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NeoLoad HTML results

For every plan run by Bamboo, the NeoLoad plugin makes it possible to display the NeoLoad HTML results. In Bamboo, it is necessary to select a plan and a successful build before selecting the Performance Result tab to display the NeoLoad HTML results.

  1. In Bamboo, run a plan configured with the NeoLoad plugin.
  2. When the test is over, click the Performance Result tab.

Results summary

This tab displays basic details of the test: project and scenario name, test duration, load policy, and so on.

Statistics summary

The statistics summary displays the following global metrics:

An icon next to each statistic indicates the severity of the statistic discrepancy with regard to the SLA profile linked to the scenario.

Hot spots

This section focuses on significant results. The times are expressed in seconds.

Top 5 errors

This section lists the five pages having produced most of the errors.

Top 5 alerts

This section lists the five longest alerts filtered by alert importance (critical alerts first, followed by warning alerts). The duration is the duration of the different occurrences of an alert as a percentage of the total test duration.

First critical alerts

This section presents the first critical alerts occurring during the test run.

Top 5 average response times

This section lists the five pages having produced the longest average response times.

Top 5 maximum response times

This section lists the five pages having produced the longest maximum response times.

Top SQL requests

The section displays the results for indicators relating to SQL requests.


This section describes the errors encountered on requests and on logical actions generating errors (Javascript actions). For every type of error, it lists the error code, the number of requests or defective logical actions, and the error description label. For more information about NeoLoad error codes (beginning with NL-), see Neotys status codes. For more information about HTTP response codes, see HTTP status codes.


This section displays the details of the alerts triggered. The section only displays elements with at least one alert threshold set. For each element, the following statistics are displayed:

An icon is shown to indicate the state of each type of monitor with counters that have alert thresholds set:

General statistics

This section displays the following aggregated statistics for all User Paths, pages and requests:

  • Statistics are allocated per User Path. They are displayed in a hierarchical way. When actions are shared among User Paths, the aggregated statistics are displayed in the beginning of each section.

    User Path, Transactions, push messages and pages

    The following statistics are displayed for each User Path, Transaction, push message and web page:

    • Min: Minimum response time
    • Avg: Average response time
    • Max: Maximum response time
    • Count: Total number of requests
    • Err: Total number of errors
    • % of Err: Percentage of errors
    • SLA Profile and highest severity encountered
  • Statistics are allocated per User Path. They are displayed in a hierarchical way. When actions are shared among User Paths, the aggregated statistics are displayed in the beginning of each section.

    Media contents

    For every media request, the following statistics are displayed:

    • Count is the number of times when the request was executed.
    • Errors is the number of errors received.
    • Bitrate is the average bitrate used to simulate the media.
    • Played Time is the total time spent on simulating the media content.
    • Lag Duration is the time spent on downloading the content without simulating the media.
    • Lag Ratio is the ratio between the lag length and the total play time (can be above 100%).
    • Fill Buffer Duration is the time spent to fill in the buffer when starting the video.

    The statistics are displayed per Virtual User.


  • Monitors group together performance counters and indicators. The performance counters and indicators are grouped by monitored machine and by Monitor (Tomcat, MySQL, etc.). The following statistics are displayed for each performance counter:

    • Min: Minimum response time
    • Avg: Average response time
    • Max: Maximum response time
    • Med: Median response time
    • Avg-X%: Truncated mean (configurable in General Settings or in Results manager for a single test result).
    • Std Dev: Standard deviation

    Alert results

    The alerts are grouped by monitored machine and by monitor (Tomcat, MySQL...). The following statistics are displayed for each alert:

    • Alert severity level is a critical alert or a warning.
    • Alert name
    • Number of occurrences is the number of times the alert threshold was exceeded during the test run.
    • Date of the first occurrence
    • Alert duration in percentage of the total test running time
    • Alert description

    An icon is displayed to indicate the level of each alert:

    • The icon indicates a critical alert.
    • The icon indicates a warning alert.


    This section shows a summary of the test scenario configuration, with the following information:

    • Results summary
    • Populations and their User Paths configuration
    • User Paths and their configuration
    • Rendezvous policies
    • SLA profiles

    Main graphs

    This section includes a collection of predefined graphs:

    • Average page response time: the average response time, in seconds, of all pages
    • Average request response time: the average response time, in seconds, of all requests
    • Average response time (Transaction): the average response time, in seconds, of all transactions
    • Requests per second: the number of requests on the server by Virtual Users
    • Errors: the number of elements in error (requests and/or actions) per sampling interval
    • Throughput: the number of megabits of data per second returned by the server
    • Response time against load: the average response time, in seconds, of all pages according to the number of simultaneous Virtual Users
    • Distribution of Transaction durations: the percentage of Transactions performed within a given time range
    • Top 10 First Alerts: the list of the 10 most frequent alerts on the monitored counters
