MQINQ - Inquire object attributes
The MQINQ call returns an array of integers and a set of character strings containing the attributes of an object.
The following types of object are valid:
- Queue manager
- Queue
- Namelist
- Process definition
MQINQ (Hconn, Hobj, SelectorCount, Selectors, IntAttrCount, IntAttrs, CharAttrLength, CharAttrs, CompCode, Reason)
- Hconn
- Type: MQHCONN - input
This handle represents the connection to the queue manager. The value of Hconn was returned by a previous MQCONN or MQCONNX call.
On z/OSĀ® for CICSĀ® applications the MQCONN call can be omitted, and the following value specified for Hconn :
- Default connection handle.
- Hobj
- Type: MQHOBJ - input
This handle represents the object (of any type) with attributes that are required. The handle must be returned by a previous MQOPEN call that specified the MQOO_INQUIRE option.
- SelectorCount
- Type: MQLONG - input
This is the count of selectors that are supplied in the Selectors array. It is the number of attributes that are to be returned. Zero is a valid value. The maximum number allowed is 256.
- Selectors
- Type: MQLONG x SelectorCount - input
This is an array of SelectorCount attribute selectors; each selector identifies an attribute (integer or character) with a value that is required.
Each selector must be valid for the type of object that Hobj represents, otherwise the call fails with completion code MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQRC_SELECTOR_ERROR.
In the special case of queues:We can specify selectors in any order. Attribute values that correspond to integer attribute selectors ( MQIA_* selectors) are returned in IntAttrs in the same order in which these selectors occur in Selectors. Attribute values that correspond to character attribute selectors ( MQCA_* selectors) are returned in CharAttrs in the same order in which those selectors occur. MQIA_* selectors can be interleaved with the MQCA_* selectors; only the relative order within each type is important. Note:
- If the selector is not valid for queues of any type, the call fails with completion code MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQRC_SELECTOR_ERROR.
- If the selector applies only to queues of types other than the type of the object, the call succeeds with completion code MQCC_WARNING and reason code MQRC_SELECTOR_NOT_FOR_TYPE.
- If the queue being inquired is a cluster queue, the selectors that are valid depend on how the queue was resolved; see Usage notes for further details.
- The integer and character attribute selectors are allocated within two different ranges; the MQIA_* selectors reside within the range MQIA_FIRST through MQIA_LAST, and the MQCA_* selectors within the range MQCA_FIRST through MQCA_LAST.
For each range, the constants MQIA_LAST_USED and MQCA_LAST_USED define the highest value that the queue manager accepts.
- If all the MQIA_* selectors occur first, the same element numbers can be used to address corresponding elements in the Selectors and IntAttrs arrays.
- If the SelectorCount parameter is zero, Selectors is not referred to. In this case, the parameter address passed by programs written in C or S/390 assembler might be null.
The attributes that can be inquired are listed in the following tables. For the MQCA_* selectors, the constant that defines the length in bytes of the resulting string in CharAttrs is provided in parentheses.
