interfaces for fine grained events delivered for an ObjectGrid. Classes implementing these interfaces AND ObjectGridEventListener can receive these events. If an ObjectGridEventListener implements ANY of these interfaces that only the specific methods on the interfaces implemented will be called.
Since: WAS XD 6.1, XC10
Nested Class Summary static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardEvents
These events are fired when a shard is made a primary shard and when the shard is demoted from a primary.static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardLifecycle
These events are fired when an ObjectGrid shard is initialized and destroyed.static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.TransactionEvents
These events are called every single transaction.
Interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardLifecycle
Enclosing interface: ObjectGridEventGroup
public static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardLifecycleThese events are fired when an ObjectGrid shard is initialized and destroyed. A shard can be activated/deactivated multiple times within these two events.
Method Summary void destroy()
Called when the ObjectGrid associated with this listener is destroyed.void initialize(Session session)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized.
Method Detail initialize
void initialize(Session session)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized. A usable Session instance is passed to this listener to provide all of the necessary access to the various ObjectGrid objects.
void destroy()
Called when the ObjectGrid associated with this listener is destroyed.
This method is the opposite of the initialize method. When it is called, the listener can free up any resources it uses.
Interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardEvents
Enclosing interface: ObjectGridEventGroup
public static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardEventsThese events are fired when a shard is made a primary shard and when the shard is demoted from a primary.
Method Summary void shardActivated(ObjectGrid grid)
This is called when a shard is promoted to a primary.void shardDeactivate(ObjectGrid grid)
This is called when a primary shard is demoted to a replica.
Method Detail shardActivated
void shardActivated(ObjectGrid grid)
This is called when a shard is promoted to a primary.
Parameters: grid - This is a local reference to the shard containing the primary data.
void shardDeactivate(ObjectGrid grid)
This is called when a primary shard is demoted to a replica. This can happen is the balancer decides the primary is better placed in a different container. Replication is still active until this method returns to the caller. If any application controlled transactions are in flight then they should be stopped before returning. Once this method returns then any remaining transactions will fail.
Parameters: grid - A reference to the shard.
Interface ObjectGridEventGroup.TransactionEvents
Enclosing interface: ObjectGridEventGroup
public static interface ObjectGridEventGroup.TransactionEventsThese events are called every single transaction. These are primarily used when transaction level listening is required. This is usually for pushing changes or invalidation events to peer caches for simple scenarios.
Method Summary void transactionBegin(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled)
Signals the beginning of a Session transaction.void transactionEnd(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled, boolean committed, java.util.Collection changes)
Signals the ending of a Session transaction.
Method Detail transactionBegin
void transactionBegin(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled)
Signals the beginning of a Session transaction. A stringified version of the TxID is provided for correlating with the end of the transaction, if so desired. The type of transaction is also provided by the isWriteThroughEnabled boolean parameter.
Parameters: txid - Stringified version of the TxID isWriteThroughEnabled - boolean flag indicating whether the Session transaction was started using the Session.beginNoWriteThrough(). method. false is passed if Session.beginNoWriteThrough()
void transactionEnd(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled, boolean committed, java.util.Collection changes)
Signals the ending of a Session transaction.
A string version of the TxID is provided for correlating with the begin of the transaction, if so desired. Map changes are also reported with the collection of LogSequences passed to this method. Typical uses of this event are for customers doing custom peer invalidation or peer commit push. This event listener gives them the changes. Calls to this method are made after commit and are sequenced so that they are delivered one by one, not in parallel. The event order is the commit and rollback order.
Parameters: txid - string version of the TxID isWriteThroughEnabled - boolean flag indicating whether the Session transaction was started using the Session.beginNoWriteThrough(). method. false is passed if beginNoWriteThrough() was used. committed - a boolean flag indicating whether the transaction was committed (true) or rolled back (false) changes - a Collection of LogSequences representing the changes Session.begin(), Session.beginNoWriteThrough(), Session.commit(), Session.rollback()
Interface ObjectGridEventListener
All Superinterfaces: EventListener
public interface ObjectGridEventListenerextends EventListener This interface is used to create an implementation of an event listener for an ObjectGrid. Instances of ObjectGridEventListeners are set on the ObjectGrid interface. Any significant events are communicated to the application using the methods outlined below. When using Java 5, this callback also supports new callback annotation mechanism.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 ObjectGrid.removeEventListener(EventListener), EventListener
Method Summary void destroy()
Called when the ObjectGrid associated with this listener is destroyed.void initialize(Session session)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized.void transactionBegin(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled)
Signals the beginning of a Session transaction.void transactionEnd(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled, boolean committed, java.util.Collection changes)
Signals the ending of a Session transaction.
Method Detail initialize
void initialize(Session session)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized. A usable Session instance is passed to this listener to provide all of the necessary access to the various ObjectGrid objects.
void transactionBegin(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled)
Signals the beginning of a Session transaction. A stringified version of the TxID is provided for correlating with the end of the transaction, if so desired. The type of transaction is also provided by the isWriteThroughEnabled boolean parameter.
Parameters: txid - Stringified version of the TxID isWriteThroughEnabled - boolean flag indicating whether the Session transaction was started using the Session.beginNoWriteThrough(). method. false is passed if Session.beginNoWriteThrough()
void transactionEnd(java.lang.String txid, boolean isWriteThroughEnabled, boolean committed, java.util.Collection changes)
Signals the ending of a Session transaction.
A string version of the TxID is provided for correlating with the begin of the transaction, if so desired. Map changes are also reported with the collection of LogSequences passed to this method. Typical uses of this event are for customers doing custom peer invalidation or peer commit push. This event listener gives them the changes. Calls to this method are made after commit and are sequenced so that they are delivered one by one, not in parallel. The event order is the commit and rollback order.
For an ObjectGridEventListener receiving changes in an ObjectMap that is configured to use a KeySerializerPlugin or ValueSerializerPlugin, the keys and values objects in the LogSequences will be SerializedKey or SerializedValue objects respectively. If required, you can use the SerializedEntry.getObject() method to retrieve (possibly inflating the serialized object) the original key or value object.
Parameters: txid - string version of the TxID isWriteThroughEnabled - boolean flag indicating whether the Session transaction was started using the Session.beginNoWriteThrough(). method. false is passed if beginNoWriteThrough() was used. committed - a boolean flag indicating whether the transaction was committed (true) or rolled back (false) changes - a Collection of LogSequences representing the changes Session.begin(), Session.beginNoWriteThrough(), Session.commit(), Session.rollback()
void destroy()
Called when the ObjectGrid associated with this listener is destroyed.
This method is the opposite of the initialize method. When it is called, the listener can free up any resources it uses.
Interface ReplicationMapListener
public interface ReplicationMapListenerThis interface is used to create an implementation of an event listener for client-side maps that are in replication mode. Registered listeners receive notification callbacks for replication start and exit events and data changes.
Listener instances can be registered with a map using the ClientReplicableMap.enableClientReplication(, int[], ReplicationMapListener) method.
Since: WAS XD 6.1, XC10
Method Summary void onData(LogSequence logSequence)
This method is invoked when a data change is replicated to the client replication map.void replicationExits()
This method is invoked when replication has been disabled for this map.void replicationStarts()
This method is invoked when a snapshot mode replica has been synchronized with the client or a continuous replica has started replicating.
Method Detail replicationStarts
void replicationStarts()
This method is invoked when a snapshot mode replica has been synchronized with the client or a continuous replica has started replicating.
void onData(LogSequence logSequence)
This method is invoked when a data change is replicated to the client replication map.
Parameters: logSequence - the log sequence containing all of the data changes.
void replicationExits()
This method is invoked when replication has been disabled for this map.
Interface TransactionCallback
All Known Subinterfaces: TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit
All Known Implementing Classes: WebSphereTransactionCallback
public interface TransactionCallbackCalling methods on a Session will send corresponding events to the TransactionCallback. An ObjectGrid can have zero or one TransactionCallback. BackingMaps defined on an ObjectGrid with a TransactionCallback should have corresponding Loaders.
A TransactionCallback works with Loaders and place transaction specific objects in slots on the TxID object that Loaders can obtain. Examples are database connections, prepared statement caches, etc. The TransactionCallback should reserve slots in the TxID by calling ObjectGrid.reserveSlot(String) using the name TxID.SLOT_NAME. The TransactionCallback can then put an object at that index in the TxID. A Loader can retrieve the index used by the TransactionCallback by calling an internal method on the TransactionCallback's implementation. A reference to the configured TransactionCallback can be found using the TxID.getSession().getObjectGrid().getTransactionCallback() code sequence.
A TransactionCallback implementation that also implements the ObjectGridLifecycleListener interface will be automatically added as an EventListener on the ObjectGrid when the callback is set on the object grid.
A TransactionCallback may implement the ObjectGridPlugin interface in order to receive enhanced ObjectGrid plug-in lifecycle method calls. The plug-in is also required to correctly implement each of the bean methods related to introspection of its state (for example isInitialized(), isDestroyed(), etc).
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 ObjectGrid.addEventListener(EventListener), ObjectGrid.getTransactionCallback(), ObjectGrid.reserveSlot(String), ObjectGrid.setTransactionCallback(TransactionCallback), Session.getObjectGrid(), TxID.putSlot(int, Object), TxID.getSlot(int), TxID.getSession()
Nested Class Summary static interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit
The BeforeCommit optional mix-in interface for the TransactionCallback plug-in interface allows plug-ins to be notified at the beginning of a Session.commit().
Method Summary void begin(TxID id)
Invoked when starting a Session transaction.void commit(TxID id)
Invoked when committing a Session transaction.void initialize(ObjectGrid objectGrid)
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized.boolean isExternalTransactionActive(Session session)
Called when an application attempts to use a Session with no transaction active.void rollback(TxID id)
Invoked when rolling back a Session transaction.
Method Detail initialize
void initialize(ObjectGrid objectGrid) throws TransactionCallbackException
Invoked when an ObjectGrid is initialized. This method is called so this object can do any implementation specific intialization.
Parameters: objectGrid - A reference to the ObjectGrid. Throws:
void begin(TxID id) throws TransactionCallbackException
Invoked when starting a Session transaction. A TransactionCallback can communicate the begin processing (along with the TxID) to the appropriate BackingMap and/or Loader. The Loader may use this signal to start a corresponding transaction on the underlying connection to a database.
Parameters: id - transaction identifer (TxID) Throws: Session.beginNoWriteThrough(), TxID
void commit(TxID id) throws TransactionCallbackException
Invoked when committing a Session transaction. This method should be used to commit any underlying transaction and return any underlying connection back to the pool. The TxID is provided to determine which transaction is being committed
Parameters: id - transaction identifier (TxID) Throws: Session.commit(), TxID
void rollback(TxID id) throws TransactionCallbackException
Invoked when rolling back a Session transaction. This method should be used to roll back any underlying transaction and return any underlying connection back to the pool. The TxID is provided to determine which transaction is being committed
Parameters: id - transaction identifier (TxID) Throws: Session.rollback(), TxID
boolean isExternalTransactionActive(Session session)
Called when an application attempts to use a Session with no transaction active. The callback could return true in which case an auto Session.begin() is executed. If false is returned, an application exception is thrown indicating no transaction is active. This event is usually used when integrating with a J2EE environment such as WebSphere Application Server.
Parameters: session - the session which the application is using Returns: true if an auto begin should be done,
Interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit
All Superinterfaces: TransactionCallback
Enclosing interface: TransactionCallback
public static interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommitextends TransactionCallback The BeforeCommit optional mix-in interface for the TransactionCallback plug-in interface allows plug-ins to be notified at the beginning of a Session.commit(). Implementations can use the beforeCommit() method to validate changed data in the transaction and modify the data.
Since: 7.1.1
Nested Class Summary static interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContext
The TransactionContext identifies various information that's available to the beforeCommit() method.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Method Summary void beforeCommit(TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContext ctx)
Invoked at the beginning of a Session.commit().
Methods inherited from interface
begin, commit, initialize, isExternalTransactionActive, rollback
Method Detail beforeCommit
void beforeCommit(TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContext ctx) throws TransactionCallbackException
Invoked at the beginning of a Session.commit(). Use the TransactionContext.getLogSequences() method to retrieve the changes made by this transaction. Use the TransactionContext.getTxId().getSession() methods to access the Session. The Session can be used to access ObjectMaps and modify data in the current transaction.
Parameters: ctx - the context of the transaction. Throws: TxID
Interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContext
Enclosing interface: TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit
public static interface TransactionCallback.BeforeCommit.TransactionContextThe TransactionContext identifies various information that's available to the beforeCommit() method.
Since: 7.1.1
Method Summary java.util.Collection<LogSequence> getLogSequences()
The LogSequences that reflect the pending changes to the map.TxID getTxID()
Retrieve the TxID for the transaction.
Method Detail getTxID
TxID getTxID()
Retrieve the TxID for the transaction.
Returns: the TxID for the transaction.
java.util.Collection<LogSequence> getLogSequences()
The LogSequences that reflect the pending changes to the map.
Returns: the LogSequences.
Class TransactionCallbackExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
Direct Known Subclasses: ClientServerTransactionCallbackException, ReplicationVotedToRollbackTransactionException
public class TransactionCallbackExceptionextends ObjectGridException This exception is thrown when a method call to TransactionCallback fails.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary TransactionCallbackException()
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with null as its detail message.TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with the specified detail message.TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with the specified detail message and cause.TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail TransactionCallbackException
public TransactionCallbackException()
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this TransactionCallbackException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public TransactionCallbackException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new TransactionCallbackException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for TransactionCallbackExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Interface ValueProxyInfo
public interface ValueProxyInfoThis interface can be used by value objects to inform a BackingMap or Loader which attribute(s) have been dirtied. This mechanism allows the BackingMap and Loader to interrogate the set of changed attributes in the value object instead of just assuming the whole value object has been updated. For this to be useful, the application must only use the getter and setter methods defined for the value object's interface.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10 BackingMap.setCopyMode(CopyMode, Class), Loader#batchUpdate(TxID, LogSequence)
Method Summary void ibmClearDirtyAttributes()
Clears the list of dirty ibmGetDirtyAttributes()
Returns a list of dirty attributes based on the value interface set on the ibmGetRealValue()
Returns the real value object this proxy represents.
Method Detail ibmGetDirtyAttributes
java.util.List ibmGetDirtyAttributes()
Returns a list of dirty attributes based on the value interface set on the map. The attribute name is always starts with an upper case letter. For example, if the setter for the attribute is setPrice then 'Price' is the string returned here. The runtime uses substring(3) of the setter method name as the attribute name.
Returns: List of attribute names (Strings)
java.lang.Object ibmGetRealValue()
Returns the real value object this proxy represents. Needed internally by the BackingMap to return a separate proxy for each transaction.
Returns: actual value object.
void ibmClearDirtyAttributes()
Clears the list of dirty attributes.
This package has the class MapPermission and class AdminPermission which represents the permissions for to access the ObjectGrid maps and ObjectGrid administration respectively.
Class Summary SecurityConstants
This class contains the constants used for security configuration.
Exception Summary ObjectGridSecurityException
This exception represents a general ObjectGrid security exception.
Package Description
This package has the class MapPermission and class AdminPermission which represents the permissions for to access the ObjectGrid maps and ObjectGrid administration respectively.
MapPermission action types.
The ObjectGrid defines 5 permission actions used to authorize accesses to the maps. These permissions allow access to maps to be controlled by an administrator. Objects within the ObjectGrid use a simple naming scheme. Each Map is named using the convention of the ObjectGrid name followed by a period followed by the Map name. For example, if the object grid name is "myObjectGrid" and the map name is "myMap", then the map name used in the permission is "myobjectgrid.mymap".
Wildcards can be used on names with some restrictions. A wild card "*" can be used to replace the map name or the object grid name, but not partially. For example, "myObjectGrid.*", "*.myMap", and "*.*" are valid names, but "myObject*.*" is not valid.There are five actions with the permission object ObjectMapPermission.
- Read
This action allows get operations to be issued against a Map.- Write
This action allows put operations to be issued against a Map. It allows existing entries to be updated.- Remove
This action allows entries to be removed from the Map.- Insert
This action allows clients to add entries to a Map.- Invalidate
This action allows clients to invalidate entries from the Map. boolean containsKey(Object) boolean equals(Object) Object get(Object) Object get(Object, Serializable) List getAll(List) List getAll(List keyList, Serializable) List getAllForUpdate(List) List getAllForUpdate(List, Serializable) Object getForUpdate(Object) Object getForUpdate(Object, Serializable) write Object put(Object key, Object value) void put(Object, Object, Serializable) void putAll(Map) void putAll(Map, Serializable) void update(Object, Object) void update(Object, Object, Serializable) insert public void insert(Object, Object) void insert(Object, Object, Serializable) remove Object remove(Object) void removeAll(Collection) invalidate public void invalidate(Object, boolean) void invalidateAll(Collection, boolean) void invalidateUsingKeyword(Serializable, boolean) int setTimeToLive(int) An authroizationMechanism setting of the ObjectGrid has two possible values: JAAS and custom. Users can also use API ObjectGrid.setAuthorizationMechanism(int) to set which authorization mechanism the object grid will use.
A value "JAAS" means ObjectGrid will rely on JAAS authorization mechanism to handle the authorization. A JAAS policy file should be configured to associate permissions with a set of credentials and/or groups of credentials. We recommend that groups should be used as then new users can be added to groups without modifying the policy file.
A value "custom" means ObjectGrid will rely on custom authorization mechanism to handle the authorization. Users can set call ObjectGrid.setMapAuthorization( to set their custom authroization plug-in. Users can also configure the objectgrid.xml to achieve the same result.
AdminPermission types
An AdminPermission has two types: ADMIN and MONITOR. An AdminPermission with ADMIN name grants permissions to access all the ManagementMBean methods. An AdminPermission with MONITOR name grants permissions to access the ManagementMBean read-only methods. Therefore, ADMIN permission implies MONITOR permission.
The detailed operations granted to users with different permissions are listed in the following table. These operations correspond to the methods in the ManagementMBean interface:
operations admin monitor startServer Y N stopServer Y N forceStopServer Y N setServerTrace Y N retrieveServerStatus Y Y getMapStats Y Y getOGStats Y Y getReplicationStats Y Y The table can read like this: If the client has admin permission, it can execute "startServer" task; if the client has monitor permission, it cannot execute "startServer" task.
AgentPermission types
An AgentPermission represents permissions to the datagrid agents. The name of the permission is the full name of the ObjectGrid map, and the action is a "," delimited string of agent implementation class names or package names.
The following methods in the class AgentManager requires AgentPermission:
- AgentManager.callMapAgent(MapGridAgent, Collection)
- AgentManager.callMapAgent(MapGridAgent)
- AgentManager.callReduceAgent(ReduceGridAgent, Collection)
- AgentManager.callReduceAgent(ReduceGridAgent, Collection)
ObjectGridPermission types
An ObjectGridPermission represents permissions to an ObjectGrid. The name of the permission is the ObjectGrid name, and the action is either "query", "streamquery" or "dynamicmap".
The detailed methods which require different permissions are listed in the following table:
methods action Session.createObjectQuery(String) query EntityManager.createQuery(String) query StreamQuerySet.setDeployed(boolean) streamquery Session.getMap(String) dynamicmap
ServerMapPermission types
An ServerMapPermission represents permissions to an ObjectMap hosted in a server. The name of the permission is the full name of the ObjectGrid map name, and the action is either "replicate" or "dynamicIndex".
The detailed methods which require different ServerMapPermission are listed in the following table:
methods action ClientReplicableMap.enableClientReplication(Mode, int[], ReplicationMapListener) replicate BackingMap.createDynamicIndex(String, boolean, String, DynamicIndexCallback) dynamicIndex BackingMap.removeDynamicIndex(String) dynamicIndex SecurityConstants
SecurityConstants class contains constants used for representing the security parameters.
This package contains the interfaces for adding plug-ins to the ObjectGrid security framework and assoicated Exception classes.See:
Interface Summary Credential
This interface represents a credential used by an ObjectGrid client.CredentialGenerator
This plugin is used to get a Credential representing this client.
Exception Summary CannotGenerateCredentialException
This exception indicates a credential cannot be generated.ExpiredCredentialException
This exception indicates that the credential used for authentication is expired.InvalidCredentialException
This exception indicates that the credential used for authentication is invalid.
Package Description
This package contains the interfaces for adding plug-ins to the ObjectGrid security framework and assoicated Exception classes.
The plug-ins in this package are used for authentication and authorization. Below is a brief summary of these plug-ins.
