Use the MQSC command DISPLAY CHSTATUS to display the status of one or more channels.

Use MQSC commands

For information on how we use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.

We can issue this command from sources CR. For an explanation of the source symbols, see Use commands on z/OS®.

Synonym: DIS CHS


DISPLAY CHSTATUS ( generic-channel-name ) WHERE(FilterCondition)
  • ALL
  • 2CMDSCOPE(' ')CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)
  • 1
  • CMDSCOPE(*)1
  • 2CONNAME(connection-name)
  • XMITQ(q-name)
  • common status
  • current-only status
  • short status
  • KAINT2
  • Short statusQMNAME
  • 2
  • Notes:

    • 1 Valid only on z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
    • 2 Valid only on z/OS.
    • 3 Also displayed by selection of the MONITOR parameter.
    • 4 Ignored if specified on z/OS.

    Usage notes for DISPLAY CHSTATUS on z/OS

    1. The command fails if the channel initiator has not been started.
    2. The command server must be running.
    3. If you want to see the overall status of the channel (that is, the status of the queue-sharing group) use the command DISPLAY CHSTATUS SHORT, which obtains the status information of the channel from Db2®.
    4. If any numeric parameter exceeds 999,999,999, it is displayed as 999999999.
    5. The status information that is returned for various combinations of CHLDISP, CMDSCOPE, and status type are summarized in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
      CHLDISP CMDSCOPE( ) or CMDSCOPE (local-qmgr) CMDSCOPE (qmgr-name) CMDSCOPE(*)
      PRIVATE Common and current-only status for current private channels on the local queue manager Common and current-only status for current private channels on the named queue manager Common and current-only status for current private channels on all queue managers
      SHARED Common and current-only status for current shared channels on the local queue manager Common and current-only status for current shared channels on the named queue manager Common and current-only status for current shared channels on all queue managers
      ALL Common and current-only status for current private and shared channels on the local queue manager Common and current-only status for current private and shared channels on the named queue manager Common and current-only status for current private and shared channels on all active queue managers
      CHLDISP CMDSCOPE( ) or CMDSCOPE (local-qmgr) CMDSCOPE (qmgr-name) CMDSCOPE(*)
      PRIVATE STATUS and short status for current private channels on the local queue manager STATUS and short status for current private channels on the named queue manager STATUS and short status for current private channels on all active queue managers
      SHARED STATUS and short status for current shared channels on all active queue managers in the queue sharing group Not permitted Not permitted
      ALL STATUS and short status for current private channels on the local queue manager and current shared channels in the queue sharing group ( 5.a ) STATUS and short status for current private channels on the named queue manager STATUS and short status for current private, and shared, channels on all active queue managers in the queue sharing group ( 5.a )
      1. In this case you get two separate sets of responses to the command on the queue manager where it was entered; one for PRIVATE and one for SHARED.
      CHLDISP CMDSCOPE( ) or CMDSCOPE (local-qmgr) CMDSCOPE (qmgr-name) CMDSCOPE(*)
      PRIVATE Common status for saved private channels on the local queue manager Common status for saved private channels on the named queue manager Common status for saved private channels on all active queue managers
      SHARED Common status for saved shared channels on all active queue managers in the queue sharing group Not permitted Not permitted
      ALL Common status for saved private channels on the local queue manager and saved shared channels in the queue sharing group Common status for saved private channels on the named queue manager Common status for saved private, and shared, channels on all active queue managers in the queue sharing group

    Parameter descriptions for DISPLAY CHSTATUS on all platforms

    You must specify the name of the channel for which you want to display status information. This can be a specific channel name or a generic channel name. By using a generic channel name, we can display either the status information for all channels, or status information for one or more channels that match the specified name.

    We can also specify whether you want the current status data (of current channels only), or the saved status data of all channels.

    Status for all channels that meet the selection criteria is displayed, whether the channels were defined manually or automatically.

    The classes of data available for channel status are saved and current, and (on z/OS only) short.

    The status fields available for saved data are a subset of the fields available for current data and are called common status fields. Note that although the common data fields are the same, the data values might be different for saved and current status. The rest of the fields available for current data are called current-only status fields.

    • Saved data consists of the common status fields noted in the syntax diagram.

