Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)
- CSQX000I
IBM MQ for z/OS® Vn
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This message is issued when the channel initiator starts, and shows the release level.
- CSQX001I
csect-name Channel initiator starting
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator address space is starting, in response to a START CHINIT command.
- System action
Channel initiator startup processing begins. Message CSQX022I is sent when the startup process has completed.
- CSQX002I
csect-name Queue sharing group is qsg-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued during channel initiator startup processing or in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the queue manager that the channel initiator uses is in a queue sharing group.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX003I
csect-name Obsolete parameter module ignored
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The START CHINIT command specified a parameter module name using the PARM keyword. The use of a channel initiator parameter module is obsolete, so the name is ignored.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Channel initiator parameters are specified by queue manager attributes. Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the values you want.
- CSQX004I
- Channel initiator is using mm MB of local storage, nn MB are free
- Explanation
Displays the amount of virtual storage currently used and available in the extended private region. Both values are displayed in megabytes (1048576 bytes), and are approximations.
This message is logged at channel initiator start and then either every hour if the usage does not change or when the memory usage changes (up or down) by more than 2%.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
No action is required at this time. However, a frequent occurrence of this message might be an indication that the system is operating beyond the optimum region for the current configuration.
- CSQX005E
csect-name Channel initiator failed to start
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator started task terminates.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX006E
csect-name Channel initiator failed while stopping
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator termination processing.
- System action
The channel initiator started task terminates.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX007E
csect-name Unable to connect to queue manager qmgr-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt by the channel initiator to connect to the queue manager was unsuccessful.
- System action
If the error occurred during the channel initiator startup procedure, the channel initiator does not start. In other cases, the component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) does not start and the function it provides is unavailable; in most cases, the end result is that the channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX008E
csect-name Unable to disconnect from queue manager qmgr-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An attempt by the channel initiator to disconnect from the queue manager was unsuccessful.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX009I
csect-name Channel initiator stopping
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator processing; the channel initiator is unable to continue.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX010I
csect-name Channel initiator stopped
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator terminated following an error, as reported in the preceding messages.
- System action
- CSQX011I
csect-name Client attachment available
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Clients can be attached to and MQI channels can be used with the channel initiator.
- System action
The channel initiator startup processing continues.
- CSQX012E
csect-name Unable to open ddname data set
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The ddname data set could not be opened, as reported in the preceding messages.
- System action
Processing continues, but functions that require the data set will be inhibited. For example, if the exit library data set CSQXLIB cannot be opened, user channel and channel auto-definition exits will not be available, and channels that use them will not start. If the error information data set CSQSNAP cannot be opened, the error information will be lost.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX013I
csect-name Address conflict for listener, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active for a port and IP address combination that conflicted with the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is '*', all IP addresses were requested.
The port and IP address combination specified must match a combination for which the listener is active. It cannot be a superset or a subset of that combination.
- System action
- System programmer response
Reissue the command correctly if necessary.
- CSQX014E
csect-name Listener exceeded channel limit, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The number of current channels using the indicated communications system trptype is the maximum allowed. The listener cannot accept an incoming request to start another channel; if the maximum is 0, the listener itself cannot start. (The name of the channel requested cannot be determined because the listener could not accept the request.) Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
The maximum allowed is specified in the TCPCHL or LU62CHL queue manager attribute, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails, or if TCP/IP resources are restricted (as reported by message CSQX118I).
- System action
The channel or listener does not start.
- System programmer response
If the maximum allowed is zero, communications using the indicated system trptype are not allowed, and no such channels can be started. The listener also cannot be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the remote channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase TCPCHL or LU62CHL.
- CSQX015I
csect-name started dispatchers started, failed failed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of dispatchers; started dispatchers started successfully and failed dispatchers did not start.
- System action
The channel initiator startup processing continues. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately if some dispatchers did not start.
- System programmer response
If the message indicates that some dispatchers failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX016I
csect-name Listener already started, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active.
- System action
- CSQX017I
csect-name Listener already started, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(TCP) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is '*', all IP addresses were requested.
- System action
- CSQX018I
csect-name Listener already stopped or stopping, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already stopped or in the process of stopping.
- System action
- CSQX019I
csect-name Listener already stopped or stopping, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already stopped or in the process of stopping for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is '*', all IP addresses were requested.
- System action
- CSQX020I
csect-name Shared channel recovery completed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure has successfully completed the shared channel recovery process, for channels that were owned by itself and for channels that were owned by other queue managers.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
See message CSQM052I issued by the queue manager for more details.
- CSQX021E
csect-name Shared channel recovery error
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure did not complete the shared channel recovery process, because an error occurred.
- System action
The recovery process is terminated; some channels might have been recovered, while others have not.
- System programmer response
See the error messages (such as CSQM053E) issued by the queue manager for more details. When the problem has been resolved, either start any unrecovered channels manually, or restart the channel initiator.
- CSQX022I
csect-name Channel initiator initialization complete
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Initialization of the channel initiator completed normally, and the channel initiator is ready for use. Note, however, that processing of the CSQINPX command data set might still be in progress; its completion is shown by message CSQU012I.
- System action
- CSQX023I
csect-name Listener started, port port address ip-address TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A listener has been started specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition). This could either be because a START LISTENER command was issued, or because the listener was retrying. That listener is now active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested.
- System action
- CSQX024I
csect-name Listener stopped, port port address ip-address TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A STOP LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), or IBM MQ has tried to stop a listener because of a failure. That listener is no longer active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested.
- System action
- CSQX026E
csect-name Unable to locate the trace header, RC=12
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The trace formatting routine was unable to locate the trace control information in the trace data space in a dump of the channel initiator address space.
- System action
Formatting terminates.
- System programmer response
The most likely cause is that the dump has not been produced correctly. Re-create the dump, and try again.
- CSQX027E
csect-name Unable to get storage, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to obtain some storage failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, listener, repository manager, supervisor, or trace formatter) usually terminates; in many cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
For information about the return code from the STORAGE request, see STORAGE - Obtain and release storage.
- CSQX028E
csect-name Unable to free storage, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to release some storage failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) usually ignores the error and continues processing.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE request.
- CSQX029I
csect-name Queue manager qmgr-name stopping, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
In response to an MQ API call, the queue manager notified the channel initiator that it is stopping.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX030I
- csect-name 'type' trace started, assigned trace number tno
- Explanation
During channel initiator initialization, a type trace has been started automatically and assigned the trace number tno.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX031E
csect-name Initialization command handler ended abnormally, reason=00sssuuu
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, is ending abnormally. sss is the system completion code, and uuu is the user completion code (both in hexadecimal).
- System action
The initialization command handler ends abnormally, but the channel initiator continues.
- System programmer response
If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem; the message will normally be preceded by other messages giving additional information.
The most likely cause is erroneous definition of the CSQINPX and CSQOUTX data sets. For information about the initialization command handler and these data sets, see Initialization commands. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX032I
csect-name Initialization command handler terminated
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, was terminated before completing all the commands because the channel initiator is stopping, and so cannot process any more commands.
- System action
The initialization command handler ends.
- System programmer response
Refer to the CSQOUTX data set for information about the commands that were processed. If the channel initiator is not stopping because of a STOP command, refer to the preceding messages for information about the problem causing it to stop.
For information about the initialization command handler, see Initialization commands.
- CSQX033E
csect-name Channel initiator stopping because of errors
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator processing; the channel initiator is unable to continue.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX034I
csect-name Channel initiator stopping because queue manager is stopping
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The queue manager notified the channel initiator that it is stopping.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- CSQX035I
csect-name Connection to queue manager qmgr-name stopping or broken, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
In response to an MQ API call, the channel initiator found that its connection to the queue manager was no longer available.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX036E
csect-name Unable to open object-type(name), MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQOPEN call for name was unsuccessful; object-type indicates whether name is a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, topic name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the MQ API.)
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
The most common cause of the problem will be that the channel and queue definitions are incorrect.
- CSQX037E
csect-name Unable to get message from name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQGET call for queue name was unsuccessful.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX038E
csect-name Unable to put message to name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQPUT call for queue name was unsuccessful.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX039E
csect-name Unable to close name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An MQCLOSE call for name was unsuccessful; name can be a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the IBM MQ API.)
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX040E
csect-name Unable to inquire attributes for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQINQ call for name was unsuccessful; name may be a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the MQ API.)
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX041E
csect-name Unable to set attributes for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQSET call for queue name was unsuccessful.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX042E
csect-name Unable to define comp to CTRACE, RC=rc reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The CTRACE component definitions (for component comp) required by the channel initiator could not be defined. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS CTRACE service.
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS™, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return and reason codes from the CTRACE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX043E
csect-name Unable to delete comp from CTRACE, RC=rc reason=reason
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The CTRACE component definitions (for component comp) used by the channel initiator could not be deleted. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS CTRACE service.
- System action
Channel initiator termination processing continues.
- System programmer response
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return and reason codes from the CTRACE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX044E
csect-name Unable to initialize PC routines, RC=rc reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The PC routines required by the channel initiator could not be defined. The reason code reason shows which z/OS service failed:
- 00E74007
- LXRES failed
- 00E74008
- ETCRE failed
- 00E74009
- ETCON failed
rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the indicated z/OS service.
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
- Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return codes: If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX045E
- csect-name Unable to load module-name, reason=ssssrrrr
- Explanation
The channel initiator was unable to load a required module. ssss is the completion code and rrrr is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS LOAD service.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) does not start and the function it provides is unavailable; in many cases, the end result is that the channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Check the console for messages indicating why the module was not loaded. Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the codes from the LOAD request.
Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The channel initiator attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN.
- CSQX046E
csect-name Unable to initialize data conversion services, reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The data conversion services required by the channel initiator could not be initialized. The reason code reason shows why:
- 00C10002
- Unable to load modules
- 00C10003
- Insufficient storage
- other
- Internal error
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
Check the console for messages indicating that a module was not loaded. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The channel initiator attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN.
If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX047E
csect-name Unable to commit messages for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQCMIT call involving messages for queue name was unsuccessful.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (supervisor) terminates.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX048I
csect-name Unable to convert message for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A message being put to an IMS bridge queue name required data conversion, but the conversion was not successful.
- System action
The message is put without conversion, and processing continues.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX049E
csect-name Unable to retrieve token for name name, RC=rc
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A token in a name/token pair required by the channel initiator could not be retrieved. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS IEANTRT service.
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IEANTRT request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX050E
csect-name Unable to create access list for queue manager, RC=rc
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator could not create the necessary storage access list for the queue manager to use. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ALESERV service.
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ALESERV request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX051E
csect-name Unable to share storage with the queue manager, RC=rc
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A request by the channel initiator to allow the queue manager to share some storage failed. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS IARVSERV service.
- System action
The channel initiator does not start.
- System programmer response
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the appropriate volume of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IARVSERV request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX052E
csect-name Timer task attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX053E
csect-name Error information recorded in CSQSNAP data set
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX054E
csect-name Repository manager ended abnormally, reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The repository manager ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment®; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQX055E
csect-name Repository manager attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX056E
csect-name Preinitialization services request failed, function code=func, RC=rc
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A preinitialization services (CEEPIPI) call failed. func is the function code used (in decimal) and rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the call.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent or SSL server subtask) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.
- System programmer response
See the Language Environment for z/OS & VM Programming Guide for information about the return code from the CEEPIPI call. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX057E
csect-name Cluster cache task attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator cluster cache task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX058E
csect-name Pause service service-name failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred processing a pause element. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS pause service service-name.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, repository manager, cluster cache extension task,) usually terminates; in many cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX059E
csect-name Unable to increase cluster cache
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The dynamic cluster cache cannot be increased because the channel initiator cluster cache task encountered an error.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in any preceding messages.
- CSQX060E
csect-name Queued Pub/Sub task attach failed, RC=reason-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The queued Publish/Subscribe task could not be attached. The return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX061E
csect-name Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader task attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader task could not be attached. Return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve this problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX062E
csect-name Distributed Pub/Sub tasks have insufficient command authority
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The PSMODE queue manager attribute has a value other than DISABLED but the channel initiator has insufficient authority to issue the DISPLAY PUBSUB command. Until such authority is granted, distributed publish/subscribe is unavailable.
- System action
The channel initiator attempts to restart the distributed Pub/Sub tasks at 1 minute intervals. This message is issued on each subsequent attempt until the required authority has been granted or publish/subscribe is disabled.
- System programmer response
Grant the channel initiator the required authority to access the command server queues and issue the DISPLAY PUBSUB command. For the required security definitions, see Security considerations for the channel initiator on z/OS . Alternatively, if no publish subscribe operation is required, setting the PSMODE queue manager attribute to DISABLED prevents this message from being issued.
- CSQX063I
csect-name Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader task has started successfully.
- System programmer response
- CSQX064I
csect-name Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader stopped
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
- The Distributed Pub/Sub command Offloader task has stopped. This can be for one of three reasons:
- The channel initiator is stopping.
- The channel initiator is starting and the queues used by the distributed pub/sub offloader have not been defined because distributed pub/sub command processing is not required.
- An error has occurred.
- System action
Processing continues, but distributed pub/sub is not available.
- System programmer response
If an error has occurred, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX065E
csect-name Unexpected error in distributed pub/sub Offloader
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The Distributed Pub/Sub command Offloader encountered an unexpected error
- System action
Distributed publish/subscribe might no longer be available.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. If there are none or this does not resolve the problem contact IBM support.
- CSQX066E
csect-name Refresh proxy subscriptions failed
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A REFRESH QMGR TYPE(PROXYSUB) was issued, but could not complete. This could be because the Channel Initiator is shutting down, or as a result of an error.
- System action
Processing continues, but remote subscriptions are not resynchronized.
- System programmer response
If an error has occurred, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX067E
csect-name Error removing non durable remote subscriptions
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The Pub/Sub Offloader task is ending but was unable to remove one or more remote proxy subscriptions. If no previous error has occurred, this is likely to have been triggered by Queue Manager shut down.
- System action
Processing continues, but remote subscriptions might continue to exist which are no longer valid. This could cause a build-up of publications for this Queue Manager on remote transmission queues.
- System programmer response
If the Queue Manager is to be restarted immediately, these subscriptions will be cleaned up when initial resynchronization with the cluster occurs. If this is not the case, proxy subscriptions might need to be manually removed using DELETE SUB on other Queue Managers in the cluster. Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages to see why resynchronization failed.
- CSQX068I
- csect-name Channel initiator has scavenged mm MB of transmission buffers
- Explanation
Displays the amount of virtual storage that has been freed by the channel initiator transmission buffer scavenger task. This virtual storage value is displayed in megabytes (1048576 bytes), and is an approximation.
This message is logged when the amount of virtual storage used by the channel initiator is more than 75%. If storage has been freed the CSQX004I message is issued.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
No action is required at this time. However, a frequent occurrence of this message might indicate the system is operating beyond the optimum region for the current configuration.
- CSQX069E
csect-name Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader ended abnormally, reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader task is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The Distributed Pub/Sub Offloader task ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. Distributed publish/subscribe is no longer available.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQX070I
csect-name CHINIT parameters ...
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator is being started with the parameter values shown in the following messages: CSQX071I, CSQX072I, CSQX073I, CSQX074I, CSQX075I, CSQX076I, CSQX078I, CSQX079I, CSQX080I, CSQX081I, CSQX082I, CSQX085I, CSQX090I, CSQX091I, CSQX092I, CSQX094I, CSQX099I.
- System action
The channel initiator startup processing continues.
- System programmer response
Channel initiator parameters are specified by queue manager attributes. Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the values you want.
- CSQX093I
csect-name WLM/DNS is no longer supported
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The QMGR attribute DNSWLM is set to YES. This feature is no longer supported by z/OS Communications Server.
- System action
Processing continues, but registration to the WLM/DNS server will not be attempted.
- System programmer response
- Issue the command
ALTER QMGR DNSWLM(NO)and consider using Sysplex Distributor instead. See Establishing a TCP connection Using Sysplex Distributor.
- CSQX100E
csect-name Dispatcher failed to start, TCB=tcb-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during dispatcher startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the dispatcher. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX101E
csect-name Dispatcher unable to schedule essential process process
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During dispatcher startup processing, one of the essential dispatcher processes (named process) could not be scheduled.
- System action
The dispatcher does not start.
- System programmer response
The most likely cause is insufficient storage. If increasing the available storage does not solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX102E
csect-name Dispatcher linkage stack error, TCB=tcb-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name found an inconsistency in the linkage stack.
