IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator
Run and debug AssemblyLines
The Config Editor is equipped with a number of mechanisms
that aid you in developing AssemblyLines, including facilities to
test and debug the logic of them.
- AssemblyLine Reports
AssemblyLine reports can be run from the context menu in
the navigator.
- Run the AssemblyLine
As we develop the AssemblyLine we can test it by either
running to completion or by stepping through the components one by
- The stepper and debugger
The stepper and debugger are tools built in to the Config
Editor that can help we develop your AssemblyLines interactively.
- Server Debugging
Debugging a Tivoli Directory Integrator server
means that every AssemblyLine started on a TDI server
will automatically establish a debug session with the Configuration
Editor as if it were started in step mode.
- Run Options
We can specify additional options when we run an AssemblyLine.
These options are saved so every time we run the AssemblyLine it
will use these options.
- Choosing the Server
Parent topic: The User Interface