Migrate a primary Web content system



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Primary migration will migrate data, rendering portlets and user profile information.

If you have decentralized authoring systems, you will need to aggregate all you current data onto a single system using syndication and then migrate the data from this system.

Ensure that you have completed the migration of the IBM WebSphere Portal product to the new system. Any Web content pages and rendering portlets that were present on the old system are migrated to the new system but are disabled until you complete the subsequent migration of the Web content data.

Backup your current Web content data repository and indexes located in...


Run Web content maintenance tools on your WebSphere Portal 5.1 server prior to migration to ensure your data and user details are ready for migration. You can run these in report only mode first to review the output and then in fix mode.

  1. Reference Checker
  2. Resource Checker
  3. Site Checker
  4. Member Fixer

You may need to run Site Checker twice on version or earlier.

Ensure that the outputs of these tools are free from error and any required data updates are completed appropriately.

IBM recommends you disable JCR text search indexing on your WebSphere Portal 6.1 server before migration. Doing this will dramatically reduce the load on the database during migration and syndication. To do this, edit...


...and set "jcr.textsearch.enabled" to false. After the file is updated, restart your server for the changes to take effect. It may take some time to rebuild the indexes when you re-enable JCR text search indexing after migration.

Migrating large amounts of data will take a long time. Ensure you plan to perform migration at a time that will not conflict with peak usage. You may need to adjust the memory on the target server to a higher value. A minimum value of 1024 MB is recommended for the maximum Java heap size. Also ensure that the file system has enough space as the export and transform steps will require a large amount of disk space. This is dependent solely on the amount of data in your version 5.1 database.

If your current site uses resources that are password-protected, remove the password protection on those resources before you migrate. If you do not remove the password protection, you will receive a password protected exception during migration.



  1. Installing the Web content migration tool
  2. Migrating Web content data
  3. Migrating user profiles
  4. Migrating a local rendering portlet
  5. Document migration


Parent topic

Migrating version 5.1 Web content