$ ./ejbdeploy.bat -help EJBDeploy (v8.0, @build@) Syntax: EJBDeploy inputEar workingDirectory outputEar [options] Options: -cp "jar1;jar2" List of jar filenames required on classpath -codegen Only generate the deployment code, do not run RMIC or Javac -bindear:options Bind references within the EAR -dbschema X Set the name of the schema to create -dbvendor X Set the database vendor type X, to one of: DB2UDB_V82, DB2UDB_V95, DB2UDB_V97, DB2UDB_V98, DB2UDB_V101 DB2UDBOS390_V9, DB2UDBOS390_COMPAT_V10, DB2UDBOS390_V10 DB2UDBISERIES_V53, DB2UDBISERIES_V54, DB2UDBISERIES_V61, DB2UDBISERIES_V71 DERBY_V10, DERBY_V101, DERBY_V105, DERBY_V108 INFORMIX_V100, INFORMIX_V110, INFORMIX_V115, INFORMIX_V117 MSSQLSERVER_2005, MSSQLSERVER_2008 ORACLE_V10G, ORACLE_V11G SYBASE_V15, SYBASE_V155 -debug Compile the code with java debug information -keep Do not delete the contents of the working directory -ignoreErrors Do not halt for compilation or validation errors -quiet Only display errors, suppress informational messages -nowarn Disable warning and informational messages -noinform Disable informational messages -rmic "options" Set additional options to use for RMIC -trace Trace progress of the deploy tool -sqlj Use SQLJ instead of JDBC -OCCColumn Add a column for collision detection for WebSphere 6.0 or later release -outer Use OUTER semantics for path expressions in EQL queries for Java EE 1.3 applications -complianceLevel X Set the JDK level X for compiler compliance to one of: 1.4(default), 5.0, 6.0, 7.0