Authentication plug-ins
A plug-in represents a client credential. It is passed from the clien to server for authentication. It could be a user password pair, a kerberos ticket, etc.
A plug-in is used to get a Credential representing this client. It is a factory for the Credential object.
Authenticator plug-in is used for an ObjectGrid client to authenticate to an ObjectGrid server.
SubjectSource plug-in is used to get a Subject instance representing the ObjectGrid client. This plug-in is used when ObjectGrid security is on. The method getSubject is called by ObjectGrid runtime when ObjectGrid.getSession() method is used to get a session. This plug-in is normally used for a local ObjectGrid and provides a mechanism to plug in application server-specific way to retrieve a Subject object from the environment.
SubjectValidation plug-in is used to validate a Subject object passed to the ObjectGrid. A typical scenario where this plug-in can be used usually have the following characteristics:
- The client has already been authenticated before it accesses ObjectGrid.
- The client's Subject object can be retrieved.
- The client is running locally on the ObjectGrid server side.
- The client passes the subject retrieved from the thread to ObjectGrid server.
- There is a mechanism (implementation of SubjectValidation) to validate the subject passed to ObjectGrid has not been tampered with after it is being retrieved.
The last bullet is usually the most difficult to satisify. This will require the support from the originator of the Subject object.
For example, when a ObjectGrid client is running in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Extended Deployment (XD) which also hosts the ObjectGrid server. The client can retrieve the runAs Subject and then pass it to the ObjectGrid instance. The ObjectGrid Server will then invoke the SubjectValidation mechanism, which uses WAS-specific APIs to validate the Subject object has not been tampered with.
Authorization plug-ins
MapAuthorization plug-in is used to check whether the user represented by the Subject object has a speicfied ObjectMapPermission. Users can implement this interface to plug in their own authorization mechanism. For example, users can plug in their authorization mechanism, which uses Tivoli Access Manager Authorization Server .
Starting from WebSphere XD 6.1, MapAuthorization has been deprecated. Users can use ObjectGridAuthorization to authorize map accesses.
AdminAuthorization plug-in can be used to authorize management operations to the principals contained in the Subject object. The permissions for the management operations are represented by AdminPermission objects.
ObjectGridAuthorization plug-in can be used to authorize ObjectGrid, ObjectMap and JavaMap accesses to the Principals represented by a Subject object. All access and operations to ObjectGrid can be authorized using this plug-in.
Other plug-ins
This interface is used by ObjectGrid servers to transform an object to a secure token and vice versa. A secure token is a byte array.For details about how to use these plug-ins, please refer to individual JavaDoc and ObjectGrid programming guide.
Package Description
This package contains the built-in implementation for the security plugins.
Class UserPasswordCredentialjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: Credential,
public class UserPasswordCredentialextends java.lang.Object implements Credential This class represents a credential containing a user ID and password.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 UserPasswordCredentialGenerator.getCredential(), Serialized Form
Constructor Summary UserPasswordCredential(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
Creates a UserPasswordCredential with the specified user name and password.
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two UserPasswordCredential objects for getPassword()
Gets the password for this getUserName()
Gets the user name for this hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the UserPasswordCredential object.void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
Sets the password for this credential.void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
Sets the user name for this toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail UserPasswordCredential
public UserPasswordCredential(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
Creates a UserPasswordCredential with the specified user name and password.
Parameters: userName - the user name for this credential password - the password for this credential Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if userName or password is null
Method Detail getUserName
public java.lang.String getUserName()
Gets the user name for this credential.
Returns: the user name argument that was passed to the constructor or the setUserName(String)
public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
Sets the user name for this credential.
Parameters: userName - the user name to set. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if userName is null
public java.lang.String getPassword()
Gets the password for this credential.
Returns: the password argument that was passed to the constructor or the setPassword(String)
public void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
Sets the password for this credential.
Parameters: password - the password to set. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if password is null
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two UserPasswordCredential objects for equality. Two UserPasswordCredential objects are equal if and only if their user names and passwords are equal.
Specified by: equals in interface Credential Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
Parameters: o - the object we are testing for equality with this object.
public int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the UserPasswordCredential object.
Specified by: hashCode in interface Credential Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
Returns: the string presentation of the UserPasswordCredential object.
Class UserPasswordCredentialGeneratorjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: CredentialGenerator
public class UserPasswordCredentialGeneratorextends java.lang.Object implements CredentialGenerator This credential generator creates UserPasswordCredential objects.
UserPasswordCredentialGenerator has a one to one relationship with UserPasswordCredential because it can only create a UserPasswordCredential representing one identity.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 UserPasswordCredential
Constructor Summary UserPasswordCredentialGenerator()
Creates a UserPasswordCredentialGenerator with no user name or password.UserPasswordCredentialGenerator(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String pwd)
Creates a UserPasswordCredentialGenerator with a specified user name and password
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks two UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects for equality.Credential getCredential()
Creates a new UserPasswordCredential object using this object's user name and getPassword()
Gets the password for this credential getUserName()
Gets the user name for this hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the UserPasswordCredentialGenerator object.void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Sets additional properties namely a user name and password.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail UserPasswordCredentialGenerator
public UserPasswordCredentialGenerator()
Creates a UserPasswordCredentialGenerator with no user name or password.
public UserPasswordCredentialGenerator(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String pwd)
Creates a UserPasswordCredentialGenerator with a specified user name and password
Parameters: user - the user name pwd - the password
Method Detail getCredential
public Credential getCredential()
Creates a new UserPasswordCredential object using this object's user name and password.
Specified by: getCredential in interface CredentialGenerator
public java.lang.String getPassword()
Gets the password for this credential generator.
Returns: the password argument that was passed to the constructor
public java.lang.String getUserName()
Gets the user name for this credential.
Returns: the user argument that was passed to the constructor of this class
public void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Sets additional properties namely a user name and password.
Specified by: setProperties in interface CredentialGenerator
Parameters: properties - a properties string with a user name and a password separated by a blank. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the format is not valid
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks two UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects for equality. Two UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects are equal if and only if their user names and passwords are equal.
Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
Parameters: obj - the object we are testing for equality with this object. Returns: true if both UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects are equivalent.
public int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the UserPasswordCredentialGenerator object.
Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
Returns: the hash code of this object
Class WSTokenCredentialjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: Credential,
public final class WSTokenCredentialextends java.lang.Object implements Credential This class represents a WebSphere Application Server security token credential. An instance of this class contains byte arrays which represent the security tokens used in the Application server. Specifically, this credential contains two tokens, a WebSphere specific authentication token and a WebSphere specific opaque authorization token.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary WSTokenCredential(byte[] at, byte[] oat)
Creates a new WebSphere token credential with the specified security tokens.
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two WSTokenCredential objects for equality.byte[] getAT()
Gets the authetication token for this credential.byte[] getOAT()
Gets the opaque authorization token for this hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the WSTokenCredential object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail WSTokenCredential
public WSTokenCredential(byte[] at, byte[] oat)
Creates a new WebSphere token credential with the specified security tokens.
Parameters: at - the authentication token oat - the opaque authorization token
Method Detail getAT
public byte[] getAT()
Gets the authetication token for this credential.
Returns: the authentication token argument that was passed to the constructor of this class
public byte[] getOAT()
Gets the opaque authorization token for this credential.
Returns: the opaque authorization token argument that was passed to the constructor of this class
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two WSTokenCredential objects for equality. Two WSTokenCredential objects are equal if and only if their authentication tokens and opaque authorization tokens are equal.
Specified by: equals in interface Credential Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
Parameters: o - the object we are testing for equality with this object.
public int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the WSTokenCredential object.
Specified by: hashCode in interface Credential Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
Class WSTokenCredentialGeneratorjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: CredentialGenerator
public class WSTokenCredentialGeneratorextends java.lang.Object implements CredentialGenerator
This class represents a credential generator when running in WebSphere Application Server.
When the getCredential() method is called, the Subject associated with the current thread is retrieved. The security information in this Subject object is converted into a WSTokenCredential. This credential object has enough information for the receiving side to rebuild the security context.
This scenario takes advantage of the fact that the ObjectGrid client has already been authenticated. Since application servers housing ObjectGrid servers are in the same security domain as the application servers housing the ObjectGrid clients, the security tokens can be propagated from the ObjectGrid client to the ObjectGrid server so there is no need to re-authenticate to the same user registry.
Users can specify whether to retrieve a runAs subject or a caller subject from the thread using the RUN_AS_SUBJECT or CALLER_SUBJECT constant.
WSTokenCredentialGenerator has a one to many relationship with WSTokenCredential because it can generate different WSTokenCredential objects based on what Subject is associated with the current thread.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Field Summary static int CALLER_SUBJECT
A constant representing the caller Subject typestatic java.lang.String CALLER_SUBJECT_STRING
A constant representing the caller Subject typestatic int RUN_AS_SUBJECT
A constant representing the runAs Subject typestatic java.lang.String RUN_AS_SUBJECT_STRING
A constant representing the runAs Subject type
Constructor Summary WSTokenCredentialGenerator()
Creates a new WSTokenCredentialGenerator with a default runAs subject type.WSTokenCredentialGenerator(int aType)
Creates a new WSTokenCredentialGenerator with the specified subject type.
Method Summary Credential getCredential()
Creates a new WSTokenCredential object using this object's using the security information from the Subject associated with the current getType()
Gets the subject type.void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Sets additional properties namely the subject type.void setType(int aType)
Sets the subject type, either RUN_AS_SUBJECT or CALLER_SUBJECT.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int RUN_AS_SUBJECT
A constant representing the runAs Subject type
public static final int CALLER_SUBJECT
A constant representing the caller Subject type
public static final java.lang.String RUN_AS_SUBJECT_STRING
A constant representing the runAs Subject type
public static final java.lang.String CALLER_SUBJECT_STRING
A constant representing the caller Subject type
Constructor Detail WSTokenCredentialGenerator
public WSTokenCredentialGenerator()
Creates a new WSTokenCredentialGenerator with a default runAs subject type.
setProperties(String), setType(int)
public WSTokenCredentialGenerator(int aType)
Creates a new WSTokenCredentialGenerator with the specified subject type. A valid subject type is either RUN_AS_SUBJECT or CALLER_SUBJECT.
Parameters: aType - either RUN_AS_SUBJECT or CALLER_SUBJECT Throws: RUN_AS_SUBJECT
Method Detail getCredential
public Credential getCredential() throws CannotGenerateCredentialException
Creates a new WSTokenCredential object using this object's using the security information from the Subject associated with the current thread.
Specified by: getCredential in interface CredentialGenerator
Returns: a new WSTokenCredential instance Throws: CannotGenerateCredentialException - if an error occurs during retrieval of the Subject's security information, see the cause WSTokenCredential
public int getType()
Gets the subject type.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the constructor or the setType(int) method, the value from the argument passed to the setProperties method, or the default value of RUN_AS_SUBJECT setProperties(String), setType(int)
public void setType(int aType)
Sets the subject type, either RUN_AS_SUBJECT or CALLER_SUBJECT.
Parameters: aType - the subject type Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified type is invalid
public void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Sets additional properties namely the subject type.
Specified by: setProperties in interface CredentialGenerator
Parameters: properties - the property should be either RUN_AS_SUBJECT_STRING or CALLER_SUBJECT_STRING Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if properties is not one of the expected RUN_AS_SUBJECT_STRING
Class CannotGenerateCredentialExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
public class CannotGenerateCredentialExceptionextends ObjectGridSecurityException This exception indicates a credential cannot be generated.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary CannotGenerateCredentialException()
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with null as its detail message.CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with the specified detail message.CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause.CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail CannotGenerateCredentialException
public CannotGenerateCredentialException()
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this CannotGenerateCredentialException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public CannotGenerateCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new CannotGenerateCredentialException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for CannotGenerateCredentialExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Interface Credential
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes: UserPasswordCredential, WSTokenCredential
public interface Credentialextends
This interface represents a credential used by an ObjectGrid client. An instance of this class represents one client indentity. This credential will be sent to the ObjectGrid server for authentication. It should be serializable.
A credential has to implement the equals(Object) and hashCode() methods. Two Credential objects are considered equal if and only if they represent the same identity and security information. For example, if the credential contains a user ID and password. Two credentials are equal if and only if both their user IDs and passwords are equal.
ObjectGrid provides three built-in implementations for this interface:
- A credential containing an SSL certificate chain.
- A credential containing a user ID and password pair.
- A credential containing WebSphere Application Server specific authentication and authorization tokens.
Refer to the respective JavaDoc for more details.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two Credential objects for hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the Credential object
Method Detail equals
boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks two Credential objects for equality. Two Credential objects are considered equal if and only if they represent the same identity and security information.
Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
Parameters: o - the object we are testing for equality with this object. Returns: true if both Credential objects are equivalent.
int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the Credential object
Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
Returns: the hash code of the Credential object
Interface CredentialGenerator
All Known Implementing Classes: UserPasswordCredentialGenerator, WSTokenCredentialGenerator
public interface CredentialGenerator
This plugin is used to get a Credential representing this client. It is a factory for the Credential object.
One example implementation is to return a Credential object containing a user ID and password pair. The implementation of the Credential generated by an implementation of this class must to be understood by the server's Authenticator plugin.
An implementation class of this interface should have a default constructor. Users can set the implementation class name (credentialGeneratorClass) in the client security configuration property file. The client runtime constructs an object of this implementation class and calls getCredential() to get the Credential to connect to an ObjectGrid cluster.
Users can also specify the addtional properties for this factory using the credentialGeneratorProps property in the client security configuration property file. These properties will be passed to this factory by calling the setProperties(String) method. This way, we can customize the CredentialGenerator factory.
Users can also set CredentialGenerator programmatically by calling ClientSecurityCinfiguration.setCredentialGenerator(CredentialGenerator) method.
For example, we can have the following settings in the client security configuration property file:
- credentialGeneratorClass=com.myco.CredGenFactory
- credentialGeneratorProps=user1 password1
A String "user1 password1" is passed to the setProperties(String) method, with the "user1" indicating the user name, and "password1" indicating the password.
ObjectGrid provides two built-in implementations for this interface:
- A credential generator generating a UserPasswordCredential containing a user ID and password pair.
- A credential generator generating a WSTokenCredential containing WebSphere Application Server specific authentication and authorization tokens.
The relationship between CredentialGenerator and Credential can be one to one relationship or one to many relationship. For example. the UserPasswordCredentialGenerator has a one to one relationship with UserPasswordCredential, but the WSTokenCredentialGenerator has a one to many relationship with WSTokenCredential because it could generate different WSTokenCredential based on what Subject is associated with the current thread.
Refer to the respective JavaDoc for more details.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 ClientSecurityConfiguration.setCredentialGenerator(CredentialGenerator), Credential, ObjectGrid.getSession(CredentialGenerator)
Method Summary Credential getCredential()
Gets a Credential which represents the client.void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Set the user defined properties to the factory.
Method Detail getCredential
Credential getCredential() throws CannotGenerateCredentialException
Gets a Credential which represents the client.
Returns: the Credential representing the client Throws: CannotGenerateCredentialException - if a failure occurs when
void setProperties(java.lang.String properties)
Set the user defined properties to the factory.
This method is used to set CredentialGenerator properties to the object. These properties can be set using the credentialGeneratorProps property in the client security configuration property file. This way, we can customize your factory.
Parameters: properties - user defined properties
Class ExpiredCredentialExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
public class ExpiredCredentialExceptionextends ObjectGridSecurityException This exception indicates that the credential used for authentication is expired.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary ExpiredCredentialException()
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with null as its detail message.ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with the specified detail message.ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause.ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ExpiredCredentialException
public ExpiredCredentialException()
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this ExpiredCredentialException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public ExpiredCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ExpiredCredentialException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for ExpiredCredentialExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Class InvalidCredentialExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
public class InvalidCredentialExceptionextends ObjectGridSecurityException This exception indicates that the credential used for authentication is invalid.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 Serialized Form
Constructor Summary InvalidCredentialException()
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with null as its detail message.InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with the specified detail message.InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause.InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail InvalidCredentialException
public InvalidCredentialException()
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this InvalidCredentialException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public InvalidCredentialException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new InvalidCredentialException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for InvalidCredentialExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
This package contains the ObjectGrid client security configurations.See:
Interface Summary ClientSecurityConfiguration
This interface represents the client side security configurations.SSLConfiguration
This interface represents an SSL Configuration.
Class Summary ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory
This class is a factory class for creating ClientSecurityConfiguration and SSLConfiguration objects.
Package Description
This package contains the ObjectGrid client security configurations.
ClientSecurityConfiguration represents the client side security configurations. User can call ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getClientSecurityConfiguration to get a ClientSecurityConfiguration instance and then use setters to set the configuration properties.
This interface represents a client side SSL Configuration. Users can call ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getSSLConfiguration to get an instance of SSLConfiguration and then use setters to set its configuration properties.
ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory is a factory to create ClientSecurityConfiguration and SSLConfiguration instances.
Interface ClientSecurityConfiguration
All Superinterfaces:
public interface ClientSecurityConfigurationextends
This interface represents the client side security configurations. User can call ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getClientSecurityConfiguration() to get a ClientSecurityConfiguration instance.
Users are not recommended to implement this interface in case more methods are added in future releases.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 ObjectGridManager.connect(String, HostPortConnectionAttributes[], ClientSecurityConfiguration, URL), ObjectGridManager.connect(String, String, String, ClientSecurityConfiguration, URL), ObjectGridManager.connect(URL, String, ClientSecurityConfiguration, URL)
Method Summary int getAuthenticationRetryCount()
Gets the authentication retry count for this client security getClientCertificateAuthentication()
Gets the client certificate authentication type for this client security getCredentialAuthenticationType()
Gets the credential authentication type for this client security configuration.CredentialGenerator getCredentialGenerator()
Gets the CredentialGenerator object for this client security getCredentialGeneratorClass()
Gets the CredentialGenerator implementation class name set in the client security property getCredentialGeneratorProps()
Gets the CredentialGenerator properties set in the client security property file.SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration()
Gets the SSLConfiguration object associated with this client security getTransportType()
Gets the transport type for this client security configuration.boolean isSecurityEnabled()
Gets whether security is enabled for this client security configuration.boolean isSingleSignOnEnabled()
Gets whether single sign on is enabled for this client security configuration.void setAuthenticationRetryCount(int authenticationRetryCount)
Sets the authentication retry count for this client security configuration.void setClientCertificateAuthentication(int clientCertAuthen)
Set the client certificate authentication type for this client security configuration.void setCredentialAuthenticationType(int credAuthen)
Sest the credential authentication type for this client security configuration.void setCredentialGenerator(CredentialGenerator generator)
Sets the CredentialGenerator object for this client security configuration.void setSecurityEnabled(boolean isSecurityEnabled)
Sets whether or not security is enabled for this client security configuration.void setSingleSignOnEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether or not single sign on is enabled for this client security configuration.void setSSLConfiguration(SSLConfiguration sslConfig)
Sets the SSLConfiguration object associated with this client security configuration.void setTransportType(int type)
Sets the transport type for this client security configuration.
Method Detail getAuthenticationRetryCount
int getAuthenticationRetryCount()
Gets the authentication retry count for this client security configuration. The authentication retry count is the number a times authentication will be reattempted if there is a failure during authentication indicating the credential is expired.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setAuthenticationRetryCount(int) method of this interface or 0 if setAuthenticationRetryCount
void setAuthenticationRetryCount(int authenticationRetryCount)
Sets the authentication retry count for this client security configuration.
Parameters: authenticationRetryCount - the authentication retry count Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if authenticationRetryCount is less than zero
int getTransportType()
Gets the transport type for this client security configuration. The return value will be one of the three transport types defined on the SecurityConstants class.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setTransportType(int) method of this interface or SecurityConstants.SSL_SUPPORTED if setTransportType SecurityConstants.TCP_IP, SecurityConstants.SSL_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.SSL_REQUIRED
int getClientCertificateAuthentication()
Gets the client certificate authentication type for this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setClientCertificateAuthentication(int) method of this interface or SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED if setClientCertificateAuthentication was not SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_NEVER, SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
boolean isSecurityEnabled()
Gets whether security is enabled for this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setSecurityEnabled(boolean) method of this interface or false if setSecurityEnabled was not
boolean isSingleSignOnEnabled()
Gets whether single sign on is enabled for this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setSingleSignOnEnabled(boolean) method of this interface or false if setSingleSignOnEnabled was not
void setClientCertificateAuthentication(int clientCertAuthen)
Set the client certificate authentication type for this client security configuration.
Parameters: clientCertAuthen - the client ceritificate authentication type Throws: SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
void setTransportType(int type)
Sets the transport type for this client security configuration.
