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  • Errors

    In This Section

    1. Can I stop executing a Virtual User when an error occurs or when an assertion fails?
    2. My system has memory available, so why does NeoLoad say that all available memory is used?
    3. When checking my Virtual Users, why do I get an NL-NETWORK-03 error?
    4. Why do some requests return a 404 error?
    5. What is an NL-REDIRECT-03?
    6. Why do my pages return "java.net.NoRouteToHostException"?
    7. Why do I get an NL-LINKEXTRACTOR-02 error when using a Link Extractor?
    8. Why is the total number of errors in the errors table different from "Total Errors No."?

    See Also

  • F.A.Q.
  • General
  • Installation and licensing
  • Design
  • Runtime
  • Results
  • Monitoring
  • Cloud

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