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Required properties for administered ConnectionFactory objects

When an application creates a connection factory, a number of properties must be defined to create a connection to a messaging server.

The properties listed in the following tables are the minimum required for an application to set to create a connection to a messaging server. If you want to customize the way that a connection is created, then our application can set any additional properties of the ConnectionFactory object as necessary. For more information, see Properties of ConnectionFactory. A complete list of available properties is included.

Connection to a IBM MQ queue manager

Table 1. Property settings for administered ConnectionFactory objects for connections to a IBM MQ queue manager
Required XMS Equivalent IBM MQ JMS property required
XMSC_CONNECTION_TYPE XMS works this out from the connection factory class name and TRANSPORT (TRAN) property.
XMSC_WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER Name of the Queue Manager

Real-time connection to a broker

Table 2. Property settings for administered ConnectionFactory objects for real-time connections to a broker
Required XMS Equivalent IBM MQ JMS property required
XMSC_CONNECTION_TYPE XMS works this out from the connection factory class name and TRANSPORT (TRAN) property.

Connection to a WebSphere Application Server service integration bus

Table 3. Property settings for administered ConnectionFactory objects for connections to a WebSphere Application Server service integration bus
XMS property Description
XMSC_CONNECTION_TYPE The type of messaging server to which an application connects.. This is determined from the connection factory class name.
XMSC_WPM_BUS_NAME For a connection factory, the name of the service integration bus that the application connects to or, for a destination, the name of the service integration bus in which the destination exists.