Parameters: type - the transport type Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if type is not one of the valid SecurityConstants.SSL_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.SSL_REQUIRED
void setSecurityEnabled(boolean isSecurityEnabled)
Sets whether or not security is enabled for this client security configuration.
Parameters: isSecurityEnabled - whether or not security is enabled
void setSingleSignOnEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether or not single sign on is enabled for this client security configuration.
Parameters: enabled - whether or not single sign on is enabled
SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration()
Gets the SSLConfiguration object associated with this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setSSLConfiguration(SSLConfiguration) method of this interface or null if setSSLConfiguration was not SSLConfiguration
void setSSLConfiguration(SSLConfiguration sslConfig)
Sets the SSLConfiguration object associated with this client security configuration.
int getCredentialAuthenticationType()
Gets the credential authentication type for this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setCredentialAuthenticationType(int) method of this interface or SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED if setCredentialAuthenticationType was not SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_NEVER, SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
void setCredentialAuthenticationType(int credAuthen)
Sest the credential authentication type for this client security configuration.
Parameters: credAuthen - the credential authentication type Throws: SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED, SecurityConstants.CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
void setCredentialGenerator(CredentialGenerator generator)
Sets the CredentialGenerator object for this client security configuration.
CredentialGenerator getCredentialGenerator()
Gets the CredentialGenerator object for this client security configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setCredentialGenerator(CredentialGenerator) method of this interface or null if setCredentialGenerator was not CredentialGenerator
java.lang.String getCredentialGeneratorClass()
Gets the CredentialGenerator implementation class name set in the client security property file. If the "credentialGeneratorClass" property is not set in the security property file, a null will be returned.
Returns: the value of the "credentialGeneratorClass" from the client security property file. null is returned if no value
java.lang.String getCredentialGeneratorProps()
Gets the CredentialGenerator properties set in the client security property file. If the "credentialGeneratorProps" property is not set in the security security property file, a null will be returned.
If the "credentialGeneratorProps" property is set, but the property "credentialGeneratorClass" is not set, the "credentialGeneratorProps" property will be ignored. In this case, a null will be returned by this method.
Returns: the value of the "credentialGeneratorProps" property from the client security property file. null is returned if no value is set for this property or for the
Class ClientSecurityConfigurationFactoryjava.lang.Object
public class ClientSecurityConfigurationFactoryextends java.lang.Object This class is a factory class for creating ClientSecurityConfiguration and SSLConfiguration objects.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10 SSLConfiguration
Constructor Summary ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory()
Method Summary static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration()
Creates a new client security configuration with all its attributes set to their default values.static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration(java.util.Properties props)
Creates a new client security configuration based on a Properties object.static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration(java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a new client security configuration based on a client security property file.static SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration()
Creates a new SSL configuration with all its attributes set to their default values.static SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String jsseProvider, java.lang.String keyStoreName, java.lang.String keyStoreType, java.lang.String keyStorePassword, java.lang.String trustStoreName, java.lang.String trustStoreType, java.lang.String trustStorePassword, java.lang.String protocol)
Creates a new SSL configuration using the specified attributes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory
public ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory()
Method Detail getSSLConfiguration
public static SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration()
Creates a new SSL configuration with all its attributes set to their default values.
public static SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String jsseProvider, java.lang.String keyStoreName, java.lang.String keyStoreType, java.lang.String keyStorePassword, java.lang.String trustStoreName, java.lang.String trustStoreType, java.lang.String trustStorePassword, java.lang.String protocol)
Creates a new SSL configuration using the specified attributes.
Parameters: alias - the key alias in the key store jsseProvider - the JSSE provider keyStoreName - the key store file path name keyStoreType - format of the key store keyStorePassword - the password to the key store trustStoreName - the trust store file path name trustStoreType - the format of the trust store trustStorePassword - the password to the trust store protocol - the SSL protocol Returns: a new SSLConfiguration instance Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if keyStoreName or trustStoreName are SSLConfiguration
public static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration()
Creates a new client security configuration with all its attributes set to their default values.
public static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration(java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a new client security configuration based on a client security property file.
Parameters: fileName - a security property file name Returns: a new ClientSecurityConfiguration instance Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there are attributes in the Properties
public static ClientSecurityConfiguration getClientSecurityConfiguration(java.util.Properties props)
Creates a new client security configuration based on a Properties object.
Parameters: props - a Properties object Returns: a new ClientSecurityConfiguration instance Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there are attributes in the Properties
Interface SSLConfiguration
All Superinterfaces:
public interface SSLConfigurationextends
This interface represents an SSL Configuration. Users can call ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getSSLConfiguration() to get an instance of SSLConfiguration.
An SSL configuration contains the following properties:
- alias: the alias in the key store to represent the client
- protocol: the SSL protocol
- certReqSubjectDN: the required Subject DN in the peer certificate
- contextProvider: the JSSE context provider
- keyStore: the key store file name
- keyStoreType: the key store file format
- keyStorePassword: the password to protect the key store file
- trustStore: the trust store file name
- trustStoreType: the trust store file format
- trustStorePassword: the password to protect the trust store file
Users are not recommended to implement this interface in case more methods are added in future releases.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary boolean equals(SSLConfiguration config)
Checks two SSLConfiguration objects for getAlias()
Gets the SSL alias name for this SSL getCertReqSubjectDN()
Gets the required subject DN in the peer certificate for this SSL getContextProvider()
Gets the JSSE context provider for this SSL getKeyStore()
Gets the key store file path name for this SSL getKeyStorePassword()
Gets the password of the key store for this SSL getKeyStoreType()
Gets the type of the key store for this SSL getProtocol()
Gets the SSL protocol for this SSL getTrustStore()
Gets the trust store file path name for this SSL getTrustStorePassword()
Gets the password of the trust store for this SSL getTrustStoreType()
Gets the type of the trust store for this SSL configuration.void setAlias(java.lang.String alias)
Sets the SSL alias name for this SSL configuration.void setCertReqSubjectDN(java.lang.String subjectDN)
Sets the required subject DN in the peer certificate for this SSL configuration.void setContextProvider(java.lang.String contextProvider)
Sets the JSSE context provider for this SSL configuration.void setKeyStore(java.lang.String keyStore)
Sets the key store file path name for this SSL configuration.void setKeyStorePassword(java.lang.String keyStorePassword)
Sets the password of the key store for this SSL configuration.void setKeyStoreType(java.lang.String keyStoreType)
Sets the type of key store for this SSL configuration.void setProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Sets the SSL protocol for this SSL configuration.void setTrustStore(java.lang.String trustStore)
Sets the trust store file path name for this SSL configuration.void setTrustStorePassword(java.lang.String trustStorePassword)
Sets the password of the trust store for this SSL configuration.void setTrustStoreType(java.lang.String trustStoreType)
Sets the type of the trust store for this SSL configuration.
Method Detail getAlias
java.lang.String getAlias()
Gets the SSL alias name for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setAlias(String) method of this interface or null if
void setAlias(java.lang.String alias)
Sets the SSL alias name for this SSL configuration.
Parameters: alias - the SSL alias name
java.lang.String getProtocol()
Gets the SSL protocol for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setProtocol(String) method of this interface or null if
void setProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Sets the SSL protocol for this SSL configuration. An SSL protocol can be SSL, TLS, SSLv2, SSLv3, etc., depending on which JDK is being used.
Parameters: protocol - the SSL protocol
java.lang.String getContextProvider()
Gets the JSSE context provider for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setContextProvider(String) method of this interface or null if setContextProvider was not
void setContextProvider(java.lang.String contextProvider)
Sets the JSSE context provider for this SSL configuration. A JSSE context provider can be SunJSSE, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSE2, etc., depending on which JDK is being used.
Parameters: contextProvider - the SSL context provider
java.lang.String getKeyStore()
Gets the key store file path name for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the absolute path of the argument that was passed to the setKeyStore(String) method of this interface or null if setKeyStore was not
void setKeyStore(java.lang.String keyStore)
Sets the key store file path name for this SSL configuration. A keystore maintains the private key of an entity, as well as its corresponding public key certificates.
Parameters: keyStore - the file path name of a keystore file Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if keyStore is null setKeyStoreType(String)
java.lang.String getKeyStorePassword()
Gets the password of the key store for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setKeyStorePassword(String) method of this interface or null if setKeyStorePassword was not
void setKeyStorePassword(java.lang.String keyStorePassword)
Sets the password of the key store for this SSL configuration.
java.lang.String getKeyStoreType()
Gets the type of the key store for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setKeyStoreType(String) method of this interface or null if setKeyStoreType was not
void setKeyStoreType(java.lang.String keyStoreType)
Sets the type of key store for this SSL configuration. A key store type can be JKS, JCEK, etc.
java.lang.String getTrustStore()
Gets the trust store file path name for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the absolute path of the argument that was passed to the setTrustStore(String) method of this interface or null if setTrustStore was not
void setTrustStore(java.lang.String trustStore)
Sets the trust store file path name for this SSL configuration. A truststore contains certificates for the signers that are trusted in the environment where the truststore is used.
Parameters: trustStore - the file path name to a trust store Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if trustStore is null setTrustStoreType(String)
java.lang.String getTrustStorePassword()
Gets the password of the trust store for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setTrustStorePassword(String) method of this interface or null if setTrustStorePassword was not
void setTrustStorePassword(java.lang.String trustStorePassword)
Sets the password of the trust store for this SSL configuration.
java.lang.String getTrustStoreType()
Gets the type of the trust store for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setTrustStoreType(String) method of this interface or null if setTrustStoreType was not
void setTrustStoreType(java.lang.String trustStoreType)
Sets the type of the trust store for this SSL configuration. A trust store type can be JKS, JCEK, etc.
java.lang.String getCertReqSubjectDN()
Gets the required subject DN in the peer certificate for this SSL configuration.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setCertReqSubjectDN(String) method of this interface or null if setCertReqSubjectDN was not previously called for this object.
void setCertReqSubjectDN(java.lang.String subjectDN)
Sets the required subject DN in the peer certificate for this SSL configuration. A connection will be opened only if the peer certficate's subject DN matches this value. Otherwise, the connection will be closed.
Parameters: subjectDN - the required subject DN in the peer certificate
boolean equals(SSLConfiguration config)
Checks two SSLConfiguration objects for equality.
Parameters: config - the SSLConfiguration object we are testing for equality with this object. Returns: true if both SSLConfiguration objects are equivalent.
Class ObjectGridSecurityExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
Direct Known Subclasses: CannotGenerateCredentialException, ExpiredCredentialException, InvalidCredentialException
public class ObjectGridSecurityExceptionextends ObjectGridException This exception represents a general ObjectGrid security exception.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Constructor Summary ObjectGridSecurityException()
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with null as its detail message.ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with the specified detail message.ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with the specified detail message and cause.ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ObjectGridSecurityException
public ObjectGridSecurityException()
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this ObjectGridSecurityException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
public ObjectGridSecurityException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridSecurityException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for ObjectGridSecurityExceptions that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
Class SecurityConstantsjava.lang.Object
public class SecurityConstantsextends java.lang.Object This class contains the constants used for security configuration.
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
The access by creator only authorization is enabled to complement the ObjectGrid map authorization.static int ACCESS_BY_CREATOR_ONLY_DISABLED
The access by creator only authorization is disabled.static int ACCESS_BY_CREATOR_ONLY_SUPERSEDE
The access by creator only authorization is enabled to supersede the ObjectGrid map authorization.static int AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_CUSTOM
Constant representing custom authorizationstatic int AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_JAAS
Constant representing JAAS authorizationstatic int CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_NEVER
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is not supported.static int CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is required.static int CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is supported.static int CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_NEVER
Constant indicating credential authentication is not supported.static int CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
Constant indicating credential authentication is required.static int CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED
Constant indicating credential authentication is supported.static java.lang.String NEVER_STRING
String representation for value Never indicating an option is not supported.static java.lang.String REQUIRED_STRING
String representation for value Required indicating an option is required.static java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_CUSTOM_STRING
String representation for "custom" type of the secure token manager.static java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_DEFAULT_STRING
String representation for "default" type of the secure token manager.static java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_NONE_STRING
String representation for "none" type of the secure token manager.static int SSL_REQUIRED
Constant indicating SSL transport is required.static java.lang.String SSL_REQUIRED_STRING
String representation for value SSL-Required indicating SSL transport type is required.static int SSL_SUPPORTED
Constant indicating SSL transport is supported.static java.lang.String SSL_SUPPORTED_STRING
String representation for value SSL-Supported indicating SSL transport type is supported.static java.lang.String SUPPORTED_STRING
String representation for value Supported indicating an option is supported.static int TCP_IP
Constant indicating TCP/IP is the only supported transport.static java.lang.String TCPIP_STRING
String representation for value TCP/IP indicating a transport type of TCP/IP is used.
Constructor Summary SecurityConstants()
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_JAAS
Constant representing JAAS authorization
Constant representing custom authorization
public static final int TCP_IP
Constant indicating TCP/IP is the only supported transport. If the client's transport type is set to this value, TCP/IP is the only supported transport type. If the server requires SSL, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
public static final int SSL_SUPPORTED
Constant indicating SSL transport is supported. If the client's transport type is set to this value, the client supports both TCP/IP and SSL. SSL will be used if both sides side supports SSL. Otherwise, TCP/IP will be used.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
public static final int SSL_REQUIRED
Constant indicating SSL transport is required. If the client's transport type is set to this value, SSL is the only supported transport type. If the server requires TCP/IP, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating credential authentication is not supported. If the credential authentication type is set to this value, no credential authentication will be enforced. If the server requires credential authentication, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating credential authentication is supported. If the credential authentication type is set to this value, credential authentication will be enforced if and only if both client and server support credential authentication.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating credential authentication is required. If the credential authentication type is set to this value, credential authentication will be enforced. If the server doesn't support credential authentication, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is not supported. If the client certificate authentication type is set to this value, no client certificate authentication will be enforced. If the server doesn't support client certificate authentication, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is supported. If the client certificate authentication type is set to this value, client certificate authentication will be enforced when the following conditions are met:
- both client and server supports or requires client certificate authentication;
- the transport protocol to use is SSL;
- no credential authentication will be done.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
Constant indicating client certificate authentication is required. If the client certificate authentication type is set to this value, client certificate authentication will be enforced if the following conditions are met:
- both client and server supports or requires client certificate authentication;
- the transport protocol to use is SSL;
- no credential authentication will be done.
If the server doesn't support client certificate authentication and no credential authentication will be done, the client won't be able to connect to the server.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
public static final java.lang.String NEVER_STRING
String representation for value Never indicating an option is not supported. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration settings "clientCertificateAuthentication" and "credentialAuthentication".
public static final java.lang.String SUPPORTED_STRING
String representation for value Supported indicating an option is supported. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration settings "clientCertificateAuthentication" and "credentialAuthentication".
public static final java.lang.String REQUIRED_STRING
String representation for value Required indicating an option is required. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration settings "clientCertificateAuthentication" and "credentialAuthentication".
public static final java.lang.String TCPIP_STRING
String representation for value TCP/IP indicating a transport type of TCP/IP is used. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "transportType".
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
public static final java.lang.String SSL_SUPPORTED_STRING
String representation for value SSL-Supported indicating SSL transport type is supported. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "transportType".
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
public static final java.lang.String SSL_REQUIRED_STRING
String representation for value SSL-Required indicating SSL transport type is required. This value is used as a value to configuration settings in a Properties object or property file for client and server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "transportType".
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1 Constant Field Values
public static final java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_NONE_STRING
String representation for "none" type of the secure token manager. This value is used in a property file for server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "secureTokenManagerType".
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
public static final java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_DEFAULT_STRING
String representation for "default" type of the secure token manager. This value is used in a property file for server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "secureTokenManagerType". This value requires users to provide the secure token key store settings.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
public static final java.lang.String SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_CUSTOM_STRING
String representation for "custom" type of the secure token manager. This value is used in a property file for server security configurations. It is used for the configuration setting "secureTokenManagerType". This value requires users to provide the SecureTokenManager implementation class name using the "customSecureTokenManagerClass" configuration setting.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
public static final int ACCESS_BY_CREATOR_ONLY_DISABLED
The access by creator only authorization is disabled. The access by creator authorization ensures that only the user (represented by the Principals associated with it), who inserts the data entry into the map, can access the data. Here the access means read, update, invalidate, and remove.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3
The access by creator only authorization is enabled to complement the ObjectGrid map authorization. The access by creator authorization ensures that only the user (represented by the Principals associated with it), who inserts the data entry into the map, can access the data. Here the access means read, update, invalidate, and remove.
If this constant is used, both map authorization and access by creator only authorization will take effect. Therefore, we can further limit the operations to the data entries. For example, we can restrict the creator from invalidating the data entries.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3
public static final int ACCESS_BY_CREATOR_ONLY_SUPERSEDE
The access by creator only authorization is enabled to supersede the ObjectGrid map authorization. The access by creator authorization ensures that only the user (represented by the Principals associated with it), who inserts the data entry into the map, can access the data. Here the access means read, update, invalidate, and remove.
If this constant is used, the access by creator only authorization will supersede the map authorization; no map authorization will be done.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3
Constructor Detail SecurityConstants
public SecurityConstants()
This package contains the interfaces and a factory class for creating ObjectGrid configuration objects programatically.See:
Interface Summary BackingMapConfiguration
A BackingMapConfiguration object can be used to override BackingMap settings on the client side.ConfigProperty
ConfigProperty can be used to attach properties to a Plugin.ObjectGridConfiguration
An ObjectGridConfiguration object can be used to override ObjectGrid plugins on the client side.Plugin
This interface represents an ObjectGrid or BackingMap plugin.PluginType
Every Plugin has a PluginType.
Class Summary ConfigPropertyType
ConfigPropertyType is used to set the type of an attribute on a Plugin.ObjectGridConfigFactory
This is the configuration factory for ObjectGrid configuration entities.QueryConfig
This QueryConfig represents a schema configuration for a QueryManager.QueryMapping
A QueryMapping maps a Java class to a BackingMap and allows a map to be included in a query.QueryRelationship
A QueryRelationship represents a relationship between two BackingMap value classes.
Exception Summary ObjectGridConfigurationException
Thrown when a problem with the current configuration is found.
Package Description
This package contains the interfaces and a factory class for creating ObjectGrid configuration objects programatically. The main use of this is by the objectgrid client to override serverside configuration.
ObjectGridManagerFactory has static methods to create the configuration objects. Using these configuration objects in conjuction with ObjectGridManager methods
- setOverrideObjectGridConfigurations(Map)
- putOverrideObjectGridConfigurations(String, List)
to override client configuration, before connecting to the objectgrid server.
Interface BackingMapConfiguration
public interface BackingMapConfigurationA BackingMapConfiguration object can be used to override BackingMap settings on the client side. The and the Plugins can be overridden. Other Evictor related settings can be tweaked.
Use the method to create a BackingMapConfiguration
Since: WAS XD, XC10 MapEventListener, Plugin, ObjectGridConfigFactory
Method Summary void addPlugin(Plugin plugin)
Add a Plugin to this getEvictionTriggers()
Gets the list of eviction triggers for this getName()
Get the name of this BackingMapConfigurationint getNumberOfBuckets()
Gets the number of buckets defined for this getPlugins()
Get the Plugins that have been attached to this getTimeToLive()
Gets the "time to live" for each map entry.TTLType getTtlEvictorType()
Gets the "time to live" Evictor type for this BackingMapConfiguration.void setEvictionTriggers(java.lang.String evictionTriggers)
Sets the eviction triggers for this BackingMapConfiguration.void setNumberOfBuckets(int numBuckets)
Sets the number of buckets for this BackingMapConfiguration.void setPlugins(java.util.List pluginList)
Set the Plugins for this BackingMapConfiguration.void setTimeToLive(int seconds)
Sets "time to live" of each BackingMap entry in seconds.void setTtlEvictorType(TTLType ttlEvictorType)
Set the "time to live" Evictor type for this BackingMapConfiguration.
Method Detail getName
java.lang.String getName()
Get the name of this BackingMapConfiguration
Returns: The name of this BackingMapConfiguration
void addPlugin(Plugin plugin)
Add a Plugin to this BackingMapConfiguration. The Plugins that can be overridden on a client-side BackingMap are and
void setPlugins(java.util.List pluginList)
Set the Plugins for this BackingMapConfiguration. Any Plugins that were previously attached to this BackingMapConfiguration object will be overridden.
java.util.List getPlugins()
Get the Plugins that have been attached to this BackingMapConfiguration.
Returns: a List of Plugin objects
int getNumberOfBuckets()
Gets the number of buckets defined for this BackingMapConfiguration.
