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Supported media types

The following media types are supported by the WCM REST service.

Meta Data Media Types

Item Description Item Type Supported Media Types Supported Methods
Content Template ContentTemplate application/atom+xml application/json GET
Content Content application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Date Component LibraryDateComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Date Element DateComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
File Component LibraryFileComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
File Element FileComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
HTML Component LibraryHTMLComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
HTML Element HTMLComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Image Component LibraryImageComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Image Element ImageComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Numeric Component LibraryNumericComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Numeric Element NumericComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Portal Page PortalPage application/atom+xml application/json GET
Presentation Template PresentationTemplate application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Project Template ProjectTemplate application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Project Project application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Rich Text Component LibraryRichTextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Rich Text Element RichTextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Short Text Component LibraryShortTextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Short Text Element ShortTextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Site Area Template SiteAreaTemplate application/atom+xml application/json GET
Site Area SiteArea application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Stylesheet Component LibraryStyleSheetComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Text Component LibraryTextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST
Text Element TextComponent application/atom+xml application/json GET, PUT, POST

Raw Data Media Types

Item Description Item Type Supported Media Types Supported Methods
Content Template ContentTemplate application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET,
Content Content application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Date Component LibraryDateComponent application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Date Element DateComponent application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
File Component LibraryFileComponent */* GET, PUT
File Element FileComponent */* GET, PUT
HTML Component LibraryHTMLComponent text/html GET, PUT
HTML Element HTMLComponent text/html GET, PUT
Image Component LibraryImageComponent image/* application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Image Element ImageComponent image/* application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Numeric Component LibraryNumericComponent application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Numeric Element NumericComponent application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Portal Page PortalPage application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET
Presentation Template PresentationTemplate text/html GET, PUT
Project Template ProjectTemplate application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Project Project application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Rich Text Component LibraryRichTextComponent text/html GET, PUT
Rich Text Element RichTextComponent text/html GET, PUT
Short Text Component LibraryShortTextComponent text/html GET, PUT
Short Text Element ShortTextComponent text/html GET, PUT
Site Area Template SiteAreaTemplate application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Site Area SiteArea application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET
Stylesheet Component LibraryStyleSheetComponent text/css application/vnd.ibm.wcm+xml GET, PUT
Text Component LibraryTextComponent text/html GET, PUT
Text Element TextComponent text/html GET, PUT

Parent Reference material for the WCM REST service