Changes to the XML configuration interface (xmlaccess) for Portal v6.1



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Changed XML schema

The XML schema is updated for new versions of WebSphere Portal as required. Make sure that your XML scripts specify the correct version of the XML schema according to the version of your portal installation.

For example, for portal V6.1 specify V6.1.0. of the XML schema...

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   <request xmlns:xsi=""
            type="export | update">




Backward compatibility

Later XML schemas are backward compatible with earlier supported versions of WebSphere Portal.

You can run XML scripts from earlier portal versions that IBM supports under a later version of the portal. For example, you can run an XML script that is based on the PortalConfig_6.0.1.xsd under portal V6.1.


Schema file naming convention

New versions of the xsd file are created according to the following naming convention:




If the schema is enhanced during a portal version, the name includes additional ID information to ensure unique schema file names:





New XML resources in WebSphere Portal V6.1

In WebSphere Portal V6.1 the following new resource tags have been introduced:


New XML attributes in WebSphere Portal V6.1

name attribute for the servlet tag

A new attribute, name, has been added to the servlet tag, replacing the former refid attribute. The refid attribute is still available to be used as a fallback.

For standard portlets the servlet name corresponds to the portlet name.

For IBM portlets, the servlet name is concatenated from the concrete portlet name and the portlet application UID.

remotehandle and wsrp-producerref attributes for the servlet tag

Use the XML configuration interface to consume WSRP services from a Producer portal.

remote-cache-scope-private and cache-expiration attributes for the portlet tag.

Two new attributes...

  • remote-cache-scope-private
  • cache-expiration

...have been added to the portlet tag. These attributes have been moved from the servlet tag to the portlet tag for both standard and IBM portlets.


Changed XML resources in WebSphere Portal V6.1

The structure of WSRP Producers remote portlet consumed by using WSRP has been changed. The portlet and portlet-application tags for remote portlets have been moved from the wsrp-producer tag to the web-app tag and the attributes have been changed. For more details about these resource tags and attributes and how to use them refer to the XML reference and the WSRP section.


Enhanced behavior of the XML configuration interface in WebSphere Portal V6.1

The context-root and display-name are attributes picked up while installing portlets via XML.

If the attributes context-root and display-name are set, the XML configuration interface applies them for all portlet installations.

In previous portal releases, this was only the case when a Web module was being installed in the predeployed mode.

Portlet localedata and preference changes are exported by XML.

When you use the XML configuration interface to export portlets, only the localedata and preference that have been changed since the installation are exported.

This includes preferences and titles that have been administered or preferences that individual users have set.

Unchanged data that is still available in the portlet.xml of the respective portlets is not exported.

Number of servlet items changes for legacy portlets

For IBM portlets, each concrete portlet deployed from the portlet.xml is represented by a separate servlet item.

Therefore exporting a portlet in portal V 6.1 can result in larger number of servlet items than a similar export in the previous release.


Parent topic

The XML configuration interface


Related concepts

Multiple virtual portals
Delayed cleanup of deleted portal pages


Related tasks

Deregistering users and groups
Delete orphaned data
Use the XML configuration interface to consume WSRP services from a Producer portal


Related reference

XML configuration reference
Sample XML configuration files


Related information

Work with the XML configuration interface