Returns: the number of buckets defined
void setNumberOfBuckets(int numBuckets)
Sets the number of buckets for this BackingMapConfiguration. This will be used by the BackingMap. The BackingMap implementation uses a hash map for its implementation. If there are a lot of entries in the BackingMap then more buckets means better performance because the risk of collisions is lower as the number of buckets grows. More buckets also means more concurrency.
int getTimeToLive()
Gets the "time to live" for each map entry. The value is in seconds.
Returns: the "time to live" in seconds
void setTimeToLive(int seconds)
Sets "time to live" of each BackingMap entry in seconds. If this method is not called, the lifetime of an entry is forever (or until the application explicitly removes or invalidates the entry, or a user defined Evictor evicts the entry).
Parameters: seconds -
TTLType getTtlEvictorType()
Gets the "time to live" Evictor type for this BackingMapConfiguration. If setTtlEvictorType was not called, this method will return null and the BackingMap based off this BackingMapConfiguration will use TTLType.NONE
void setTtlEvictorType(TTLType ttlEvictorType)
Set the "time to live" Evictor type for this BackingMapConfiguration. This is used to determine how expiration time of a BackingMap entry is computed. If this method is not called, TTLType.NONE is used to indicate the map entry has no expiration time (e.g. is allowed to live until explicitly removed or invalidated by the application, or evicted by a user defined Evictor).
java.lang.String getEvictionTriggers()
Gets the list of eviction triggers for this BackingMapConfiguration. See BackingMap for a list of valid eviction triggers.
Returns: a semicolon separated list of eviction triggers or null if setEvictionTriggers(String) was not called Since: WAS XD
void setEvictionTriggers(java.lang.String evictionTriggers)
Sets the eviction triggers for this BackingMapConfiguration. All evictors will use the eviction supplied triggers. See BackingMap for a list of valid eviction triggers.
Parameters: evictionTriggers - a semicolon separated list of eviction triggers Since: WAS XD
Interface ConfigProperty
All Superinterfaces:
public interface ConfigPropertyextends
ConfigProperty can be used to attach properties to a Plugin. A ConfigProperty has the following attributes:
- name: the property name
- value: the property value
- configPropertyType: the configuration property type
This ConfigProperty can be used to set the properties of a plugin. The name of the property should follow JaveBean convention. That is, for every property, there should be a corresponding set method in the plugin class.
Users can use, String, String) to create a ConfigProperty object.
ConfigProperty evictorNameProp = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createConfigProperty(ConfigProperty.STRING_JAVA_LANG, "evictorName", "evictor1"); This creates a property "evictorName" with value "evictor1", and the type is java.lang.String. Use the method to attach a ConfigProperty to a Plugin. When the Plugin is created, each ConfigProperty will have its corresponding set method called.
Continuing with the example above, attach the ConfigProperty to an Evictor Plugin. evictorPlugin.addConfigProperty(evictorNameProp);
When this Evictor Plugin is created, the setEvictorName(String) method will be called with the value "evictor1".
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Method Summary ConfigPropertyType getConfigPropertyType()
Get the ConfigPropertyType of this getName()
Get the name of this getValue()
Get the value that is assigned to this ConfigProperty.void setConfigPropertyType(ConfigPropertyType configPropType)
Set the ConfigPropertyType for this object.void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name of this object.void setValue(java.lang.String value)
Set the value of this ConfigProperty.
Method Detail setConfigPropertyType
void setConfigPropertyType(ConfigPropertyType configPropType)
Set the ConfigPropertyType for this object. The Java primitives, their java.lang counterparts, and java.lang.String are the supported ConfigPropertyTypes.
ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.CHAR_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.LONG_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.LONG_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.STRING_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType getConfigPropertyType()
Get the ConfigPropertyType of this object.
Returns: the ConfigPropertyType for this object
void setValue(java.lang.String value)
Set the value of this ConfigProperty. This String value will be converted to the proper type, based on ConfigPropertyType assigned to this ConfigProperty
Parameters: value - - will be converted to type and passed to the setter on the plugin
java.lang.String getValue()
Get the value that is assigned to this ConfigProperty. This is the value that will be passed to the set method on the plugin.
Returns: Returns the value.
void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name of this object. The Plugin that this ConfigProperty is attached to should have a setter that corresponds to this name. For example, if "size" is passed in as the name, then the Plugin must have a "setSize" method.
Parameters: name - - name of the property
java.lang.String getName()
Get the name of this object. The name must have a corresponding set method on the Plugin.
Returns: Returns the name.
Class ConfigPropertyTypejava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public final class ConfigPropertyTypeextends java.lang.Object implements ConfigPropertyType is used to set the type of an attribute on a Plugin. The Java primitives, their java.lang counterparts, and java.lang.String are the supported types.
Since: WAS XD, XC10 Plugin.setPluginType(PluginType), Serialized Form
Field Summary static ConfigPropertyType BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Boolean on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType BOOLEAN_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_PRIM can be used to set a property of type boolean on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType BYTE_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Byte on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType BYTE_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_PRIM can be used to set a property of type byte on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType CHAR_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.CHAR_PRIM can be used to set a property of type char on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Character on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Double on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType DOUBLE_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_PRIM can be used to set a property of type double on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType FLOAT_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Float on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType FLOAT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type float on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType INT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type int on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType INTEGER_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.INTEGER_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Integer on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType LONG_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.LONG_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Long on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType LONG_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.LONG_PRIM can be used to set a property of type long on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType SHORT_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Short on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType SHORT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type short on a plugin.static ConfigPropertyType STRING_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.STRING_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.String on a plugin.
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
int hashCode()
java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final ConfigPropertyType INTEGER_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.INTEGER_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Integer on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType INT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type int on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Boolean on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType BOOLEAN_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_PRIM can be used to set a property of type boolean on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Character on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType CHAR_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.CHAR_PRIM can be used to set a property of type char on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType BYTE_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Byte on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType BYTE_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_PRIM can be used to set a property of type byte on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType SHORT_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Short on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType SHORT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type short on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType LONG_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.LONG_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Long on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType LONG_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.LONG_PRIM can be used to set a property of type long on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType FLOAT_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Float on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType FLOAT_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_PRIM can be used to set a property of type float on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.Double on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType DOUBLE_PRIM
ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_PRIM can be used to set a property of type double on a plugin.
public static final ConfigPropertyType STRING_JAVA_LANG
ConfigPropertyType.STRING_JAVA_LANG can be used to set a property of type java.lang.String on a plugin.
Method Detail equals
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
public int hashCode()
Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
Class ObjectGridConfigFactoryjava.lang.Object
public final class ObjectGridConfigFactoryextends java.lang.Object
This is the configuration factory for ObjectGrid configuration entities. Users are expected to use static methods of this factory to create ObjectGrid configuration objects.
Here is a list of static methods used to create configuration objects:
- createObjectGridConfiguration(String): create an ObjectGridConfiguration object
- createBackingMapConfiguration(String): create a BackingMapConfiguration object by passing a backing map name
- createConfigProperty(ConfigPropertyType, String, String): create a ConfigProperty object
- createPlugin(PluginType, String): create a Plugin object
Below is an example of creating an ObjectGrid configuration. A Plugin is added to the ObjectGridConfiguration object: plugin.
A BackingMapConfiguration called "myBackingMap" is then created and added to the ObjectGridConfiguration. This BackingMapConfiguration also has an Evictor Plugin configured.
Once the ObjectGridConfiguration object has been created, it can be used to call either of these methods
-, List)
to set configuration objects, prior to connecting.
// Create an ObjectGridConfiguration object ObjectGridConfiguration ogConfig = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createObjectGridConfiguration(ogName); // create ObjectGridEventListener plugin Plugin eventListener = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createPlugin(PluginType.OBJECTGRID_EVENT_LISTENER,""); // Add plugin to ObjectGridConfiguration object ogConfig.addPlugin(eventListener); // Create a BackingMapConfiguration object BackingMapConfiguration bmConfig = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createBackingMapConfiguration("mybackingMap"); // Add BackingMapConfiguration object to ObjectGridConfiguration object ogConfig.addBackingMapConfiguration(bmConfig); // Set the number of buckets to 1000 bmConfig.setNumberOfBuckets(1000); // Create a Evictor plugin for this backing map. Plugin evictor = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createPlugin( BackingMapConfiguration.PLUGIN_EVICTOR, com.acme.myEvictorImpl.class.getName()); // add Evictor Plugin to the BackingMapConfiguration bmConfig.addPlugin(evictor); // Create a ConfigProperty for the Evictor plugin ConfigProperty sizeProperty = ObjectGridConfigFactory.createConfigProperty( ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM, "size", "153"); // Add the ConfigProperty to the Evictor plugin evictor.setConfigProperty(sizeProperty);
Since: WAS XD, XC10 BackingMapConfiguration, Plugin, ConfigProperty
Constructor Summary ObjectGridConfigFactory()
Method Summary static BackingMapConfiguration createBackingMapConfiguration(java.lang.String backingMapConfigName)
Create a BackingMapConfiguration objectstatic ConfigProperty createConfigProperty(ConfigPropertyType configPropType, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
Create a ConfigPropety object for use on a Plugin.static ObjectGridConfiguration createObjectGridConfiguration(java.lang.String objectGridConfigName)
Create an ObjectGridConfiguration object.static Plugin createOSGiServicePlugin(PluginType pluginType, java.lang.String osgiServiceName)
Create an OSGi Service Plugin for a BackingMapConfiguration or an ObjectGridConfigurationstatic Plugin createPlugin(PluginType pluginType, java.lang.String className)
Create a Plugin for a BackingMapConfiguration or an ObjectGridConfiguration
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ObjectGridConfigFactory
public ObjectGridConfigFactory()
Method Detail createPlugin
public static Plugin createPlugin(PluginType pluginType, java.lang.String className)
Create a Plugin for a BackingMapConfiguration or an ObjectGridConfiguration
Parameters: pluginType - the PluginType. className - of the Plugin implementation class to instantiate PluginType.TRANSACTION_CALLBACK, PluginType.COLLISION_ARBITER, PluginType.EVICTOR, PluginType.MAP_EVENT_LISTENER, PluginType.OBJECTGRID_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER, PluginType.MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER
public static ObjectGridConfiguration createObjectGridConfiguration(java.lang.String objectGridConfigName)
Create an ObjectGridConfiguration object.
Parameters: objectGridConfigName - the name that will be assigned to this ObjectGridConfiguration object Returns: the ObjectGridConfiguration object
public static BackingMapConfiguration createBackingMapConfiguration(java.lang.String backingMapConfigName)
Create a BackingMapConfiguration object
Parameters: backingMapConfigName - the name to assign to this BackingMapConfiguration Returns: the BackingMapConfiguration object
public static ConfigProperty createConfigProperty(ConfigPropertyType configPropType, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
Create a ConfigPropety object for use on a Plugin. The Plugin should have a set method that corresponds to the name of this ConfigProperty. The method must accept a parameter of the ConfigPropertyType specified on this ConfigProperty. For example, if the name of this ConfigProperty is set to "size", and the type is ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM, then the Plugin must have the method setSize(int). The value of the ConfigProperty will be passed to the setter of the Plugin when an ObjectGrid is created based on this configuration.
Parameters: configPropType - ConfigPropertyType of the ConfigProperty. Part of the set method's signature, the type of parameter the set method requires. Valid name - of the ConfigProperty. It must correspond to the name of a set method on the Plugin. value - of the ConfigProperty. This value will be passed to the set method on the Plugin. ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.BOOLEAN_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.BYTE_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.CHARACTER_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.CHAR_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.DOUBLE_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.FLOAT_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.INTEGER_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.INT_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.LONG_JAVA_LANG, ConfigPropertyType.LONG_PRIM, ConfigPropertyType.SHORT_JAVA_LANG
public static Plugin createOSGiServicePlugin(PluginType pluginType, java.lang.String osgiServiceName)
Create an OSGi Service Plugin for a BackingMapConfiguration or an ObjectGridConfiguration
Parameters: pluginType - the PluginType. osgiServiceName - the OSGi service name Returns: a Plugin instance Since: 7.1.1 PluginType.TRANSACTION_CALLBACK, PluginType.COLLISION_ARBITER, PluginType.EVICTOR, PluginType.MAP_EVENT_LISTENER, PluginType.OBJECTGRID_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER, PluginType.MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER
Interface ObjectGridConfiguration
public interface ObjectGridConfigurationAn ObjectGridConfiguration object can be used to override ObjectGrid plugins on the client side. The and the Plugins can be overridden.
Since: WAS XD, XC10" >TransactionCallback TransactionCallback
Method Summary void addBackingMapConfiguration(BackingMapConfiguration backingMapConfiguration)
Add a BackingMapConfiguration to this ObjectGridConfiguration.void addPlugin(Plugin plugin)
Add a Plugin to this getBackingMapConfigurations()
Get the List of BackingMapConfiguration objects that are attached to this ObjectGridConfiguration objectjava.lang.String getName()
Get the name of this ObjectGridConfigurationjava.util.List getPlugins()
Get the Plugins that have been attached to this getTxIsolation()
Retrieves the default transaction isolation getTxTimeout()
Gets the transaction timeout.void setBackingMapConfigurations(java.util.List backingMapConfigList)
Set the BackingMapConfiguration objects for this ObjectGridConfiguration.void setPlugins(java.util.List pluginList)
Set the Plugins for this ObjectGridConfiguration.void setTxIsolation(int level)
Sets the default transaction isolation level for all sessions created by the ObjectGrid.void setTxTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the transaction timeout
Method Detail getName
java.lang.String getName()
Get the name of this ObjectGridConfiguration
Returns: the name of this ObjectGridConfiguration
void addBackingMapConfiguration(BackingMapConfiguration backingMapConfiguration)
Add a BackingMapConfiguration to this ObjectGridConfiguration.
Parameters: backingMapConfiguration -
void setBackingMapConfigurations(java.util.List backingMapConfigList)
Set the BackingMapConfiguration objects for this ObjectGridConfiguration. Any BackingMapConfiguration objects that were previously attached to this ObjectGridConfiguration object will be overridden.
java.util.List getBackingMapConfigurations()
Get the List of BackingMapConfiguration objects that are attached to this ObjectGridConfiguration object
void addPlugin(Plugin plugin)
Add a Plugin to this ObjectGridConfiguration. The Plugins that can be overridden on a client-side ObjectGrid are and
void setPlugins(java.util.List pluginList)
Set the Plugins for this ObjectGridConfiguration. Any Plugins that were previously attached to this ObjectGridConfiguration object will be overridden.
java.util.List getPlugins()
Get the Plugins that have been attached to this ObjectGridConfiguration.
void setTxTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the transaction timeout
Parameters: seconds - Since:
int getTxTimeout()
Gets the transaction timeout. The value is in seconds.
Returns: the transaction timeout in seconds Since:
void setTxIsolation(int level)
Sets the default transaction isolation level for all sessions created by the ObjectGrid. The constants defined in the Session interface are the possible transaction isolation levels. The default is Session.TRANSACTION_REPEAtable_READ.
Parameters: level - one of the following Session constants: Session.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Session.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED or Session.TRANSACTION_REPEAtable_READ or 0 if the TransactionIsolation should not be set. Since: 7.1.1
int getTxIsolation()
Retrieves the default transaction isolation level.
Returns: the current transaction isolation level. Since: 7.1.1
Class ObjectGridConfigurationExceptionjava.lang.Object ava.lang.Throwable ava.lang.Exception
All Implemented Interfaces: IObjectGridException,
public class ObjectGridConfigurationExceptionextends ObjectGridException Thrown when a problem with the current configuration is found. This exception may be thrown when the configuration specified in the deployment policy, ObjectGrid descriptor or security descriptor is incorrect.
Since: 7.0, XC10
Constructor Summary ObjectGridConfigurationException()
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with null as its detail message.ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with the specified detail message.ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with the specified detail message and cause.ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with a specified cause.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
getCause, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail ObjectGridConfigurationException
public ObjectGridConfigurationException()
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with null as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
public ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to the initCause method.
Parameters: message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later Throwable.getMessage()
public ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with a specified cause. The cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) is used (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). This constructor is useful for ObjectGridConfigurationException that are little more than wrappers for other throwables.
Parameters: cause - is the exception that caused this exception to be thrown, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value is permitted and indicates that the cause
public ObjectGridConfigurationException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ObjectGridConfigurationException with the specified detail message and cause. Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this ObjectGridConfigurationException's detail message.
Parameters: message - the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the getMessage method). cause - the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause method). (Anull value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or Throwable.getMessage()
Interface Plugin
All Superinterfaces:
public interface Pluginextends
This interface represents an ObjectGrid or BackingMap plugin. An ObjectGridConfiguration object supports the following Plugins:
A BackingMapConfiguration object supports the following Plugins:
- PluginType#EVICTOR
A Plugin object has following attributes:
- pluginType: the support PluginTypes are listed above
- className: the plugin implementation class name. This class name will be used to construct the class object. A default constructor must be implemented.
- configProperties: the JavaBean properties for this plugin implementation object.
A plugin object can be created by using ObjectGridConfigFactory.createPlugin(PluginType, String) method. Please refer to ObjectGridConfigFactory for detailed example.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Method Summary void addConfigProperty(ConfigProperty configProp)
Add a ConfigProperty to this getClassName()
Get the String representation of the class name of this Pluginjava.util.List getConfigProperties()
Get the ConfigProperty objects that have been set on this getOSGiService()
Get the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin.PluginType getPluginType()
Get the PluginType for this Plugin.void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
The class name that is set must be an implementor of the PluginTypeImpl for this Plugin.void setConfigProperties(java.util.List configPropList)
Set the ConfigProperties for this objectvoid setOSGiService(java.lang.String osgiService)
Set the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin.void setPluginType(PluginType pluginType)
Set the PluginType for this Plugin.
Method Detail addConfigProperty
void addConfigProperty(ConfigProperty configProp)
Add a ConfigProperty to this object.
Parameters: configProp - - ConfigProperty to add to this object
void setConfigProperties(java.util.List configPropList)
Set the ConfigProperties for this object
Parameters: configPropList -
java.util.List getConfigProperties()
Get the ConfigProperty objects that have been set on this object.
PluginType getPluginType()
Get the PluginType for this Plugin.
Returns: the PluginType for this Plugin
void setPluginType(PluginType pluginType)
Set the PluginType for this Plugin. The ObjectGridConfiguration plugins include
The BackingMapConfiguration plugins include
- PluginType.EVICTOR
Parameters: pluginType -
java.lang.String getClassName()
Get the String representation of the class name of this Plugin
Returns: the String representation of the class name
void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
The class name that is set must be an implementor of the PluginTypeImpl for this Plugin. For example, if the type of this Plugin is PluginType.EVICTOR, then the className must be an implementor of the interface.
Parameters: className - - the class name of the Class that implements the PluginType
java.lang.String getOSGiService()
Get the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin. If an OSGi service name is configured for this Plugin, the className configured for this Plugin is ignored.
Returns: the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin. Since: 7.1.1
void setOSGiService(java.lang.String osgiService)
Set the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin. If an OSGi service name is configured for this Plugin, the className configured for this Plugin is ignored.
Parameters: osgiService - the OSGi service name configured for this Plugin. Since: 7.1.1
Interface PluginType
All Superinterfaces:
public interface PluginTypeextends Every Plugin has a PluginType. The PluginType is specified during Plugin creation.
ObjectGridConfiguration objects support the following PluginTypes for overriding client-side ObjectGrid plugins:
BackingMapConfiguration objects support the following PluginTypes for overriding client-side BackingMap plugins:
- PluginType.EVICTOR
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Field Summary static PluginType COLLISION_ARBITER
PluginType.COLLISION_ARBITER can be used to attach a CollisionArbiter plugin to an ObjectGrid.static PluginType EVICTOR
PluginType.EVICTOR can be used to attach an Evictor to a BackingMap.static PluginType MAP_EVENT_LISTENER
PluginType.MAP_EVENT_LISTENER can be used to attach a MapEventListener to a BackingMap.static PluginType MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER
PluginType.MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER can be used to attach a BackingMapLifecycleListener plugin to an BackingMapstatic MAP_SERIALIZER_PLUGIN
PluginType.MAP_SERIALIZER_PLUGIN can be used to attach a MapSerializerPlugin to a BackingMap to serialize keys.static PluginType OBJECTGRID_EVENT_LISTENER
PluginType.OBJECTGRID_EVENT_LISTENER can be used to attach an ObjectGridEventListener plugin to an ObjectGridstatic PluginType OBJECTGRID_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER
PluginType.OBJECTGRID_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER can be used to attach an ObjectGridLifecycleListener plugin to an ObjectGridstatic PluginType TRANSACTION_CALLBACK
PluginType.TRANSACTION_CALLBACK can be used to attach a TransactionCallback plugin to an ObjectGrid.
