- Data type:
- System.Int32
- Property of:
- Destination
- Name used in a URI:
- persistence (for a WebSphere MQ destination)
- deliveryMode (for a WebSphere default messaging provider destination)
The delivery mode of messages sent to the destination.
The valid values of the property are as follows:The default value is XMSC_DELIVERY_AS_APP.
Valid value Meaning XMSC_DELIVERY_NOT_PERSISTENT A message sent to the destination is nonpersistent. The default delivery mode of the message producer, or any delivery mode specified on the Send call, is ignored. If the destination is a WebSphere MQ queue, the value of the queue attribute DefPersistence is also ignored. XMSC_DELIVERY_PERSISTENT A message sent to the destination is persistent. The default delivery mode of the message producer, or any delivery mode specified on the Send call, is ignored. If the destination is a WebSphere MQ queue, the value of the queue attribute DefPersistence is also ignored. XMSC_DELIVERY_AS_APP A message sent to the destination has the delivery mode specified on the Send call. If the Send call specifies no delivery mode, the default delivery mode of the message producer is used instead. If the destination is a WebSphere MQ queue, the value of the queue attribute DefPersistence is ignored. XMSC_DELIVERY_AS_DEST If the destination is a WebSphere MQ queue, a message put on the queue has the delivery mode specified by the value of the queue attribute DefPersistence. The default delivery mode of the message producer, or any delivery mode specified on the Send call, is ignored. If the destination is not a WebSphere MQ queue, the meaning is the same as that of XMSC_DELIVERY_AS_APP.