The tables that follow list the selectors, by object, in alphabetical order, as follows:All selectors are supported on all IBM MQ platforms, except where indicated in the Note column as follows:
- Table 1 MQINQ attribute selectors for queues
- Table 2 MQINQ attribute selectors for namelists
- Table 3 MQINQ attribute selectors for process definitions
- Table 4 MQINQ attribute selectors for the queue manager
- Not z/OS
- Supported on all platforms except z/OS
- z/OS
- Supported only on z/OS
Table 1. MQINQ attribute selectors for queues Selector Length of field Description Note MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE MQ_DATE_LENGTH Date of most-recent alteration MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME MQ_TIME_LENGTH Time of most-recent alteration MQCA_BACKOUT_REQ_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Excessive backout requeue name MQCA_BASE_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Name of queue that alias resolves to MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH Coupling-facility structure name z/OS MQCA_CLUS_CHL_NAME MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH Name of the cluster-sender channel that uses this queue as a transmission queue. MQCA_CLUSTER_NAME MQ_CLUSTER_NAME_LENGTH Cluster name MQCA_CLUSTER_NAMELIST MQ_NAMELIST_NAME_LENGTH Cluster namelist MQCA_CREATION_DATE MQ_CREATION_DATE_LENGTH Queue creation date MQCA_CREATION_TIME MQ_CREATION_TIME_LENGTH Queue creation time MQCA_CUSTOM MQ_CUSTOM_LENGTH The custom attribute for new features MQCA_INITIATION_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Initiation queue name MQCA_PROCESS_NAME MQ_PROCESS_NAME_LENGTH Name of process definition MQCA_Q_DESC MQ_Q_DESC_LENGTH Queue description MQCA_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Queue name MQCA_REMOTE_Q_MGR_NAME MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH Name of remote queue manager MQCA_REMOTE_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Name of remote queue as known on remote queue manager MQCA_STORAGE_CLASS MQ_STORAGE_CLASS_LENGTH Name of storage class z/OS MQCA_TRIGGER_DATA MQ_TRIGGER_DATA_LENGTH Trigger data MQCA_XMIT_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Transmission queue name MQIA_ACCOUNTING_Q MQLONG Controls collection of accounting data for queue Not z/OS MQIA_BACKOUT_THRESHOLD MQLONG Backout threshold MQIA_CLWL_Q_PRIORITY MQLONG Priority of queue MQIA_CLWL_Q_RANK MQLONG Rank of queue MQIA_CLWL_USEQ MQLONG Use remote queues MQIA_CURRENT_Q_DEPTH MQLONG Number of messages on queue MQIA_DEF_BIND MQLONG Default binding MQIA_DEF_INPUT_OPEN_OPTION MQLONG Default open-for-input option MQIA_DEF_PERSISTENCE MQLONG Default message persistence MQIA_DEF_PRIORITY MQLONG Default message priority MQIA_DEFINITION_TYPE MQLONG Queue definition type MQIA_DIST_LISTS MQLONG Distribution list support Not z/OS MQIA_HARDEN_GET_BACKOUT MQLONG Whether to harden backout count MQIA_INDEX_TYPE MQLONG Type of index maintained for queue z/OS MQIA_INHIBIT_GET MQLONG Whether get operations are allowed MQIA_INHIBIT_PUT MQLONG Whether put operations are allowed MQIA_MAX_MSG_LENGTH MQLONG Maximum message length MQIA_MAX_Q_DEPTH MQLONG Maximum number of messages allowed on queue MQIA_MSG_DELIVERY_SEQUENCE MQLONG Whether message priority is relevant MQIA_NPM_CLASS MQLONG Level of reliability for nonpersistent messages MQIA_OPEN_INPUT_COUNT MQLONG Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for input MQIA_OPEN_OUTPUT_COUNT MQLONG Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for output MQIA_PROPERTY_CONTROL MQLONG Property control attribute MQIA_Q_DEPTH_HIGH_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for queue depth high events Not z/OS MQIA_Q_DEPTH_HIGH_LIMIT MQLONG High limit for queue depth Not z/OS MQIA_Q_DEPTH_LOW_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for queue depth low events Not z/OS MQIA_Q_DEPTH_LOW_LIMIT MQLONG Low limit for queue depth Not z/OS MQIA_Q_DEPTH_MAX_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for queue depth max events Not z/OS MQIA_Q_SERVICE_INTERVAL MQLONG Limit for queue service interval Not z/OS MQIA_Q_SERVICE_INTERVAL_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for queue service interval events Not z/OS MQIA_Q_TYPE MQLONG Queue type MQIA_QSG_DISP MQLONG Queue sharing group disposition z/OS MQIA_RETENTION_INTERVAL MQLONG Queue retention interval MQIA_SCOPE MQLONG Queue definition scope Not z/OS MQIA_SHAREABILITY MQLONG Whether queue can be shared for input MQIA_STATISTICS_Q MQLONG Controls collection of statistics data for queue Not z/OS MQIA_TRIGGER_CONTROL MQLONG Trigger control MQIA_TRIGGER_DEPTH MQLONG Trigger depth MQIA_TRIGGER_MSG_PRIORITY MQLONG Threshold message priority for triggers MQIA_TRIGGER_TYPE MQLONG Trigger type MQIA_USAGE MQLONG Usage
