WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Checklist of tasks: Lotus Domino messaging/application servers and portlets

IBM® Lotus® Domino® servers that contain source Notes databases are required for all the portlets that allow users to display and work with Notes mail databases (for example, Lotus Notes View, Domino Web Access) or Notes applications (for example, Lotus Notes View). Your portal site may include one or many such messaging/application servers.

Wait! The Domino-WebSphere Portal Express Integration Wizard can do parts of this task for you. The wizard sets servers to start the DIIOP task, and gives users browser access to Notes-based portlets. However, the wizard does not set Lotus Domino servers to run the HTTP task; perform that task manually as a prerequisite to running the wizard. The wizard also does not help set up awareness and chat features as described below for either the Lotus Notes View or Domino Web Access portlets; if you want those features in those portlets, still perform those tasks manually.

This topic provides information for configuring a Lotus Domino server in your Lotus Domino domain to support messaging and application portlets. Collaborative Services can communicate with Lotus Domino messaging/application servers over HTTP and DIIOP. The HTTP (Web server) task is required for any Lotus Domino portlet to work.

The drop-down list of servers. The DIIOP (Domino Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol) task is optional, but supports a drop-down list of databases that appears when users personalize the Lotus Notes View and Domino Web Access portlets. If the DIIOP task is not started on the Lotus Domino server, users must manually enter a database name in a field to point a portlet to its source data file.

After you complete the tasks below, your Lotus Domino configuration will be ready for you to include any Lotus Domino messaging/application servers in single sign-on (SSO).

Checklist of tasks:

  1. Starting the DIIOP and HTTP tasks automatically on the Lotus Domino server
    You configure a Lotus Domino messaging/application server to support Collaborative Services and the Lotus Domino-based portlets by adding a setting to the NOTES.INI file that causes the server to start the DIIOP and HTTP (Web) server tasks each time the server starts. You must enable these tasks on each Domino messaging/application server in your portal environment.
  2. Giving users browser access to Notes-based portlets
    Modifying the Domino Server document in the Domino Directory database supports the use of the Notes-based portlets through users' browsers.
  3. Specifying a view column for awareness and chat in the Lotus Notes View portlet
    The Lotus Notes View portlet can display awareness in any view that displays user names as data, but specify the column containing the data that should show the awareness features (person links).
  4. Set up awareness and chat for Domino Web Access
    You integrate Lotus Sametime in the Domino Web Access portlet so that users can send and receive instant messages, maintain an instant contacts list, and make the names of people in mail messages, views and folders online-aware.
Parent topic: Integrating the Lotus Domino servers and portlets Related concepts
Domino-WebSphere Portal Express Integration wizard overview
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