Web Content Management (WCM)



  1. Web Content Manager
    1. Plan a website
    2. New Web Content Manager features
    3. Security architecture
    4. Server architecture
    5. Website objectives
    6. Delivery architecture
    7. Authoring architecture
    8. Design architecture
    9. Conceptual and functional divisions of a website

  2. HCL Web Content Manager environments
    1. Web content authoring environments
    2. Web content delivery environments
    3. Web content testing environments
    4. Deploy the authoring environment
    5. Deploy the delivery environment
    6. Configure a web content authoring environment
    7. Configure a web content delivery environment
    8. Configure a web content staging environment

  3. Digital Experience Capabilities
  4. Road map to building a web content system
  5. Authoring system access strategies
  6. Build the content authoring system
  7. Create an analysis document
  8. Design a prototype website using HTML
  9. Final steps
  10. Content acquisition architecture
  11. Information architecture
  12. Maintenance architecture
  13. Create a design document

WCM Admin

  1. Taxonomies, Categories, and keywords
  2. Clear version history
  3. Clear item history
  4. The update keyword tool
  5. Install the authoring portlet
  6. Remove authoring configuration task
  7. Enable Java messaging services for web content
  8. Deleting libraries using the delete libraries tool
  9. Reserved authoring portlet
  10. Configure the reserved authoring portlet
  11. Advanced administrative examples
  12. Use remote actions
  13. Content Template Catalog Migration
  14. Scope of edits
  15. Lost-found site area
  16. Preview as another user
  17. System content associations
  18. Site toolbar
  19. Custom authoring interfaces
  20. Customize the Web Content Authoring portlet
  21. Additional configuration options
  22. Additional authoring portlet configuration options
  23. Configuring Web content cleanup tasks

Access Control

  1. Web Content Management access control
  2. User roles and access - WCM
  3. Users, Groups and Roles
  4. Web content management roles
  5. Control access to hosts specified in a URL
  6. Define alternative administrators for multi-realm configurations
  7. Integrate with IBM WAS TAI authentication

Content items

  1. Web content system overview
  2. Deliver content
  3. Components
  4. Content items
  5. Deliver web content on a portal page
  6. Web content
  7. Web content authoring options
  8. Web content substitution variables
  9. Customize web content delivery
  10. Web content associations
  11. Reset the web content event log
  12. Enable email
  13. Increase time-outs
  14. Web Content Manager
  15. Web content library default items
  16. Web content administration tools
  17. Item status
  18. Writing links to web content
  19. Contextual linking
  20. Localized rendering
  21. Import web content
  22. How to store files and images
  23. Import large files and images
  24. Links and navigation
  25. Personalized content
  26. How to store text and HTML
  27. Custom authoring portlet user interface
  28. Display data from external sources


  1. Page layout and style
  2. Configure managed pages
  3. Transfer content associations to the Portal Site library
  4. Disable managed pages
  5. Enabling managed pages
  6. Administer managed pages
  7. Access control for managed pages
  8. Best practices for pages
  9. Known issues for pages
  10. Troubleshooting pages
  11. XML configuration interface and managed pages
  12. Page style
  13. Custom portal pages for authoring
  14. Enable inline editing for content items


  1. WCM Search
  2. WCM search options
  3. Configure Search Center
  4. Use the custom metadata field search support
  5. The export cache settings task
  6. Enable support for search seedlist 1.0
  7. Use the search seedlist 1.0 format
  8. Crawl web content with search seedlists
  9. Seedlist 1.0 REST service API
  10. Add HTML meta tags for SEO
  11. Indexing web content
  12. Configure authoring portlet search

Web Content Viewer

  1. Web Content Viewers
  2. Web Content Viewer Portlet
  3. Customize error messages
  4. Friendly URLs and Web Content Viewers
  5. xmlaccess.sh parameters for Web Content Viewer
  6. Display content with Web Content Viewers
  7. Web Content Viewer best practices and limitations
  8. Link examples for Web Content Viewers
  9. OpenAjax security and remote web content rendering with WSRP and the Web Content Viewer
  10. CORS and remote web content rendering with WSRP and the Web Content Viewer
  11. Perform remote rendering with WSRP and the Web Content Viewer
  12. Edit content items directly in a web content viewer
  13. Web content inline editing strategies


  1. Add workflow to managed pages
  2. Manage workflows using the workflow checker tool
  3. Manage workflows using the workflow update tool
  4. Disable workflow actions to improve performance
  5. Workflow and change management
  6. Workflow actions
  7. Workflow stages and actions
  8. Workflow stages


  1. Import large files
  2. Export and import a web content library
  3. Export and import web content libraries
  4. Export and import a web content library copy
  5. Import and create content
  6. How to clone a web content repository
  7. Cloning data
  8. Cloning preparation


  1. Synchronize scopes for web content
  2. Synchronize scopes when items change
  3. Synchronize scopes manually
  4. Scheduling scope synchronization
  5. Synchronize scopes after syndication


  1. Authoring templates
  2. Presentation templates
  3. Template maps
  4. Template libraries used by blogs and blog libraries
  5. CSS styles used by the sample web content template items
  6. Add the sample web content libraries in the authoring portlet
  7. Create content with sample web content template items
  8. Add sample content with the site toolbar
  9. Add predefined web content to the site toolbar
  10. Remove the site toolbar on a production server
  11. Create web content page templates
  12. Web content pages and templates
  13. How to use stylesheets in items


  1. Elements
  2. Component reference element
  3. Date and time element
  4. File resource element
  5. Image element
  6. JSP elements
  7. Link element
  8. Menu element
  9. Navigator elements
  10. Number element
  11. Option selection element
  12. Page navigation element
  13. Personalization element
  14. Taxonomy element
  15. Text, rich text and HTML elements
  16. User selection element
  17. Selection elements


  1. Tags
  2. Web content tag syntax
  3. URL generation using PathCmpnt and URLCmpnt tags
  4. Web Content Manager JSP tags
  5. Manage plug-in tag usage
  6. Enable connect tags

Vanity URLs

  1. Vanity URLs
  2. Provide short vanity URLs using web server rewrite rules
  3. View and create vanity URLs
  4. Administer vanity URLs
  5. How vanity URLs work


  1. Syndication
  2. Syndication
  3. Syndication relationships
  4. Syndication properties
  5. Syndication APIs
  6. Create a subscriber class
  7. Create a syndicator class
  8. Member fixer with syndication
  9. How to use the member fixer task
  10. The web content member fixer task
  11. Member fixer task frequently asked questions
  12. Create a syndication relationship from the command line
  13. Syndication troubleshooting
  14. Syndication tuning


  1. Brochureware site
  2. E-business site
  3. E-library site
  4. Intranet portal
  5. Partner site

Social Media

  1. Social Media Publisher
  2. Overview of the Social Media Publisher
  3. Social media certificates
  4. Social network configuration
  5. Social media for users
  6. Publish content directly to a Facebook page
  7. Install the Social Media Publisher
  8. Known issues with the Social Media Publisher
  9. Uninstall the Social Media Publisher
  10. Implement interactions with social objects
  11. The social network information table
  12. Social Media Workflow Actions
  13. Social Media Publisher
  14. Manage tagging and rating for web content
  15. Use tagging and rating scopes with web content
  16. SAML example


  1. Projects
  2. Project States
  3. Ways to publish a project
  4. Project review state
  5. Projects and syndication
  6. Projects and custom workflow actions
  7. Drafts and projects
  8. Project URL generation
  9. Portal Scripting Interface and project support
  10. Best practices for projects

Portal Scripting Interface

  1. Portal Scripting Interface and web content libraries
  2. Roadmap: Syndication | Portal scripting interface


  1. View blogs and blog posts.
  2. Delete a blog
  3. Assigning blog access to users
  4. Add existing blogs or blog libraries to a page
  5. Add a blog or blog library to a page

