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Install the product offerings using the command line

We can install any product offering using the Installation Manager imcl install command.

Prepare the system where we want to install the product as described in Prepare the operating system for product installation.

Install IBM Installation Manager and verify that we can access the product repositories. See Install Installation Manager and Configure the product repositories in Installation Manager.

IBM Installation Manager Version 1.8.5 or later is required to install the product.

Important: Before installing the product, we must read the license agreement that we can find with the product files. The relevant terms and conditions, notices, and other information are provided in the license-agreement files in the lafiles or product_name/lafiles subdirectory of the installation image or repository for this product. Signify your acceptance of the license agreement by specifying -acceptLicense in the command.

All product offerings can be installed using the Installation Manager command line, including the following offerings:

For a full list of product offerings, see WAS product offerings for supported operating systems.

For transitioning users: IBM SDK, v8 is the Java SDK version for WAS v9.0. IBM SDK is no longer embedded with any WAS offerings. The Java SDK is available as a separate offering that must be installed when we install the product.trns

For information about using the imcl command, see the IBM Installation Manager documentation.


  1. Log on to the system.

    (iSeries) Log on to the IBM i system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

  2. Choose a separate directory location for the product binaries. If we are installing from this instance of Installation Manager for the first time, also choose a shared data location.

  3. Start the command line.

    (iSeries) On a CL command line, run the STRQSH command to start the Qshell command shell.

  4. Verify that we have the necessary permissions to install the product in our chosen directories.

  5. Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where we installed Installation Manager.

  6. Verify that the product repository is available.

    The listAvailablePackages command lists one or more levels of the offering.


    imcl.exe listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

    (UNIX) (iSeries)

    ./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

  7. Optional: If the repository requires a username and password, create a master password file and a credential storage file to access this repository.

    1. Optional: Create the master password file.

      The master password file is a text file containing a passphrase such as "This text is the master password." This file is used to secure your authentication credentials.

      If we create a master password file and use it when we create credentials, we must always specify the master password file.

      Tip: To secure this file, set permissions to restrict access to this file as appropriate for our operating system.

    2. Create a credential storage file by running the imutilsc saveCredential command.


      imutilsc.exe saveCredential 
        -secureStorageFile storage_file
        -userName user_ID -userPassword user_password
        -url source_repository 

      (UNIX) (iSeries)

      ./imutilsc saveCredential 
        -secureStorageFile storage_file
        -userName user_ID -userPassword user_password
        -url source_repository 

      Tip: If the imutilsc command is unable to find the URL that is specified when we create the credential storage file, append /repository.config at the end of the repository URL location.

    See IBM Installation Manager documentation.

  8. Run the imcl command to install the product offering.

    The imcl command has the format and options shown in the following examples.

    (Dist) Important: Because IBM SDK Java Technology Edition is no longer embedded with the product, specify both the product offering ID and the Java SDK offering ID (com.ibm.java.jdk.v8). The product offerings cannot be installed without the Java SDK.


    imcl.exe install offering_ID_offering_version,optional_feature_ID com.ibm.java.jdk.v8
      -repositories source_repository 
      -installationDirectory installation_directory 
      -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory
      -accessRights access_mode
      -preferences preference_key=value
      -properties property_key=value
      -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file


    ./imcl install offering_ID_offering_version,optional_feature_ID com.ibm.java.jdk.v8
      -repositories source_repository 
      -installationDirectory installation_directory 
      -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory
      -accessRights access_mode
      -preferences preference_key=value
      -properties property_key=value
      -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file


    Important: All applications on IBM i use the Java SDK that is included with operating system, so IBM SDK cannot be installed with any product offering on IBM i.

    ./imcl install offering_ID_offering_version,optional_feature_ID
      -repositories source_repository 
      -installationDirectory installation_directory 
      -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory
      -accessRights access_mode
      -preferences preference_key=value
      -properties property_key=value
      -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file

    Install offerings and optional features

    For some offerings, we can add a comma-separated list of optional features to install. If we do not specify optional features, a default set of features is installed. To install only the features that we want, specify the list of features explicitly.