Table 2. MQINQ attribute selectors for namelists Selector Length of field Description Note MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE MQ_DATE_LENGTH Date of most-recent alteration MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME MQ_TIME_LENGTH Time of most-recent alteration MQCA_NAMELIST_DESC MQ_NAMELIST_DESC_LENGTH Namelist description MQCA_NAMELIST_NAME MQ_NAMELIST_NAME_LENGTH Name of namelist object MQIA_NAMELIST_TYPE MQLONG Namelist type z/OS MQCA_NAMES MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH x Number of names in the list Names in the namelist MQIA_NAME_COUNT MQLONG Number of names in the namelist MQIA_QSG_DISP MQLONG Queue sharing group disposition z/OS
Table 3. MQINQ attribute selectors for process definitions Selector Length of field Description Note MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE MQ_DATE_LENGTH Date of most-recent alteration MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME MQ_TIME_LENGTH Time of most-recent alteration MQCA_APPL_ID MQ_PROCESS_APPL_ID_LENGTH Application identifier MQCA_ENV_DATA MQ_PROCESS_ENV_DATA_LENGTH Environment data MQCA_PROCESS_DESC MQ_PROCESS_DESC_LENGTH Description of process definition MQCA_PROCESS_NAME MQ_PROCESS_NAME_LENGTH Name of process definition MQCA_USER_DATA MQ_PROCESS_USER_DATA_LENGTH User data MQIA_APPL_TYPE MQLONG Application type MQIA_QSG_DISP MQLONG Queue sharing group disposition z/OS
Table 4. MQINQ attribute selectors for the queue manager Selector Length of field Description Note MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE MQ_DATE_LENGTH Date of most-recent alteration MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME MQ_TIME_LENGTH Time of most-recent alteration MQCA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EXIT MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH Automatic channel definition exit name MQCA_CHINIT_SERVICE_PARM Reserved for use by IBM MQCA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_DATA MQ_EXIT_DATA_LENGTH Data passed to cluster workload exit MQCA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_EXIT MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH Name of cluster workload exit MQCA_COMMAND_INPUT_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH System command input queue name MQCA_CUSTOM MQ_CUSTOM_LENGTH The custom attribute for new features MQCA_DEAD_LETTER_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Name of dead-letter queue MQCA_DEF_XMIT_Q_NAME MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH Default transmission queue name MQCA_DNS_GROUP MQ_DNS_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH Name of the group for the TCP listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue sharing group to join. The name applies when using Workload Manager Dynamic Domain Name Services. z/OS MQCA_IGQ_USER_ID MQ_USER_ID_LENGTH Intra-group queuing user identifier z/OS MQCA_INSTALLATION_DESC MQ_INSTALLATION_DESC_LENGTH Description of the associated installation Not z/OS. Not IBM i MQCA_INSTALLATION_NAME MQ_INSTALLATION_NAME_LENGTH Name of the installation associated with the queue manager Not z/OS. Not IBM i MQCA_INSTALLATION_PATH MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH_LENGTH Path where the associated IBM MQ is installed Not z/OS. Not IBM i MQCA_LU_GROUP_NAME MQ_LU_NAME_LENGTH Generic LU name for the LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue sharing group to use z/OS MQCA_LU_NAME MQ_LU_NAME_LENGTH Name of the LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions. Set this name to the same LU that the listener uses for inbound transmissions z/OS MQCA_LU62_ARM_SUFFIX MQ_ARM_SUFFIX_LENGTH Suffix of the SYS1.PARMLIB member APPCPM xx, that nominates the LUADD for this channel initiator z/OS MQCA_PARENT MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH Name of a hierarchically connected queue manager that is nominated as the parent of this queue manager MQCA_Q_MGR_DESC MQ_Q_MGR_DESC_LENGTH Queue manager description MQCA_Q_MGR_IDENTIFIER MQ_Q_MGR_IDENTIFIER_LENGT Queue manager identifier (H) MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH Name of local queue manager MQCA_QSG_NAME MQ_QSG_NAME_LENGTH Queue sharing group name z/OS MQCA_REPOSITORY_NAME MQ_CLUSTER_NAME_LENGTH Name of cluster for which queue manager provides repository services MQCA_REPOSITORY_NAMELIST MQ_NAMELIST_NAME_LENGTH Name of namelist object containing names of clusters for which queue manager provides repository services MQCA_TCP_NAME MQ_TCP_NAME_LENGTH Name of the TCP/IP system that you are using z/OS MQIA_ACCOUNTING_CONN_OVERRIDE MQLONG Override accounting settings Not z/OS MQIA_ACCOUNTING_INTERVAL MQLONG How often to write intermediate accounting records Not z/OS MQIA_ACCOUNTING_MQI MQLONG Controls collection of accounting information for MQI data Not z/OS MQIA_ACCOUNTING_Q MQLONG Controls collection of accounting information for queues Not z/OS MQIA_ACTIVE_CHANNELS MQLONG Maximum number of channels that can be active at any time z/OS MQIA_ADOPTNEWMCA_CHECK MQLONG Elements that are checked to determine whether to adopt an MCA. The check is performed when a new inbound channel is detected that has the same name as an MCA that is already active. z/OS MQIA_ADOPTNEWMCA_INTERVAL MQLONG Amount of time, in seconds, that the new channel waits for the orphaned channel to end Not z/OS MQIA_ADOPTNEWMCA_TYPE MQLONG Whether to restart an orphaned instance of an MCA of a particular channel type automatically when a new inbound channel request matching the AdoptNewMCACheck parameters is detected z/OS MQIA_AUTHORITY_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for authority events Not z/OS MQIA_BRIDGE_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for IMS bridge events z/OS MQIA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF MQLONG Control attribute for automatic channel definition Not z/OS MQIA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for automatic channel definition events Not z/OS MQIA_CHANNEL_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for channel events MQIA_CHINIT_ADAPTERS MQLONG Number of adapter subtasks to use for processing IBM MQ calls z/OS MQIA_CHINIT_DISPATCHERS MQLONG Number of dispatchers to use for the channel initiator z/OS MQIA_CHINIT_TRACE_AUTO_START MQLONG Whether to start channel initiator trace automatically z/OS MQIA_CHINIT_TRACE_TABLE_SIZE MQLONG Size of the trace data space (in MB) of the channel initiator z/OS MQIA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_LENGTH MQLONG Cluster workload length. MQIA_CLWL_MRU_CHANNELS MQLONG Number of most recently used channels for cluster workload balancing MQIA_CLWL_USEQ MQLONG Use remote queues MQIA_CODED_CHAR_SET_ID MQLONG Coded character set identifier MQIA_COMMAND_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for command events MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL MQLONG Command level supported by queue manager MQIA_CONFIGURATION_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for configuration events Not z/OS MQIA_DEF_CLUSTER_XMIT_Q_TYPE MQLONG Default transmission queue type to be used for cluster-sender channels. MQIA_DIST_LISTS MQLONG Distribution list support Not z/OS MQIA_DNS_WLM MQLONG Whether the TCP listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue sharing group registers with Workload Manager for Dynamic Domain Name Services z/OS MQIA_EXPIRY_INTERVAL MQLONG Interval between scans for expired messages z/OS MQIA_GROUP_UR MQLONG Control attribute for whether GROUP units of recovery are enabled for this queue manager. The GROUP unit of recovery disposition is only available if the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group z/OS MQIA_IGQ_PUT_AUTHORITY MQLONG Intra-group queuing put authority z/OS MQIA_INHIBIT_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for inhibit events Not z/OS MQIA_INTRA_GROUP_queuing MQLONG Intra-group queuing support z/OS MQIA_LISTENER_TIMER MQLONG Time interval (in seconds) between IBM MQ attempts to restart the listener if APPC or TCP/IP failed. z/OS MQIA_LOCAL_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for local events Not z/OS MQIA_LOGGER_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for inhibit events Not z/OS MQIA_LU62_CHANNELS MQLONG Maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, using the LU 6.2 transmission protocol z/OS MQIA_MSG_MARK_BROWSE_INTERVAL MQLONG Time interval (in milliseconds) after which the queue manager can automatically remove a mark from browse messages.Attention: You should not set this value below the default of 5000. MQIA_MAX_CHANNELS MQLONG Maximum number of channels that can be current (including server-connection channels with connected clients) z/OS MQIA_MAX_HANDLES MQLONG Maximum number of handles MQIA_MAX_MSG_LENGTH MQLONG Maximum message length MQIA_MAX_PRIORITY MQLONG Maximum priority MQIA_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_MSGS MQLONG Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MAX MQLONG With MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MIN, defines range of port numbers to use when binding outgoing channels z/OS MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MIN MQLONG With MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MAX, defines range of port numbers to use when binding outgoing channels z/OS MQIA_PERFORMANCE_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for performance events Not z/OS MQIA_PLATFORM MQLONG Platform on which the queue manager resides MQIA_PROT_POLICY_CAPABILITY MQLONG Indicates whether security capabilities of Advanced Message Security are available for a queue manager. MQIA_PUBSUB_MAXMSG_RETRY_COUNT MQLONG The number of attempts to reprocess a failed command message under sync point MQIA_PUBSUB_MODE MQLONG Whether the publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are running. Applications to publish or subscribe using the application programming interface require the publish/subscribe engine. Queues that are monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface require the queued publish/subscribe interface to be running. MQIA_PUBSUB_NP_MSG MQLONG Whether to discard (or keep) an undelivered input message MQIA_PUBSUB_NP_RESP MQLONG Controls the behavior of undelivered response messages MQIA_PUBSUB_SYNC_PT MQLONG Whether only persistent (or all) messages are processed under sync point MQIA_QMGR_CFCONLOS MQLONG Specifies the action to be taken when the queue manager loses connectivity to the administration structure or any CF structures with CFCONLOS set to ASQMGR z/OS MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT MQLONG Approximately how long a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner, before returning to the inactive state. The value is numeric, qualified by MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_TYPE. z/OS MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MIN MQLONG Minimum time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner, before returning to the inactive state z/OS MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_TYPE MQLONG Approximately how long a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner, before returning to the inactive state. MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_TYPE is the qualifier applied to MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT. z/OS MQIA_REMOTE_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for remote events Not z/OS MQIA_SECURITY_CASE MQLONG Case of security profiles z/OS MQIA_SSL_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for channel events MQIA_SSL_FIPS_REQUIRED MQLONG Use only FIPS-certified algorithms for cryptography MQIA_SSL_RESET_COUNT MQLONG TLS key reset count MQIA_START_STOP_EVENT MQLONG Control attribute for start stop events Not z/OS MQIA_STATISTICS_AUTO_CLUSSDR MQLONG Controls collection of statistics monitoring information for cluster sender channels MQIA_STATISTICS_CHANNEL MQLONG Controls collection of statistics data for channels MQIA_STATISTICS_INTERVAL MQLONG How often to write statistics monitoring data Not z/OS MQIA_STATISTICS_MQI MQLONG Controls collection of statistics monitoring information for queue manager Not z/OS MQIA_STATISTICS_Q MQLONG Controls collection of statistics data for queues Not z/OS MQIA_SYNCPOINT MQLONG sync point availability MQIA_TCP_CHANNELS MQLONG Maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, using the TCP/IP transmission protocol z/OS MQIA_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE MQLONG Whether to use the TCP KEEPALIVE facility to check that the other end of the connection is still available z/OS MQIA_TCP_STACK_TYPE MQLONG Whether the channel initiator can use only the TCP/IP address space specified in TCPNAME, or can optionally bind to any selected TCP/IP address z/OS MQIA_TRACE_ROUTE_RECORDING MQLONG Controls recording of trace-route information z/OS MQIA_TREE_LIFE_TIME MQLONG Lifetime of unused non-administrative topics MQIA_TRIGGER_INTERVAL MQLONG Trigger interval - IntAttrCount
- Type: MQLONG - input
This is the number of elements in the IntAttrs array. Zero is a valid value.
If IntAttrCount is at least the number of MQIA_* selectors in the Selectors parameter, all integer attributes requested are returned.
- IntAttrs
- Type: MQLONG x IntAttrCount - output
This is an array of IntAttrCount integer attribute values.
Integer attribute values are returned in the same order as the MQIA_* selectors in the Selectors parameter. If the array contains more elements than the number of MQIA_* selectors, the excess elements are unchanged.
If Hobj represents a queue, but an attribute selector does not apply to that type of queue, the specific value MQIAV_NOT_APPLICABLE is returned. It is returned for the corresponding element in the IntAttrs array.
If the IntAttrCount or SelectorCount parameter is zero, IntAttrs is not referred to. In this case, the parameter address passed by programs written in C or S/390 assembler might be null.
- CharAttrLength
- Type: MQLONG - input
This is the length in bytes of the CharAttrs parameter.
CharAttrLength must be at least the sum of the lengths of the requested character attributes (see Selectors ). Zero is a valid value.
- CharAttrs
- Type: MQCHAR x CharAttrLength - output
This is the buffer in which the character attributes are returned, concatenated together. The length of the buffer is given by the CharAttrLength parameter.
Character attributes are returned in the same order as the MQCA_* selectors in the Selectors parameter. The length of each attribute string is fixed for each attribute (see Selectors ), and the value in it is padded to the right with blanks if necessary. We can provider a buffer larger than needed to contain all the requested character attributes and padding. The bytes beyond the last attribute value returned are unchanged.
If Hobj represents a queue, but an attribute selector does not apply to that type of queue, a character string consisting entirely of asterisks (*) is returned. The asterisk is returned as the value of that attribute in CharAttrs.
If the CharAttrLength or SelectorCount parameter is zero, CharAttrs is not referred to. In this case, the parameter address passed by programs written in C or S/390 assembler might be null.
- CompCode
- Type: MQLONG - output The completion code:
- Successful completion.
- Warning (partial completion).
- Call failed.
- Reason
- Type: MQLONG - output If CompCode is MQCC_OK:
- ( 0, X'000') No reason to report.
If CompCode is MQCC_WARNING:
- ( 2008, X'7D8') Not enough space allowed for character attributes.
- ( 2022, X'7E6') Not enough space allowed for integer attributes.
- ( 2068, X'814') Selector not applicable to queue type.
If CompCode is MQCC_FAILED:
- ( 2204, X'89C') Adapter not available.
- ( 2130, X'852') Unable to load adapter service module.
- ( 2374, X'946') API exit failed.
- ( 2183, X'887') Unable to load API exit.
- ( 2157, X'86D') Primary and home ASIDs differ.
- ( 2219, X'8AB') MQI call entered before previous call complete.
- ( 2373, X'945') Coupling-facility structure failed.
- ( 2346, X'92A') Coupling-facility structure in use.
- ( 2006, X'7D6') Length of character attributes not valid.
- ( 2007, X'7D7') Character attributes string not valid.
- ( 2140, X'85C') Wait request rejected by CICS.
- ( 2009, X'7D9') Connection to queue manager lost.
- ( 2217, X'8A9') Not authorized for connection.
- ( 2203, X'89B') Connection shutting down.
- ( 2018, X'7E2') Connection handle not valid.
- ( 2019, X'7E3') Object handle not valid.
- ( 2021, X'7E5') Count of integer attributes not valid.
- ( 2023, X'7E7') Integer attributes array not valid.
- ( 2038, X'7F6') Queue not open for inquire.
- ( 2041, X'7F9') Object definition changed since opened.
- ( 2101, X'835') Object damaged.
- ( 2193, X'891') Error accessing page-set data set.
- ( 2052, X'804') Queue deleted.
- ( 2058, X'80A') Queue manager name not valid or not known.
- ( 2059, X'80B') Queue manager not available for connection.
- ( 2162, X'872') Queue manager shutting down.
- ( 2102, X'836') Insufficient system resources available.
- ( 2065, X'811') Count of selectors not valid.
- ( 2067, X'813') Attribute selector not valid.
- ( 2066, X'812') Count of selectors too large.
- ( 2071, X'817') Insufficient storage available.
- ( 2109, X'83D') Call suppressed by exit program.
- ( 2195, X'893') Unexpected error occurred.
For detailed information about these codes; see Reason codes
Usage notes
- The values returned are a snapshot of the selected attributes. There is no guarantee that the attributes remain the same before the application can act upon the returned values.
- When you open a model queue, a dynamic local queue is created. A dynamic local queue is created even if you open the model queue to inquire about its attributes. The attributes of the dynamic queue are largely the same as the attributes of the model queue at the time that the dynamic queue is created. If you then use the MQINQ call on this queue, the queue manager returns the attributes of the dynamic queue, and not the attributes of the model queue. See Table 1 for details of which attributes of the model queue are inherited by the dynamic queue.
- If the object being inquired is an alias queue, the attribute values returned by the MQINQ call are the attributes of the alias queue. The are not the attributes of the base queue or topic to which the alias resolves.
- If the object being inquired is a cluster queue, the attributes that can be inquired depend on how the queue is opened:
See Cluster queues
- We can open a cluster queue for inquire plus one or more of the input, browse, or set operations. To do so, there must be a local instance of the cluster queue for the open to succeed. In this case, the attributes that can be inquired are the attributes that are valid for local queues.
- If the cluster queue is opened for inquire alone, or inquire and output, only the attributes listed can be inquired. The QType attribute has the value MQQT_CLUSTER in this case:
We can open the cluster queue with no fixed binding. We can open it with MQOO_BIND_NOT_FIXED specified on the MQOPEN call. Alternatively, specify MQOO_BIND_AS_Q_DEF, and set the DefBind attribute of the queue to MQBND_BIND_NOT_FIXED. If you open a cluster queue with no fixed binding, successive MQINQ calls for the queue might inquire different instances of the cluster queue. However, it is typical for all the instances have the same attribute values.
- An alias queue object can be defined for a cluster. Because TARGTYPE and TARGET are not cluster attributes, the process performing an MQOPEN process on the alias queue is not aware of the object to which the alias resolves.
During the initial MQOPEN, the alias queue resolves to a queue manager and a queue in the cluster. Name resolution takes place again at the remote queue manager and it is here that the TARGTPYE of the alias queue is resolved.
If the alias queue resolves to a topic alias, then publication of messages put to the alias queue takes place at this remote queue manager.
- You might want to inquire a number of attributes, and then set some of them using the MQSET call. To program inquire and set efficiently, position the attributes to be set at the beginning of the selector arrays. If we do so, the same arrays with reduced counts can be used for MQSET.
