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historyInfo command

The historyInfo command generates a report that includes a history of installed or uninstalled fix packs and interim fixes.

Product history information

The historyInfo tool displays important data about the product, such as the build version and build date. History information for installation and removal of fix packs and interim fixes also displays in the report. This tool is particularly useful when working with support personnel to determine the cause of any problem.

Product history reports:

The following report-generation scripts display installed product information:

Location of the command file

Syntax for the historyInfo command

The command syntax is:


./historyInfo [ -format text | html ]
              [ -file file_name ]
              [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
              | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
              [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | /help | -? | /? | -usage ]
./historyInfo.sh [ -format text | html ]
                 [ -file file_name ]
                 [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
                 | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
                 [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | /help | -? | /? | -usage ]
historyInfo [ -format text | html ]
            [ -file file_name ]
            [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
            | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
            [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage ]
historyInfo [ -format text | html ]
            [ -file file_name ]
            [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
            | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
            [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage ]

Issue the command from the bin directory of the app_server_root directory.


Report description

The historyInfo command reports the following information:

Installation information

Display the following general information about the current installation:

Installation event information

Display the list of installed fix packs and interim fixes as well as the following related information: