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Portal, V6.1


Automated tasks for composite applications

You can manage application maintenance by controlling automated tasks that are available using the XML configuration interface. The automated tasks clean up resources associated with deleted applications and detect application status based on policy settings.

Task Description

This task cleans the system of all resources belonging to applications that have been deleted. By default, this task runs at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday.


This task detects application status by sensing the conditions specified by the policy settings for each composite application running on the server. By default, this task runs at 10:30 p.m. daily.


Parameters for scheduling tasks

Like the tasks for cleaning up portal resources, these periodic maintenances tasks for composite applications can be run immediately or at specified intervals. The scheduling interval parameters dayOfMonth and dayOfWeek are optional and are mutually exclusive. Each scheduling interval parameter requires a value for the parameter startTime. To run a task daily, use only the parameter startTime.

In contrast to the task that cleans up portal resources, composite application tasks can be scheduled to run more than once. For example, you can schedule an application task to run every Monday at 10.00 a.m. and every Friday at 1:00 p.m. To accomplish this, simply add the task instance ID to the task ID in the task command. tasks for composite applications can be started immediately.


Parent topic

Manage applications


Related reference

XML configuration reference
Sample XML configuration files