Sample XML configuration files



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Sample files are provided for your reference to help illustrate how to use XML configuration for different portal configuration purposes.

Before you use them, read the other topics about the XML configuration interface carefully.


Sample file location

The sample XML configuration files provided with WebSphere Portal are located in... portal_server_root/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples.


Sample file list

The following samples are available:


Parent topic

The XML configuration interface


Related concepts

Manage portal resources with policies
About the XML configuration interface


Related tasks

Deploying J2EE resources with portlet application WAR files
Exporting a Producer definition by using the XML configuration interface
Creating a Producer definition and consuming a WSRP service by a single XML script


Related reference

Sample Policy XML configuration files
Changes to the XML configuration interface for this version of portal
XML configuration reference
XML samples for creating Producer definitions
Automated tasks for composite applications


Related information

Work with the XML configuration interface