    The offering IDs, optional features for each offering, and default features are shown in the following table:

    Offering ID Optional feature IDs Default features
    WAS ND


    • core.feature: WAS

      This feature must be specified to specify the following optional subfeatures:

    We cannot use Installation Manager to modify, update, or rollback functions to later add or remove core.feature. Only the subfeatures can be added or removed.

    • core.feature

      • thinclient
      • embeddablecontainer
      • ejbdeploy

    Application Client for WAS


    • samples: Samples
    • standalonethinclient.resourceadapter.runtime: Standalone Thin Clients Runtime
    • standalonethinclient.resourceadapter.samples: Standalone Thin Clients Samples
    • embeddablecontainer: Embeddable EJB Container

    DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS


    No default features
    Web Server Plug-ins


    No optional features N/A
    WebSphere Customization Toolbox


    All optional features are installed by default

    Specify an offering version

    The offering_version, which optionally can be attached to the offering ID with an underscore, is a specific version of the offering to install (9.0.0.x_0200 for example).

    • If offering_version is not specified, the latest version of the offering and all interim fixes for that version are installed.

    • If offering_version is specified, the specified version of the offering and no interim fixes for that version are installed.

    The offering version can be found attached to the end of the offering ID with an underscore when we run the following command against the repository:

    imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

    Install interim fixes

    To indicate which interim fixes we want installed with the offering, specify none, recommended or all with the -installFixes argument.

    • If the offering version is not specified, the -installFixes option defaults to all.

    • If the offering version is specified, the -installFixes option defaults to none.

    Specify access rights

    The -accessRights parameter is not required if we previously specified the mode in which to install Installation Manager.

    Choosing whether to save package versions for rolling back

    Installation Manager can save earlier versions of a package to roll back to if we experience issues later. When Installation Manager rolls back a package to a previous version, the current version of the files are uninstalled and the earlier versions are reinstalled.

    If we choose not to save the files for rollback, we can prevent the files from being saved using the following preference in your command specification:

    -preference com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.preserveDownloadedArtifacts'/>=False

    Tip: Even if we choose not to preserve files locally for rollback with this option, we can still roll back to any previously installed level by accessing the appropriate product repository.

    For more information on setting your Installation Manager preferences, see the IBM Installation Manager documentation.

    (iSeries) Setting the user_data_root


    For initial installations, specify the user_data_root; otherwise, the default value for the user_data_root is /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND. bprac

    To specify the user_data_root, run the imcl command with the user_data_root file path specified on the was.install.os400.profile.location property. For example: -properties was.install.os400.profile.location=/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND.


(Windows) The following example illustrates how to install the latest version of WAS on the Windows operating system:

imcl install com.ibm.websphere.ND.v90 com.ibm.java.jdk.8
 -installationDirectory "C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
 -sharedResourcesDirectory "C:\IBM\IMShared" 
 -repositories C:\IBM\REP\WSAS9ENT 
 -log installv9.xml
 -preferences com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.keepFetchedFiles=false,com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.preserveDownloadedArtifacts=false

(iSeries) The following example illustrates how to install the latest version of WASon the IBM i operating system:

./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.ND.v90
  -repositories https://downloads.mycorp.com:8080/WAS_90_repository
  -installationDirectory /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND
  -properties was.install.os400.profile.location=/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND
  -sharedResourcesDirectory /QIBM/UserData/InstallationManager/IMShared
  -secureStorageFile $HOME/WASFiles/temp/credential.store

What to do next

When the installation completes, the program might write important post-installation instructions to standard output.

  • Install the product offerings
  • Install Installation Manager
  • Install the product offerings on distributed operating systems using the GUI
  • Install the product offerings using response files
  • Install features on distributed operating systems
  • Update the product on distributed and IBM i operating systems
  • Uninstall the product offerings