Migrate Web content data



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When migrating a primary system, first migrate your old Web content data from a single Web content system. This would normally be an authoring system. If you have decentralized authoring systems, aggregate all your current data onto a single system using syndication and then migrate the data from this system.

  1. Copy....


    ....from your old system to a temporary migration folder on the new system. Do NOT overwrite...


    ...on the new system.

  2. Depending on which data repository your old system uses, copy the following files from your old system to...


    ...on your new system. These will typically be:

    IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition db2jcc.jar
    Oracle Enterprise Edition ojdbc14.jar
    Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition mssqlserver.jar

  3. Update...


    ...by adding the names of the files you copied in step 2 to the value of the exporter.classpath property.

  4. If migrating from a DB2 repository, edit the following files located in the /tmp/wcm/config folder you created in step 1:

    • aptrixjpe.properties:

      Ensure the following properties are set correctly:

      jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://<db2 host name>:<port number>/wcmdb

      This is configured to point to the database of the old system and ensure that there are no spaces before or after the URL.

      jdbc.username=<db2 user id> and jdbc.password=<db2 password>

      Ensure the proper userid are password are set to connect to your version 5.1 database.

      jdbc.schema=schema for tables

      Ensure the correct schema is set for your database.

    • connect.cfg:

      Ensure <jdbc:db2://<db2 host name>:<port number>/wcmdb driver="com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver" />

      The port number for DB2 on your old system can be found under %systemroot%/system32/drivers/etc/services on Windows systems or /etc/services on UNIX systems.

  5. Update...


    ...on your new system. Confirm that the following parameters are set as specified and modify them if necessary:

    export.path The path on the local file system where exported data will be saved.
    import.path The directory on the local file system where transformed data is saved.
    summary.path The path on the local file system where summary configuration files will be created. These files will be used when migrating a secondary system.
    legacy.config.path The path on the local file system where the old WCM configuration is located. See step 1.

    The URL of the import servlet running on the new system. Replace localhost with the appropriate host.name for the new system.

    import.library.name The name of the library created during import.
    import.library.locale The ISO locale of the library created during import. This must be the same as the data being migrated. It is important this is set accurately, so that the search functionality in the imported site functions correctly. See...

  6. Increase the total transaction lifetime timeout and the maximum transaction timeout of your new WebSphere Portal server to 1200 seconds through the WAS administrative console.

    Go to...

    Application Servers | server | Container Services | Transaction Service

    Make a note of the current total transaction lifetime timeout so that it can be restored in step 10.

  7. Restart the portal application server.

  8. Run the wcmmigrate all-data task from...


    ...on your new system.

    Before you run the wcmmigrate make sure that the portal server on the new system is running.

      ./wcmmigrate.sh -user username -password password all-data

    The user specified in the command must be a WebSphere Portal administrator.

  9. Verify the migration by reviewing the migration console. The message "command successful" is displayed after a successful migration. If the message "command failed" is displayed upon completion review the previous steps. See Troubleshooting WCM migration for further information.

    The total number of items exported, transformed and imported may not be equal, as some items will be merged and other items added during the migration process.

  10. Restore the total transaction lifetime timeout and the maximum transaction timeout settings to the original settings that were changed in step 7.

  11. Reset the event log to ensure that items are syndicated correctly when syndication is enabled. See Resetting the Web content event log for further information.

  12. Restart the portal application server.

  13. Review the configuration of the library created when the data was migrated and make changes as required. For example, enable user access to this library by adding users and groups to each library role.

    See Work with libraries for further information on configuring a Web content library.

  14. Syndicate the migrated data to all the other servers in your new Web content system. See Syndication for further information.


Parent topic

Migrating a primary Web content system