PluginType.OBJECTGRID_EVENT_LISTENER can be used to attach an ObjectGridEventListener plugin to an ObjectGrid
static final PluginType TRANSACTION_CALLBACK
PluginType.TRANSACTION_CALLBACK can be used to attach a TransactionCallback plugin to an ObjectGrid.
static final PluginType COLLISION_ARBITER
PluginType.COLLISION_ARBITER can be used to attach a CollisionArbiter plugin to an ObjectGrid.
PluginType.OBJECTGRID_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER can be used to attach an ObjectGridLifecycleListener plugin to an ObjectGrid
Since: 7.1.1
static final PluginType EVICTOR
PluginType.EVICTOR can be used to attach an Evictor to a BackingMap.
static final PluginType MAP_EVENT_LISTENER
PluginType.MAP_EVENT_LISTENER can be used to attach a MapEventListener to a BackingMap.
PluginType.MAP_SERIALIZER_PLUGIN can be used to attach a MapSerializerPlugin to a BackingMap to serialize keys.
Since: 7.1.1
static final PluginType MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER
PluginType.MAP_LIFECYCLE_LISTENER can be used to attach a BackingMapLifecycleListener plugin to an BackingMap
Since: 7.1.1
Class QueryConfigjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class QueryConfigextends java.lang.Object implements This QueryConfig represents a schema configuration for a QueryManager. A QueryConfig object contains a set of QueryMapping objects and a set of QueryRelationship objects.
Users use addQuerySchema method to add a QueryMapping object and use addRelationship method to add a QueryRelationship object into this QueryConfig object.
Since: WAS XD 6.1, XC10 QueryMapping, QueryRelationship, Serialized Form
Constructor Summary QueryConfig()
Default constructor.
Method Summary void addQueryMapping(QueryMapping mapping)
Add a QueryMapping to this QueryConfigvoid addQueryRelationship(QueryRelationship relation)
Add a QueryRelationship to this QueryConfigQueryMapping[] getQueryMappings()
Retrieve all added QueryMappingsQueryRelationship[] getQueryRelationships()
Retrieve all added QueryRelationships
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail QueryConfig
public QueryConfig()
Default constructor.
Method Detail addQueryMapping
public void addQueryMapping(QueryMapping mapping)
Add a QueryMapping to this QueryConfig
Parameters: mapping - the QueryMapping to add.
public void addQueryRelationship(QueryRelationship relation)
Add a QueryRelationship to this QueryConfig
Parameters: relation - the QueryRelationship to add.
public QueryMapping[] getQueryMappings()
Retrieve all added QueryMappings
Returns: array of QueryMapping
public QueryRelationship[] getQueryRelationships()
Retrieve all added QueryRelationships
Returns: array of QueryRelationship
Class QueryMappingjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class QueryMappingextends java.lang.Object implements A QueryMapping maps a Java class to a BackingMap and allows a map to be included in a query. It also indicates whether the query engine should use a getter method or direct field access to access fields in the value class.
For example, class Department is the value class that is stored in the "DepartmentMap" BackingMap and the key is an Integer.
public class Department { private int id; private Collection emps; public void setEmps(Collection emps) { this.emps = emps; } public Collection getEmps() { return emps; } ... }The QueryMapping would be created as follows:... QueryConfig queryConfig = new QueryConfig(); queryConfig.addMapping(new QueryMapping( "DepartmentMap", Department.class.getName(), "id", QueryMapping.PROPERTY_ACCESS) objectGrid.setQueryConfig(queryConfig); ...
Since: WAS XD 6.1, XC10
Field Summary static int FIELD_ACCESS
This constant indicates to use direct field access to read the field valuesstatic int PROPERTY_ACCESS
This constant indicates to use JavaBean property-style get methods to read the field values from the Java object stored in the BackingMap.
Constructor Summary QueryMapping()
Default constructor.QueryMapping(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String valueClass, java.lang.String primaryKeyField)
Constructor for creating a basic QueryMapping instance wiht a default access type of PROPERTY_ACCESS.QueryMapping(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String valueClass, java.lang.String primaryKeyField, int accessType)
Constructor for creating a QueryMapping instance.
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
int getAccessType()
Retrieve the method in which the query engine will access the value class object stored in the getMapName()
Retrieve the BackingMap name associated with this getPrimaryKeyField()
Retrieve the name of the attribute in the value class object that is also the primary key of the getValueClass()
Retrieve the type of object that is stored in the hashCode()
void setAccessType(int accessType)
Set the method in which the query engine will access the value class object stored in the BackingMap.void setMapName(java.lang.String mapName)
Set the BackingMap name associated with this mapping.void setPrimaryKeyField(java.lang.String primaryKeyField)
Set the name of the attribute in the value class object that is also the primary key of the BackingMap.void setValueClass(java.lang.String valueClass)
Set the type of object that is stored in the toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final int FIELD_ACCESS
This constant indicates to use direct field access to read the field values
getAccessType(), Constant Field Values
public static final int PROPERTY_ACCESS
This constant indicates to use JavaBean property-style get methods to read the field values from the Java object stored in the BackingMap. PROPERTY_ACCESS is the default.
getAccessType(), Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail QueryMapping
public QueryMapping()
Default constructor.
public QueryMapping(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String valueClass, java.lang.String primaryKeyField)
Constructor for creating a basic QueryMapping instance wiht a default access type of PROPERTY_ACCESS. The mapName and valueClass must not be null.
Parameters: mapName - the name of the BackingMap to map valueClass - the class of object stored in the BackingMap's value. primaryKeyField - the optional name of the primary key field of the class.
public QueryMapping(java.lang.String mapName, java.lang.String valueClass, java.lang.String primaryKeyField, int accessType)
Constructor for creating a QueryMapping instance. The mapName and valueClass must not be null.
Parameters: mapName - the name of the BackingMap to map valueClass - the class of object stored in the BackingMap's value. primaryKeyField - the optional name of the primary key field of the class. accessType - the method (PROPERTY_ACCESS or FIELD_ACCESS) in which the query engine will access the persistent data in the value object.
Method Detail getMapName
public java.lang.String getMapName()
Retrieve the BackingMap name associated with this mapping.
Returns: the BackingMap name.
public void setMapName(java.lang.String mapName)
Set the BackingMap name associated with this mapping.
public java.lang.String getValueClass()
Retrieve the type of object that is stored in the BackingMap.
Returns: the object type that is stored in the BackingMap's value.
public void setValueClass(java.lang.String valueClass)
Set the type of object that is stored in the BackingMap.
public int getAccessType()
Retrieve the method in which the query engine will access the value class object stored in the BackingMap.
public void setAccessType(int accessType)
Set the method in which the query engine will access the value class object stored in the BackingMap.
public java.lang.String getPrimaryKeyField()
Retrieve the name of the attribute in the value class object that is also the primary key of the BackingMap. This value is optional.
Returns: the primaryKeyField.
public void setPrimaryKeyField(java.lang.String primaryKeyField)
Set the name of the attribute in the value class object that is also the primary key of the BackingMap.
Parameters: primaryKeyField - the name of the primary key attribute or null if not set.
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
public int hashCode()
Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
Class QueryRelationshipjava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class QueryRelationshipextends java.lang.Object implements A QueryRelationship represents a relationship between two BackingMap value classes. A BackingMap must have one class type defined in the value part of the map. A relationship can be established between two maps by mapping the source and target map's value classes.
The cardinality of the relationship is automatically determined by the type of the attribute field.
A relationship requires two classes, a relationship field, and optionally an inverse realtionship field.
For example: Two entities; Department and Employee, have the following bi-directional relationship:
- One department has many employees. the collection field in the Department class is "emps"
- An employee belongs to one department
public class Department { private int id; private Collection emps; public void setEmps(Collection emps) { this.emps = emps; } public Collection getEmps() { return emps; } ... } public class Employee { private int id; private Department dept; public void setDept(Department dept) { this.dept = dept; } public Department getDept() { return dept; } }Use the following method call to establish this bi-directional relationship.
queryConfig.addRelationship(new QueryRelationship( Department.class.getName(), Employee.class.getName(), "emps", "dept"));
Since: WAS XD 6.1, XC10
Constructor Summary QueryRelationship(java.lang.String sourceClass, java.lang.String targetClass, java.lang.String relationshipField, java.lang.String invRelationshipField)
Constructor for creating a QueryRelationship instance.
Method Summary boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
java.lang.String getInvRelationshipField()
Retrieve the inverse relationship attribute name of a bi-directional getRelationshipField()
Retrieve the name of the attribute in the source class that references the key of the target getSourceClass()
Retrieve the name of the class representing the source of a getTargetClass()
Retrieve the name of the class representing the target of a hashCode()
void setInvRelationshipField(java.lang.String invRelationshipField)
Set the inverse relationship attribute name of a bi-directional relationship.void setRelationshipField(java.lang.String relationshipField)
Set the name of the attribute in the source class that references the key of the target class.void setSourceClass(java.lang.String sourceClass)
Set the name of the class representing the source of a relationship.void setTargetClass(java.lang.String targetClass)
Set the name of the class representing the target of a toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail QueryRelationship
public QueryRelationship(java.lang.String sourceClass, java.lang.String targetClass, java.lang.String relationshipField, java.lang.String invRelationshipField)
Constructor for creating a QueryRelationship instance. The sourceClass, targetClass, and relationshipField must not be null.
Parameters: sourceClass - the source class of the relationship targetClass - the target class of the relationship relationshipField - the attribute in the source class that references the key of the target class. invRelationshipField - the attribute in the target class that references the key of the source class. This value is null if a bi-directional relationship does not exist.
Method Detail getInvRelationshipField
public java.lang.String getInvRelationshipField()
Retrieve the inverse relationship attribute name of a bi-directional relationship.
Returns: the attribute name of the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship or null if the relationship is uni-directional.
public void setInvRelationshipField(java.lang.String invRelationshipField)
Set the inverse relationship attribute name of a bi-directional relationship.
Parameters: invRelationshipField - the attribute name of the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship or null if the relationship is uni-directional.
public java.lang.String getRelationshipField()
Retrieve the name of the attribute in the source class that references the key of the target class.
Returns: the name of the relationship attribute.
public void setRelationshipField(java.lang.String relationshipField)
Set the name of the attribute in the source class that references the key of the target class.
Parameters: relationshipField - the name of the relationship attribute.
public java.lang.String getSourceClass()
Retrieve the name of the class representing the source of a relationship.
Returns: the source class
public void setSourceClass(java.lang.String sourceClass)
Set the name of the class representing the source of a relationship.
Parameters: sourceClass - the source class
public java.lang.String getTargetClass()
Retrieve the name of the class representing the target of a relationship.
Returns: the target class
public void setTargetClass(java.lang.String targetClass)
Set the name of the class representing the target of a relationship.
Parameters: targetClass - the target class
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object
public int hashCode()
Overrides: hashCode in class java.lang.Object
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
This package contains the interfaces for all ObjectGrid MBeans.See:
Interface Summary AgentManagerMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific Agent on a server process.CatalogServiceManagementMBean
This MBean interface allows user to manipulate the behaviors of heartbeat and leader manager.ContainerMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from an ObjectGrid container running in a dynamic environment.DynamicServerMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes about a specific server process in a dynamic environment.HashIndexMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific HashIndex on a server process.MapMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific map on a server process.ObjectGridMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific ObjectGrid on a server process.PlacementMediationServiceMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from the PlacementMediationService running in a dynamic environment.PlacementServiceMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from the PlacementService running in a dynamic environment.QueryManagerMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from an ObjectGrid Query Manager running in a dynamic environment.QuorumManagerMBean
Each catalog service has a QuorumManager and an associated MBean.ServerMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes about a specific server process.SessionMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific session.ShardMBean
This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from a shard running in a dynamic environment.ThreadPoolMBean
This MBean interface allows user to access the thread pool properties.
Package Description
This package contains the interfaces for all ObjectGrid MBeans.
Each MBean interface has several methods to administer and monitor ObjectGrid services and components.
Interface AgentManagerMBean
public interface AgentManagerMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific Agent on a server process. The Agent Manager MBean is scoped at the map level and therefore can access statistical data for every agent run against the specified map. In a dynamic ObjectGrid environment, the object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=Agent-<map>,partition=<partition id>,objectgrid=<objectgrid>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Method Summary double getAgentInflationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's inflation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getAgentSerializationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's serialization time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFailureCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getInvocationCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's invocation count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getPartitionCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's partition count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getReduceTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's total reduce time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getResultInflationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's result inflation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getResultSerializationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's result serialization time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getTotalDurationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's total run time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.AgentStatsModule retrieveStatsModule(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the AgentStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the specified agent class
Method Detail getReduceTime
double getReduceTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's total reduce time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getReduceTime(boolean copy)
double getTotalDurationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's total run time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getTotalDurationTime(boolean copy)
double getAgentSerializationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's serialization time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getAgentSerializationTime(boolean copy)
double getAgentInflationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's inflation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getAgentInflationTime(boolean copy)
double getResultInflationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's result inflation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getResultInflationTime(boolean copy)
double getResultSerializationTime(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's result serialization time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getResultSerializationTime(boolean copy)
double getPartitionCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's partition count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getPartitionCount(boolean copy)
double getFailureCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getFailureCount(boolean copy)
double getInvocationCount(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the specified agent's invocation count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent AgentStatsModule.getInvocationCount(boolean copy)
AgentStatsModule retrieveStatsModule(java.lang.String agentClassName)
Gets the AgentStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the specified agent class
Parameters: agentClassName - The fully qualified class name of the agent
Interface CatalogServiceManagementMBean
public interface CatalogServiceManagementMBeanThis MBean interface allows user to manipulate the behaviors of heartbeat and leader manager. The object name pattern for this MBean is: ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: 7.1, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String COREGROUP_MEMBERSHIP_CHANGE
Constant representing a core group membership change notification.static int HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_LEVEL_AGGRESSIVE
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at an aggressive rate.static int HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_LEVEL_RELAXED
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at relaxed rate.static int HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_LEVEL_TYPICAL
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at a typical rate.static java.lang.String SERVER_EVENT_STARTED
Constant representing a WXS server start notification.static java.lang.String SERVER_EVENT_STOPPED
Constant representing a WXS server stop notification.
Method Summary int getHeartBeatFrequencyLevel()
Retrieves the heartbeat frequency getNumberOfServers()
Retrieves the number eXtreme Scale servers that are currently registered with the catalog getServers()
Retrieves a CompositeData of each eXtreme Scale server that is currently registered with the catalog service.
static final java.lang.String COREGROUP_MEMBERSHIP_CHANGE
Constant representing a core group membership change notification. The user data associated with this notification is a CompositeData. The CompositeData includes the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The name of the server that is included in the core group.
static final java.lang.String SERVER_EVENT_STARTED
Constant representing a WXS server start notification. The UserData argument of the Notification includes a TabularData that includes information for each of the servers. Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The port number of the high availability manager.
The host/ip address of the server.
The JMX service url used to access the server.
The name of the server.
The name of the zone that the server belongs.
static final java.lang.String SERVER_EVENT_STOPPED
Constant representing a WXS server stop notification. The UserData argument of the Notification includes a TabularData instance where each CompositeData contains the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The name of the server.
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at a typical rate. A typical heartbeat frequency allows reasonable failover detection and resource utilization. This value is the default.
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at an aggressive rate. An increased heartbeat frequency allows failures to be detected more quickly, but can also uses additional CPU and network resources. This level is more sensitive to missing heartbeats when the server is stressed.
Constant representing a heartbeat frequency level at relaxed rate. A decreased heartbeat frequency increases the time to detect failures, but also decreases CPU and network utilization.
Method Detail getHeartBeatFrequencyLevel
int getHeartBeatFrequencyLevel()
Retrieves the heartbeat frequency level. Valid values include:
Returns: the heartbeat frequency level: -1, 0 or 1 as defined by the constants that begin with name HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_LEVEL.
getServers getServers()
Retrieves a CompositeData of each eXtreme Scale server that is currently registered with the catalog service. The CompositeData includes the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The name of the server that is registered with the catalog service.
Returns: the CompositeData representing the currently registered eXtreme Scale servers.
int getNumberOfServers()
Retrieves the number eXtreme Scale servers that are currently registered with the catalog service.
Returns: the number of registered eXtreme Scale servers.
Interface ContainerMBean
public interface ContainerMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from an ObjectGrid container running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<server>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String INVALID_PARTITION
INVALID_PARTITION indicates that no partition was found for the requested shard.static java.lang.String MAPSET_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CONTAINER
MAPSET_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CONTAINER indicates that an attempt was made to reserve a shard from a map set that is not supported on this container.static java.lang.String QUIESCE_COMPLETE
QUIESCE_COMPLETE is the MBean notification type for a completed quiesce.static java.lang.String RELEASE_SUCCESSFUL
RELEASE_SUCCESSFUL indicates that the attempt to release the shard was successful.static java.lang.String RELEASE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER
RELEASE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER indicates that the shard is part of a map set using the PER_CONTAINER placement strategy.static java.lang.String RESERVATION_PRIOR_TO_INITIAL_PLACEMENT
RESERVATION_PRIOR_TO_INITIAL_PLACEMENT indicates that the attempt to reserve the shard was processed successfully.static java.lang.String RESERVATION_SUCCESSFUL
RESERVATION_SUCCESSFUL indicates that the attempt to reserve the shard was successful.static java.lang.String RESERVE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER
RESERVE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER indicates that the shard is part of a map set using the PER_CONTAINER placement strategy.static java.lang.String SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED
SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED indicates that the shard is already reserved elsewhere and cannot be reserved on the specified container.static java.lang.String SHARD_NOT_RESERVED_ON_CONTAINER
SHARD_NOT_RESERVED_ON_CONTAINER indicates that the attempt to release the shard from the requesting container failed because the specified shard was not found to be reserved by the requesting container.
Method Summary int getActivatedShardCount()
Retrieve the total number of shards that have been activated for the life of this ObjectGrid getActiveShardCount()
Retrieve the number of active shards hosted in this ObjectGrid getContainerName()
Retrieve the name of the getDeactivatedShardCount()
Retrieve the total number of shards that have been deactivated for the life of this ObjectGrid getDomainName()
Retrieve the name of the catalog server grouping administering this getStatus()
Retrieve the status information for the shards in this getZoneName()
Retrieve the name of the zone grouping that this container belongs quiesceContainer(java.lang.Boolean inQuiesce)
Prepare the container for a potential shutdown by moving replica shards, verifying that primaries have required sync replicas and preventing the placement of new release(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionName)
Release a shard that has been previously reserved by this reserve(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionName, java.lang.String shardType)
Reserve a specific shard on this retrieveStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Retrieve the status information for the shards in this container, filtered by ObjectGrid and/or mapset.void teardown()
Tears down and stops the container in a way to allow partitions to be moved to new locations.void terminate()
Terminates a container without coordinating partition movement, partitions will failover.
static final java.lang.String QUIESCE_COMPLETE
QUIESCE_COMPLETE is the MBean notification type for a completed quiesce.
static final java.lang.String RESERVATION_SUCCESSFUL
RESERVATION_SUCCESSFUL indicates that the attempt to reserve the shard was successful. The shard is reserved by the requesting container.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
RESERVATION_PRIOR_TO_INITIAL_PLACEMENT indicates that the attempt to reserve the shard was processed successfully. However, since initial placement has not yet occurred, the reserved shard is not immediately moved to the requesting container. The shard will be placed on the container when initial placement is triggered.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED
SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED indicates that the shard is already reserved elsewhere and cannot be reserved on the specified container. The shard must be released from the owning container before it can be reserved again.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String INVALID_PARTITION
INVALID_PARTITION indicates that no partition was found for the requested shard.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
RESERVE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER indicates that the shard is part of a map set using the PER_CONTAINER placement strategy. Shard reservation is not supported with this placement strategy.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String RELEASE_SUCCESSFUL
RELEASE_SUCCESSFUL indicates that the attempt to release the shard was successful. The shard is no longer reserved by this container. The shard is free to migrate, but it is not forced to migrate.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String SHARD_NOT_RESERVED_ON_CONTAINER
SHARD_NOT_RESERVED_ON_CONTAINER indicates that the attempt to release the shard from the requesting container failed because the specified shard was not found to be reserved by the requesting container. Only the container owning the reservation may release a shard.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
RELEASE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER indicates that the shard is part of a map set using the PER_CONTAINER placement strategy. Shard release is not supported with this placement strategy.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String MAPSET_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CONTAINER
MAPSET_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CONTAINER indicates that an attempt was made to reserve a shard from a map set that is not supported on this container. Only map sets that were included in the deployment policy at container initialization are supported to run on this container.
