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The Alerts tab displays details of the alerts that were triggered on performance counters during the test.

Each line in the table corresponds to a period of time during which the alert threshold was exceeded:

General information

It is necessary to use the filter toolbar to filter the alerts by:

The number of alerts displayed varies depending on the filters used. When the "Storage capacity exceeded" warning message is displayed, it indicates that the actual number of alerts recorded during the test exceeds the number of alerts displayed. By default, the maximum number of alert details stored is 50,000.

  1. Stop NeoLoad.
  2. Open the <install-dir>/conf/Controller.properties file in a text editor.
  3. In the [Results]category, change the value of the max.alerts.store.count key. The default value is 50000.
  4. Re-start NeoLoad and repeat the load test.

Alert information

Selecting an alert displays the following information:

Alert graphs

When an alert is selected in the table, the graph displays all the alerts relating to the same element: a red zone for critical alerts and a yellow zone for warning alerts. The zone corresponding to the selected alert is shown in a slightly darker color.

The alert threshold values are represented by a horizontal dotted line.

Graph options

It is necessary to check the following boxes to display the corresponding elements:
