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The WCMContextHelper helper class is an abstract class used by the PortalWCMContextHelper class and the PortletWCMContextHelper class.

The WCMContextHelper class provides three methods:

    This method uses the State API to determine the currently selected page and returns the object ID of the page.

    This method uses the Content Mapping Service to retrieve the content item associated with the current page. The association always contains the ID of the mapped content. After determining the content ID, the method uses the IBM Web Content Manager API to convert the ID to a content path. The method returns the content path of the mapped item.

    This method takes the path-info parameter, which has multiple values, and the content association of the current page. The method creates the web content context by appending all elements of the path-info parameter to the content mapping. The method then returns the result, which is the content path that defines the web content context.

Source of WCMContextHelper

 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2013     *
 package com.ibm.portal.extension;
 import javax.naming.*;
import com.ibm.portal.content.*;
import com.ibm.portal.navigation.*;
import com.ibm.portal.services.contentmapping.*;
import com.ibm.portal.services.contentmapping.exceptions.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.*;
 * Abstract class containing helper methods to determine the current WCM context.   * This class can not be used directly. When in portal code please use PortalWCMContextHelper,   * when in Portlet code please use PortletWCMContextHelper.
 public abstract class WCMContextHelper {
    private final ContentMappingInfoHome contentMappingInfoHome;
   private final WebContentService webContentService;
    * Initializes the WCMContextHelper.   
    * @throws NamingException  
   public WCMContextHelper() throws NamingException {
      // this initialization needs to be done only once.
      final Context ctx = new InitialContext();
      contentMappingInfoHome = (ContentMappingInfoHome) ctx.lookup(ContentMappingInfoHome.JNDI_NAME);
      webContentService = (WebContentService) ctx.lookup("portal:service/wcm/WebContentService");
    * Gets the default content mapping of the current page.   
    * @param currentPage The content node of the current page  
    * @return String representation of the content path that is mapped to the page  
    * @throws ContentMappingDataBackendException   
    * @throws OperationFailedException   
    * @throws ServiceNotAvailableException   
    * @throws DocumentIdCreationException   
    * @throws IllegalDocumentTypeException   
    * @throws DocumentRetrievalException        
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    protected String getContentMapping(final ContentNode currentPage) throws ContentMappingDataBackendException, ServiceNotAvailableException,  OperationFailedException, DocumentIdCreationException, DocumentRetrievalException,  IllegalDocumentTypeException {
     //get the default mapping for the current page         final ContentMappingInfo cmInfo = contentMappingInfoHome.getContentMappingInfo(currentPage);
        final ContentMapping cm = cmInfo.getDefaultContentMapping();
        String contentPath = null;
        if (cm != null) {
          final String contentID = cm.getContentID();
          if(contentID == null) {
              contentPath = cm.getContentPath();
          } else {
              //find the content path to the ID final Repository repository = webContentService.getRepository();
              final Workspace workspace = repository.getWorkspace();
              try {     final DocumentId docID = workspace.createDocumentId(contentID);     contentPath = workspace.getPathById(docID, true, true);  } 
              finally {     repository.endWorkspace();  }
        return contentPath;
    }           /**
    * Gets the content node of the current page  
    * @param navSelectionModel The navigation selection model  
    * @return {@link ContentNode} of the current page      
    protected ContentNode getCurrentPageNode(final NavigationSelectionModel<NavigationNode> navSelectionModel) {
       ContentNode result = null;              
       final NavigationNode currentNavNode = navSelectionModel.getSelectedNode();
       if(currentNavNode!= null) {
         result = currentNavNode.getContentNode();          
       return result;
    * Assembles a proper content path that resembles 'library/site/sitearea/content'. The method 
    * takes care of placing path separators where necessary. The returned content path does not 
    * contain path separators as first or as last character.
    * @param contentMapping
    *           The content mapping of the current page. Must not be <code>null</code>.
    * @param pathInfo 
    *           The value of the path-info public render parameter for the current page. Must not be 
    *           <code>null</code>.
    * @return A fully-qualified content path.
   protected String assembleContentPath(final String contentMapping, final String [] pathInfo) {
      final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
      // add the context mapping of the page w/o trailing forward slash      
      if (contentMapping.charAt(contentMapping.length() - 1) == '/') {
         result.append(contentMapping, 0, contentMapping.length() - 1);
      } else {
      // add all parts of path-info separated by forward slashes       
      for (final String pathInfoFragment : pathInfo) {
         if (pathInfoFragment != null && pathInfoFragment.length() > 0) {
            // add leading forward slash before each fragment             
            // add the path-info fragment             
      return result.toString();

Parent Helper class samples for web content context