Since: 7.1 Constant Field Values
Method Detail teardown
void teardown()
Tears down and stops the container in a way to allow partitions to be moved to new locations.
void terminate()
Terminates a container without coordinating partition movement, partitions will failover.
int getActiveShardCount()
Retrieve the number of active shards hosted in this ObjectGrid container.
Returns: The current number of active shards.
int getActivatedShardCount()
Retrieve the total number of shards that have been activated for the life of this ObjectGrid container.
Returns: The number of activated shards.
int getDeactivatedShardCount()
Retrieve the total number of shards that have been deactivated for the life of this ObjectGrid container.
Returns: The number of deactivated shards
java.lang.String getDomainName()
Retrieve the name of the catalog server grouping administering this container.
Returns: The domain name.
java.lang.String getZoneName()
Retrieve the name of the zone grouping that this container belongs to.
Returns: The name of the zone.
int quiesceContainer(java.lang.Boolean inQuiesce)
Prepare the container for a potential shutdown by moving replica shards, verifying that primaries have required sync replicas and preventing the placement of new shards.
Parameters: inQuiesce - Initiate quiesce mode (true) or cancel quiesce mode (false)
java.lang.String getStatus()
Retrieve the status information for the shards in this container.
Returns: The status information for the shards in this container.
java.lang.String retrieveStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Retrieve the status information for the shards in this container, filtered by ObjectGrid and/or mapset. For example, calling retrieveStatus with "og1" and "ms1" as parameters will return the partition status for those partitions in ObjectGrid og1 and mapset ms1. Passing in an empty string ("") objectGridName or mapSetName will return all of the partitions, since the empty string acts as a wildcard. Passing in the empty string for both parameters will return the same status as calling getStatus().
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which the status is requested. mapSetName - The name of the mapset within the ObjectGrid for which the status is requested. Returns: The status information for the shards in this container.
java.lang.String reserve(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionName, java.lang.String shardType)
Reserve a specific shard on this container. Calling this method will cause the requested shard to move to this container. The shard can be moved to this container only if it is not reserved elsewhere. Calling this method prior to initial placement will pre-reserve the shard so that it will be placed onto this container when initial placement occurs. If non-reserved shard for the same partition is on this container prior to reservation, the non-reserved shard will be moved off the container upon reservation. A reserved shard will not be moved off of this container until it is released or the container is stopped.
Parameters: objectGridName - the ObjectGrid containing the shard mapSetName - the map set containing the shard partitionName - the partition containing the shard shardType - the type of shard. Currently, only primary shards can be reserved: ShardMBean.TYPE_PRIMARY Returns: the return code indicating the result of the reserve request Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the arguments are null or the empty String. Also thrown if shardType is not ShardMBean.TYPE_PRIMARY Since: FIX1 release(String, String, String), RESERVATION_SUCCESSFUL, RESERVATION_PRIOR_TO_INITIAL_PLACEMENT, SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED, INVALID_PARTITION, RESERVE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER
java.lang.String release(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionName)
Release a shard that has been previously reserved by this container. This container can only release shards that it has reserved. Releasing the shard does not guarantee the shard will be moved. The shard may remain on this container. However, it will not be explicitly bound to this container. Releasing a shard allows the shard to move freely to other containers or to be reserved by another container.
Parameters: objectGridName - the ObjectGrid containing the shard mapSetName - the map set containing the shard partitionName - the partition containing the shard Returns: the return code indicating the result of the release request Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the arguments are null or the empty String Since: FIX1 RELEASE_SUCCESSFUL, SHARD_NOT_RESERVED_ON_CONTAINER, RELEASE_UNSUPPORTED_WITH_PER_CONTAINER
java.lang.String getContainerName()
Retrieve the name of the container. The container name is based on the server name and includes a suffix which uniquely identifies the container within the server.
Returns: the name of the container Since: 7.1
Interface DynamicServerMBean
All Superinterfaces: ServerMBean
public interface DynamicServerMBeanextends ServerMBean This MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes about a specific server process in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<server>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String SERVER_COREGROUP_MEMBERSHIP_CHANGE
Method Summary int getAvailableProcessors()
Returns the number of available processors for the JVM hosting this server.long getFreeMemory()
Returns the available memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this getHostName()
Returns the host name for this process.long getMaxMemory()
Returns the maximum memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this server.boolean getSafeToShutdown()
Returns true if a replica exists for each primary hosted on this getStatsSpec()
Retrieve the current statistics specification for the server.long getTotalMemory()
Returns the total memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this getTraceSpec()
Retrieve the current trace specification for the getZoneName()
Returns the zone name for this processvoid setStatsSpec(java.lang.String statsSpec)
Set the statistics specification for the server.void setTraceSpec(java.lang.String traceSpec)
Set the trace specification for the server.
Methods inherited from interface
getServerName, modifyServerTraceSpec, stopServer
static final java.lang.String SERVER_COREGROUP_MEMBERSHIP_CHANGE
Method Detail getAvailableProcessors
int getAvailableProcessors()
Returns the number of available processors for the JVM hosting this server.
long getFreeMemory()
Returns the available memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this server.
long getMaxMemory()
Returns the maximum memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this server.
long getTotalMemory()
Returns the total memory in bytes for the JVM hosting this server.
java.lang.String getHostName()
Returns the host name for this process.
java.lang.String getZoneName()
Returns the zone name for this process
Returns: the zone name that was included in the properties used to start the server or DefaultZone if no zone name was used
boolean getSafeToShutdown()
Returns true if a replica exists for each primary hosted on this server. Returns false if the server has the only copy of data.
Returns: If server is safe to shutdown.
java.lang.String getStatsSpec()
Retrieve the current statistics specification for the server.
Returns: a string representation of the statistics specification. Since: 7.1
void setStatsSpec(java.lang.String statsSpec)
Set the statistics specification for the server.
Parameters: statsSpec - the statistics specification string. Since: 7.1
java.lang.String getTraceSpec()
Retrieve the current trace specification for the server.
Returns: the trace specification string. Since: 7.1
void setTraceSpec(java.lang.String traceSpec)
Set the trace specification for the server.
Parameters: traceSpec - the statistics specification string. Since: 7.1
Interface HashIndexMBean
public interface HashIndexMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific HashIndex on a server process. In a dynamic ObjectGrid environment, the object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<index-name>,partition=<partition id>,objectgrid=<objectgrid>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Method Summary double getBatchUpdateCount()
Gets the index's batchupdate count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFindCollisionCount()
Gets the index's collision count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFindCount()
Gets the index's find count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFindDurationTime()
Gets the index's find duration time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFindFailureCount()
Gets the index's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getFindResultCount()
Gets the index's result count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() getParentMapName()
Gets the index's parent map nameHashIndexStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the HashIndexStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with this index
Method Detail getParentMapName
java.lang.String getParentMapName()
Gets the index's parent map name
Returns: the name of the map which this index belongs to
HashIndexStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the HashIndexStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with this index
double getFindCount()
Gets the index's find count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getFindDurationTime()
Gets the index's find duration time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getFindResultCount()
Gets the index's result count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getFindFailureCount()
Gets the index's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getFindCollisionCount()
Gets the index's collision count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getBatchUpdateCount()
Gets the index's batchupdate count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
MapIndexPlugin.doBatchUpdate(TxID txid, LogSequence sequence), HashIndexStatsModule.getBatchUpdateCount(boolean copy)
Interface MapMBean
public interface MapMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific map on a server process. In a dynamic ObjectGrid environment, the object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<map>,partition=<partition id>,objectgrid=<objectgrid>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary double getMapBatchUpdateMaxTime()
Gets the maximum batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.double getMapBatchUpdateMeanTime()
Gets the mean batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.double getMapBatchUpdateMinTime()
Gets the minimum batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.double getMapBatchUpdateTotalTime()
Gets the total batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getMapCountStatistic()
Gets the map count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getMapGetCountStatistic()
Gets the get count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getMapHitCountStatistic()
Gets the hit count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.double getMapHitRateStatistic()
Gets the hit rate attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() getMapName()
Gets the name of the map associated with this getMapStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the MapStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getMapUsedBytes()
Gets the used bytes attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() getObjectGridName()
Gets the name of the ObjectGrid containing the map associated with this getPartitionId()
Retrieves the partition identifier for this map getServerName()
Gets the name of the server containing the replication group member for the map associated with this retrieveEntries(java.lang.String regex)
Operation to iterate through all of the entries in this map, convert the key to string form, then match the string against the regular expression if passed, finally return the matching entries.MapStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the MapStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the map for this MBean.
Method Detail retrieveStatsModule
MapStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the MapStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the map for this MBean.
java.lang.String getMapName()
Gets the name of the map associated with this MBean.
Returns: The name of the map.
java.lang.String getObjectGridName()
Gets the name of the ObjectGrid containing the map associated with this MBean.
Returns: The name of the ObjectGrid for the map associated with this MBean.
java.lang.String getServerName()
Gets the name of the server containing the replication group member for the map associated with this MBean.
Returns: The name of server containing the replication group member for the map associated with this MBean.
java.lang.String getMapStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the MapStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
long getMapCountStatistic()
Gets the map count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getNumEntries(boolean)
double getMapHitRateStatistic()
Gets the hit rate attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
long getMapGetCountStatistic()
Gets the get count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
Returns: The get count for the map. Since: 7.1 retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getHitRate(boolean)
long getMapUsedBytes()
Gets the used bytes attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method. The used bytes statistics are accurate only when we are using simple objects or the COPY_TO_BYTES copy mode.
Returns: The number of bytes in use by the map. Since: 7.1 retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getUsedBytes(boolean)
long getMapHitCountStatistic()
Gets the hit count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
Returns: The hit count for the map. Since: 7.1 retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getHitRate(boolean)
double getMapBatchUpdateMeanTime()
Gets the mean batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getBatchUpdateTime(boolean)
double getMapBatchUpdateMaxTime()
Gets the maximum batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getBatchUpdateTime(boolean)
double getMapBatchUpdateMinTime()
Gets the minimum batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getBatchUpdateTime(boolean)
double getMapBatchUpdateTotalTime()
Gets the total batch update time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), MapStatsModule.getBatchUpdateTime(boolean)
int getPartitionId()
Retrieves the partition identifier for this map instance.
Returns: The partition identifier. Since: WAS XD
retrieveEntries retrieveEntries(java.lang.String regex)
Operation to iterate through all of the entries in this map, convert the key to string form, then match the string against the regular expression if passed, finally return the matching entries. This method could potentially return a very large data structure so care should be taken to ensure the regular expression will reduce the number of keys appropriately. Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The domain name of this ObjectGrid shard.
The lifetime index for revisioning.
The revision number of the last update.
Parameters: regex - the regular expression to apply to the String form of the key. It should be used in narrowing the entries returned. If null, all entries are returned. Returns: A table of entries containing the user readable (String) form of the key and some meta information about the entry. Since: 7.1.1
Interface ObjectGridMBean
public interface ObjectGridMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific ObjectGrid on a server process. In a dynamic ObjectGrid environment, the object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<objectgrid>,mapset=<mapset>,partition=<partition id>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary long getCurrentRevision()
Retrieves the current revision number of this ObjectGrid getDomainName()
Retrieves the domain name of this ObjectGrid getKnownRevisions()
An ObjectGrid shard may exist over several different getLifetimeId()
Retrieves the lifetime id for this ObjectGrid getObjectGridName()
Gets the name of the ObjectGrid associated with this MBean.long getOGCount()
Gets the ObjectGrid count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getOGMaxTranTime()
Gets the maximum transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.double getOGMeanTranTime()
Gets the mean transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getOGMinTranTime()
Gets the minimum transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() getOGStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the OGStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getOGTotalTranTime()
Gets the total transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getOGTransPerSecond()
Transactions per second attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule getPrimaryShardLinks()
Get the shard's list of foreign or domestic linked getServerName()
Gets the name of the server containing the replication group member for the ObjectGrid associated with this MBean.OGStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the OGStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the ObjectGrid for this MBean.
Method Detail retrieveStatsModule
OGStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the OGStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the ObjectGrid for this MBean.
java.lang.String getObjectGridName()
Gets the name of the ObjectGrid associated with this MBean.
Returns: name of the ObjectGrid
java.lang.String getServerName()
Gets the name of the server containing the replication group member for the ObjectGrid associated with this MBean.
Returns: the name of server containing the replication group member for the ObjectGrid associated with this MBean.
java.lang.String getOGStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the OGStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
long getOGCount()
Gets the ObjectGrid count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
long getOGMaxTranTime()
Gets the maximum transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
long getOGMinTranTime()
Gets the minimum transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
double getOGMeanTranTime()
Gets the mean transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
long getOGTotalTranTime()
Gets the total transaction time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
long getOGTransPerSecond()
Transactions per second attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule call. retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
retrieveStatsModule(), OGStatsModule.getTransactionTime(String, boolean)
long getCurrentRevision()
Retrieves the current revision number of this ObjectGrid shard.
Returns: the current revision number of this ObjectGrid shard. Since: 7.1
java.lang.String getDomainName()
Retrieves the domain name of this ObjectGrid shard.
Returns: the name of the domain name of this ObjectGrid shard. Since: 7.1
java.lang.String getLifetimeId()
Retrieves the lifetime id for this ObjectGrid shard.
Returns: the lifetime id for this ObjectGrid shard. Since: 7.1
getKnownRevisions getKnownRevisions()
An ObjectGrid shard may exist over several different lifetimes. As such, each shard instance will have a unique lifetime id and revision number associated with it. This method returns a TabularData object representing the known history of revision numbers for each lifetime. Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The domain name of this ObjectGrid shard.
The lifetime id of this ObjectGrid shard.
The revision of this ObjectGrid shard.
Returns: TabularData representing the known lifetimes and revisions of this shard. Throws: Since: 7.1
getPrimaryShardLinks getPrimaryShardLinks()
Get the shard's list of foreign or domestic linked primaries. This method returns a TabularData object representing the current state of each primary shard link.
Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The catalog service domain name of the remote primary shard..
The container name of the remote primary shard.
The status of the link. Valid states include: online and recovery.
Returns: TabularData representing the linked primaries Since: 7.1.1
Interface PlacementMediationServiceMBean
public interface PlacementMediationServiceMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from the PlacementMediationService running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is: ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: 7.1, XC10
Method Summary dismissLink(java.lang.String foreignDomain)
Dismiss a previously established link with the foreign domain establishLink(java.lang.String foreignDomain, java.lang.String endPoints)
Establish a link between this domain and the foreign domain getLinkedDomains()
Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain.
Method Detail establishLink establishLink(java.lang.String foreignDomain, java.lang.String endPoints)
Establish a link between this domain and the foreign domain specified. This is functionally equivalent to providing the foreign domain and its end points in the server properties file at server startup time. Domains that are linked will share placement with each other. When compatible map sets are detected within linked domains, a multi-primary topology will be achieved. Data written to a primary is either domain will be asynchronously replicated to the other domain.
The result is a CompositeData that includes the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The result of the attempt.
The status of the link before the attempt was made to establish the link.
The status of the link after the attempt was made to establish the link.
Parameters: foreignDomain - the name of the foreign domain endPoints - end points of the foreign domain CatalogServerProperties.setDomainEndPoints(String, String)
dismissLink dismissLink(java.lang.String foreignDomain)
Dismiss a previously established link with the foreign domain specified. Any map sets that were participating in a multi-primary topology will be disconnected from each other. Data will no longer be replicated from between domains. The result is a CompositeData that includes the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The result of the attempt. Can be one of: SUCCESS, FAILURE, NOP
The status of the link before the attempt was made to dismiss the link. Can be one of: LINKED, ESTABLISHING_LINK, UNLINKED, DISMISSING_LINK
The status of the link after the attempt was made to dismiss the link. Can be one of: LINKED, ESTABLISHING_LINK, UNLINKED, DISMISSING_LINK
Parameters: foreignDomain - the name of the foreign domain Returns: CompositeData representing the status of the attempt to dismiss the link with the foreign domain
getLinkedDomains getLinkedDomains()
Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain. The result is a TabularData where each row is a CompositeData that includes the following items:
Item Name Type Description
The name of the foreign domain linked to the local domain.
Returns: TabularData representing the foreign domains linked to this domain
Interface PlacementServiceMBean
All Superinterfaces: CoreGroupServiceMBean
public interface PlacementServiceMBeanextends CoreGroupServiceMBean This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from the PlacementService running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is: ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Field Summary static int ALL
Constant representing a all shard typesstatic int ASYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA
Constant representing an asynchronous replica shard type.static int PRIMARY
Constant representing a primary shard type.static int SYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA
Constant representing a synchronous replica shard type.
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary java.lang.String balanceShardTypes(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
The placement service will examine the distribution of primaries and replicas for a given mapSet and attempt (if zone rules and other balancing constraints allow) to achieve a consistent primary to replica ratio across the set of balanceStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Check the balance status (suspended or resumed) for a specified collectContainerStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Retrieves the container status for all containers in the getCoreGroups()
Gets the coregroup getObjectGridNames()
Gets the names of all ObjectGrids and their mapsets in the listCoreGroupMembers(java.lang.String coreGroupName)
List the coregroup members for a given listObjectGridPlacement(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
List the placement of shards for each container in the listObjectGridPlacementStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
List the current placement listPartition(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionId)
List the partition placement status in the listShards(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String containerName, int mask)
List the shard placement listVerifiedRoutingTable(java.lang.String objectGridName)
Calling this method will return an XML string of the current known routing replaceLostShards(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Lost shards are placed onto the UNREPAIRED container when autoReplaceLostShards is resumeBalancing(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Execute balancing operation at next opportunity and allow execution of future balancing attempts for the map set retrieveAllServersJMXAddresses()
Retrieves a List of JMX addresses for all servers that have registered with the placement retrieveMapSetName(java.lang.String gridName, java.lang.String mapName)
Retrieves the name of the MapSet in which the specified map is retrieveServerJMXAddress(java.lang.String hostName, java.lang.String serverName)
Retrieves a List of JMX address strings for a specific host and server name that has registered with the placement suspendBalancing(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Prevent future balancing attempts for a specific map tearDownServers(java.lang.String[] servers)
Each of the container servers that are passed into this method will be triggerPlacement(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Placement normally occurs implicitly after an event such as an ObjectGrid container starting or stopping.
Methods inherited from interface
getHeartBeatFrequencyLevel, getQuorumActivationStatus, overrideQuorum, setHeartBeatFrequencyLevel
Field Detail PRIMARY
static final int PRIMARY
Constant representing a primary shard type.
static final int SYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA
Constant representing a synchronous replica shard type.
Constant representing an asynchronous replica shard type.
static final int ALL
Constant representing a all shard types
Method Detail retrieveServerJMXAddress
java.util.List retrieveServerJMXAddress(java.lang.String hostName, java.lang.String serverName)
Retrieves a List of JMX address strings for a specific host and server name that has registered with the placement service.
Parameters: hostName - The name of the host to retrieve the JMX addresses. serverName - The name of the server to retrieve the JMX addresses. Returns: the List of all JMX address strings for the specified host and server name.
java.util.List retrieveAllServersJMXAddresses()
Retrieves a List of JMX addresses for all servers that have registered with the placement service.
Returns: the List of all servers' JMX addresses
java.lang.String collectContainerStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Retrieves the container status for all containers in the domain. The results are returned in the following format:
<container name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>"/> </container>
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which to get container status. mapSetName - The name of the mapset for which to get the container status. Returns: The String status object for all containers in XML form.
java.lang.String listObjectGridPlacement(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
List the placement of shards for each container in the domain. The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset"> <container name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>" reserved="<true>"/> /container> </objectGrid>NOTE: The default value for the "reserved" attribute is false.