WCM caching

  1. WCM Caching options
  2. Custom caching
  3. Cache expire parameters
  4. Caching versus pre-rendering
  5. Data cache configuration
  6. Expiring strategies
  7. Web content cache types
  8. Web content cache configuration
  9. Pre-rendered delivery
  10. Access the pre-rendered site
  11. Pre-rendering options
  12. Pre-rendering a website


  1. Configure remote server access for links
  2. EditLive! editor toolbar configuration options
  3. Create a custom HTML editor integration


  1. Web content library management APIs
  2. Create a content page resolution filter class
  3. Create a rendering plug-in class
  4. Create a Text Provider class
  5. Create a content URL generation filter class
  6. Example 1: Append a prefix to a content URL
  7. Example 2: Generate a friendly URL for web content
  8. Example 2: Filter class
  9. Example 2: Filter factory class
  10. Example 2: plugin.xml file
  11. Use the Web Content Manager API
  12. The IBM Web Content Manager API
    1. Helper class samples for web content context
    2. PortalWCMContextHelper
    3. PortletWCMContextHelper
    4. WCMContextHelper
    5. Create a context processor class
    6. Create a custom button class
    7. Create custom plug-ins
    8. Deploy custom plug-in applications
    9. Create an item validation plug-in class
    10. Create a custom workflow action class
    11. Create a file upload validation class


  1. IBM Web Content Manager Multilingual Solution
  2. Create more multilingual sites
  3. Advanced options
  4. Multilingual authoring
  5. Capacity planning for multilingual sites
  6. Configure a multilingual system
  7. Change the multilingual solution context root
  8. Multilingual deployment
  9. Extensions for multilingual sites
  10. Framework for multilingual site management
  11. Install the multilingual extensions
  12. Deployment, installation, and configuration
  13. Lifecycle and synchronization
  14. Post migration steps for the multilingual solution
  15. Optimizing the performance of the multilingual extensions
  16. Overview of a multilingual site
  17. Multilingual presentation
  18. Uninstall the multilingual solution extensions
  19. Use the multilingual solution

Federated documentes

  1. Personalizing federated documents
  2. AttributeResource values for federated documents
  3. Cache tuning for federated documents
  4. Configure access to remote systems for federated documents
  5. Configure the federated documents feature
  6. Create a federated documents selection rule
  7. Set up support for federated documents
  8. How to use a federated documents rule in a personalization component


  1. REST service for WCM
  2. REST service for Web Content Manager
  3. REST Query service for web content
  4. Query parameters
  5. REST: Attachments
  6. REST content formats
  7. Work with web content items using REST
  8. Use REST to work with access controls
  9. Use REST to work with author and owner parameters
  10. Use REST with components
  11. Use REST with content items
  12. Use REST with elements
  13. Use REST to work with favorite items
  14. Use REST to work with item identity controls
  15. Use REST with Web Content Manager items
  16. Use REST with managed pages
  17. Use REST with presentation templates
  18. Use REST with projects
  19. Run the profile enablement tool
  20. Generic reading using REST services for WCM
  21. Use REST to work with recent items
  22. Use REST with site areas
  23. Use REST to work with versions
  24. Use REST with drafts and workflows
  25. Use REST with workflow items
  26. Defined query Service
  27. Link relations
  28. Supported media types
  29. Update security task
  30. Reference material for the WCM REST service
  31. Response codes for the WCM REST service


  1. WebDAV
  2. Create components with WebDAV
  3. Manage content with site areas in WebDAV
  4. Create taxonomies and categories with WebDAV
  5. Metadata and access control for Web content items in WebDAV
  6. Create presentation templates in WebDAV
  7. Web content items in the WebDAV tree

Virtual Portals

  1. Virtual portals and managed pages
  2. Add the Articles template page to a virtual portal
  3. Set scoped configuration settings for virtual portals