- System action
The dispatcher ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00E7010E', and a dump is issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
The most likely cause is incorrect use of the linkage stack by a user channel exit; exits must issue any MQ API calls and return to the caller at the same linkage stack level as they were entered. If exits are not being used, or if they do not use the linkage stack, contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQX103E
csect-name Dispatcher unexpected error, TCB=tcb-name RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name had an internal error.
- System action
The dispatcher ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00E7010F', and a dump is issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
Contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQX104E
csect-name Unable to establish ESTAE, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During startup processing, the recovery environment could not be set up. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ESTAE service.
- System action
The component that was starting (dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, supervisor, repository manager, or channel initiator itself) does not start.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ESTAE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX106E
csect-name Unable to connect to TCP/IP using USS, service 'serv' RC=return-code reason=reason
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Use of TCP/IP with the UNIX System Services (USS) sockets interface was requested, but an error occurred. return-code and reason are the return and reason codes (both in hexadecimal) from the USS service serv that gave the error.
The most likely causes are:
- The user ID that the channel initiator uses is not set up correctly for use with USS. For example, it may not have a valid OMVS segment defined or its security profile may be incomplete.
- The TCPNAME queue manager attribute does not specify a valid TCP/IP stack name. These stack names are defined in the SUBFILESYSTYPE NAME parameter in member BPXPRMxx for SYS1.PARMLIB.
- The MAXFILEPROC or MAXPROCUSER parameter in member BPXPRMxx for SYS1.PARMLIB is too small.
- System action
Processing continues, but communications using TCP/IP with the USS sockets interface will not be available.
- System programmer response
See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the codes from the service request.
- CSQX110E
csect-name User data conversion exit error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A process for the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred in a user data conversion exit. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The process ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel is stopped, and must be restarted manually.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem in your exit.
- CSQX111E
csect-name User channel exit error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A process for the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred in a user channel exit. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The process ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel is stopped, and must be restarted manually. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem in your exit.
- CSQX112E
csect-name Dispatcher process error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A process run by the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The process ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. If the process is a message channel agent, the channel is stopped, and will need to be restarted manually.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, and you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly; otherwise, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX113E
csect-name Dispatcher ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The dispatcher ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX114E
csect-name Dispatcher failed, reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- A dispatcher ended abnormally, as reported in the preceding messages, and could not be restarted. reason shows the type of failure:
- 0000000A
- Startup error
- 0000000B
- Linkage stack error
- 0000000D
- Uncorrectable error
- other
- Completion code in the form 00sssuuu, where sss is the system completion code and uuu is the user completion code (both in hexadecimal).
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the dispatcher. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX115E
csect-name Dispatcher not restarted - too many failures
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A dispatcher failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it.
- System action
The dispatcher is not restarted. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed is reduced proportionately, and other processing capacity might be reduced.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problems causing the dispatcher failures.
- CSQX116I
csect-name Dispatcher restarted, number dispatchers active
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A dispatcher failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. number dispatchers are now active.
- System action
Processing continues. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be increased proportionately.
- CSQX117I
csect-name Outgoing shared channels are restricted from starting for TCP communication
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A CHISERVP() service parm flag has been set which restricts the ability for this queue manager from being able to start an outgoing shared TCP channel. For more details on this flag contact IBM support. .
- System action
Processing continues. This queue manager is unable to start outgoing shared TCP channels, and will not be selected during IBM MQ workload balanced start of a shared channel. This restriction persists until the flag is disabled and the channel initiator is restarted.
- CSQX118I
csect-name TCP/IP channel limit reduced to nn
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
- This is issued during channel initiator startup processing and in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the maximum number of current TCP/IP channels allowed is less than is specified in the TCPCHL queue manager attribute. This error can occur because:
- TCP/IP resources are restricted. The UNIX Systems Services MAXFILEPROC parameter (specified in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB) controls how many sockets each task is allowed: that is, how many channels each dispatcher is allowed
- Some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted; the number of current TCP/IP channels allowed is reduced proportionately
- System programmer response
If TCP/IP resources are restricted, consider increasing either the UNIX Systems Services MAXFILEPROC parameter or the number of dispatchers if you need more current TCP/IP channels.
- CSQX119I
csect-name LU 6.2 channel limit reduced to nn
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued during channel initiator startup processing and in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the maximum number of current LU 6.2 channels allowed is less than is specified in the LU62CHL queue manager attribute. This can occur because some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted; the number of current LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately.
- CSQX120I
csect-name Shared channel recovery started for channels owned by this queue manager
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure is starting the shared channel recovery process, for channels that are owned by itself.
- System action
Processing continues
- System programmer response
See message CSQM052I issued by the queue manager for more details.
- CSQX121I
csect-name Shared channel recovery started for channels owned by other queue managers in the same QSG
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure is starting the shared channel recovery process, for channels that are owned by other queue managers.
- System action
Processing continues
- System programmer response
See message CSQM052I issued by the queue manager for more details.
- CSQX122E
csect-name Failed to process channel accounting, RC=retcode
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator SMF task encountered an error processing channel accounting data. retcode contains the hexadecimal return code.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX123E
csect-name Failed to process channel initiator statistics, RC=retcode
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator SMF task encountered an error processing channel initiator statistics data. retcode contains the hexadecimal return code.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX124E
csect-name SMF task ended abnormally, RC=retcode, reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The channel initiator SMF task ended abnormally. Possible values for reason are:
- C59592
- The channel initiator failed to notify the SMF task to shutdown. retcode is the return code from the z/OS IEAVRLS service.
- C59593
- The SMF task encountered an error entering, or resuming from, the paused state. retcode is the return code from the z/OS IEAVPSE service.
- C59594
- During initialization of the SMF task an error occurred obtaining a pause element token (PET). retcode is the return code from the z/OS IEAVAPE service.
- C59595
- During initialization of the SMF task an error occurred obtaining storage.
- System action
- The channel initiator attempts to reattach the SMF task, unless the error occurred during:
- Channel initiator shutdown
- Obtaining storage (reason C59595)
- System programmer response
For reason C59595, check MEMLIMIT for the channel initiator, or refer to the 256MB recommended limit.
For the other reasons, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX126I
csect-name Channel accounting collection started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator has started collecting channel accounting data.
- System action
Channel accounting data for channels with STATCHL (HIGH|MED|LOW) is collected and written to the System Management Facility (SMF).
- CSQX127I
csect-name Channel accounting collection stopped
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator has stopped collecting channel accounting data.
- System action
Channel accounting data that has been collected for channels with STATCHL (HIGH|MED|LOW) is written to the System Management Facility (SMF).
- CSQX128I
csect-name Channel initiator statistics collection started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator has started collecting channel initiator statistics data.
- System action
Channel initiator statistics data is collected and written to the System Management Facility (SMF).
- CSQX129I
csect-name Channel initiator statistics collection stopped
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator has stopped collecting channel initiator statistics data.
- System action
Channel initiator statistics data that has been collected is written to the System Management Facility (SMF).
- CSQX130E
csect-name queue-name is defined on a non-recoverable CF structure
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The shared channel synchronization queue queue-name is defined on a Coupling Facility (CF) structure that does not support recovery. This means that if the structure fails, shared channels might report message sequence errors, and might also lose messages.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Alter the CFSTRUCT object for the CF structure, where the shared channel synchronization queue is defined to RECOVER(YES), or plan to move the shared channel synchronization queue to the CSQSYSAPPL structure, which should be defined with RECOVER(YES).
- CSQX140E
csect-name Adapter failed to start
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during adapter subtask startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the adapter subtask.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX141I
csect-name started adapter subtasks started, failed failed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of adapter subtasks; started adapter subtasks started successfully and failed adapter subtasks did not start.
- System action
The channel initiator startup processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the message indicates that some adapter subtasks failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX142E
csect-name Adapter subtask failed to start, TCB=tcb-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during adapter subtask startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the adapter subtask.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX143E
csect-name Adapter subtask ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The adapter subtask using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The adapter subtask ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
If you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly. User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX144E
csect-name Adapter subtask attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An adapter subtask could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The adapter subtask is not restarted.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX145E
csect-name Adapter subtask not restarted - too many failures
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An adapter subtask failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it.
- System action
The adapter subtask is not restarted; processing capacity might therefore be reduced.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problems causing the adapter subtask failures.
- CSQX146I
csect-name Adapter subtask restarted, active subtasks active
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A adapter subtask failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. active adapter subtasks are now active.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX150E
csect-name SSL server failed to start
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during SSL server subtask startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the SSL server subtask.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX151I
csect-name started SSL server subtasks started, failed failed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of SSL server subtasks; started SSL server subtasks started successfully and failed SSL server subtasks did not start.
- System action
The channel initiator startup processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the message indicates that some SSL server subtasks failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX152E
csect-name SSL server subtask failed to start, TCB=tcb-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during SSL server subtask startup processing.
- System action
The channel initiator will attempt to restart the SSL server subtask.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX153E
csect-name SSL server subtask ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The SSL server subtask using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
- System action
The SSL server subtask ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it.
- System programmer response
If you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly. User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX154E
csect-name SSL server subtask attach failed, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An SSL server subtask could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service.
- System action
The SSL server subtask is not restarted.
- System programmer response
See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX155E
csect-name SSL server subtask not restarted - too many failures
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An SSL server subtask failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it.
- System action
The SSL server subtask is not restarted; processing capacity might therefore be reduced.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problems causing the SSL server subtask failures.
- CSQX156I
csect-name SSL server subtask restarted, active subtasks active
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A SSL server subtask failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. active SSL server subtasks are now active.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX160E
csect-name SSL communications unavailable
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
SSLKEYR is required when communicating with the service.
SSL communications are requested but an error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator startup processing.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. If we do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0.
- CSQX161E
csect-name SSL key repository name not specified
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
SSLKEYR is required when communicating with the service.
SSL communications are requested but no SSL key repository name (SSLKEYR) is specified; that is, the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute is non-zero, but the SSLKEYR queue manager attribute is blank.
- System action
Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available.
- System programmer response
Use the ALTER QMGR command to specify a name for the SSL key repository with the SSLKEYR attribute, and restart the channel initiator. If we do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0.
- CSQX162E
csect-name SSL CRL namelist is empty or wrong type
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
SSL communications are requested but the SSL authentication namelist specified by the SSLCRLNL queue manager attribute is empty or not of type AUTHINFO.
- System action
If this message is displayed during CHINIT startup, then MQ communications using SSL are not available.
If the message is displayed after a change to the existing MQ SSL configuration and issuing the REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command, then the changed MQ SSL configuration is rejected and the current MQ SSL configuration remains in force. This is to prevent a set of valid and working MQ SSL definitions being inadvertently deactivated by an incorrect change.
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Correct the definitions of the namelist, and start the channel initiator again. If we do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0.
- CSQX163I
csect-name SSL CRL namelist has too many names - first n used
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL authentication namelist specified by the SSLCRLNL queue manager attribute has more names than are supported. The number supported is n.
- System action
Processing continues; the excess names are ignored.
- System programmer response
Correct the definitions of the namelist.
- CSQX164E
csect-name Unable to access SSL key repository
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL key respository, with a name that is specified by the SSLKEYR queue manager attribute, could not be accessed.
The most likely causes are:
- The specified key repository does not exist.
- The channel initiator does not have permission to read the specified key repository.
- The channel initiator was unable to connect to the LDAP server specified in an authentication information object listed in the SSL CRL namelist.
- When using shared key rings, the name is not prefixed with 'userid/'.
- System action
Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available. Channels using SSL communications will not start.
- System programmer response
- Check that:
- the SSL key repository name is specified correctly; if using a shared key ring, it is prefixed with 'userid/'
- the key ring specified as the SSL key repository exists, and the channel initiator has permission to read it
- the LDAP name is specified correctly and that it is available.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 202.
- CSQX165I
csect-name SSL key repository refresh already in progress
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command was issued, but an SSL key repository refresh was already in progress.
- System action
The command is ignored. The refresh currently in progress continues.
- CSQX166E
csect-name AuthInfo auth-info-name has wrong type
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL authentication namelist specified by the SSLCRLNL queue manager attribute contains the name of an authentication information object that has an AUTHTYPE of OCSP.
- System action
Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available.
- System programmer response
Correct the definitions supplied in the namelist so that only authentication information objects with AUTHTYPE of CRLLDAP are named, and restart the channel initiator. If we do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0.
- CSQX179I
csect-name Channel channel-name message reallocation is in progress, msg-progress messages of msg-total processed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel channel-name is currently in message reallocation and the progression of this processing is msg-progress message processed out of msg-total number of messages total to be processed.
- System action
The channel continues to reallocate messages. This process can take some time to complete if there are a large number of messages assigned to the channel on its transmission queue. An increase in CPU utilization might be observed during this time. Upon completion of the reallocation process the channel ends.
- System programmer response
If reallocation is not required, for example because the destination queue manager is now available, reallocation can be interrupted using the command STOP CHANNEL MODE(FORCE).
- CSQX180I
csect-name Channel channel-name completed message reallocation, msg-processed messages processed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel channel-name has completed message reallocation processing, and processed msg-processed number of messages during this processing.
- System action
The channel reallocation for this channel has finished and the channel ends.
- System programmer response
Determine if messages have been successfully reallocated, and if the channel can be started again.
- CSQX181E
csect-name Invalid response response set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned an invalid response code (response, shown in hexadecimal) in the ExitResponse field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP).
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid response code.
- CSQX182E
csect-name Invalid secondary response response set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned an invalid secondary response code (response, shown in hexadecimal) in the ExitResponse2 field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP).
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid secondary response code.
- CSQX184E
csect-name Invalid exit buffer address address set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned an invalid address for the exit buffer when the secondary response code in the ExitResponse2 field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP) is set to MQXR2_USE_EXIT_BUFFER.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid exit buffer address. The most likely cause is failing to set a value, so that it is 0.
- CSQX187E
csect-name Invalid header compression value set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned a header compression value that was not one of those which were negotiated as acceptable when the channel started.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid value. If necessary, alter the channel definitions so that the required compression value is acceptable.
- CSQX188E
csect-name Invalid message compression value set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned a message compression value that was not one of those which were negotiated as acceptable when the channel started.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid value. If necessary, alter the channel definitions so that the required compression value is acceptable.
- CSQX189E
csect-name Invalid data length length set by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned a data length value that was not greater than zero.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length.
- CSQX190E
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of error in exit exit-name, Id=ExitId reason=ExitReason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The user exit exit-name invoked for channel channel-name returned invalid values, as reported in the preceding messages. ExitId shows the type of exit:
- 11
- MQXT_CHANNEL_SEC_EXIT, security exit
- 12
- MQXT_CHANNEL_MSG_EXIT, message exit
- 13
- 14
- MQXT_CHANNEL_RCV_EXIT, receive exit
- 15
- MQXT_CHANNEL_MSG_RETRY_EXIT, message retry exit
- 16
- MQXT_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EXIT, auto-definition exit
and ExitReason shows the reason for invoking it:
- 11
- MQXR_INIT, initialization
- 12
- MQXR_TERM, termination
- 13
- MQXR_MSG, process a message
- 14
- MQXR_XMIT, process a transmission
- 15
- MQXR_SEC_MSG, security message received
- 16
- MQXR_INIT_SEC, initiate security exchange
- 17
- MQXR_RETRY, retry a message
- 18
- MQXR_AUTO_CLUSSDR, auto-definition of cluster-sender channel
- 28
- MQXR_AUTO_CLUSRCVR, auto-definition of cluster-receiver channel
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set invalid values.
- CSQX191I
csect-name Channel channel-name beginning message reallocation
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel channel-name is entering message reallocation because it cannot currently deliver messages to the destination queue manager.
- System action
Messages that are not bound to a particular queue manager will be workload balanced. This may take some time if there are a large number of messages assigned to this channel. Check how many using the DISPLAY CHSTATUS(channel-name) XQMSGSA command.
- System programmer response
If reallocation is not required, for example because the destination queue manager is now available, reallocation can be interrupted using STOP CHANNEL MODE(FORCE).
- CSQX192E
csect-name Channel channel-name unable to stop, message reallocation in progress
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A request to stop channel channel-name was made, but the channel cannot stop immediately because message reallocation is taking place.
- System action
The channel continues to reallocate messages. This process can take some time to complete if there are a large number of messages assigned to the channel on its transmission queue. An increase in CPU utilization might be observed during this time. Upon completion of the reallocation process the channel ends.
- System programmer response
The number of messages to be reallocated can be determined using the DISPLAY CHSTATUS(channel-name) XQMSGSA command.
Turn on the MONCHL attribute of the channel and check how many users are using the DISPLAY CHSTATUS(channel-name) XQMSGSA command. The value of MONCHL should be LOW,MEDIUM or HIGH. See MONCHL for further information.
If reallocation is not required, for example because the destination queue manager is not available, reallocation can be interrupted using the STOP CHANNEL MODE(FORCE) command.
- CSQX193I
csect-name Successfully registered with an instance of IBM Cloud Product Insights in IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix®).
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The queue manager has been successfully registered with an IBM Cloud Product Insights service. Log in to IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix) to view registered queue managers.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
- CSQX194E
csect-name Registration with IBM Cloud Product Insights in IBM Cloud at url failed with status codes http_code (toolkit_code explanation).
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The queue manager was unable to register with the IBM Cloud Product Insights service.
The IBM Cloud Product Insights service is no longer available. For more information, see this blog post: Service Deprecation: IBM Cloud Product Insights.
- System action
Another upload attempt will be made at the next upload interval.
- System programmer response
Use the error codes and explanation to identify the issue. The explanation can come from the z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit or from the IBM Cloud Product Insights service.
Check the following:
- The APIKey and ServiceURL are specified in the ReportingService stanza in the CSQMQIN DD card of the queue manager.
- The channel initiator has network access to the IBM Cloud service.
- The channel initiator has a SSL key ring (SSLKEYR), and the IBM Cloud certificates are connected to the key ring.
- CSQX196E
csect-name Data length data-length set by exit exit-name is larger than agent buffer length ab-length
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned data in the supplied agent buffer, but the length specified is greater than the length of the buffer.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length.
- CSQX197E
csect-name Data length data-length set by exit exit-name is larger than exit buffer length eb-length
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name returned data in the supplied exit buffer, but the length specified is greater than the length of the buffer.
- System action
Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length.
- CSQX198E
csect-name Upload of usage to IBM Cloud Product Insights in IBM Cloud at url failed with status codes http_code (toolkit_code explanation).
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The queue manager was unable to upload statistics with the IBM Cloud Product Insights service.
The IBM Cloud Product Insights service is no longer available. For more information, see this blog post: Service Deprecation: IBM Cloud Product Insights.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
- Use the error codes and explanation to identify the issue. Check the following:
- The APIKey and ServiceURL are specified in the ReportingService stanza in the CSQMQINI DD card of the queue manager.
- The channel initiator has network access to the IBM Cloud service.
- The channel initiator has a SSL key ring (SSLKEYR), and the IBM Cloud certificates are connected to the key ring.
- CSQX199E
csect-name Unrecognized message code ccc
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected error message code has been issued by the channel initiator.
- System action
Another upload attempt will be made at the next upload interval.
- System programmer response
- Use the error codes and explanation to identify the issue. Check the following:
- The APIKey and ServiceURL are specified in the
ReportingService stanza in the CSQMQINI DD card of the queue manager.
- The channel initiator has network access to the IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix) service.
- The channel initiator has a SSL key ring (SSLKEYR), and the IBM Cloud certificates are connected to the key ring.
- CSQX201E
csect-name Unable to allocate conversation, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id was not successful. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there may also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
The error may be due to an incorrect entry in the channel definition or some problems in the APPC setup. Correct the error and try again
It could also be that the listening program at the remote end is not running. If so, perform the necessary operations to start the listener for trptype, and try again.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- CSQX202E
csect-name Connection or remote listener unavailable, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt to allocate a conversation was not successful because the connection conn-id was unavailable. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The attempt to start the channel is retried.
- System programmer response
Try again later.
A likely cause is that the listener at the remote end was not running or has been started using the wrong port or LU name. If this is the case, perform the necessary operations to start the appropriate listener, and try again.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system.
If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
If you receive reason code 468:
- You are not using the correct IP address.
- The listener for the port might not be active.
- A firewall does not allow the connection.
When there are multiple links defined on a z/OS image, the image can have multiple host names depending on the link. You need to ensure that the correct host name is used as the sender end. Use the NETSTAT HOSTs command to display the host names on the image.
- CSQX203E
csect-name Error in communications configuration, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id was not successful because of a communications configuration error. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system.
Probable causes are:See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- If the communications protocol is TCP/IP:
- The connection name specified is incorrect, or that it cannot be resolved to a network address, or the name may not be in the name server. Correct the error and try again.
- If the return code is zero, there is a name server problem. The OMVS command OPING usually fails in the same way. Resolve this failure and restart the channel. Check the /etc/resolv.conf file and check that the correct name server address is specified in the NSINTERADDR statement.
- If the communications protocol is LU 6.2:
- One of the transmission parameters (MODENAME or TPNAME or PARTNER_LU) in the side information is incorrect, or that there is no side information for the symbolic destination name specified as the connection name. Correct the error and try again.
- An LU 6.2 session has not been established, perhaps because the LU has not been enabled. Issue the z/OS command VARY ACTIVE if this is the case.
- CSQX204E
csect-name Connection attempt rejected, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt to connect on connection conn-id was rejected. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Check the appropriate listener has been started on the remote end.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system.
If the communications protocol is LU 6.2, it is possible that either the user ID or password supplied at the remote LU is incorrect. The remote host or LU may not be configured to allow connections from the local host or LU.
If the communications protocol is TCP/IP, it is possible that the remote host does not recognize the local host. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- CSQX205E
csect-name Unable to resolve network address, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The supplied connection name conn-id could not be resolved into a TCP/IP network address. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Check the local TCP/IP configuration. Either the name server does not contain the host or LU name, or the name server was not available.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- CSQX206E
csect-name Error sending data, channel channel-name connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An error occurred sending data to conn-id, which might be due to a communications failure. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is stopped. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
Note that the error might have occurred because the channel at the other end has stopped for some reason, for example an error in a receive user exit.
- CSQX207E
csect-name Invalid data received, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- Data received from connection conn-id was not in the required format. The associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The data that has been sent may come from something other than a queue manager or client. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
- System action
The data is ignored.
- System programmer response
A likely cause is that an unknown host or LU is attempting to send data.
- CSQX208E
csect-name Error receiving data, channel channel-name connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An error occurred receiving data from connection conn-id, which may be due to a communications failure. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is stopped. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see Return code 00000461 for more information about the reason code.
- CSQX209E
csect-name Connection unexpectedly terminated, channel channel-name connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An error occurred receiving data from connection conn-id. The connection to the remote host or LU has unexpectedly terminated. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
However, this message can also occur in cases where there is no error; for example, if the TCP/IP command TELNET is issued that is directed at the port which the channel initiator is using.
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
If a channel is involved, it is stopped. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Review the local and remote console logs for reports of network errors.
SeeCommunications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- CSQX210E
csect-name Unable to complete bind, channel channel-name connection conn-id TRPTYPE=LU62 RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An incoming attach request arrived on connection conn-id, but the local host or LU was unable to complete the bind. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Check the APPC/MVS configuration.
See APPC/MVS return codes for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services, and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information.
- CSQX212E
csect-name Unable to allocate socket, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A TCP/IP socket could not be created, possibly because of a storage problem. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
The return code from TCP/IP was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.
- CSQX213E
csect-name Communications error, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=trptype function func RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected communications error occurred for a listener or a channel. If it was for a listener, the csect-name is CSQXCLMA, and the channel name is shown as '????'. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
func is the name of the TCP/IP or APPC/MVS function that gave the error. In some cases the function name is not known and so is shown as '????'. return-code is
return-text is the text form of the return code.
- normally, the return code (in hexadecimal) from the communications system function
- for an LU 6.2 listener, it might be the reason code (in hexadecimal) from APPC/MVS allocate services
- if it is of the form 10009nnn or 20009nnn, it is a distributed queuing message code.
For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
If the error occurred for a channel, the channel is stopped. For a listener, the channel is not started or, in some cases, the listener terminates.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system.
A distributed queuing message code nnn is generally associated with message CSQXnnnE, which will normally be issued previously. See that message explanation for more information. Where no such message is described, see Distributed queuing message codes for the corresponding message number.
Check for error messages on the partner system that might indicate the cause of the problem.
- CSQX215E
csect-name Communications network not available, TRPTYPE=trptype
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt was made to use the communications system, but it has not been started or has stopped. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
- System action
The channel or listener is not started.
- System programmer response
Start the communications system, and try again.
- CSQX218E
csect-name Listener not started - unable to bind, port port address ip-address TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to bind the TCP/IP socket to the indicated listener port was not successful. ip-address is the IP address used, or '*' if the listener is using all IP addresses. The return code (in hexadecimal) from TCP/IP was return-code.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener is not started.
- System programmer response
The failure could be due to another program using the same port number.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the return code from TCP/IP.
- CSQX219E
csect-name Listener stopped - error creating new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt was made to create a new TCP/IP socket because an attach request was received, but an error occurred.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- System programmer response
The failure might be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it might be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP.
- CSQX220E
csect-name Communications network not available, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=trptype
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- An attempt was made to use the communications system by a channel or a listener, but it has not been started or has stopped. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. If it was for a listener, the channel name is again shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
- System action
The channel or listener is not started.
- System programmer response
Start the communications system, and try again.
- CSQX228E
csect-name Listener unable to start channel, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition connection=conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An incoming attach request arrived from conn-id, but the listener for trptype could not start an instance of a channel to respond to it. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
However, this message can also occur in cases where there is no error; for example, if the TCP/IP command TELNET is issued that is directed at the port which the channel initiator is using.
- System action
If a channel is involved, it is not started.
- System programmer response
The failure could be because the channel initiator is currently too busy; try again when there are fewer channels running. If the problem persists, increase the number of dispatchers used by the channel initiator.
- CSQX234I
csect-name Listener stopped, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
- The specified listener terminated. This could be for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, those in the following list:
- a STOP command was issued
- the listener was retrying
- an error occurred in the communications system
trptype is the transport type.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
Processing continues. If the listener was not deliberately stopped, the channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- System programmer response
If the listener was not deliberately stopped, look at any preceding messages relating to the channel initiator or to the TCP/IP, OMVS, or APPC address spaces to determine the cause.
- CSQX235E
csect-name Invalid local address local-addr, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The supplied local address local-addr could not be resolved to a TCP/IP network address. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Check the local TCP/IP configuration. Either the name server does not contain the host name, or the name server was not available.
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP.
- CSQX239E
csect-name Unable to determine local host name, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code (return-text) reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt was made to start a channel or listener using TCP/IP, but the TCP/IP gethostname call failed. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. If it was for a listener, the channel name is again shown as '????'.
The return code from it was: (in hexadecimal) return-code, (in text) return-text. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information.
- System action
The channel or listener is not started.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP.
- CSQX250E
csect-name Listener ended abnormally, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition, reason=sssuuu-reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The specified listener is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal).
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- System programmer response
User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for z/OS Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX251I
csect-name Listener started, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified listener started successfully. This may be as a result of a START LISTENER command, or because the listener restarted automatically following an error.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX256E
csect-name Listener stopped - error selecting new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred in the listener select processing. The listener was notified by TCP/IP, but no attach request was received.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- System programmer response
The failure might be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it might be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP.
- CSQX257I
csect-name Listener unable to create new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An attempt was made to create a new TCP/IP socket because an attach request was received, but an error occurred.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener continues to run, but the connection is not created.
- System programmer response
The failure might be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it might be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP.
- CSQX258E
csect-name Listener stopped - error accepting new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred in the listener accept processing. The listener was notified by TCP/IP, but no attach request was received.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System action
The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- System programmer response
The failure might be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it might be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP.
- CSQX259E
csect-name Connection timed out, channel channel-name connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The connection conn-id timed out. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
Probable causes are:
- A communications failure.
- For a message channel, if the Receive Timeout function is being used (as set by the RCVTIME, RCVTTYPE, and RCVTMIN queue manager attributes) and no response was received from the partner within this time.
- For an MQI channel, if the Client Idle function is being used (as set by the DISCINT server-connection channel attribute) and the client application did not issue an MQI call within this time.
- System action
The channel stops.
- System programmer response
For a message channel, check the remote end to see why the time out occurred. Note that, if retry values are set, the remote end will restart automatically. If necessary, set the receive wait time for the queue manager to be higher.
For an MQI channel, check that the client application behavior is correct. If so, set the disconnect interval for the channel to be higher.
- CSQX261E
csect-name No suitable IP stack available, channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id for channel channel-name using TCP/IP communications was not successful because the IP stack used did not support the IP address family required for the connection.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
If the channel's CONNAME attribute resolves to an IPv6 address, then ensure the stack being used by the combination of the TCPNAME queue manager attribute and the channel's LOCLADDR attribute supports IPv6. If the channel's CONNAME attribute resolves to an IPv4 address, then ensure the stack being used by the combination of the TCPNAME queue manager attribute and the channel's LOCLADDR attribute supports IPv4.
- CSQX262E
csect-name Communications canceled, channel channel-name TRPTYPE=trptype
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected communications error occurred for a listener or a channel. This error occurs if the channel was stopped with mode FORCE and the communications session was canceled.
The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. trptype shows the communications system used:
- LU62
- System action
The channel is stopped.
- System programmer response
Restart the channel if appropriate.
- CSQX293I
csect-name Channel channel-name has initiated a switch of transmission queue from old-xmitq to new-xmitq
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A switch of transmission queue for the channel identified by channel-name is required due to a change to the default cluster transmission queue configuration of the queue manager, or to the cluster channel name attribute of a cluster transmission queue. This message is issued by the channel initiator when the process of switching the transmission queue from old-xmitq to new-xmitq is started.
- System action
The queue manager is notified to start the switching process for the channel.
The channel continues to run after closing the old transmission queue and switching to use the new transmission queue instead.
- System programmer response
- CSQX294E
csect-name Transmission queue status unavailable, channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The transmission queue for the cluster-sender channel identified by channel-name cannot be determined because when the queue manager started it was unable to load the persisted transmission queue state from the queue SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ.
- System action
The channel ends abnormally.
- System programmer response
If the queue manager is unable to load the persisted transmission queue state during startup it issues message CSQM561E.
- CSQX295E
csect-name Cluster transmission queue restricted, channel channel-name, transmission queue xmitq-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The cluster-sender channel identified by channel-name has been configured to use the transmission queue xmitq-name, however, the use of transmission queues other than SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE has subsequently been disabled by the queue manager mode of operation (OPMODE).
- System action
The channel ends abnormally.
- System programmer response
- Ensure the queue manager mode of operation is correctly configured. If the configuration is correct, perform the following actions:
- Change the default cluster transmission queue configuration of the queue manager so that all cluster-sender channels default to use the transmission queue SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE. We can do this by changing the value of the DEFCLXQ queue manager attribute to SCTQ.
- Identify any manually defined transmission queues that have a non-blank cluster channel name attribute value by using the DISPLAY QLOCAL(*) WHERE(CLCHNAME NE ' ') command. Change the cluster channel name attribute value of these queues to blank.
- Restart the channel.
- CSQX296E
csect-name Password protection negotiation failed for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel channel-name could not be established because it failed to agree a password protection algorithm with the remote machine conn-id.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Check whether password protection settings prevent interoperability with the remote machine.
Alternatively, consider using SSL or TLS to protect passwords instead. You must use a non-null CipherSpec to protect passwords.
- CSQX403I
csect-name Auto-definition of channel channel-name suppressed by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
In response to a request to start a channel that was not defined, an attempt was made to define it automatically. The channel auto-definition exit exit-name prevented it being defined.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- CSQX404I
csect-name Phase one of REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) has completed, cluster cluster_namen objects changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Phase one of REFRESH CLUSTER has completed.
Applications attempting to access cluster resources may see failures to resolve cluster resources until phase two of REFRESH CLUSTER is complete.
Phase two is complete once all new information has been received from other members of the cluster.
Monitor the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE to determine when it has reached a consistently empty state to indicate that the refresh process has completed.
- System action
- CSQX405I
csect-name FORCEREMOVE QUEUES(YES) command processed, cluster cluster_name target target
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager successfully processed a RESET CLUSTER ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command with the QUEUES(YES) option for the indicated cluster and target queue manager.
- System action
- CSQX406E
csect-name REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) command failed, cluster cluster_name - qmgr-name is a full repository
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager could not process a REFRESH CLUSTER command with the REPOS(YES) option for the indicated cluster, because the local queue manager provides full repository management service for the cluster.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager. It might be necessary to change the queue manager so that it is not a full repository for the cluster.
- CSQX407I
csect-name Cluster queue q-name definitions inconsistent
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The definition of a cluster queue has different values for the DEFPRTY, DEFPSIST, DEFPRESP, and DEFBIND attributes on the various queue managers in the cluster.
All definitions of the same cluster queue must be identical. Problems might arise if your applications rely on one of these attributes to determine messaging behavior. For example, if an application opens a cluster queue with the option MQOO_BIND_AS_Q_DEF, and the different instances of the queue have different DEFBIND values, the behavior of the message transfer depends on which instance of the queue happens to be selected when it is opened.
- System action
- System programmer response
Alter the definitions of the queue on the various queue managers so that they have identical values for these attributes.
- CSQX410I
csect-name Repository manager started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager started successfully.
- System action
- CSQX411I
csect-name Repository manager stopped
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
- The repository manager stopped. This may be for one of three reasons:
- The channel initiator is stopping.
- The channel initiator is starting and the queues used by the repository manager have not been defined because clustering is not required.
- An error has occurred.
- System action
Processing continues, but clustering is not available.
- System programmer response
If an error has occurred, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX412E
csect-name Misdirected repository command, target target-id sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a command intended for some other queue manager, with an identifier that is target-id. The command was sent by the queue manager with identifier sender-id.
- System action
The command is ignored, and the error is reported to the sender.
- System programmer response
Check the channel and cluster definitions of the sending queue manager.
- CSQX413E
csect-name Repository command format error, command code command
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The command is ignored, and the error is reported to the sender; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX415E
csect-name Repository command state error, command code command cluster object object-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The command is ignored; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX416E
csect-name Repository command processing error, RC=return-code command code command cluster object object-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The command is ignored; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX417I
csect-name Cluster-senders remain for removed queue manager qmgr-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The indicated queue manager has been deleted or forcibly removed from a cluster, but there are manually-defined cluster-sender channels that refer to it. This means that the repository manager will continue to send cluster information to the removed queue manager.
- System programmer response
Delete the manually-defined cluster-sender channels that refer to qmgr-name.
- CSQX418I
csect-name Only one repository for cluster cluster_name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which it is the only full repository.
- System action
- System programmer response
If you require a second full repository, alter the REPOS or REPOSNL attribute of the second queue manager that is to have a full repository for the cluster to specify the cluster name.
- CSQX419I
csect-name No cluster-receivers for cluster cluster_name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which no cluster-receiver channels are known.
- System action
- System programmer response
Define cluster-receiver channels for the cluster on the local queue manager.
- CSQX420I
csect-name No repositories for cluster cluster_name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which no full repositories are known.
- System action
- System programmer response
Define a cluster-sender channel for connecting to the queue manager that is the full repository for the cluster, or alter the REPOS or REPOSNL attribute of the queue manager that is to have a full repository for the cluster to specify the cluster name.
- CSQX422E
csect-name Repository manager error, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The repository manager attempts to continue processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX425E
csect-name Repository command merge error, command code command cluster object object-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The command is ignored; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX426E
csect-name Undeliverable repository command, channel channel-name target target-id command code command
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager tried to send a command to another queue manager using channel channel-name. The other queue manager, with identifier target-id, could not be found.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Check the channel and cluster definitions of the sending and receiving queue managers.
- CSQX427E
csect-name Cluster-sender not connected to repository, cluster cluster_name channel channel-name target target-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A cluster-sender channel must be connected to a queue manager that is a full repository for all the clusters for the channel, and the corresponding cluster-receiver channel must be in the same clusters. Channel channel-name in cluster cluster_name does not satisfy this. target-id is the identifier of the target queue manager for the channel.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Check the definition of the channel on both queue managers to ensure that it is connected to a full repository for the clusters, and that it is in the same clusters on both queue managers.
- CSQX428E
csect-name Unexpected publication of a cluster queue, cluster cluster_name cluster queue q-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a publication for cluster queue q-name from another queue manager, with an identifier sender-id, relating to cluster cluster_name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster and thus it does not have an interest in the cluster queue.
This can also occur because a command destined for the local repository manager is delayed in the network and is out of date when it arrives, for example because a REFRESH CLUSTER command has been issued on the local repository manager and caused its view of the cluster to change.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
If the local partial repository queue manager is supposed to be a full repository for the cluster, use the ALTER QMGR command to specify a repository or repository namelist which contains the cluster. If the local queue manager is correctly a partial repository for the cluster, ensure that the remote queue manager does not have a manually defined cluster sender directed at the local partial repository.
If the message occurs because a command is out of date, the message can be ignored.
- CSQX429E
csect-name Unexpected deletion of a cluster queue, cluster cluster_name cluster queue q-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a deletion for cluster queue q-name from another queue manager, with an identifier sender-id, relating to cluster cluster_name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster and thus it does not have an interest in the cluster queue.
This can also occur because a command destined for the local repository manager is delayed in the network and is out of date when it arrives, for example because a REFRESH CLUSTER command has been issued on the local repository manager and caused its view of the cluster to change.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
If the local partial repository queue manager is supposed to be a full repository for the cluster, use the ALTER QMGR command to specify a repository or repository namelist which contains the cluster. If the local queue manager is correctly a partial repository for the cluster, ensure that the remote queue manager does not have a manually defined cluster sender directed at the local partial repository.
If the message occurs because a command is out of date, the message can be ignored.
- CSQX430E
csect-name Unexpected queue manager repository command, cluster cluster_name channel channel-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, with an identifier that is sender-id, relating to cluster cluster_name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster, it does not have an interest in the cluster channel, and it does not have any matching cluster-sender channels. The cluster-sender channel used by the other queue manager was channel-name.
This message might appear on a queue manager that has defined a cluster-sender channel to another queue manager that does not host a full repository, if the other queue manager is later modified to host a full repository.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Check the definition of the channel on the sending queue manager to ensure that it is connected to a full repository for the cluster.
Ensure the CLUSTER and CLUSNL values are consistent, and that we have not specified a cluster_name when you meant a cluster-namelist.
- CSQX431I
csect-name Repository unavailable, cluster cluster_name channel channel-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, with identifier sender-id, reporting that it is no longer a full repository for cluster cluster_name.
- System action
The cluster-sender channel channel-name is changed so that it can no longer be used to access the other queue manager in relation to the cluster.
- CSQX432I
csect-name Unexpected cluster query received, cluster cluster_name cluster object object-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a query for cluster object object-name from another queue manager, with an identifier sender-id, relating to cluster cluster_name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster.
This can also occur because a command destined for the local repository manager is delayed in the network and is out of date when it arrives, for example because a REFRESH CLUSTER command has been issued on the local repository manager and caused its view of the cluster to change.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
If the local partial repository queue manager is supposed to be a full repository for the cluster, use the ALTER QMGR command to specify a repository or repository namelist which contains the cluster. If the local queue manager is correctly a partial repository for the cluster, ensure that the remote queue manager does not have a manually defined cluster sender directed at the local partial repository.
If the message occurs because a command is out of date, the message can be ignored.
- CSQX433E
csect-name Cluster-receiver and cluster-sender differ, cluster cluster_name channel channel-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, with identifier sender-id. The cluster-sender channel channel-name on that queue manager is in cluster cluster_name, but the corresponding cluster-receiver channel on the local queue manager is not.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Change the definition of the channel so that it is in the same clusters on both queue managers.
- CSQX434E
csect-name Unrecognized message on name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator found a message on one of its queues that either had a format that could not be recognized or did not come from a queue manager or channel initiator.
- System action
The message is put on the dead-letter queue.
- System programmer response
Examine the message on the dead-letter queue to determine the originator of the message.
- CSQX435E
csect-name Unable to put repository manager message, target target-id MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The repository manager tried to send a message to SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE on another queue manager with an identifier that is target-id, but the MQPUT call was unsuccessful.
- System action
Processing continues, but repository information may be out of date.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
Check the channel and cluster definitions on the local and target queue managers, and ensure that the channels between them are running.
When the problem is corrected, the repository information will normally be updated automatically. The REFRESH CLUSTER command can be used to be sure that the repository information is up to date.
This error may occur if the REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) command is issued against a full repository, as the full repository will then be temporarily unable to fulfil requests from other repositories until it has rebuilt the cluster. If there is more than one full repository for the cluster, the problem will resolve itself. If there is only a single full repository for the cluster, the REFRESH CLUSTER command will need to be run against all the other queue managers in the cluster to make them contact the full repository again.
- CSQX436E
csect-name Unable to put repository manager message, cluster cluster_name MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The repository manager tried to send a message to SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE on a queue manager that has the full repository for the specified cluster, but the MQPUT was unsuccessful.
- System action
Processing continues, but repository information may be out of date.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
Check the channel and cluster definitions on the local and target queue managers, and ensure that the channels between them are running.
When the problem is corrected, the repository information will normally be updated automatically. The REFRESH CLUSTER command can be used to be sure that the repository information is up to date.
- CSQX437E
csect-name Unable to commit repository changes
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The repository manager tried to commit some updates to the repository but was unsuccessful.
- System action
Processing continues, but local repository information might be out of date.
- System programmer response
If this occurs when the channel initiator is stopping, it can be ignored because the local repository information will normally be updated automatically when the channel initiator is restarted. If there is an isolated occurrence at other times, use the REFRESH CLUSTER command to bring the local repository information up to date.
If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX438E
csect-name Unable to reallocate messages, channel channel-name MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager was unable to reallocate messages for the specified channel to another destination.
- System action
The messages remain on the transmission queue.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
Use this information in conjunction with any preceding error messages to determine the cause of the problem. When the problem is corrected, restart the channel.
- CSQX439E
csect-name Repository error for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The repository manager attempts to continue processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX440E
csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster_name target target - repository is not on qmgr-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager could not process a RESET CLUSTER ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because the local queue manager does not provide a full repository management service for the cluster.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager.
- CSQX441I
csect-name FORCEREMOVE command processed, cluster cluster_name target target
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager successfully processed a RESET CLUSTER ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager.
- System action
- CSQX442I
csect-name Phase one of REFRESH CLUSTER has completed, cluster cluster_namen objects changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Phase one of REFRESH CLUSTER has completed.
Applications attempting to access cluster resources may see failures to resolve cluster resources until phase two of REFRESH CLUSTER is complete.
Phase two is complete once all new information has been received from other members of the cluster.
Monitor the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE to determine when it has reached a consistently empty state to indicate that the refresh process has completed.
- System action
- CSQX443I
csect-name SUSPEND QMGR command processed, cluster cluster_namen objects changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager successfully processed a SUSPEND QMGR command for the indicated cluster. (Where the command specified a namelist of clusters, the message is issued only for the first cluster in the namelist.)
- System action
- CSQX444I
csect-name RESUME QMGR command processed, cluster cluster_namen objects changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager successfully processed a RESUME QMGR command for the indicated cluster. (Where the command specified a namelist of clusters, the message is issued only for the first cluster in the namelist.)
- System action
- CSQX447E
csect-name Unable to backout repository changes
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Following an error, the repository manager tried to backout some updates to the local repository but was unsuccessful.
- System action
The repository manager terminates.
- System programmer response
If the repository manager subsequently restarts successfully, or if on restarting the channel initiator the repository manager subsequently starts successfully, this can be ignored.
If not, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX448E
csect-name Repository manager stopping because of errors. Restart in n seconds
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during repository manager processing; the repository manager is unable to continue.
- System action
The repository manager terminates. The channel initiator will try to restart it after the specified interval.
- System programmer response
Correct the problem reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX449I
csect-name Repository manager restarted
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager restarted successfully following an error.
- System action
- CSQX453E
csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster_name target target is not unique
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager could not process a RESET CLUSTER ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because there is more than one queue manager with the specified name in the cluster.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command specifying the identifier (QMID) of the queue manager to be removed, rather than its name.
- CSQX455E
csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster_name target target not found
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager could not process a RESET CLUSTER ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because no information about that queue manager was found in the local repository.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command specifying the correct queue manager name or identifier.
- CSQX456I
csect-name Full repository update not received, cluster cluster_name queue q-name (queue manager qmgr-name)
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager found a cluster queue that had been used sometime in the last 30 days, and for which updated information should have been received. However, no such information has been received. The queue is q-name in cluster_name, and its queue manager is qmgr-name.
If the queue manager is a partial repository for the queue, the updated information should have been sent from a full repository. If the queue manager is a full repository, the updated information should have been sent from the queue manager on which the queue is defined.
- System action
The repository manager keeps information about this queue for a further 60 days from when the error first occurred. If information has not been sent to a full repository then this queue is not used to satisfy any new requests for cluster resources made to this full repository.
- System programmer response
- If the queue is still required, check that:
- The cluster channels to and from the queue manager that is the full repository for the cluster, and between there and the queue manager where the queue is located, are able to run.
- The repository managers on those queue managers have not ended abnormally.
- CSQX457I
csect-name Repository available, cluster cluster_name channel channel-name sender sender-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, with identifier sender-id, reporting that it is once again a full repository for cluster cluster_name.
- System action
The cluster-sender channel channel-name is changed so that it can be used to access the other queue manager in relation to the cluster.
- CSQX458E
- csect-name Unable to access repository cache exclusively, TCB= tcb-name has num-registrations outstanding registrations
- Explanation
During an operation that requires exclusive access to the cache, another task was found to be registered. If the queue manager finds registrations still exist after waiting for the task to remove its registrations, the queue manager issues this message. The task preventing exclusive access to the repository cache has num-registrations outstanding registrations.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Determine if this task is still running or terminated. If the task is not running or if the problem persists collect the items listed in the Problem determination on z/OS section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX459E
- csect-name Cluster topic topic-name from qmgr-name rejected due to PSCLUS(DISABLED)
- Explanation
Information regarding cluster topic topic-name has been sent to this queue manager over a channel from qmgr-name but the queue manager attribute PSCLUS has been set to DISABLED, indicating that Publish/Subscribe activity is not expected between queue managers in this cluster.
- System action
The cluster topic definition is ignored and will not be visible from this queue manager.
- System programmer response
To enable publish/subscribe clustering, alter the PSCLUS attribute on all queue managers in the cluster to ENABLED. You may also need to issue REFRESH CLUSTER and REFRESH QMGR commands as detailed in the documentation for the PSCLUS attribute. If you are not using publish/subscribe clusters you should delete the clustered topic object, and ensure PSCLUS is DISABLED on all queue managers.
- CSQX460E
csect-name Cluster cache is full
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
No more space is available in the cluster cache area.
- System action
The repository manager terminates. The channel initiator will try to restart it after the specified interval.
- System programmer response
The problem may be temporary. If it persists, the queue manager must be restarted; this will cause more space to be allocated for the cluster cache area.
Consider changing the cluster cache type system parameter CLCACHE to dynamic, so that more space for the cache will be obtained automatically as required. (If you are using a cluster workload exit, ensure that it supports a dynamic cluster cache.) For information about the system parameters for the CSQ6SYSP macro, see Using CSQ6SYSP.
- CSQX461I
csect-name Cluster cache entry corrected, cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
At channel initiator restart, the repository manager found a corrupted entry in the cluster cache. The entry has been corrected.
- System action
Processing continues. The cluster channel to which the entry refers, channel-name using connection conn-id, will be available for use.
- System programmer response
None. We can verify that the entry was successfully corrected by issuing the command DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(clusqmgr-name) on the queue manager where this message was issued.
- CSQX462E
csect-name Cluster cache entry is unusable, cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
At channel initiator restart, the repository manager found a corrupted entry in the cluster cache which could not be corrected.
- System action
The corrupted entry is ignored. The cluster channel to which it refers, channel-name using connection conn-id, will not be usable.
- System programmer response
- The corrupted entry must be corrected and reintroduced by issuing the command
ALTER CHANNEL(channel-name) CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR)on the cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name. We can verify that the entry was successfully reintroduced by issuing the command DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(clusqmgr-name) on the queue manager where this message was issued.
- CSQX463E
csect-name Error accessing cluster cache entry
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There was an internal error when accessing a cluster cache entry.
- System action
Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, repository manager) usually terminates; in some cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX465I
csect-name New cluster topic definition inconsistent, topic topic-name, queue manager identifier qmid, attribute attr
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The definition of the cluster topic topic-name, defined on queue manager identifier qmid has different attr attribute values than one or more cluster topics that already exist in the cluster cache. The existing topic objects are reported by message CSQX466I.
All definitions of the same cluster topic should be identical; otherwise, problems may arise if our applications rely on one of these attributes to determine messaging behavior. For example, if an application opens a cluster topic and the different instances of the topic have different TOPICSTR values, the behavior of the message transfer depends on which instance of the topic happens to be selected when it is opened.
- System action
- System programmer response
Alter the definitions of the topic on the various queue managers so that they have identical values for all attributes.
- CSQX466I
csect-name Cluster topic definitions inconsistent, topic topic-name, queue manager identifier qmid attribute attr
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The definition of the cluster topic topic-name, defined on queue manager identifier qmid has different attr attribute value than a cluster topic being added to the cluster cache. The topic object being added is reported by message CSQX465I.