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which to get placement status. mapSetName - The name of the mapset for which to get the placement status. Returns: The placement status in XML form.
java.lang.String listObjectGridPlacementStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
List the current placement status. The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <configuration> <attribute name="<placementStrategy>" value="<strategy>"/> <attribute name="<numInitialContainers>" value="<num>"/> <attribute name="<minSyncReplicas>" value="<min>"/> <attribute name="<developmentMode>" value="<mode>"/> </configuration> <runtime> <attribute name="<numContainers>" value="<num>"/> <attribute name="<numMachines>" value="<num>"/> <attribute name="<numOutstandingWorkItems>" value="<num>"/> <attribute name="<numActiveZones>" value="<num>"/> </runtime> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which to get placement status. mapSetName - The name of the mapset for which to get the placement status. Returns: The placement status in XML form.
java.lang.String getCoreGroups()
Gets the coregroup status. The results are returned in the following format:
<coreGroup name="<coregroup>"> <coreGroupLeader hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> <coreGroupMember hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </coreGroup>
Returns: the coregroup status in XML form.
java.lang.String listCoreGroupMembers(java.lang.String coreGroupName)
List the coregroup members for a given coregroup. The results are returned in the following format:
<coreGroup name="<coregroup>"> <coreGroupMember hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </coreGroup>
Parameters: coreGroupName - The name of the coregroup for which to get the members. Returns: The coregroup members in XML form.
java.lang.String listPartition(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String partitionId)
List the partition placement status in the domain. The results are returned in the following format: <partition name="<partition>"> <shard type="<type>" containerName="<container>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </partition>
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which to get placement status. mapSetName - The name of the mapset for which to get the placement status. partitionId - The name of the partition for which to get the placement status. Returns: The partition placement status in the XML form.
java.lang.String listShards(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName, java.lang.String containerName, int mask)
List the shard placement status. The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <container name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>"/> </container> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - The name of the ObjectGrid for which to get placement status. mapSetName - The name of the mapset for which to get the placement status. containerName - The name of the container for which to get the placement status. If empty string ( "" ), get shard placement for all containers. mask - The Integer mask to determine for which shard types to get status. PRIMARY, SYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA, ASYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA
java.lang.String getObjectGridNames()
Gets the names of all ObjectGrids and their mapsets in the domain. The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"/>
Returns: the names of all ObjectGrids and their mapsets in the domain in XML form.
java.lang.String replaceLostShards(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Lost shards are placed onto the UNREPAIRED container when autoReplaceLostShards is disabled. Shards on the UNREPAIRED will not be placed until this method is called. Calling this method will move shards off the UNREPAIRED container onto the UNASSIGNED container.
Balance and placement operations will be queued up for the MapSet specified. These operations will execute when all outstanding placement work from previous events has completed.
The string returned is an XML representation of the shards that moved as a result of the call to this method.
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>"> <currentContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> <previousContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </shard> </objectGrid>The returned XML will look as follows when no shards have been moved:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <!-- No shards were moved --> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - replace lost shards for this ObjectGrid mapSetName - replace lost shards for this MapSet Returns: An XML String containing shards that have moved Since: WAS XD
java.lang.String triggerPlacement(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Placement normally occurs implicitly after an event such as an ObjectGrid container starting or stopping. Calling this method will trigger a placement operation for the ObjectGrid and MapSet specified.
Under normal circumstances, the numInitialContainers attribute (in the deployment policy) must be met in order for placement to occur. However, when this method is called, the numInitialContainers value is ignored.
The string returned is an XML representation of the shards that moved as a result of the call to this method.
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>"> <currentContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> <previousContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </shard> </objectGrid>The returned XML will look as follows when no shards have been moved:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <!-- No shards were moved --> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - trigger placement for this ObjectGrid mapSetName - trigger placement for this MapSet Returns: An XML String containing shards that have moved Since: WAS XD MapSet.setNumInitialContainers(int)
java.lang.String tearDownServers(java.lang.String[] servers)
Each of the container servers that are passed into this method will be stopped. If the server cannot be reached, all of the server's artifacts will be removed. Use this method if servers are found to be in a corrupt state or bindings need to be cleared from the catalog server.
The string returned is an XML representation of the results of the attempt to tear down each of the servers. If the command is successful, the XML will look as follows:
<domain name="<domain>"> <server name="<server>" tearDownSuccessful="true"/> <server name="<server>" tearDownSuccessful="true"/> </domain>If the command is not successful, the string will look as follows (where the exception element is only present if an exception is part of the failure):
<domain name="<domain>"> <server name="<server>" tearDownSuccessful="false" reason="<String>"> <exception type="<String>" message="<String>" stack="<String>"/> </server> </domain>
Parameters: servers - String array of servers to tear down. Returns: An XML String containing the results of tear down attempts. Since: WAS XD FIX2
java.lang.String listVerifiedRoutingTable(java.lang.String objectGridName)
Calling this method will return an XML string of the current known routing table. The Placement service will contact each shard and return state on whether it was able to verify that's shard's existence. All shards will be included in the XML doc, whether they were reachable or not. The user can use the reachable attribute below to filter valid or invalid shards. <objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" name="<name>"> <primary zone="<zone>"> partition="<partition>"> state="<reachable>"> ipaddress="<ipaddress>"> <replica zone="<zone>"> partition="<partition>"> state="<reachable>"> ipaddress="<ipaddress>"> </primary> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - retrieve routing table for this ObjectGrid Returns: An XML String containing a pre-verified routing table Since: WAS XD FIX2
java.lang.String retrieveMapSetName(java.lang.String gridName, java.lang.String mapName)
Retrieves the name of the MapSet in which the specified map is defined.
Parameters: gridName - the name of the ObjectGrid mapName - the name of the map Returns: the name of the MapSet in which the specified map is defined. Since: 7.0
java.lang.String balanceShardTypes(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
The placement service will examine the distribution of primaries and replicas for a given mapSet and attempt (if zone rules and other balancing constraints allow) to achieve a consistent primary to replica ratio across the set of containers. If the number of primaries or the number of replicas do not divide evenly across the containers, some tolerance must be allowed for the ratio to differ from container to container. However, the difference in the number of primaries from one container to the next will not be greater than 1. Similarly, the difference in the number of replicas from one container to the next will not be greater than 1.
Null arguments are not allowed as input to this method.
The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <shard type="<type>" partitionName="<partition>"> <currentContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> <previousContainer name="<container>" zoneName="<zone>" hostName="<host>" serverName="<server>"/> </shard> </objectGrid>If no shards were moved or a problem was encountered attempting to execute this method, no shard elements will appear in the XML output. A detail element will appear instead. The message attribute will have further information.<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <detail message="<message>" /> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - the grid mapSetName - the map set within the grid Returns: An XML String containing the results of the attempt to redistribute shards for better primary/replica balance Since: 7.1.1
java.lang.String suspendBalancing(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Prevent future balancing attempts for a specific map set. Balancing work that is in progress will be allowed to complete. Other placement activities are allowed to execute while balancing is suspended.
- shard promotion due to container loss
- shard role swap
- shard reservation
- triggerPlacement
- replaceLostShards
Balancing will remain suspended until it is resumed by calling resumeBalancing(String, String).
Null arguments are not allowed as input to this method.
The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <suspendBalancing currentValue="<currentValue>" previousValue="<previousValue>"/> </objectGrid>Additionally, an optional detail element may be contained within the suspendBalancing element. The detail element will include additional data regarding execution of this method. The XML result will be in the following format when a detail element is included:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <suspendBalancing currentValue="<currentValue>" previousValue="<previousValue>"> <detail message="<message>" /> <suspendBalancing/> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - suspend balancing for the map set specified within this ObjectGrid mapSetName - suspend balancing for this map set Returns: An XML String containing the results of the attempt to suspend balancing Since:
java.lang.String resumeBalancing(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Execute balancing operation at next opportunity and allow execution of future balancing attempts for the map set specified. Balancing is executed in reaction to key placement events. Such events include containers starting and containers stopping. By default, balancing work is executed unless suspendBalancing(String, String) has been called for the map set.
Null arguments are not allowed as input to this method.
The results are returned in the following format:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <suspendBalancing currentValue="<currentValue>" previousValue="<previousValue>"/> </objectGrid>Additionally, an optional detail element may be contained within the suspendBalancing element. The detail element will include additional data regarding execution of this method. The XML result will be in the following format when a detail element is included:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <suspendBalancing currentValue="<currentValue>" previousValue="<previousValue>"> <detail message="<message>" /> <suspendBalancing/> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - resume balancing for the map set specified within this ObjectGrid mapSetName - resume balancing for this map set Returns: An XML String containing the results of the attempt to resume balancing Since:
java.lang.String balanceStatus(java.lang.String objectGridName, java.lang.String mapSetName)
Check the balance status (suspended or resumed) for a specified MapSet. Null arguments are not allowed as input to this method.
The string returned is an XML representation of the balance status. The XML will look as follows:
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <balanceStatus suspended="<suspended>" /> </objectGrid>Additionally, an optional detail element may be contained within the balanceStatus element. When balancing has been pre-suspended, the message attribute of the detail element will contain the following message.
<objectGrid name="<objectgrid>" mapSetName="<mapset>"> <balanceStatus suspended="true" > <detail message="Balancing has been pre-suspended for this mapSet." /> </balanceStatus> </objectGrid>
Parameters: objectGridName - check balance status for the map set specified within this ObjectGrid mapSetName - check balance status for this map set Returns: An XML String containing the balance status Since: 7.1.1 resumeBalancing(String, String)
Interface QueryManagerMBean
public interface QueryManagerMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from an ObjectGrid Query Manager running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<grid name>,mapset=<mapset name>,partition=<partition number>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Method Summary double getPlanCreationTime(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's plan creation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getQueryExecutionCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's execution count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getQueryExecutionTime(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's execution time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getQueryFailureCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.double getQueryResultCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's result count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.QueryStatsModule retrieveStatsModule(java.lang.String query)
Gets the QueryStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the specified query String
Method Detail getPlanCreationTime
double getPlanCreationTime(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's plan creation time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getQueryExecutionTime(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's execution time attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getQueryExecutionCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's execution count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getQueryResultCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's result count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
double getQueryFailureCount(java.lang.String query)
Gets the query's failure count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
QueryStatsModule retrieveStatsModule(java.lang.String query)
Gets the QueryStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the specified query String
Returns: an QueryStatsModule for statistics associated with the specified query String
Interface QuorumManagerMBean
public interface QuorumManagerMBeanEach catalog service has a QuorumManager and an associated MBean. The QuorumManager monitors and manages the quorum state of the catalog service grid. When quorum is enabled, the QuorumManager for each catalog service process detects when all catalog services in the grid have quorum or not. This MBean allows querying the current quorum state and allows administrators to force quorum when there is a network failure. ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: 7.0, XC10
Method Summary java.lang.String[] getActiveCatalogServerNames()
Retrieves the names of the known active catalog service getActiveCatalogServers()
Retrieve the known number of active catalog service getQuorumCatalogServers()
Retrieve the number of catalog service processes required for quorum.void overrideQuorum()
This operation forces surviving catalog service grid processes to reestablish a quorum.
Method Detail overrideQuorum
void overrideQuorum() throws java.lang.Exception
This operation forces surviving catalog service grid processes to reestablish a quorum. If a portion the catalog service grid fails or is divided due to a network failure, the grid will lose quorum. Once the administrator identifies the failure and the viable portion of the grid, this operation can be invoked on any of the surviving catalog service processes to reestablish a quorum. Reestablishing a quorum will allow the catalog service to continue to react to failures and topology changes.
Throws: java.lang.Exception
int getActiveCatalogServers()
Retrieve the known number of active catalog service processes.
Returns: the known number of active catalog service processes.
int getQuorumCatalogServers()
Retrieve the number of catalog service processes required for quorum.
Returns: the number of catalog service processes required for quorum.
java.lang.String[] getActiveCatalogServerNames()
Retrieves the names of the known active catalog service processes.
Returns: the names of the known active catalog service processes. Since: 7.1
Interface ServerMBean
All Known Subinterfaces: DynamicServerMBean
public interface ServerMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes about a specific server process.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary java.lang.String getServerName()
Gets the name of the server associated with this MBean.void modifyServerTraceSpec(java.lang.String spec)
Deprecated. This is deprecated in version 7.1. See DynamicServerMBean.setTraceSpec(String)boolean stopServer()
Stops the server associated with this MBean.
Method Detail getServerName
java.lang.String getServerName()
Gets the name of the server associated with this MBean.
Returns: the server name
boolean stopServer()
Stops the server associated with this MBean.
Returns: true if server was stopped,
void modifyServerTraceSpec(java.lang.String spec)
Deprecated. This is deprecated in version 7.1. See DynamicServerMBean.setTraceSpec(String)
Modifies the trace spec for the server associated with this MBean.
Interface SessionMBean
public interface SessionMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to access different attributes and statistical data about a specific session. The object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<id>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.0.1, XC10
Method Summary long getAccessedSessionsCount()
Gets acessed sessions countlong getAccessToNonExistentSessionCount()
Gets access to non-existent session countlong getActiveSessionsCount()
Gets active sessions countlong getAffinityBreaksCount()
Gets affinity breaks countlong getCacheDiscardsCount()
Gets cache discards countlong getCreatedSessionsCount()
Gets the map count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.long getInvalidatedByTimeoutCount()
Gets invalidated by timeout countlong getInvalidatedSessionsCount()
Gets invalidated sessions countlong getMemoryCount()
Gets memory countjava.lang.String getSessionID()
Gets the ID of the session instance associated with this getSessionStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the SessionStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.SessionStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the SessionStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the session for this MBean.
Method Detail retrieveStatsModule
SessionStatsModule retrieveStatsModule()
Gets the SessionStatsModule used to retrieve statistics associated with the session for this MBean.
java.lang.String getSessionID()
Gets the ID of the session instance associated with this MBean.
Returns: the ID of the session instance associated with this MBean.
java.lang.String getSessionStatsModule()
Gets a string representation of the SessionStatsModule attributes loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() method.
long getCreatedSessionsCount()
Gets the map count attribute loaded up by the retrieveStatsModule() or refreshStatsModule() method.
long getInvalidatedSessionsCount()
Gets invalidated sessions count
Returns: the count of invalidated Sessions
long getActiveSessionsCount()
Gets active sessions count
Returns: the count of active Sessions
long getMemoryCount()
Gets memory count
Returns: memory count
long getCacheDiscardsCount()
Gets cache discards count
Returns: cache discards count
long getAffinityBreaksCount()
Gets affinity breaks count
Returns: affinity breaks count
long getInvalidatedByTimeoutCount()
Gets invalidated by timeout count
Returns: count
long getAccessToNonExistentSessionCount()
Gets access to non-existent session count
Returns: count
long getAccessedSessionsCount()
Gets acessed sessions count
Returns: count
Interface ShardMBean
public interface ShardMBeanThis MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from a shard running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is:,name=<objectgrid>,objectgrid=<objectgrid>,mapset=<mapset>,partition=<partition id>,container=<container>,host=<host>,ogServerName=<server>If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 FIX3, XC10
Field Summary static java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_REQUESTED_WITH_SAME_TYPE
Indicates that this shard is the same type of shard as the requested swap type.static java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_SUCCESSFUL
Indicates that the role swap was executed successfully.static java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_TIMEOUT
Indicates that this shard has timed out waiting to inherit its requested rolestatic java.lang.String TYPE_INACTIVE
Indicates the shard type is the inactive role.static java.lang.String TYPE_PRIMARY
Indicates the shard type is the primary role.static java.lang.String TYPE_REPLICA_ASYNCHRONOUS
Indicates the shard type is the asynchronous replica role.static java.lang.String TYPE_REPLICA_SYNCHRONOUS
Indicates the shard type is the synchronous replica role.
Method Summary long getActiveRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests currently being processed by this getContainerName()
Retrieves the name of the container that is hosting this getDomainName()
Retrieve the name of the catalog server grouping administering this shard.long getForwardedRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has forwarded since its getMapSetName()
Retrieve the name of the MapSet in which the shard getObjectGridName()
Retrieve the name of the ObjectGrid in which the shard getPartitionName()
Retreive the name of the partition in which the shard resides.long getProcessedRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has processed since its getState()
Retrieve the state of the shard.long getTotalRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has processed or forwarded since its getType()
Retrieve the type of the swapWithPrimary()
Causes this shard to swap roles with the primary shard for the partition.
static final java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_SUCCESSFUL
Indicates that the role swap was executed successfully.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_REQUESTED_WITH_SAME_TYPE
Indicates that this shard is the same type of shard as the requested swap type. No swap will be executed.
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String ROLE_SWAP_TIMEOUT
Indicates that this shard has timed out waiting to inherit its requested role
Since: FIX1 Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String TYPE_PRIMARY
Indicates the shard type is the primary role. This means that this is the shard that handles all updates and coordinates state transitions with the replicas.
static final java.lang.String TYPE_REPLICA_SYNCHRONOUS
Indicates the shard type is the synchronous replica role. This means that this shard is receiving state updates from another shard that is acting as primary.
static final java.lang.String TYPE_REPLICA_ASYNCHRONOUS
Indicates the shard type is the asynchronous replica role. This means that this shard is receiving state updates from another shard that is acting as primary.
static final java.lang.String TYPE_INACTIVE
Indicates the shard type is the inactive role. This means that this shard is not actively enrolled in the partition.
Method Detail getObjectGridName
java.lang.String getObjectGridName()
Retrieve the name of the ObjectGrid in which the shard resides.
Returns: The ObjectGrid name.
java.lang.String getMapSetName()
Retrieve the name of the MapSet in which the shard resides.
Returns: The MapSet name.
java.lang.String getPartitionName()
Retreive the name of the partition in which the shard resides.
Returns: The partition name.
java.lang.String getType()
Retrieve the type of the shard.
Returns: The shard type.
java.lang.String getDomainName()
Retrieve the name of the catalog server grouping administering this shard.
Returns: The domain name.
java.lang.String getState()
Retrieve the state of the shard.
Returns: The shard state.
long getTotalRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has processed or forwarded since its inception.
Returns: A count of the total number of requests.
long getActiveRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests currently being processed by this shard.
Returns: A count of the active requests.
long getForwardedRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has forwarded since its inception.
Returns: A count of the total number of forwarded requests.
long getProcessedRequestCount()
Retrieves the number of requests that this shard has processed since its inception.
Returns: A count of the total number of processed requests.
java.lang.String getContainerName()
Retrieves the name of the container that is hosting this shard.
Returns: The name of the container. Since: WAS XD
java.lang.String swapWithPrimary()
Causes this shard to swap roles with the primary shard for the partition. This shard becomes the primary while the shard that was previously the primary inherits this shard's former role. If the role swap is not complete within 10 seconds, this operation will timeout.
Returns: String the contains the return code of the operation Since: FIX1 ROLE_SWAP_REQUESTED_WITH_SAME_TYPE, ROLE_SWAP_TIMEOUT
Interface ThreadPoolMBean
public interface ThreadPoolMBeanThis MBean interface allows user to access the thread pool properties. The object name pattern for this MBean is: ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.
Since: FIX2, XC10
Method Summary int getActiveThreadCount()
Retrieves the approximate number of active threads in the getMaximumSize()
Retrieves the maximum number of threads in the getMinimumSize()
Retrieves the minimum number of threads in the getName()
Retrieves the name of the ThreadPool.void setMaximumSize(int size)
Sets the maximum thread pool size.void setMinimumSize(int size)
Sets the minimum thread pool size.
Method Detail setMaximumSize
void setMaximumSize(int size)
Sets the maximum thread pool size.
Parameters: size - the maximum number of threads.
int getMaximumSize()
Retrieves the maximum number of threads in the pool.
Returns: the maximum number of threads in the pool
void setMinimumSize(int size)
Sets the minimum thread pool size.
Parameters: size - the minimum number of threads.
int getMinimumSize()
Retrieves the minimum number of threads in the pool.
Returns: the minimum number of threads in the pool
int getActiveThreadCount()
Retrieves the approximate number of active threads in the pool.
Returns: the number of active threads in the pool in use
java.lang.String getName()
Retrieves the name of the ThreadPool.
Returns: the name of the ThreadPool
Class AvailabilityStatejava.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public final class AvailabilityStateextends java.lang.Object implements Each shard in a distributed ObjectGrid has an availability state associated with it. This state refers to the shard's ability to process incoming requests.
Since: WAS XD, XC10
Field Summary static AvailabilityState OFFLINE
An AvailabilityState.OFFLINE indicates that a shard is offline and unable to process requests.static AvailabilityState ONLINE
An AvailabilityState.ONLINE indicates that a shard is online.static AvailabilityState PRELOAD
An AvailabilityState.PRELOAD indicates that a shard is in the preload state.static AvailabilityState QUIESCE
An AvailabilityState.QUIESCE indicates that a shard is in quiesce.static AvailabilityState UNKNOWN
An AvailabilityState.UNKNOWN indicates that the availability state of the shard could not be determined.
