Migrate user profiles
If you profiled your users with categories and keywords on your version 5.1 server, migrate your user profiles.
- If you are migrating users on a primary system, go to step 3. If you are migrating users on a secondary system, copy the summary configuration files created when migrating your primary system to a folder on the secondary system.
See summary.path in the data migration topic.
- Update...
was_profile_root/PortalServer/wcm/migration/config/migration.propertiesConfirm that the following parameters are set as specified and modify them if necessary:
- summary.path
The path on the local file system where the old IBM Lotus WCM summary configuration files were copied in step 1.
- Increase the total transaction lifetime timeout of your version 6.1 server to 3600 seconds through the WAS administrative console. Go to...
Application Servers | server | Container Services | Transaction ServiceMake a note of the current total transaction lifetime timeout so that it can be restored in step 7.
- Restart the portal application server.
- Run the wcmmigrate users task...
cd was_profile_root/PortalServer/wcm/configcm/migration/
./wcmmigrate.sh -user username -password password users
The user specified in the command must be a WebSphere Portal administrator.
- Verify the user migration by reviewing the migration console. The message "command successful" is displayed after a successful migration. If the message "command failed" is displayed upon completion review the previous steps. See Troubleshooting WCM migration for further information.
- Restore the total transaction lifetime timeout setting to the original setting that was changed in step 4.
- Restart the portal application server.
Parent topic
Migrating a primary Web content system
Parent topic
Migrating a secondary Web content system