All definitions of the same cluster topic should be identical; otherwise, problems may arise if our applications rely on one of these attributes to determine messaging behavior. For example, if an application opens a cluster topic and the different instances of the topic have different TOPICSTR values, the behavior of the message transfer depends on which instance of the topic happens to be selected when it is opened.
- System action
- System programmer response
Alter the definitions of the topic on the various queue managers so that they have identical values for all attributes.
- CSQX467E
Repository error for topic topic-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The cluster repository was unable to insert or delete topic topic-name due to an unexpected error in the queue manager.
- System action
The repository manager terminates. The channel initiator tries to restart the repository manager after an interval. See message CSQX448E for more information.
- System programmer response
For more information about mqcc and mqrc completion codes (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form), see API completion and reason codes.
Contact your IBM support center with the reason code provided for this failure.
- CSQX468I
csect-name Queue manager qmgr-uuid1 has replaced queue manager qmgr-uuid2 in a cluster due to reuse of channel channel-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Queue manager qmgr-uuid1 has joined a cluster using a cluster receiver channel with the same name as one that has already been defined by queue manager qmgr-uuid2. All cluster receiver channels used within a cluster must be uniquely named.
- System action
Queue manager qmgr-uuid1 uses channel channel-name. Queue manager qmgr-uuid2 cannot successfully participate in the cluster while queue manager qmgr-uuid1 is a member.
- System programmer response
The use of a channel name currently associated with a different queue manager in the cluster can be intentional, for example it is possible the original queue manager has been deleted and re-created as a new queue manager. However, accidental duplication of a channel name across multiple queue managers would also result in this behavior. If this action was not intended review the configuration of the queue managers.
- CSQX469E
csect-name Update not received for CLUSRCVR channel channel-name hosted on queue manager qmid in cluster cluster_name, expected n days ago, m days remaining
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The repository manager detected that the CLUSRCVR channel has not been republished by its owning queue manager. This republish action should have happened automatically n days ago, or in the time between then and now.
- System action
The repository manager will check for this condition approximately every hour, continuing for a period of approximately m days from now. If an update for the CLUSRCVR channel is received during this period, these messages will stop. If no update is received, these messages will continue to be written. However, after this period has elapsed, if no update has been received, the local queue manager will discard its knowledge of this channel, and these messages will stop. You should be aware that Partial Repository queue managers in this cluster will cease to be able to use the channel at about that time.
- System programmer response
- There are several possible responses:
- If the channel had been removed intentionally, and is no longer required, you should consider removing it fully via the RESET CLUSTER command.
- There is a long-running problem with the local queue manager's CLUSRCVR in cluster cluster_name. If this is true, then correct the problem urgently, to ensure that updates for the cluster are received.
- There is a long-running problem on the remote queue manager's CLUSSDR in cluster cluster_name. If this is true, then correct the problem urgently, to ensure that updates for the cluster are sent.
- Check that the repository manager on the remote queue manager has not ended abnormally.
- The remote queue manager is out of step with this queue manager, potentially due to a restore of the queue manager from a backup. The remote queue manager must issue REFRESH CLUSTER to synchronize with other queue managers in the cluster.
If the above items have been checked, and this problem persists over several days, causing repeats of this error message in the local queue manager's error logs, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX470E
csect-name Channel channel-name has the wrong disposition disposition
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The action you requested cannot be performed on channel channel-name because it has the wrong disposition. For example, the action asked for a shared channel, but its disposition is private.
- System action
The requested action is not performed.
- System programmer response
- Check whether the channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that:
The disposition of an instance of a channel is not related to that specified by QSGDISP in the channel definition:
- The channel has been defined correctly
- The transmission queue name identifies the correct queue, and that queue has the required disposition.
- A sending channel is shared if its transmission queue is shared, and private if it is not.
- A receiving channel is shared if it was started in response to an inbound transmission directed to the queue sharing group, and private if it was started in response to an inbound transmission directed to the queue manager.
- CSQX471I
csect-name nn shared channels to restart, nn requests issued
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel initiator is shutting down; it owns some active shared sending channels, and they have not been requested to stop. Requests to restart these channels on another queue manager have been issued as shown.
- System action
The channel initiator shutdown processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the numbers in the message differ, the channel initiator was not able to issue restart requests for all the channels. In this case, use the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command to determine which channels are still owned by the queue manager for the channel initiator that is shutting down, and which therefore have not been restarted, and restart them manually as required.
- CSQX475I
csect-name Channel channel-name adopted, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Channel channel-name, which was orphaned because of a communications error, has been adopted by a new instance of the channel, from connection conn-id.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX476E
csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, shared status entry found
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An operation was requested on a channel that is active. Because the channel is shared, it might be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it might have been orphaned and therefore still be active.
- System action
The request fails.
- System programmer response
For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and try the operation again. It might be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function avoids the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels.
If the channel is not running on the named queue manager, then there is an orphaned shared status entry, which mighty be because a loss of connectivity to Db2® occurred. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX477E
csect-name Channel channel-name is active, transmission queue queue-name in use on qmgr-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An operation was requested on a channel that is active. The queue queue-name named as a transmission queue in the channel definition for channel-name is in use on another member of the queue sharing group, qmgr-name.
- System action
The request fails.
- System programmer response
- Do the following, as appropriate:
If the channel is already running, for operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function will avoid the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels.
- Check if the channel is already running
- Check if another channel is using the queue by using the DISPLAY QSTATUS command
- Ensure the queue name is specified correctly in the channel definition
- Alter the queue usage attribute of the queue to that of a transmission queue.
- CSQX478E
csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, connection tag in use
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An operation was requested on a channel that is active. The connection tag used to serialize the channel within the queue sharing group is currently in use. Because the channel is shared, it might be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it might have been orphaned and therefore still be active.
In addition to the CSQX478E for a shared channel, another possible symptom is CSQX514E: csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name. The new instance of the channel is starting with a different IP address from the running instance. If the sender's IP address changed or might translate into more than one address, set ADOPTCHK to QMNAME using the ALTER QMGR command. For example, /cpf ALTER QMGR ADOPTCHK(QMNAME) where "cpf" is the command prefix for the queue manager subsystem.
- System action
The request fails.
- System programmer response
For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and try the operation again. It might be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function avoids the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels.
- CSQX479E
csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, shared channel adoption failed
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt was made to adopt channel channel-name, which was orphaned because of a communications error. It failed, either because the channel could not be stopped or because a response was not received from the queue manager qmgr-name.
- System action
The request fails, and the orphaned channel might remain active.
- System programmer response
Investigate any preceding error messages to discover why the adopt failed. Either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and try the operation again. It might be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually.
- CSQX482E
csect-name Shared channel function not available
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During the execution of a channel command, or during shared channel processing, an internal function required by the channel initiator was found to be unavailable.
- System action
The channel command fails or the channel stops.
- System programmer response
Check that the Db2 tables required by IBM MQ are correctly defined, and restart the queue manager and Db2 if necessary. If these appear to be running correctly, display the information in the shared channel status (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SCST) and the shared synchronization key (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SSKT) Db2 tables, and contact your IBM support center for further assistance. For further information, and for details of a sample job (CSQ45STB) which shows the information in the Db2 tables, see Problem determination on z/OS.
- CSQX483E
csect-name Db2 not available
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Because Db2 is not available, or is no longer available, the channel initiator cannot do processing for a shared channel.
- System action
The channel command fails or the channel stops.
- System programmer response
Use the preceding messages on the z/OS console to investigate why Db2 is not available, and restart it if necessary.
- CSQX484E
csect-name Error accessing Db2
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Because there was an error in accessing Db2, the channel initiator cannot do processing for a shared channel.
- System action
The channel command fails or the channel stops.
- System programmer response
Resolve the error reported in the preceding messages.
- CSQX485E
csect-name Shared channel status error
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During the execution of a channel command, or during shared channel processing, shared channel status or shared synchronization key information, held in Db2, was found to be corrupted.
- System action
The channel command fails or the channel stops.
- System programmer response
Check that the Db2 tables required by IBM MQ are correctly defined, and restart Db2 if necessary. If Db2 appears to be running correctly, display the information in the shared channel status (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SCST) and the shared synchronization key (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SSKT) Db2 tables, and contact your IBM support center for further assistance. For further information, and for details of a sample job (CSQ45STB) which shows the information in the Db2 tables, see Problem determination on z/OS.
- CSQX486E
csect-name Shared channel channel-name definitions inconsistent
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The definition of a shared channel has differing attribute values on the various queue managers in the queue sharing group. For example, if the type of the channel differs start or stop requests cannot operate correctly.
- System action
The request fails.
- System programmer response
Change the definitions of the channel so that they are the same on all the queue managers. If the channel type needs changing, you must delete and then redefine the channel.
- CSQX489E
csect-name Maximum instance limit limit exceeded, channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There are too many instances of the channel channel-name running to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is limit and is specified in the MAXINST channel attribute.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER CHANNEL command to increase MAXINST.
- CSQX490E
csect-name Maximum client instance limit limit exceeded, channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There are too many instances of the channel channel-name running from the connection conn-id to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is limit and is specified in the MAXINSTC channel attribute.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER CHANNEL command to increase MAXINSTC.
- CSQX496I
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of request by remote exit
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel is closing because the user channel exit at the remote end requested it.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Note that this puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it.
- CSQX498E
csect-name Invalid MQCD field field-name, value=nnn (Xxxx)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The MQCD structure returned by the channel auto-definition exit had an invalid value in the indicated field. The value is shown in decimal (nnn) and hexadecimal (xxx).
- System action
The channel is not defined.
- System programmer response
Correct the channel auto-definition exit.
- CSQX500I
csect-name Channel channel-name started connection conn-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified channel has been started.
If channel-name is an inbound channel (indicated by csect-name containing CSQXRESP) then it was started from connection conn-id. If channel-name is an outbound channel then conn-id will be omitted.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX501I
csect-name Channel channel-name no longer active connection conn-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Channel channel-name terminated. It is now inactive if it terminated normally when the disconnect interval expired, or stopped if it terminated because of an error or a STOP CHANNEL command.
If channel-name was an inbound channel (indicated by csect-name containing CSQXRESP) then it was started from connection conn-id. If channel-name was an outbound channel then conn-id will be omitted.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the channel is stopped, resolve any error, and issue a START CHANNEL command to restart the channel.
- CSQX502E
csect-name Action not allowed for channel chl-type(channel-name)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The action you requested cannot be performed on channel channel-name. Some actions are only valid for certain channel types. This channel is a chl-type channel type. For example, we can only ping a channel from the end sending the message.
- System action
The requested action is not performed.
- System programmer response
- Check whether the channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that:
We can use the csect-name to determine the action that failed:
- The channel has been defined correctly
- The connection name identifies the remote end correctly
- For a cluster-receiver channel, the connection name does not specify a generic address
- For TCP/IP connections, the port number specified by the local channel matches that used by the listener at the remote queue manager.
- CSQX503E
csect-name Negotiation failed, channel channel-name type=last-segment-type data=xxx connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name could not be established due to a negotiation failure between the local queue manager and the remote end using connection conn-id. The last control data received was of type last-segment-type and is accompanied by data indicating the error.
A value of FFFFFFFF (-1) indicates that no error data was sent by the remote end.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the negotiation failure.
- CSQX504E
csect-name Local protocol error, channel channel-name type=type data=xxx
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During communications with the remote end, the local message channel agent for channel channel-name detected a protocol error.
type shows the type of error that occurred and the incorrect value is shown by xxx.
- 00000001
- Missing channel. Define a remote channel. See message CSQX520E for more information.
- 00000002
- Incorrect channel type. Check your definitions. See message CSQX547E for more information.
- 00000003
- Queue manager unavailable. Check the queue manager. See message CSQX524E for more information.
- 00000004
- Message sequence error. Investigate the problem and reset the channel. See message CSQX526E for more information.
- 00000005
- Queue manager terminating. This message might be for information only. See message CSQX525E for more information.
- 00000006
- Unable to store. This message might be for information only. See messages CSQX527E and CSQX544E for more information. Also, check the error log for the remote system. Messages might end up on the remote dead-letter queue.
- 00000007
- User closed. This message might be for information only. See message CSQX528I for more information. The channel is stopping, either because of a STOP CHANNEL command, or the channel initiator is stopping.
- 00000008
- Timeout expired. This message might be for information only. During an MQGET_WAIT the DISCINT times out, so the channel is closed.
- 00000009
- Target queue unknown - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000000A
- Incorrect segment type - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000000B
- Incorrect segment length. Check the remote client. Either the client has sent a segment larger than the buffer it requested, or the requested buffer exceeds the combined payload and header limits.
- 0000000C
- Data not valid - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000000D
- Unexpected segment - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000000E
- Unexpected ID - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000000F
- Unexpected MSH - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000010
- General protocol problem - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000011
- Batch failure - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000012
- Incorrect message length - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000013
- Incorrect segment number - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000014
- Security failure - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000015
- Wrap value error. Use the command ALTER CHANNEL SEQWRAP to align the local or remote channel sequence wrap values. See message CSQX505E for more information.
- 00000016
- Channel unavailable. Check if the remote channel is STOPPED, or otherwise unavailable. See message CSQX558E for more information.
- 00000017
- Closed by exit - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000018
- Cipher spec error. Confirm the SSLCIPH of the channel, and its compatibility if the remote side has been set to SSLFIPS(YES). See message CSQX635E for more information.
- 00000019
- Peer name error. Confirm that SSLPEERNAME on this channel, matches the distinguished name in the certificate of the remote side. See message CSQX636E for more information.
- 0000001A
- SSL/TLS client certificate error. Check the remote channel and see if a certificate has been supplied for SSL/TLS negotiation. See message CSQX637E for more information.
- 0000001B
- RMT RSRCS in recovery. This message is for information only; the condition is transient.
- 0000001C
- SSL/TLS refreshing. This message is for information only; the condition is transient.
- 0000001D
- HOBJ not valid - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000001E
- Conversion ID error - contact your IBM support center.
- 0000001F
- Socket action type not valid - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000020
- Standby queue manager not valid - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000021
- Maximum transmission size not valid. Increase the remote RECEIVER attributes for transmission unit size.
- 00000022
- FAP level not valid - contact your IBM support center.
- 00000023
- Maximum permitted conversions exceeded. The SHARECNV limit has been exceeded. Investigate the remote client and increase the value of SHARECNV.
- 00000024
- Password protection error - contact your IBM support center.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log to determine the cause of the failure. This might occur after the channel initiator or queue manager is stopped forcibly or ends abnormally. If it occurs in other cases, contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQX505E
csect-name Sequence wrap values differ, channel channel-name local=local-seqno remote=remote-seqno
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The sequence number wrap value for channel channel-name is local-seqno, but the value specified at the remote end is remote-seqno. The two values must be the same before the channel can be started.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Change either the local or remote channel definition so that the values specified for the message sequence number wrap value are the same.
- CSQX506E
csect-name Message receipt confirmation not received for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The remote end did not accept the last batch of messages.
- System action
Channel channel-name stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Determine why the remote end did not accept the last batch of messages. Resolve the problem and restart the channel.
- CSQX507E
csect-name Channel channel-name is in-doubt, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name is in-doubt with the remote end using connection conn-id. The associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The requested operation does not complete.
- System programmer response
Examine the status of the channel, and either restart a channel to resolve the in-doubt state, or use the RESOLVE CHANNEL command to correct the problem manually.
- CSQX511I
csect-name Channel channel-name started, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified SVRCONN channel has been started from connection conn-id.
- System action
Processing continues.
- CSQX512I
csect-name Channel channel-name no longer active, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
SVRCONN Channel channel-name terminated. It is now inactive if it terminated normally when the disconnect interval expired, or stopped if it terminated because of an error or a STOP CHANNEL command.
The SVRCONN channel-name was started from connection conn-id.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the SVRCONN channel is stopped, resolve any error, and issue a START CHANNEL command to restart the channel.
- CSQX513E
csect-name Current channel limit exceeded channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There are too many channels current to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is specified in the MAXCHL queue manager attribute. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels.
If channel-name was an inbound channel (indicated by csect-name containing CSQXRESP) then it was started from connection conn-id. If channel-name was an outbound channel then conn-id will be omitted.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase MAXCHL. A change that increases MAXCHL will not be effective until the channel initiator has been stopped and restarted. If many of the currently operating channels are server-connection channels, consider limiting the number of those using MAXINST or MAXINSTC attributes of a server-connection channel. See Server-connection channel limits for more details.