Method Summary int getId()
Returns the internal identifier for this toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Field Detail OFFLINE
public static final AvailabilityState OFFLINE
An AvailabilityState.OFFLINE indicates that a shard is offline and unable to process requests.
public static final AvailabilityState PRELOAD
An AvailabilityState.PRELOAD indicates that a shard is in the preload state. When in the preload state, a shard will reject all requests that are not initiated from a client that is preloading data into the ObjectGrid.
public static final AvailabilityState ONLINE
An AvailabilityState.ONLINE indicates that a shard is online. A shard that is online is available for processing requests.
public static final AvailabilityState QUIESCE
An AvailabilityState.QUIESCE indicates that a shard is in quiesce. Quiesce is a transitional state. Shards that are in the quiesce state are on their way to being offline. A shard in the quiesce state will allow all pending transactions to complete before moving to the AvailabilityState.OFFLINE, assuming that all pending transactions complete within 30 seconds after entering the quiesce state.
public static final AvailabilityState UNKNOWN
An AvailabilityState.UNKNOWN indicates that the availability state of the shard could not be determined.
Method Detail getId
public int getId()
Returns the internal identifier for this state.
Returns: the internal id. Since: 7.1.1
public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
Interface BackingMap
All Superinterfaces: ClientReplicableMap
public interface BackingMapextends ClientReplicableMap This is the public interface to the BackingMap. It is returned when a new Map is defined on the ObjectGrid. It allows the Map to be customized with various plug-ins or by setting properties. The defaults are:
- No external Evictor, but an internal time-based evictor is provided by default
- No Loader
- No EventListeners
- No MapIndexPlugins
- An internal ObjectTransformer
- An internal OptimisticCallback
- Key is not copied
- A value CopyMode of CopyMode.COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT
- A LockStrategy of LockStrategy.OPTIMISTIC
- A default lock timeout
- null values are supported
- A default number of buckets
- A default number of lock buckets
- Synchronous preload
- Read/write map by default
- A TimeToLive of 0 (indicating unlimited time)
- A TtlEvictor type of TTLType.NONE
- Write-behind updates is disabled
- Time-based database updates are disabled
- Eviction triggers are not set
Since: WAS XD 6.0, XC10
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary static int CLIENT
Constant used to indicate this map is a client to a server mapstatic int DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT
Default lock timeout used if setLockTimeout(int) is not invoked.static int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS
Default number of lock buckets used if setNumberOfBuckets(int) is not invoked.static int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_LOCK_BUCKETS
Default number of lock buckets used if setNumberOfLockBuckets(int) is not invoked.static java.lang.String EVICTIONTRIGGER_MEMORY_USAGE_THRESHOLD
The eviction trigger string constant to enable memory based eviction using memory usage threshold provided by the int LOCAL
Constant used to indicate this map is not a distributed map.static int SERVER
Constant used to indicate this map is a server map.
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary void addMapEventListener(EventListener eventListener)
Adds an EventListener to this BackingMap.void addMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1, use the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method.void addMapIndexPlugin(MapIndexPlugin index)
Adds an MapIndexPlugin to this Map.void createDynamicIndex(MapIndexPlugin index, DynamicIndexCallback dynamicIndexCallback)
Creates a dynamic index on the BackingMap.void createDynamicIndex(java.lang.String name, boolean isRangeIndex, java.lang.String attributeName, DynamicIndexCallback dynamicIndexCallback)
Creates a dynamic index on the BackingMap.boolean getCopyKey()
Gets whether keys are copied for this BackingMap.CopyMode getCopyMode()
Gets the CopyMode being used by this BackingMap.EntityMetadata getEntityMetadata()
Retreive the metadata for the entity associated with this backing getEvictionTriggers()
Returns the types of additional eviction triggers.Evictor getEvictor()
Gets the Evictor being used by this BackingMap.Loader getLoader()
Gets the Loader being used by this BackingMap.LockStrategy getLockStrategy()
Gets the LockStrategy object being used by this getLockTimeout()
Gets the lock timeout value used by the lock manager for this getMapEventListeners()
Gets the current list of getMapIndexPlugins()
Returns the current list of MapIndexPlugin objects for this getMapSetName()
Retrieves the name of the MapSet that this BackingMap is currently associated getMapType()
Returns the type of getName()
Gets the name of the BackingMap.boolean getNullValuesSupported()
Gets whether this BackingMap supports null values or getNumberOfBuckets()
Gets the number of buckets defined for this getNumberOfLockBuckets()
Gets the number of lock buckets defined for the hash map used by lock manager for this backing map.ObjectGrid getObjectGrid()
Gets the ObjectGrid that owns this BackingMap.ObjectTransformer getObjectTransformer()
Gets the ObjectTransformer object being used by this BackingMap and/or Loader.OptimisticCallback getOptimisticCallback()
Gets the OptimisticCallback being used by this BackingMap and/or Loader or null if the LockStrategy is not getPartitionId()
Gets the partition identifier being used by this BackingMap.PartitionManager getPartitionManager()
Allows access to the PartitionManager that is defined for this BackingMap.boolean getPreLoadMode()
Returns whether this BackingMap will be asynchronously preloaded or not if a Loader is set.boolean getReadOnly()
Retrieves the map getSerializerAccessor()
Retrieve the SerializerAccessor for this map.BackingMapLifecycleListener.State getState()
Retrieve the current life cycle state of this map.TimeBasedDBUpdateConfig getTimeBasedDBUpdateConfig()
Get the time-based database update configuration getTimeToLive()
Gets the number of seconds for an entry to live.TTLType getTtlEvictorType()
Gets how expiration time of a BackingMap entry is getWriteBehind()
Get the write-behind parameter.void removeDynamicIndex(java.lang.String name)
Removes a dynamic index on the BackingMap.void removeMapEventListener(EventListener eventListener)
Removes an EventListener from this BackingMap.void removeMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1, use the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method.void setCopyKey(boolean copy)
Sets whether or not the key needs to be copied when a map entry is created.void setCopyMode(CopyMode mode, java.lang.Class valueInterface)
Sets the CopyMode.void setEvictionTriggers(java.lang.String evictionTriggers)
Sets the types of additional eviction triggers, all evictors for the backing map will use the provided set of triggers.void setEvictor(Evictor e)
Associates an Evictor with this BackingMap.void setLoader(Loader loader)
Associates a Loader with this BackingMap.void setLockStrategy(LockStrategy lockStrategy)
Sets the LockStrategy.void setLockTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the lock timeout used by the lock manager for this BackingMap.void setMapEventListeners(java.util.List eventListenerList)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1. Use the addMapEventListener(EventListener) or removeMapEventListener(EventListener) methods. Plugins that implement the ObjectGridLifecycleListener interface are automatically registered with the grid. Using this method will remove those automatically added listeners.void setMapIndexPlugins(java.util.List indexList)
Sets the list of MapIndexPlugin objects for this BackingMap.void setNullValuesSupported(boolean nullValuesSupported)
Sets whether this BackingMap supports null values.void setNumberOfBuckets(int numBuckets)
Sets the number of buckets used by this BackingMap.void setNumberOfLockBuckets(int numBuckets)
Sets the number of lock buckets used by the lock manager for this BackingMap.void setObjectTransformer(ObjectTransformer t)
Sets the ObjectTransformer object for use by this BackingMap and/or Loader.void setOptimisticCallback(OptimisticCallback checker)
Sets the OptimisticCallback.void setPreloadMode(boolean async)
Sets the preload mode if a Loader is set for this BackingMap.void setReadOnly(boolean readOnlyEnabled)
Sets the map type of this BackingMap.void setTimeBasedDBUpdateConfig(TimeBasedDBUpdateConfig dbUpdateConfig)
Set the time-based database update configuration object.void setTimeToLive(int seconds)
Sets "time to live" of each map entry in seconds.void setTtlEvictorType(TTLType type)
Sets how expiration time of a BackingMap entry is computed.void setWriteBehind(java.lang.String writeBehindParam)
Enable write-behind updates for this map.
Methods inherited from interface
disableClientReplication, enableClientReplication, getReplicationMode
static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT
Default lock timeout used if setLockTimeout(int) is not invoked.
Default number of lock buckets used if setNumberOfBuckets(int) is not invoked.
Default number of lock buckets used if setNumberOfLockBuckets(int) is not invoked.
The eviction trigger string constant to enable memory based eviction using memory usage threshold provided by the
Since: WAS XD Constant Field Values
static final int LOCAL
Constant used to indicate this map is not a distributed map.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 Constant Field Values
static final int SERVER
Constant used to indicate this map is a server map.
Since: WAS XD 6.1 Constant Field Values
static final int CLIENT
Constant used to indicate this map is a client to a server map
Since: WAS XD 6.1 Constant Field Values
Method Detail getName
java.lang.String getName()
Gets the name of the BackingMap.
Returns: value specified when BackingMap was created.
void setEvictor(Evictor e)
Associates an Evictor with this BackingMap. An Evictor aids with cleaning up the cache based on whatever algorithm is desired (LRU, LFU, etc). Passing null to this method removes a previously set Evictor object from an earlier invocation of this method.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
An Evictor that implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener is automatically added as if the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called. Any previous evictor which implements BackingMapLifecycleListener is removed as if the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called.
An Evictor may also implement the BackingMapPlugin interface in order to receive enhanced BackingMap plug-in lifecycle method calls. The plug-in is then also required to correctly implement each of the bean methods related to introspection of its state (for example isInitialized(), isDestroyed(), etc).
Parameters: e - Evictor instance Throws: ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
Evictor getEvictor()
Gets the Evictor being used by this BackingMap.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setEvictor(Evictor) method of this interface or null if setEvictor was not previously called setEvictor(Evictor)
void setObjectTransformer(ObjectTransformer t)
Sets the ObjectTransformer object for use by this BackingMap and/or Loader. An ObjectTransformer aids with the "serialization" of non-Serializable objects. It allows a custom copy function to be installed for more efficient object copy operations.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
An ObjectTransformer that implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener is automatically added as if the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called. Any previous transformer which implements BackingMapLifecycleListener is removed as if the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called.
Parameters: t - ObjectTransformer instance Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the passed in ObjectTransformer is null ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
ObjectTransformer getObjectTransformer()
Gets the ObjectTransformer object being used by this BackingMap and/or Loader.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setObjectTransformer(ObjectTransformer) setObjectTransformer(ObjectTransformer)
void setOptimisticCallback(OptimisticCallback checker)
Sets the OptimisticCallback. The OptimisticCallback will be used to check the versions of cache entries during the commit phase. If no OptimisticCallback was previously set, a default OptimisticCallback will be used. For Entities, the default OptimisticCallback will use a version field that was specified in the entity metadata. For POJO objects or Entities that do not have a version field specified, the default OptimisticCallback uses the entire object as the version value. In order for it to work for POJO objects, the application's value object needs to have a useful equals(Object) method. If the application does not require versioning, but is using Optimistic locking, the NoVersioningOptimistCallback should be used.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
An OptimisticCallback that implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener is automatically added as if the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called. Any previous optimistic callback which implements BackingMapLifecycleListener is removed as if the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called.
Parameters: checker - OptimisticCallback instance Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the passed in OptimisticCallback is null NoVersioningOptimisticCallback, LockStrategy.OPTIMISTIC, ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
OptimisticCallback getOptimisticCallback()
Gets the OptimisticCallback being used by this BackingMap and/or Loader or null if the LockStrategy is not optimistic. If no OptimisticCallback was previously set, a default OptimisticCallback will be used. For Entities, the default OptimisticCallback will use a version field that was specified in the entity metadata. For POJO objects or Entities that do not have a version field specified, the default OptimisticCallback uses the entire object as the version value. In order for it to work for POJO objects, the application's value object needs to have a useful equals(Object) method. If the application does not require versioning, but is using Optimistic locking, the NoVersioningOptimistCallback should be used.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setOptimisticCallback(OptimisticCallback) method of this interface or the default OptimisticCallback object if the setOptimisticCallback method was not previously called for this object. If Optimistic locking is not being used, this method will return null after ObjectGrid.initialize() OptimisticCallback, LockStrategy.OPTIMISTIC, setOptimisticCallback(OptimisticCallback)
void setLoader(Loader loader)
Associates a Loader with this BackingMap. Only one Loader can be associated with a given BackingMap. Passing null to this method removes a previously set Loader object from an earlier invocation of this method and indicates that this BackingMap is not associated with a Loader.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
A loader that implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener is automatically added as if the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called. Any previous loader which implements BackingMapLifecycleListener is removed as if the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called.
A Loader may also implement the BackingMapPlugin interface in order to receive enhanced BackingMap plug-in lifecycle method calls. The plug-in is then also required to correctly implement each of the bean methods related to introspection of its state (for example isInitialized(), isDestroyed(), etc).
Parameters: loader - Loader instance Throws: ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
Loader getLoader()
Gets the Loader being used by this BackingMap.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setLoader(Loader) method of this interface or null if setLoader was not previously called for this setLoader(Loader)
void setPreloadMode(boolean async)
Sets the preload mode if a Loader is set for this BackingMap. If the parameter is true then the Loader.preloadMap(Session, BackingMap) is invoked asynchronously; otherwise it blocks the execution when loading data so the cache is unavailable until preload completes. Preloading occurs during ObjectGrid initialization.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
Parameters: async - If this is true then the cache is loaded asynchronously otherwise it blocks and the cache is unavailable until preload completes. Throws:
boolean getPreLoadMode()
Returns whether this BackingMap will be asynchronously preloaded or not if a Loader is set. If true is returned then the Loader.preloadMap(Session, BackingMap) method is invoked asynchronously; otherwise it blocks the execution when loading data so the cache is unavailable until preload completes. Preloading occurs during ObjectGrid initialization.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setPreloadMode(boolean) method of this interface or false if setPreloadeMode was not previously setPreloadMode(boolean)
void addMapIndexPlugin(MapIndexPlugin index) throws IndexAlreadyDefinedException
Adds an MapIndexPlugin to this Map. This method assumes the index implementation was constructed with the name of the attribute to index. The name of the index is specified when the index is constructed. Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
A MapIndexPlugin that implements the BackingMapLifecycleListener is automatically added as if the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called. Any previous index which implements BackingMapLifecycleListener is removed as if the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method was called.
Parameters: index - The index implementation. Throws: IndexAlreadyDefinedException - if this index already exists. ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
java.util.List getMapIndexPlugins()
Returns the current list of MapIndexPlugin objects for this BackingMap.
Returns: The current list of MapIndexPlugins for this BackingMap. The list is empty if the addMapIndexPlugin(MapIndexPlugin) or setMapIndexPlugins(List) method was setMapIndexPlugins(List)
void setMapIndexPlugins(java.util.List indexList)
Sets the list of MapIndexPlugin objects for this BackingMap. If the BackingMap already has a List of MapIndexPlugin objects, that list is replaced by the List passed as an argument to the current invocation of this method. Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
Parameters: indexList - A non-null reference to a List of MapIndexPlugin objects. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if indexList is null or the indexList contains either a null reference ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
void setCopyMode(CopyMode mode, java.lang.Class valueInterface)
Sets the CopyMode. The CopyMode determines whether a get operation of an entry in the BackingMap returns the actual value, a copy of the value, or a proxy for the value. In the case of a proxy, the copy of the value does not occur unless a set method of the application provided value interface is invoked. It also determines that when a transaction is committed, whether a copy of the value object of an entry that was marked as dirty by the transaction is put into the BackingMap at commit time. The CopyMode does not specify if the object is copied when being read or written to a Loader. It is the responsibility of the implementor of a Loader to make copies as appropriate. The default CopyMode is CopyMode.COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
Parameters: mode - must be one of the final static variables defined in CopyMode. See CopyMode class for an explanation of each mode and how the valueInterface is used for CopyMode.COPY_ON_WRITE . valueInterface - the value interface Class object. Specify null in version 7.1 and later. Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mode is CopyMode.COPY_ON_WRITE and valueInterface parameter is null and CGLIB isn't in the classpath. ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
CopyMode getCopyMode()
Gets the CopyMode being used by this BackingMap.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setCopyMode(CopyMode, Class) method of this interface or the default CopyMode object if setCopyMode was not previously setCopyMode(CopyMode, Class)
void setLockStrategy(LockStrategy lockStrategy)
Sets the LockStrategy. The locking strategy represented by the LockStrategy object determines if the internal ObjectGrid lock manager is used whenever a map entry is accessed by a transaction. The default strategy is LockStrategy.OPTIMISTIC.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
Parameters: lockStrategy - must be one of the final static variables defined in LockStrategy. See LockStrategy class for an explanation of each locking strategy. Throws: ObjectGrid.initialize(), ObjectGrid.getSession()
LockStrategy getLockStrategy()
Gets the LockStrategy object being used by this BackingMap.
Returns: the argument that was passed to the setLockStrategy(LockStrategy) method of this interface or the default LockStrategy object if setLockStrategy was not previously setLockStrategy(LockStrategy)
@Deprecated void setMapEventListeners(java.util.List eventListenerList)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1. Use the addMapEventListener(EventListener) or removeMapEventListener(EventListener) methods. Plugins that implement the ObjectGridLifecycleListener interface are automatically registered with the grid. Using this method will remove those automatically added listeners.
Sets the list of EventListener objects. If this BackingMap already has a List of EventListeners, that list is replaced by the List passed as an argument to the current invocation of this method. This method can be called before and after the ObjectGrid.initialize() method.
Parameters: eventListenerList - A non-null reference to a List of EventListener objects that are instances of BackingMapLifecycleListener or MapEventListener Throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if eventListenerList is null, the eventListenerList contains either a null MapEventListener, BackingMapLifecycleListener, addMapEventListener(EventListener), removeMapEventListener(EventListener)
java.util.List getMapEventListeners()
Gets the current list of EventListeners.
void addMapEventListener(EventListener eventListener)
Adds an EventListener to this BackingMap. Note, this method is allowed to be invoked before and after the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Backing map plug-ins (Loader, Evictor, MapIndexPlugin, ObjectTransformer, OptimisticCallback) that implement the ObjectGridLifecycleListener are automatically added as listeners when added to the BackingMap.
Parameters: eventListener - A non-null reference to a EventListener to add to the list. The listener must be an instance of BackingMapLifecycleListener or MapEventListener Throws: MapEventListener, BackingMapLifecycleListener
void addMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1, use the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method.
Provided for compatibility with old releases, use the addMapEventListener(EventListener) method.
Parameters: listener -
void removeMapEventListener(EventListener eventListener)
Removes an EventListener from this BackingMap. Note, this method is allowed to be invoked before and after the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Backing map plug-ins (Loader, Evictor, MapIndexPlugin, ObjectTransformer, OptimisticCallback) that implement the ObjectGridLifecycleListener are automatically removed as listeners when removed from the ObjectGrid.
Parameters: eventListener - A non-null reference to an event listener that was previously added by invoking either the addMapEventListener(EventListener) or setMapEventListeners(List) method of this interface. Throws: MapEventListener, BackingMapLifecycleListener, addMapEventListener(EventListener)
void removeMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener)
Deprecated. This method is deprecated in version 7.1.1, use the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method.
Provided for compatibility with old releases, use the removeMapEventListener(EventListener) method.
Parameters: listener -
int getPartitionId()
Gets the partition identifier being used by this BackingMap.
Returns: The 0-based index for the partition represented by this BackingMap instance. If there is only a single partition defined for this BackingMap object, a 0 will be returned (default). Since: WAS XD 6.0.1
void setReadOnly(boolean readOnlyEnabled)
Sets the map type of this BackingMap. A map can be a read only map or a read/write map. Passing true as the parameter value will make this map a read only map; passing false as the parameter value will make this map a read/write map.
Note, to avoid an IllegalStateException, this method must be called prior to the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, keep in mind that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if it has yet to be called by the application.
Parameters: readOnlyEnabled - If set to true, this BackingMap will be a read only map. If false, the map will be a read/write map. Throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called after the ObjectGrid.initialize() method is called.
boolean getReadOnly()
Retrieves the map type.
Returns: the argument that was passed to setReadOnly(boolean) method of this interface. True is returned if this a read only map. A return value of false implies that this is a read/write map. If setReadOnly was never called, the default return
ObjectGrid getObjectGrid()
Gets the ObjectGrid that owns this BackingMap.
Returns: the ObjectGrid instance that owns this BackingMap.
void setNumberOfBuckets(int numBuckets)
Sets the number of buckets used by this BackingMap. The BackingMap implementation uses a hash map for its implementation. If there are a lot of entries in the BackingMap then more buckets means better performance because the risk of collisions is lower as the number of buckets grows. More buckets also means more concurrency. If number of buckets is 0, no entries will be stored in the map, but the appropriate ObjectGrid and BackingMap plug-ins will still be called.
Once the ObjectGrid is initialized this parameter