Working with administered objects
The topics in this section provide information about administered objects. XMS applications can retrieve object definitions from a
central administered objects repository, and use them to create connection factories and
This section provides information to help with creating and managing administered objects,
describing the types of administered object repository that XMS supports. The section also explains how an XMS application makes a connection to an administered objects
repository to retrieve the required administered objects.
Supported types of administered object repository
File System and LDAP administered objects can be used to connect to IBM MQ and WebSphere Application Server, whereas COS Naming can be used to connect only to the WebSphere Application Server.
Property mapping for administered objects
To enable applications to use IBM MQ JMS and WebSphere Application Server connection factory and destination object definitions, the properties retrieved from these definitions must be mapped on to the corresponding XMS properties that can be set on XMS connection factories and destinations.
Required properties for administered ConnectionFactory objects
When an application creates a connection factory, a number of properties must be defined to create a connection to a messaging server.
Required properties for administered Destination objects
An application that is creating a destination must set several properties that the application on an administered Destination object.
Creating administered objects
The ConnectionFactory and Destination object definitions that XMS applications require to make a connection to a messaging server must be created using the appropriate administrative tools.
InitialContext objects
An application must create an initial context to be used to make a connection to the administered objects repository to retrieve the required administered objects.
InitialContext properties
The parameters of the InitialContext constructor include the location of the repository of administered objects, given as a uniform resource indicator (URI). In order for an application to establish a connection to the repository, it may be necessary to provide more information than the information contained in the URI.
URI format for XMS initial contexts
The location of the repository of administered objects is provided as a uniform resource indicator (URI). The format of the URI depends on the context type.
JNDI Lookup web service
To access a COS naming directory from XMS, a JNDI Lookup web service must be deployed on a WebSphere Application Server service integration bus server. This web service translates the Java information from the COS naming service into a form that XMS applications can read.
Retrieval of administered objects
XMS retrieves an administered object from the repository using the address provided when the InitialContext object is created, or in the InitialContext properties.
Parent topic: Developing XMS applications
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