- CSQX514E
csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An operation was requested on a channel that is active. If the channel is shared, it might be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it might have been orphaned and therefore still be active.
- System action
The request fails.
- System programmer response
For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and try the operation again. It might be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function avoids the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels.
- CSQX515I
csect-name Channel channel-name changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel for which information has been requested is a new instance of the channel. The previous channel instance has ended.
- System action
The information shown is for the new channel instance.
- CSQX516E
csect-name Error accessing synchronization data, RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There was an error when accessing the channel synchronization data.
If the return code is of the form 10009nnn or 20009nnn, it is a distributed queuing message code. This is generally associated with message CSQXnnnE, which will normally be issued previously.
Otherwise the most likely cause is a shortage of storage.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
In some cases, the channel initiator will stop as well.
- System programmer response
If the return code is a distributed queuing message code, see the corresponding message explanation for more information. Where no such message is described, see Distributed queuing message codes for the corresponding message number.
Restart the channel or the channel initiator. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX517E
csect-name Error in q-name - channel channel-name repeated
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There was more than one set of synchronization information in q-name for an instance of channel channel-name. This is probably because the channel is a receiver channel, and there are two sender channels with the same name on different queue managers within the same network address that have communicated with it.
- System action
The first set of synchronization information for the channel instance is used, and any others are ignored. Errors may occur if the channel is used.
- System programmer response
Avoid using the channel. Remove the extra sets of information from the channel synchronization queue, and rename channels so that they have unique names.
If this does not resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX519E
csect-name Channel channel-name not defined connection remote-conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel initiator could not find a definition of channel channel-name.
The associated remote connection name is remote-conn-id. If the request to use the channel is not from an inbound connection, or the remote connection name cannot be determined, remote-conn-id will be shown as '????'.
- System action
The requested operation fails.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the name is specified correctly and the channel definition is available.
The message can also be issued if an automatically defined cluster sender channel (CLUSSDRA) has been deleted as a result of issuing a REFRESH CLUSTER command and a putting application still has a queue object open which is using the channel.
- CSQX520E
csect-name Remote channel channel-name not defined
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There is no definition of channel channel-name at the remote end.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Add an appropriate channel definition at the remote end, and retry the operation.
- CSQX523E
csect-name Remote protocol error, channel channel-name type=type data=xxx
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- During communications with the remote end, the remote message channel agent for channel channel-name detected a protocol error. type shows the type of error that occurred:
- 0000000A
- Incorrect segment type
- 0000000B
- Incorrect length
- 0000000C
- Invalid data
- 0000000D
- Invalid segment
- 0000000E
- Invalid ID
- 0000000F
- Invalid MSH
- 00000010
- General error
- 00000011
- Batch failure
- 00000012
- Incorrect message length
- 00000013
- Incorrect segment number
The data associated with the error (for example, the incorrect value) is shown by xxx.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for the remote end to determine the cause of the failure. This might occur after the channel initiator or queue manager is stopped forcibly or ends abnormally. If it occurs in other cases, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX524E
csect-name Remote queue manager unavailable for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name cannot start because the remote queue manager is not currently available.
- System action
The channel does not start
- System programmer response
Either start the remote queue manager, or retry the operation later.
- CSQX525E
csect-name Channel channel-name closing because remote queue manager qmgr-name is stopping
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name is closing because the remote queue manager qmgr-name is stopping. In some cases, the remote queue manager name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Investigate why the remote queue manager is stopping, if it was not expected.
- CSQX526E
csect-name Message sequence error for channel channel-name, sent=msg-seqno expected=exp-seqno
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The local queue manager does not agree with the remote end on the next message sequence number for channel channel-name. The message is normally issued at both the sending and receiving end: at the sending end, msg-seqno and exp-seqno are unpredictable; at the receiving end, a message had sequence number msg-seqno but sequence number exp-seqno was expected.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Determine the cause of the inconsistency. It could be that the synchronization information has become damaged, or has been backed out to a previous version. If the problem cannot be resolved, the sequence number can be reset manually at the sending end of the channel using the RESET CHANNEL command. (For some queue managers, it might be necessary to issue the RESET CHANNEL command at the receiving end as well.)
- CSQX527E
csect-name Unable to send message for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The remote end cannot receive the message that is being sent for channel channel-name.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for the remote end to determine why the message cannot be received, and then restart the channel.
- CSQX528I
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel is closing because a STOP CHANNEL command was issued, or because the channel initiator is stopping.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Note that a STOP CHANNEL command puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it.
- CSQX531E
csect-name Transmission queue q-name for channel-name has wrong usage type
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Queue q-name is named as a transmission queue in the channel definition for channel-name, but it is not a transmission queue.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure the queue name is specified correctly in the channel definition. If it is, alter the queue usage attribute of the queue to that of a transmission queue.
- CSQX533I
csect-name Channel channel-name is already in requested state
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A request to stop channel channel-name was made, but the channel was already in the specified state, or in the process of reaching that state.
- System action
The request is ignored.
- CSQX534E
csect-name Channel channel-name is stopped
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The operation requested cannot be performed because the channel is currently stopped.
- System action
The request is ignored.
- System programmer response
Issue a START CHANNEL command to restart the channel.
- CSQX535E
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because exit exit-name is not valid
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user exit exit-name specified for channel channel-name is not valid.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the user exit name is specified correctly in the channel definition, and that the user exit program is correct and available. The channel initiator loads exits from the library data sets under the CSQXLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN.
- CSQX536I
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of request by exit exit-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel is closing because the user channel exit exit-name requested it.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Note that this puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it.
- CSQX539E
csect-name Channel channel-name for queue q-name is not available
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A trigger message was received to start a channel channel-name to process the transmission queue q-name. However, the channel initiator could not find a defined and available channel to start.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that there is a channel defined to process the transmission queue, and that it is not stopped.
- CSQX540E
csect-name Unable to commit batch, channel channel-name MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQCMIT call for the queue associated with channel channel-name was unsuccessful.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX541E
csect-name Invalid CCSIDs for data conversion, ccsid1 and ccsid2
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Either the local coded character set identifier (CCSID) or the target CCSID is not valid, or is not currently supported, or conversion between the two CCSIDs involved is not supported. (The name of the channel cannot be determined because the invalid CCSID prevents the necessary data conversion being done.)
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the CCSIDs are valid and that conversion between them is supported. For information about the CCSIDs that are supported, see Codeset names and CCSIDs.
- CSQX544E
csect-name Messages for channel channel-name sent to remote dead-letter queue
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
During the processing of channel channel-name, one or more messages have been put the dead-letter queue at the remote queue manager.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Examine the contents of the dead-letter queue. Each message is contained in a structure that describes why the message was put to the queue, and to where it was originally addressed.
- CSQX545I
csect-name Channel channel-name closing because disconnect interval expired
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The channel is closing because no messages arrived on the transmission queue within the disconnect interval.
- System action
The channel ends normally.
- CSQX547E
csect-name Remote channel channel-name has the wrong type
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The operation requested cannot be performed because channel channel-name on the remote end is not of a suitable type. For example, if the local channel is defined as a sender the remote queue manager must define its corresponding channel as either a receiver or requester.
- System action
The requested operation is not performed.
- System programmer response
- Check that the channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that:
- The channel definition on the remote end has an appropriate channel type
- The connection name of the local channel identifies the remote end correctly
- For cluster channels, the connection names do not specify a generic address
- For TCP/IP connections, the port number specified by the local channel matches that used by the listener at the remote queue manager.
- CSQX548E
csect-name Messages sent to local dead-letter queue, channel channel-name reason=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
- During the processing of channel channel-name, one or more messages have been put the dead-letter queue at the local queue manager. mqrc shows why, and is one of the following:
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Examine the contents of the dead-letter queue. Each message is contained in a structure that describes why the message was put to the queue, and to where it was originally addressed.
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
For information about MQFB_* feedback codes see the MQMD description in MQMD - Message descriptor.
- CSQX549E
csect-name Queue q-name for channel channel-name is get-inhibited
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An MQGET failed because the transmission queue had been previously inhibited for gets.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might have triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Change the definition of the transmission queue so that it is not inhibited for MQGET calls.
- CSQX551E
csect-name Action not supported, channel channel-name connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The operation requested for channel channel-name is not supported by the remote end using the connection conn-id. The associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Check that the connection name parameter is specified correctly and that the levels of the queue managers in use are compatible.
- CSQX552E
csect-name Security exit data for channel channel-name not received, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The local security user channel exit for channel channel-name requested data from the remote security user channel exit, but no data was received. The remote connection was conn-id.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the security exit for the channel on the remote end has been defined correctly and is available. If it is, check that the exit program operates correctly.
- CSQX558E
csect-name Remote channel channel-name not available
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel channel-name at the remote end is currently stopped or is otherwise unavailable. For example, there might be too many channels current to be able to start it.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
This might be a temporary situation, and the channel will try again. If not, check the status of the channel at the remote end. If it is stopped, issue a START CHANNEL command to restart it. If there are too many channels current, either wait for some of the operating channels to terminate, or stop some channels manually, before restarting the channel.
- CSQX565E
csect-name No dead-letter queue for qmgr-name, channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A message could not be delivered normally and there is no dead-letter queue defined for queue manager qmgr-name.
We can get this message with a cluster sender channel during message reallocation. During reallocation, the message is got from the transmission queue and put back again. If the transmission queue is full, then the put fails and tries writing the message to the dead letter queue. If the dead letter queue does not exist, message CSQX565E is produced, and the reallocation changes are rolled back. Reallocation does not happen until the queue full problem is resolved.
- System action
The channel stops, except in the case where nonpersistent messages are being sent and the NPMCLASS attribute of the channel is set to FAST, when processing continues. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Correct the problem that prevented the message from being delivered normally, or define a dead-letter queue for the remote queue manager.
- CSQX567E
csect-name Listener unable to register to APPC/MVS, TRPTYPE=LU62 INDISP=disposition RC=return-code reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
While starting, the specified LU 6.2 listener could not register as an APPC/MVS server. The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (both in hexadecimal).
- System action
The listener is not started.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services, and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information. Check that the LUNAME queue manager attribute is the same as the PARTNER_LU value for the APPC/MVS symbolic destination used by the listener.
- CSQX568E
csect-name Listener unable to unregister from APPC/MVS, TRPTYPE=LU62 INDISP=disposition RC=return-code reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
While stopping, the specified LU 6.2 listener could not unregister as an APPC/MVS server. The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (bothin hexadecimal).
- System action
The listener stops. It may not be possible to restart it.
- System programmer response
See Communications protocol return codes for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information.
- CSQX569E
csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded TCP/IP channel limit
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The number of current TCP/IP channels is the maximum allowed; another channel cannot be started. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. The maximum allowed is specified in the TCPCHL queue manager attribute, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails, or if TCP/IP resources are restricted (as reported by message CSQX118I).
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
If the maximum allowed is zero, TCP/IP communications are not allowed, and no TCP/IP channels can be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase TCPCHL.
- CSQX570E
csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded LU 6.2 channel limit
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The number of current LU 6.2 channels is the maximum allowed; another channel cannot be started. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. The maximum allowed is specified in the LU62CHL queue manager attribute, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
If the maximum allowed is zero, LU 6.2 communications are not allowed, and no LU 6.2 channels can be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase LU62CHL.
- CSQX571E
csect-name Error from PKCS #11 callable service 'func', RC=return-code, reason=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to use PKCS #11 callable service func failed.
- System action
The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, supervisor) will continue but the feature being used will be unavailable.
If func is CSFPPRF (Pseudo-random function) the feature affected is password protection. If this feature is not being used then this error can be ignored. If this occurs at channel initiator startup, the password protection algorithm uses STCK instead.
- System programmer response
For information about the return-code and reason from the PKCS #11 callable service, see the section on ICSF and cryptographic coprocessor return and reason codes in the z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide.
For more information about Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF), see Use ICSF.
- CSQX572E
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because message header is not valid
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
During the processing of channel channel-name, a message was found that had an invalid header. The dead-letter queue was defined as a transmission queue, so a loop would have been created if the message had been put there.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Correct the problem that caused the invalid message header.
- CSQX573E
csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded active channel limit
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
There are too many channels active (transmitting messages) to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is specified in the ACTCHL queue manager attribute.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Either wait for some of the operating channels to terminate, or stop some channels manually, before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase ACTCHL. A change that increases ACTCHL will not be effective until the channel inititator has been stopped and restarted.
- CSQX574I
csect-name Channel channel-name can now start
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified channel was waiting to start, because there were too many channels active (transmitting messages) to be able to start another. One or more of the active channels has terminated, so this channel can now start.
Note: This message is not itself issued, although the corresponding event is generated.
- CSQX575E
csect-name Negotiation failed for channel
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A channel between the local queue manager and the remote end could not be established due to a negotiation failure. The failure was such that the channel name could not be determined: for example, data conversion between the coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) used by the local and remote ends might not have been possible.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the negotiation failure.
- CSQX576E
csect-name ICSF is not available
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
In order to generate entropy for the password protection algorithm, a call to CSFPPRF (Pseudo-random function) is made which requires the Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) to be available. ICSF was found not to be available.
- System action
The password protection algorithm uses STCK instead.
- System programmer response
If password protection is being used, start ICSF. If it is not being used, this error message can be ignored.
- CSQX578E
csect-name Unable to save status for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN.
- System programmer response
Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQX599E
csect-name Channel channel-name ended abnormally connection conn-id
- Severity
- Explanation
Channel channel-name ended abnormally because of a severe problem, as reported in the preceding messages.
If channel-name is an inbound channel (indicated by csect-name containing CSQXRESP) then it was started from connection conn-id. If channel-name is an outbound channel then conn-id will be omitted.
- System action
The channel stops. The associated transmission queue might be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. For more information see, Problem determination in DQM.
- CSQX608E
csect-name Remote resources in recovery for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name cannot start because resources at the remote queue manager are being recovered.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Restart the channel at a later time. If the problem persists examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the problem. This includes an instance of CSQX609E with more details.
- CSQX609E
csect-name Resources in recovery, channel channel-name MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The message channel agent for the channel could not connect to the queue manager because resources are being recovered.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form), which come from an MQCONNX request.
- CSQX613I
csect-name Channel channel-name instance is already in requested state
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A request to stop a particular instance of channel channel-name was made (by specifying a connection name or a remote queue manager name), but the channel instance was already in the specified state, or in the process of reaching that state.
This error will also apply if an attempt is made to stop a SVRCONN channel using the QMNAME parameter. In this case do not use the QMNAME parameter. In order to stop a specific SVRCONN instance use the CONNAME parameter
- System action
The request is ignored.
- CSQX617I
csect-name SSL key repository refresh not processed, SSL communications unavailable
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The cached SSL key repository cannot be refreshed in response to a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command because SSL communications are currently unavailble.
- System action
- System programmer response
Investigate why SSL is not available and take action as appropriate. It may be necessary to restart the channel initiator to allow SSL to be used.
- CSQX618I
csect-name SSL key repository refresh started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The cached SSL key repository is being refreshed in response to a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command.
- System action
Message CSQX619I will be issued when the refresh is complete.
- CSQX619I
csect-name SSL key repository refresh processed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The refresh of the cached SSL key repository is complete.
- System action
Channels will be restarted as required.
- CSQX620E
csect-name System SSL error, channel channel-name connection conn-id function 'func' RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for a channel. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id. func is the name of the System SSL function that gave the error, and return-code is the return code (in decimal unless func is 'gsk_fips_state_set' in which case it is in hexadecimal).
- System action
The channel is stopped.
- System programmer response
See Transport Layer Security (TLS) return codes for z/OS for the cause of the return code from System SSL and refer to the z/OS Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming - SSL Function Return Codes for more information.
- CSQX625E
csect-name System SSL error, function 'func' RC=return-code
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for an SSL server subtask. func is the name of the System SSL function that gave the error, and return-code is the return code (in decimal).
- System action
The SSL server subtask terminates.
- System programmer response
See Transport Layer Security (TLS) return codes for z/OS for the cause of the return code from System SSL and the System Secure Sockets Layer Programming Guide and Reference manual for more information.
- CSQX629E
csect-name Channel channel-name requires ICSF for SSLCIPH(ciph)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name is using a cipherspec ciph that requires Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) callable services, but ICSF is not available. Sometimes the channel name and cipherspec are unknown and so are shown as "????". If known, the cipherspec is shown in the message as a 4-character code.
Recognized values are shown in message CSQX631E.
The cipherspecs that use GCM or ephemeral elliptic curve algorithms require ICSF.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure ICSF is available, or change the cipherspec that the channel is using to one that does not require ICSF. If you are using ICSF and running the queue manager with SSLFIPS(YES), ensure that ICSF is configured to run in FIPS mode.