- If more than one of the warning situations arise (see the CompCode parameter), the reason code returned is the first one in the following list that applies:
- The following topic have information about object attributes:
C invocation
MQINQ (Hconn, Hobj, SelectorCount, Selectors, IntAttrCount, IntAttrs, CharAttrLength, CharAttrs, &CompCode, &Reason);Declare the parameters as follows:MQHCONN Hconn; /* Connection handle */ MQHOBJ Hobj; /* Object handle */ MQLONG SelectorCount; /* Count of selectors */ MQLONG Selectors[n]; /* Array of attribute selectors */ MQLONG IntAttrCount; /* Count of integer attributes */ MQLONG IntAttrs[n]; /* Array of integer attributes */ MQLONG CharAttrLength; /* Length of character attributes buffer */ MQCHAR CharAttrs[n]; /* Character attributes */ MQLONG CompCode; /* Completion code */ MQLONG Reason; /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */
COBOL invocation
CALL 'MQINQ' USING HCONN, HOBJ, SELECTORCOUNT, SELECTORS-TABLE, INTATTRCOUNT, INTATTRS-TABLE, CHARATTRLENGTH, CHARATTRS, COMPCODE, REASON.Declare the parameters as follows:** Connection handle 01 HCONN PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Object handle 01 HOBJ PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Count of selectors 01 SELECTORCOUNT PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Array of attribute selectors 01 SELECTORS-TABLE. 02 SELECTORS PIC S9(9) BINARY OCCURS n TIMES. ** Count of integer attributes 01 INTATTRCOUNT PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Array of integer attributes 01 INTATTRS-TABLE. 02 INTATTRS PIC S9(9) BINARY OCCURS n TIMES. ** Length of character attributes buffer 01 CHARATTRLENGTH PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Character attributes 01 CHARATTRS PIC X(n). ** Completion code 01 COMPCODE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Reason code qualifying COMPCODE 01 REASON PIC S9(9) BINARY.
PL/I invocation
call MQINQ (Hconn, Hobj, SelectorCount, Selectors, IntAttrCount, IntAttrs, CharAttrLength, CharAttrs, CompCode, Reason);Declare the parameters as follows:dcl Hconn fixed bin(31); /* Connection handle */ dcl Hobj fixed bin(31); /* Object handle */ dcl SelectorCount fixed bin(31); /* Count of selectors */ dcl Selectors(n) fixed bin(31); /* Array of attribute selectors */ dcl IntAttrCount fixed bin(31); /* Count of integer attributes */ dcl IntAttrs(n) fixed bin(31); /* Array of integer attributes */ dcl CharAttrLength fixed bin(31); /* Length of character attributes buffer */ dcl CharAttrs char(n); /* Character attributes */ dcl CompCode fixed bin(31); /* Completion code */ dcl Reason fixed bin(31); /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */
High Level Assembler invocation
CALL MQINQ,(HCONN,HOBJ,SELECTORCOUNT,SELECTORS,INTATTRCOUNT, X INTATTRS,CHARATTRLENGTH,CHARATTRS,COMPCODE,REASON)Declare the parameters as follows:HCONN DS F Connection handle HOBJ DS F Object handle SELECTORCOUNT DS F Count of selectors SELECTORS DS (n)F Array of attribute selectors INTATTRCOUNT DS F Count of integer attributes INTATTRS DS (n)F Array of integer attributes CHARATTRLENGTH DS F Length of character attributes buffer CHARATTRS DS CL(n) Character attributes COMPCODE DS F Completion code REASON DS F Reason code qualifying COMPCODE
Visual Basic invocation
MQINQ Hconn, Hobj, SelectorCount, Selectors, IntAttrCount, IntAttrs, CharAttrLength, CharAttrs, CompCode, ReasonDeclare the parameters as follows:Dim Hconn As Long 'Connection handle' Dim Hobj As Long 'Object handle' Dim SelectorCount As Long 'Count of selectors' Dim Selectors As Long 'Array of attribute selectors' Dim IntAttrCount As Long 'Count of integer attributes' Dim IntAttrs As Long 'Array of integer attributes' Dim CharAttrLength As Long 'Length of character attributes buffer' Dim CharAttrs As String 'Character attributes' Dim CompCode As Long 'Completion code' Dim Reason As Long 'Reason code qualifying CompCode'