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Import large files and images

Because importing large files into Web Content Manager can have a negative impact on performance, we can adjust several settings to ensure better performance when importing files.

For UNIX, use the ulimit -f command to set the maximum size of files that can be created to be at least the size of the largest file we would need to upload to the content server. Setting...

...removes any limit on file size. Verify the system has sufficient disk space to support the setting.

When importing web content libraries, a temporary directory is used to store the library files during the upload process. If the size of the uploaded files exceeds the available disk space for the temporary directory, the import operation fails. When uploading large libraries, ensure there is sufficient disk space to accommodate the import.

  1. Log in to the WAS console and click...

      Resources | Resource Environment | Resource Environment Providers | JCR ConfigService PortalContent | Custom properties

  2. Make sure the location specified under jcr.binaryValueFileDir has sufficient disk space to accommodate the import.

  1. Log in to the WAS console and click...

      Resources | Resource Environment | Resource Environment Providers | WCM WCMConfigService | Custom properties

    If the WCM server is part of a cluster, use the dmgr console.

  2. For the resource.maxUploadSize property, specify a value in megabytes corresponding to the size of the largest file to allow to be imported. For example, if we do not want to allow files larger than 34 MB to be imported, update the resource.maxUploadSize property to have a value of 34. Although IBM recommends that this value not exceed 100 MB, we cannot upload files larger than 512 MB.

  3. For the resourceserver.maxCacheObjectSize property, specify a value of 300 KB or less.

  4. Add the transaction.sync.remove property, and specify a value of true.

  5. Click...

      Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | portal_server | Server infrastructure | Administration | Custom Properties

  6. Add the protocol_http_large_data_inbound_buffer property, and for the value specify the maximum file size in bytes. This value should correspond to the value set for the resource.maxUploadSize property in the WCM WCMConfigService service.

    Note the protocol_http_large_data_inbound_buffer property uses bytes. So if specified a value of 34 MB for the resource.maxUploadSize property, we would specify a value of 35651584 bytes for the protocol_http_large_data_inbound_buffer property.

  7. Click...

      Resources | JDBC | Data sources | datasource_name | Custom properties

  8. Specify the fullyMaterializeLobData property with a value of false.

  9. Click...

      Resource | JDBC | Data sources | datasource_name | Connection pool properties

  10. Increase the maximum number of database collections allowed for the application server by increasing the value of the Maximum connections field to a value greater than the default 50 connections.

  11. If we are working with files larger than 100 MB, increase the web containers transaction timeout setting.

    1. Click...

        Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | portal_server | Container Services | Transaction service

    2. Increase the value of the Total transaction lifetime timeout setting from the default setting of 120 seconds.

  12. Increase the maximum number of threads allowed in the thread pool used by the web container.

    1. Click...

        Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | portal_server | Thread pools | WebContainer

    2. Set the value of the Maximum Size field to 100 threads.

  13. If we are using IBM HTTP Server v7, increase the connection timeout value for connections to the application.

    1. Click...

        Servers | Server Types | web servers | web_server | plug-in properties | Custom properties | New

    2. In the name field, enter ServerIOTimeout.

    3. In the value field, enter the timeout value in seconds.

      The default value is 60 seconds. However, when working with large files, this default value is typically insufficient and can cause a false server error response to be sent, which in turn causes the portal to reissue the request. Set a timeout value that is long enough to allow a failing request to receive a response, or enter -1 for an unlimited timeout value.

  14. Click Save to save the configuration changes.

  15. Restart the portal for the settings to take effect.

What to do next

If the portal's policy cache manager indicates that a number of web container threads are hung, set the cacheinstance.com.ibm.wps.policy.services.PolicyCacheManager.lifetime property in the WP CacheManagerService service to a value of -1. This setting reduces the database connections and load times and helps prevent threads from hanging.

Parent Configure a web content authoring environment

Related tasks:

Set service configuration properties