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Portal, V6.1


Sample Policy XML configuration files

Use these samples with the XML configuration interface as an alternative to the Resource Policies portlet and the policy editor that are available from the Access section of the Administration page of your work site. Exporting and importing policy XML files is useful when deploying policies on multiple servers and when staging a portal from development and test servers to a production server. The policy XML configuration samples allow you to extend policy definitions and to create or customize policy types and policy settings for portal resources. To work with the Policy Manager API, refer to the Javadoc information for the package com.ibm.policy.manager in the directory WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/doc/Java™doc/api_docs.


Parent topic



Related concepts

Policy principles
Policy rules


Related tasks

Work with policies
Work with Mail policy definitions


Related reference

Policy settings for mail
Policy settings for composite applications
Mail policy attributes