For more information, see System SSL RC 455.
- CSQX630E
csect-name Channel channel-name requires SSL
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name cannot start because it requires SSL, but SSL communications are not currently available.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
If SSL is required, investigate why it is not available and take action as appropriate. One possible cause, is that there is no certificate available owned by the user who initiated the channel address space. If this is the case, you need to re-configure the user ID to have a certificate with the correct value, by issuing the command RACDCERT ID(xxxx), where xxxx is the user ID.
Check that we have the SSL queue manager properties set, for example SSLTASKS must be greater than 0.
If SSL is not required, change the channel definition so that SSL is not used.
- CSQX631E
csect-name Cipher specifications differ, channel channel-name local=local-ciph (local-protocol) remote=remote-ciph (remote-protocol) connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
- The SSL cipher specification value for channel channel-name is local-ciph using protocol local-protocol, but the value specified at the remote end (from connection conn-id) is remote-ciph using protocol remote-protocol. The cipher specification and protocol values must be the same before the channel can be started. The cipher specification values are shown in the message as four-character codes; common values are:
Table 2. Convert from four-character codes to CipherSpec names Four-character code Protocol CipherSpec name 0001 SSL 3.0 NULL_MD5 0002 SSL 3.0 NULL_SHA 0003 SSL 3.0 RC4_MD5_EXPORT 0004 SSL 3.0 RC4_MD5_US 0005 SSL 3.0 RC4_SHA_US 0006 SSL 3.0 RC2_MD5_EXPORT 0009 SSL 3.0 DES_SHA_EXPORT 0009 TLS 1.0 TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA 000A SSL 3.0 TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US 000A TLS 1.0 TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 002F TLS 1.0 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0035 TLS 1.0 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 003B TLS 1.2 TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 003C TLS 1.2 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 003D TLS 1.2 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 C023 TLS 1.2 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 C024 TLS 1.2 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 C027 TLS 1.2 ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 C028 TLS 1.2 ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 - System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Change either the local or remote channel definition so that the values specified for the SSL cipher specification are the same.
- CSQX632I
csect-name SSL certificate has no associated user ID, remote channel channel-name, connection conn-id - channel initiator user ID used
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The certificate sent from the remote end (from connection conn-id) during SSL handshaking was accepted, but no user ID could be found associated with it. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Likely causes are that the certificate or a matching certificate name filter are defined to the external security manager (ESM), or that the certificate contains fields that are not understood by the ESM.
- System action
The user ID of the channel initiator address space is used as the channel user ID for the channel.
- System programmer response
If you are using certificate name filtering, we can create a filter that matches this certificate. See Working with Certificate Name Filters (CNFs) for details on associating a user ID with a certificate.
If the security you want on your channel does not require the use of the SSL mapped certificate user ID, we can define the channel to use Put Authority (PUTAUT) with a value of ONLYMCA instead of DEF, or ALTMCA instead of CTX and this message is not issued as no security checking for the channel is using the SSL mapped certificate user ID that could not be found. See Receiving channels using TCP/IP for more details about which user IDs are used for security checking on a receiving channel using TCP/IP.
Alternatively, change the SSLPEER channel attribute or create a CHLAUTH record to prevent this certificate being accepted from the remote channel. See Channel authentication records for more details.
- CSQX633E
csect-name SSL certificate for remote channel channel-name failed local check, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The certificate sent from the remote end (from connection conn-id) during SSL handshaking could not be validated. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the SSL certificate connected to the key repository at the remote end is valid, and that the signing certificate(s) have been connected to the key ring on the local queue manager so that the certificate sent can be authenticated.
For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see Securing.
This error might indicate that the remote end of the channel is configured to send the wrong certificate. Check the certificate label configuration at the remote end of the channel and ensure that the local key repository contains all of the necessary CA certificates.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 8.
- CSQX634E
csect-name SSL certificate failed remote check, channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The certificates sent to the remote end using the connection conn-id during SSL handshaking could not be validated. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Firstly, you need to check that the SSL certificate in the key ring at the local queue manager qmgr-name is valid, for example, in TRUST status and not expired.
Secondly, you also need to check that both the signing certificate (for example the certificate from the certificate authority) and the signed certificate have been connected to the key repository on the remote end, so that the certificate sent can be verified at the remote end.
The certificate used is either named on the channel in the CERTLABL attribute, or named on the queue manager in the CERTLABL attribute or CERTQSGL attribute (for a shared channel). If no certificate label is found in any of these attributes, then the certificate is named 'ibmWebSphereMQqsg-name' (for a shared channel) or 'ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name', or a default certificate in the key ring is used.
For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see Securing.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 414.
- CSQX635E
csect-name Invalid cipher specification ciph for channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The SSL cipher specification value for channel channel-name is not valid. The value is shown in the message as the full cipher string.
Recognized values are shown in message CSQX631E.
This error can occur if the remote end is configured to use SSLFIPS(YES). Check the errors at the remote end to determine if this is the case.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Correct the SSL cipher specification for the channel. If the remote end is configured to only accept FIPS-certified cipher specifications, change the channel to use a FIPS-certified cipher spec. See Specifying CipherSpecs for details on which cipher specifications are FIPS-certified.
For more information, refer to System SSL RCs 402, 412 and 422.
- CSQX636E
csect-name Distinguished name does not match peer name, channel channel-name name='dist-name' connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The distinguished name, dist-name, specified in the SSL certificate at the remote end (from connection conn-id) does not match the SSL peer name for channel channel-name. The distinguished name at the remote end must match the peer name specified (which can be generic) before the channel can be started. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
This error might indicate that the remote end of the channel is configured to send the wrong certificate. Check the certificate label configuration at the remote end of the channel and ensure that the local key repository contains all of the necessary CA certificates.
To allow this remote end to connect, change the SSL peer name specification for the channel so that it matches the distinguished name in the SSL certificate at the remote end, or obtain the correct certificate for the remote end, as appropriate.
If the SSL Peer name specification needs to match a number of different distinguished names for multiple different remote SSL certificates, consider using channel authentication records to define rules to allow or block specific SSL peer names instead of the SSL Peer name specification on the channel definition. See Channel authentication records for more details.
- CSQX637E
csect-name No SSL certificate for remote channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The remote channel (from connection conn-id) did not supply a certificate to use during SSL handshaking, but a certificate is required. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the SSL certificate is connected to the key repository of the remote end; alternatively, if appropriate, change the local channel definition so that its SSLCAUTH attribute is set to OPTIONAL.
For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see Securing.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 403.
- CSQX638E
csect-name SSL communications error for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for a channel, as reported in the preceding messages. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. Review the local and remote console logs for reports of network errors.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 406.
- CSQX639E
csect-name No cipher specification for remote channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
No SSL cipher specification was supplied by the remote channel channel-name (from connection conn-id), but one was required. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Change the remote channel definition so that the value specified for the SSL cipher specification is the same as that of the local channel.
- CSQX640E
csect-name Invalid peer name, channel channel-name attribute=key-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The SSL peer name for channel channel-name includes a distinguished name attribute key key-name which is invalid or unsupported. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Correct the SSL peer name for the channel.
- CSQX641E
csect-name Cipher specification error for remote channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred with the SSL cipher specification for remote channel channel-name (from connection conn-id). In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Review the remote console log to determine the cipher specification error.
- CSQX642E
csect-name No SSL certificate for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel channel-name did not supply a certificate to use during SSL handshaking, but a certificate is required by the remote end. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the key ring of the local queue manager qmgr-name has an SSL certificate connected to it which is associated with the queue manager. If we have configured a certificate label, check that the certificate exists.
The certificate used is either named on the channel in the CERTLABL attribute, or named on the queue manager in the CERTLABL attribute or CERTQSGL attribute (for a shared channel). If no certificate label is found in any of these attributes, then the certificate is named 'ibmWebSphereMQqsg-name' (for a shared channel) or 'ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name', or a default certificate in the key ring is used.
Alternatively, if appropriate, change the remote channel definition so that its SSLCAUTH attribute is set to OPTIONAL.
For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories, see Securing.
- CSQX643E
csect-name Peer name error for remote channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred with the SSL peer name for remote channel channel-name (from connection conn-id). In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Review the remote console log to determine the peer name error.
- CSQX644E
csect-name Unable to determine peer name for remote channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The peer name associated with the certificate sent from the remote end during SSL handshaking could not be determined. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
If the local channel has a peer name specified it does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the SSL certificate in the key ring at the local queue manager qmgr-name is valid, and that the signing certificate has been connected to the key repository on the remote end so that the certificate sent can be authenticated.
The certificate used is either named on the channel in the CERTLABL attribute, or named on the queue manager in the CERTLABL attribute or CERTQSGL attribute (for a shared channel). If no certificate label is found in any of these attributes, then the certificate is named 'ibmWebSphereMQqsg-name' (for a shared channel) or 'ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name', or a default certificate in the key ring is used.
Check that the local and remote channel definitions are correct.
For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories, see Securing.
- CSQX645E
csect-name Certificate cert-label missing for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An SSL/TLS certificate cert-label, or the default certificate cannot be found in the key ring or the certificate is not trusted. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
In some cases this message will appear multiple times, once for each affected channel.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the SSL/TLS certificate named cert-label is in the key ring and that it is valid, and that the queue manager is running with OPMODE(NEWFUNC,800).
Alternatively, change the certificate label configuration so that the channel uses a valid certificate.
The certificate used is either named on the channel in the CERTLABL attribute, or named on the queue manager in the CERTLABL attribute or CERTQSGL attribute (for a shared channel). If no certificate label is found in any of these attributes, then the certificate is named 'ibmWebSphereMQqsg-name' (for a shared channel) or 'ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name', or a default certificate in the key ring is used.
To verify which key ring is in use, issue the following MQSC command:DISPLAY QMGR SSLKEYRTo list the certificates that are present in the key ring in use, issue the following RACF® command, or an equivalent command in your External Security Manager:RACDCERT ID(chinit-user-id) LISTRING(key-ring-name)https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSLTBW_2.1.0/com.ibm.zos.v2r1.gska100/sssl2msg1000885.htm
- CSQX646E
csect-name Error accessing LDAP server for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
While checking CRLs for a channel, an error occurred in setting up the LDAP environment or retrieving an LDAP directory entry. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the LDAP server is specified and set up correctly, and is running.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 11.
- CSQX658E
csect-name SSL certificate has expired, channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The current time is either before the SSL certificate start time or or after the end time. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Obtain a new certificate if the certifiacte has expired, or wait until the certificate becomes valid if it is not valid yet.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 401.
- CSQX663E
csect-name SSL certificate signature is incorrect, channel channel-name connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
In the SSL certificate sent from the remote end using the connection conn-id, the certificate signature is not correct. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the SSL certificate connected to the key repository at the remote end is valid.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 413.
- CSQX665E
csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because remote SSL socket closed, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The remote end of a channel using SSL communications (from connection conn-id) closed the socket or sent a close notification alert. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel stops.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for the remote end to determine the cause of the failure.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 420.
- CSQX666E
csect-name LDAP server unavailable for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
While checking CRLs for a channel, the required LDAP server was not available. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the LDAP server is running.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 427.
- CSQX673E
csect-name Certificate label cert-label not used on channel channel-name, remote connection conn-id
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The SSL or TLS channel channel-name is configured to use certificate label cert-label. However, the remote peer did not send the necessary information to allow the local channel to use the correct certificate. The remote host is conn-id.
This error occurs when the local channel definition has a certificate label and the remote peer does not support selection of certificates.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the remote peer supports certificate label configuration. Refer to Digital certificate labels, understanding the requirements for details of certificate label requirements. Alternatively, alter the local channel definition so that it does not specify a certificate label.
- CSQX674E
csect-name Channel channel-namespecified a weak or broken SSL CipherSpec sslciph
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The channel is unable to start because it is configured to use a CipherSpec that is potentially insecure.
- System action
The channel is prevented from starting.
- System programmer response
Examine the CipherSpec specified in the SSLCIPH parameter and consider using a more secure CipherSpec.
If you want to re-enable the use of weak CipherSpecs, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQXWEAK to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQXWEAK DD DUMMYIf you want to re-enable the disabled SSLv3 support in IBM MQ, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQXSSL3 to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQXSSL3 DD DUMMYYou need to specify both of the preceding dummy DD statements, if you want to enable a weak SSLv3-based CipherSpec.
There are alternative mechanisms that can be used to forcibly re-enable weak CipherSpecs, and SSLv3 support,if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
Attention: Re-enabling CipherSpecs in this manner leaves systems exposed to possible security problems. You should use CipherSpecs that use only the TLS protocol, rather than SSLv3.
- CSQX675E
csect-name Unable to complete SSL key repository refresh
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The refresh of the cached SSL key repository could not be completed because of errors.
- System action
The refresh is incomplete.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for messages that might indicate why the refresh could not be started.
- CSQX676E
csect-name SSL key repository refresh completed, but some channels not restarted
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The refresh of the cached SSL key repository has completed, so the latest values and certificates are in use for all SSL channels. However, not all the outbound SSL channels which were running when the refresh was initiated could be restarted after the refresh had completed.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Examine the console log for messages identifying the channels that did not restart.
- CSQX677E
csect-name SSL key repository refresh terminated, waiting for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The cached SSL key repository is being refreshed, which involves stopping all the channels that use SSL communications. One or more of the channels is taking too long to stop. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The refresh is terminated. Some channels using SSL will have been stopped.
- System programmer response
Stop any SSL channels that have not already stopped and issue the REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command again.
- CSQX678E
csect-name Channel channel-name not started, refreshing SSL key repository
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A channel using SSL communications could not be started because the cached SSL key repository is currently being refreshed. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Wait until the refresh has completed and start the channel again.
- CSQX679E
csect-name Channel channel-name not started, refreshing remote SSL key repository
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A channel using SSL communications could not be started because the cached SSL key repository is currently being refreshed at the remote end. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel does not start.
- System programmer response
Wait until the refresh has completed and start the channel again.
- CSQX683E
csect-name SSL key repository has no certificates
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL key repository (that is, the key ring in the external security manager) does not contain any valid certificates.
- System action
Channels using SSL communications will not start.
- System programmer response
Add the user certificate and any necessary certificate authority (CA) certificates to the key repository. Ensure that existing certificates are valid, have not expired, and are marked as trusted.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 7.
- CSQX684E
csect-name SSL key repository has no CA certificates
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL key repository (that is, the key ring in the external security manager) does not contain any valid certificate authority (CA) certificates. A channel using SSL communications needs at least one CA or self-signed certificate to perform client authentication.
- System action
Channels using SSL communications will not start.
- System programmer response
Add the user certificate and any necessary certificate authority (CA) certificates to the key repository. Ensure that existing certificates are valid, have not expired, and are marked as trusted.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 109.
- CSQX685E
csect-name No self-signed certificate for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A self-signed certificate cannot be validated as it is not in the SSL key repository. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
- Add the self-signed certificate to the key repository.Note: Changes to the key repository do not take effect immediately, see When changes to certificates or the key repository become effective on z/OS. If we have already added the self-signed certificate to the key repository, issue a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command or recycle the CHINIT address space.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 417.
- CSQX686E
csect-name SSL private key error for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL certificate used has no associated private key, or the private key is not available because it key is stored in ICSF and ICSF services are not available. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
The certificate used is either named on the channel in the CERTLABL attribute, or named on the queue manager in the CERTLABL attribute or CERTQSGL attribute (for a shared channel). If no certificate label is found in any of these attributes, then the certificate is named 'ibmWebSphereMQqsg-name' (for a shared channel) or 'ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name', or a default certificate in the key ring is used.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the private key associated with the SSL certificate used is available. Ensure that the ICSF started task is running if the private key is stored in ICSF.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 428.
- CSQX687E
csect-name SSL certificate revoked by CA for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL certificate has been revoked by the certificate authority (CA). The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Obtain a new certificate and add it to the key repository.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 431.
- CSQX688E
csect-name No SSL CA certificate for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The SSL key repository does not contain a certificate for the certificate authority (CA). The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Obtain a certificate for the certificate authority (CA) and add it to the key repository.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 435.
- CSQX689E
csect-name CRL cannot be processed for channel channel-name, connection conn-id
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is not valid and cannot be processed. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'. The remote connection is conn-id.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Contact the certificate authority and obtain a replacement CRL.
For more information, refer to System SSL RC 436.
- CSQX690I
csect-name Cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol are disabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol are not enabled, and channels configured to use those cipher specifications fail when started.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If we do not need to use cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol, then no action is required.
