Property mapping for administered objects
To enable applications to use IBM MQ JMS and WebSphere Application Server connection factory and destination object definitions, the properties retrieved from these definitions must be mapped on to the corresponding XMS properties that can be set on XMS connection factories and destinations.
In order to create, for example, an XMS connection factory with properties retrieved from a IBM MQ JMS connection factory, the properties must be mapped between the two.
All property mappings are performed automatically.
The following table demonstrates the mappings between some of the most common properties of connection factories and destinations. The properties shown in this table are just a small set of examples, and not all properties shown are relevant to all connection types and servers.
Table 1. Examples of name mapping for connection factory and destination properties IBM MQ JMS property name XMS property name WebSphere Application Server service integration bus property name PERSISTENCE (PER) XMSC_DELIVERY_MODE EXPIRY (EXP) XMSC_TIME_TO_LIVE PRIORITY (PRI) XMSC_PRIORITY XMSC_WPM_HOST_NAME serverName XMSC_WPM_BUS_NAME busName XMSC_WPM_TOPIC_SPACE topicName