If you want to re-enable the use of weak CipherSpecs, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQWEAK to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQWEAK DD DUMMYIf you want to re-enable the disabled SSLv3 support in IBM MQ, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQXSSL3 to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQXSSL3 DD DUMMYYou need to specify both of the preceding dummy DD statements, if you want to enable a weak SSLv3-based CipherSpec.
There are alternative mechanisms that can be used to forcibly re-enable weak CipherSpecs, and SSLv3 support,if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
Attention: Re-enabling CipherSpecs in this manner leaves systems exposed to possible security problems. You should use CipherSpecs that use only the TLS protocol, rather than SSLv3.
- CSQX691I
csect-name Cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol are enabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol are enabled, and channels can be configured to use those cipher specifications.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If you need to use cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol, then no action is required.
If we do not need to use cipher specifications based on the SSLv3 protocol, you should remove the override that enables the use of SSLv3.
See message CSQX690I for information on enabling SSLv3.
- CSQX692I
csect-name Weak or broken SSL cipher specifications are disabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications that are known to be weak or broken are not enabled, This includes all SSLv3-based cipher specifications. Channels configured to use those cipher specifications fail when started.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If we do not need to use broken or weak cipher specifications, no action is required.
If you want to re-enable the use of weak CipherSpecs, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQWEAK to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQWEAK DD DUMMYIf you want to re-enable the disabled SSLv3 support in IBM MQ, we can do so by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named CSQXSSL3 to the channel initiator JCL. For example://CSQXSSL3 DD DUMMYYou need to specify both of the preceding dummy DD statements, if you want to enable a weak SSLv3-based CipherSpec.
There are alternative mechanisms that can be used to forcibly re-enable weak CipherSpecs, and SSLv3 support,if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
Attention: Re-enabling CipherSpecs in this manner leaves systems exposed to possible security problems. You should use CipherSpecs that use only the TLS protocol, rather than SSLv3.
- CSQX693I
csect-name Weak or broken SSL cipher specifications are enabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications known to be weak or broken are enabled, and channels can be configured to use those cipher specifications.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If you need to use weak or broken cipher specifications, no action is required.
If we do not need to use weak or broken cipher specifications, you should remove the override that enables the use of weak or broken cipher specifications.
See message CSQX692I for information on enabling weak or broken cipher specifications.
- CSQX694I
csect-name Cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol are disabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol are not enabled, and channels configured to use those cipher specifications fail when started.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
- If we do not need to use cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol, then we can disable them by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named TLS10OFF to the channel initiator JCL. For example:
//TLS10OFF DD DUMMYThere are alternative mechanisms that can be used to forcibly disable cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol, if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
- CSQX695I
csect-name Cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol are enabled.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol are enabled, and channels can be configured to use those cipher specifications.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If you need to use cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol, then no action is required.
If we do not need to use cipher specifications based on the TLS v1.0 protocol, see message CSQX694I for information on how to disable TLS v1.0.
- CSQX696I
csect-name Weak or broken SSL cipher specifications blocked by listener.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Weak or broken SSL cipher specifications have been blocked by the listener. Consequentially you will not receive a successful SSL handshake with any cipher specifications marked as either weak or broken.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If we do not want to be able to negotiate with the listener using weak or broken cipher specifications then we can disable them by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named WCIPSOFF to the channel initiator JCL. For example:
//WCIPSOFF DD DUMMYThere are alternative mechanisms that can be used to achieve the same behavior if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
- CSQX697I
csect-name Listener will only negotiate System SSL default cipher specifications.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The listener will only negotiate with cipher specifications that are listed by default on the System SSL default cipher specification list.System action.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If we only want to be able to negotiate with the listener using the cipher specifications listed on the System SSL default cipher specification list, then we can enable this behavior by adding a dummy Data Definition (DD) statement named GSKDCIPS to the channel initiator JCL. For example:
//GSKDCIPS DD DUMMYThere are alternative mechanisms that can be used to achieve the same behavior if the Data Definition change is unsuitable. Contact IBM Service for further information.
- CSQX719E
csect-name Invalid cipher specification ciph for FIPS mode for channel channel-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The SSL cipher specification value for channel channel-name is not FIPS-certified and the queue manager has been configured to run with SSLFIPS(YES). The value is shown in the message as a four-character code.
Recognized values are shown in message CSQX631E.
In some cases, when the channel is responding to an inbound request, the cipher specification cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
- System action
The channel will not start.
- System programmer response
Correct the channel to use a FIPS-certified cipher specification, or if the queue manager should not be running in FIPS mode, alter the queue manager to use SSLFIPS(NO). See Specifying CipherSpecs for details on which cipher specifications are FIPS-certified.
For more information, refer to System SSL RCs 402 and 412.
- CSQX772E
csect-name mqapi-call failed, MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The indicated IBM MQ mqapi-call failed for the specified reason code mqrc, (mqrc-text).
- System action
Typically the component in which the error occurs terminates. When the component is a message channel agent, the associated channel is stopped.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form).
- CSQX774E
csect-name CHLAUTH cache load failed, all inbound channels blocked
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The CHLAUTH cache has failed to load. All inbound channels has been blocked from starting until the problem has been fixed. See previous message for the cause of the problem.
- System action
All inbound channels are blocked from starting.
- System programmer response
Look for the previous related message for the cause of the problem.
- CSQX775I
csect-name Channel channel-name from ipaddress would have been blocked due to userid, Detail: detail
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The inbound channel channel-name would have been blocked from address ipaddress because the active values of the channel were mapped to a userid that should be blocked. Access is allowed as the channel authentication record is in warning mode.
The active values of the channel were detail.
- System action
The channel is started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured. If the channel authentication record was not in warning mode the channel would be blocked. The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to query the channel authentication records.
- CSQX776E
csect-name Channel channel-name from ipaddress has been blocked due to userid, Detail: detail
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The inbound channel channel-name was blocked from address ipaddress because the active values of the channel were mapped to a userid that should be blocked.
The active values of the channel were detail.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured. The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to query the channel authentication records.
- CSQX777E
csect-name Channel channel-name from ipaddress has been blocked due to USERSRC(NOACCESS), Detail: detail
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The inbound channel channel-name was blocked from address ipaddress because the active values of the channel matched a channel authentication record configured with USERSRC(NOACCESS).
The active values of the channel were detail.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured.
The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH can be used to query the channel authentication records.
If no host name is shown in the message next to the IP address, and CHLAUTH rules using host names are in place, ensure that your Domain Name Servers can correctly resolve the IP address to a host name and that your queue manager is configured with REVDNS(ENABLED).
- CSQX782E
csect-name Connection from address ipaddress has been blocked due to matching rule ip-address-pattern
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The inbound connection from the address was blocked because it matches one of the blocked addresses, ip-address-pattern, in the channel authentication table.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured. The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH can be used to query the channel authentication records.
- CSQX785E
csect-name Channel channel-name is configured to not use the dead-letter queue
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Channel channel-name failed to deliver a message to its destination. The report option MQRO_DISCARD_MSG was not specified for the message and the channel has been configured to not use the dead-letter queue through the attribute setting USEDLQ(NO).
- System action
The channel either discards the message, or the channel ends, in accordance with the NPMSPEED attribute setting.
- System programmer response
Investigate the cause of this error, then either correct the problem that prevented the channel delivering the message, or enable the channel to use the dead-letter queue.
- CSQX786I
csect-name Connection from address ipaddress would have been blocked due to matching rule ip-address-pattern
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The inbound connection from the address ipaddress would have been blocked because it matches one of the blocked addresses, ip-address-pattern, in the channel authentication table. Access is allowed as the channel authentication table is in warning mode.
- System action
The channel is started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured. If the channel authentication record was not in warning mode the channel would be blocked. The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to query the channel authentication records.
- CSQX787I
csect-name Channel channel-name from ipaddress would have been blocked due to USERSRC(NOACCESS), Detail: detail
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The inbound channel channel-name would have been blocked from address ipaddress because the active values of the channel matched a channel authentication record configured with USERSRC(NOACCESS). It was not blocked due to the channel authentication record being in warning mode.
The active values of the channel were detail.
- System action
The channel is started.
- System programmer response
Examine the channel authentication records to ensure that the correct settings have been configured. If the channel authentication record was not in warning mode the channel would be blocked. The ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH switch is used to control whether the channel authentication records are used. The DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to query the channel authentication records.
- CSQX788I
csect-name DNS lookup for address address using function 'func' took n seconds
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An attempt to resolve address address using the 'func' function call took n seconds to complete. This might indicate a problem with the DNS configuration.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the DNS is correctly configured on the local system.
If the address was an IP address then the slow operation was a reverse DNS lookup. Some DNS configurations are not capable of reverse DNS lookups and some IP addresses have no valid reverse DNS entries.
If the problem persists, consider disabling reverse DNS lookups until the issue with the DNS can be resolved.
- CSQX790I
csect-name Connection authentication failed for user user-id due to CHLAUTH with CHCKCLNT(chckclnt-value), Detail: detail
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The user ID user-id and its password were checked because the inbound connection matched a channel authentication record with CHCKCLNT(chckclnt-value).
The active values of the channel were detail. The MATCH(RUNCHECK) mode of the DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to identify the relevant CHLAUTH record.
This message accompanies a previous error to clarify the reason for the user ID and password check.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Refer to the previous error for more information.
Ensure that a password is specified by the client application and that the password is correct for the User ID.
Alternatively, to avoid the authentication check we can amend the CHLAUTH record CHCKCLNT attribute. However, allowing unauthenticated remote access is not recommended.
- CSQX791E
csect-name Client application appl-name from address ip-address did not supply a user ID and password, Detail: detail
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The client application appl-name running on host ip-address did not supply a user ID and password. The channel authentication (CHLAUTH) record for the connection requires a user ID and password, but none was supplied.
The active values of the channel were detail. The MATCH(RUNCHECK) mode of the DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to identify the relevant CHLAUTH record.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Ensure that the application provides a valid user ID and password, or change the queue manager connection authority (CONNAUTH) configuration to OPTIONAL to allow client applications to connect which have not supplied a user ID and password.
- CSQX793E
csect-name The user ID and password for client application appl-name from address ip-address cannot be checked, Detail: detail
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The user ID and password for the client application appl-name running on host ip-address cannot be checked. The channel authentication (CHLAUTH) record for the connection requires an authentication check, but the queue manager is not configured to use connection authentication for clients.
The active values of the channel were detail. The MATCH(RUNCHECK) mode of the DISPLAY CHLAUTH command can be used to identify the relevant CHLAUTH record.
- System action
The channel is not started.
- System programmer response
Change the CHLAUTH configuration so that client authentication is not required, or alter the queue manager connection authority (CONNAUTH) configuration to enable client authentication checks.
- CSQX797E
csect-name Unable to send message for channel channel-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc (mqrc-text)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The send on channel channel-name could not be completed and the message could not be redirected to the dead-letter queue.
- System action
The channel stops.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc (mqrc-text provides the MQRC in textual form) to determine why the send failed.
Refer to previous messages to determine why the dead-letter queue is not available.
- CSQX830I
csect-name Channel initiator active
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the channel initiator is active.
- CSQX831I
csect-name nn adapter subtasks started, nn requested
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many adapter subtasks are currently active, and how many were requested by the CHIADAPS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some adapter subtasks have failed and not been restarted, which could reduce processing capacity.
- CSQX832I
csect-name nn dispatchers started, nn requested
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many dispatchers are currently active, and how many were requested by the CHIDISPS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately, and other processing capacity may be reduced.
- CSQX833I
csect-name nn SSL server subtasks started, nn requested
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many SSL server subtasks are currently active, and how many were requested by the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some SSL server subtasks have failed and not been restarted, which could reduce processing capacity.
- CSQX836I
csect-name nn Maximum channels - TCP/IP nn, LU 6.2 nn
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. It shows the maximum numbers of each type of channel that are allowed.
- CSQX840I
csect-name nn channels current, maximum nn
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. It shows how many channels are current, and how many are allowed altogether, as requested by the MAXCHL queue manager attribute.
- CSQX841I
csect-name nn channels active, maximum nn, including nn paused
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. Of the channels that are current, it shows how many are active (transmitting messages), and how many are allowed altogether to be active, by the ACTCHL queue manager attribute. It also shows how many of the active channels are paused, waiting to retry putting a message.
- CSQX842I
csect-name nn channels starting, nn stopped, nn retrying
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
- This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. Of the channels that are current, it show how many are:
- waiting to become active, because the limit for active channels has been reached
- stopped, requiring manual intervention
- attempting to reconnect following a temporary error.
- CSQX843I
csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition retrying, for port port address ip-address
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is trying to restart after an error. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
port and ip-address show the port and IP address combination on which it listens; if ip-address is '*', it listens on all available IP addresses. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- CSQX844I
csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition retrying, for LU name name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is trying to restart after an error. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- CSQX845I
csect-name TCP/IP system name is name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows the TCP/IP system name that is being used, as specified in the TCPNAME queue manager attribute.
- CSQX846I
csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition started, for port port address ip-address
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is active.
port and ip-address show the port and IP address combination on which it listens; if ip-address is '*', it listens on all available IP addresses. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- CSQX847I
csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition started, for LU name name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is active.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- CSQX848I
csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition not started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is not active.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System programmer response
If the listener had been started, and was not deliberately stopped, this might be because there was an error in the communications system. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- CSQX849I
csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition not started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is not active.
disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles:
- those directed to the target queue manager
- those directed to the queue sharing group.
- System programmer response
If the listener had been started, and was not deliberately stopped, this might be because there was an error in the communications system. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.
- CSQX871I
csect-name Cluster maintenance has been running for num-mins minutes, phase maintenance-phase has so far processed num-records records
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A queue manager will periodically perform a maintenance cycle to refresh and remove state associated with the clusters it is a member of. This message gives an indication of the progress being made.
- System action
For large clusters this maintenance process may take a significant period of time. In such situations this message will be periodically repeated until maintenance has completed, at which time message CSQX872I will be output.
- CSQX872I
csect-name Cluster maintenance has completed after num-mins minutes, num-records records were processed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A queue manager will periodically perform a maintenance cycle to refresh and remove state associated with the clusters it is a member of. This message follows one or more instances of message CSQX871I and indicates the cycle has completed.
- System action
- CSQX875I
csect-name REFRESH CLUSTER processing started for cluster cluster-name
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A REFRESH CLUSTER command has been issued on this queue manager.
In phase one this will discard all locally cached information for the cluster and request new information from other members of the cluster when necessary. Phase two processes the information received. For large cluster configurations this process can take a significant amount of time, especially on full repository queue managers. During this time applications attempting to access cluster resources may see failures to resolve cluster resources. In addition, cluster configuration changes made on this queue manager may not be processed until the refresh process has completed.
- System action
Defer any cluster related work on this queue manager until both phases are complete.
Message CSQX442I or CSQX404I will be issued at the end of phase one.
Completion of phase two can be determined when the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE has reached a consistently empty state.
- CSQX876I
csect-name Cluster cache compression started
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Periodically cluster management will compress its local cache. Compression can take a significant period of time for certain operations, such as performing a CLUSTER REFRESH. During the compression task, cluster management commands will not be processed.
Once the compression task has completed message CSQX877I will be issued.
- CSQX877I
csect-name Cluster cache compression completed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The cluster cache compression activity, indicated by message CSQX876I, has now completed.
- CSQX878I
csect-name Repository command error, command command, cluster object object-name, sender sender-id, reason reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An internal cluster repository command failed to complete successfully. Earlier messages in the log will contain details of the problem. Failure to successfully process a command can leave a cluster in an inconsistent state.
- System action
Processing continues
- System programmer response
If the problem cannot be resolved, collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM® support center.
- CSQX879E
csect-name Conflicting clustered topic topic-name from queue manager qmgr-name
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A conflict has been detected for clustered topic topic-name.
Two clustered topics conflict if any of the following conditions are true:
- They have the same topic string but have a different topic name
- They have the same topic string, or one is an ancestor of the other in the topic tree, and they have a different cluster name
- They have the same topic string, or one is an ancestor of the other in the topic tree, and they have incompatible values for the cluster route attribute
- System action
The CLSTATE attribute of the clustered topic identified by topic-name is set to INVALID and the topic is no longer used by the queue manager.
- System programmer response
Review the clustered topics visible to the queue manager and correct any conflicts by modifying or deleting the definitions in error. After updating the topic definitions, ensure all clustered topics have a CLSTATE of ACTIVE on all queue managers in the same cluster.
- CSQX967I
CSQXBLUR task attached, TCB=tcb
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is a debug message which is not documented.
- CSQX968I
CSQXBLUR task detached
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This is a debug message which is not documented.