      • For a sending channel data is updated before requesting confirmation that a batch of messages has been received and when confirmation has been received
      • For a receiving channel data is reset just before confirming that a batch of messages has been received
      • For a server connection channel no data is saved.
      • Therefore, a channel that has never been current cannot have any saved status. Note: Status is not saved until a persistent message is transmitted across a channel, or a nonpersistent message is transmitted with a NPMSPEED of NORMAL. Because status is saved at the end of each batch, a channel does not have any saved status until at least one batch has been transmitted.
    • Current data consists of the common status fields and current-only status fields as noted in the syntax diagram. The data fields are continually updated as messages are sent/received.
    • Short data consists of the STATUS current data item and the short status field as noted in the syntax diagram.
    This method of operation has the following consequences:

    • An inactive channel might not have any saved status - if it has never been current or has not yet reached a point where saved status is reset.
    • The common data fields might have different values for saved and current status.
    • A current channel always has current status and might have saved status.
    Channels can either be current or inactive:

      Current channels
      These are channels that have been started, or on which a client has connected, and that have not finished or disconnected normally. They might not yet have reached the point of transferring messages, or data, or even of establishing contact with the partner. Current channels have current status and might also have saved status.

      The term Active is used to describe the set of current channels that are not stopped.

      Inactive channels
      These are channels that either:

      • Have not been started
      • On which a client has not connected
      • Have finished
      • Have disconnected normally
      (Note that if a channel is stopped, it is not yet considered to have finished normally - and is, therefore, still current.) Inactive channels have either saved status or no status at all.

    There can be more than one instance of the same named receiver, requester, cluster-receiver, or server-connection channel current at the same time (the requester is acting as a receiver). This occurs if several senders, at different queue managers, each initiate a session with this receiver, using the same channel name. For channels of other types, there can only be one instance current at any time.

    For all channel types, however, there can be more than one set of saved status information available for a channel name. At most one of these sets relates to a current instance of the channel, the rest relate to previously current instances. Multiple instances arise if different transmission queue names or connection names have been used with the same channel. This can happen in the following cases:

    • At a sender or server:

      • If the same channel has been connected to by different requesters (servers only)
      • If the transmission queue name has been changed in the definition
      • If the connection name has been changed in the definition
    • At a receiver or requester:

      • If the same channel has been connected to by different senders or servers
      • If the connection name has been changed in the definition (for requester channels initiating connection)
    The number of sets that are displayed for a channel can be limited by using the XMITQ, CONNAME, and CURRENT parameters on the command.

      ( generic-channel-name )
      The name of the channel definition for which status information is to be displayed. A trailing asterisk (*) matches all channel definitions with the specified stem followed by zero or more characters. An asterisk (*) on its own specifies all channel definitions. A value is required for all channel types.

      Specify a filter condition to display status information for those channels that satisfy the selection criterion of the filter condition.
      The filter condition is in three parts: filter-keyword, operator, and filter-value:

        The parameter to be used to display attributes for this DISPLAY command.
        We cannot use the following parameters as filter keywords on Multiplatforms: COMPRATE, COMPTIME, CURRENT, EXITTIME, JOBNAME, NETTIME, SAVED, SHORT, XBATCHSZ, or XQTIME.
        We cannot use the following parameters as filter keywords on z/OS: CHLDISP, CMDSCOPE, MCASTAT, or MONITOR.

        We cannot use CONNAME or XMITQ as filter keywords if you also use them to select channel status.

        Status information for channels of a type for which the filter keyword is not valid is not displayed.

        This is used to determine whether a channel satisfies the filter value on the filter keyword. The operators are:

          Less than

          Greater than

          Equal to

          Not equal to

          Less than or equal to

          Greater than or equal to

          Matches a generic string that you provide as a filter-value

          Does not match a generic string that you provide as a filter-value

          Contains a specified item. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use this to display objects the attributes of which contain the specified item.

          Does not contain a specified item. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use this to display objects the attributes of which do not contain the specified item.

        The value that the attribute value must be tested against using the operator. Depending on the filter-keyword, this can be:

        • An explicit value, that is a valid value for the attribute being tested.

          We can use operators LT, GT, EQ, NE, LE, or GE only. However, if the attribute value is one from a possible set of values on a parameter (for example, the value SDR on the CHLTYPE parameter), we can only use EQ or NE.

        • A generic value. This is a character string with an asterisk at the end, for example ABC*. If the operator is LK, all items where the attribute value begins with the string (ABC in the example) are listed. If the operator is NL, all items where the attribute value does not begin with the string are listed. Only a single trailing wildcard character (asterisk) is permitted.

          We cannot use a generic filter-value for parameters with numeric values or with one of a set of values.

        • An item in a list of values. Use CT or EX as the operator. For example, if the value DEF is specified with the operator CT, all items where one of the attribute values is DEF are listed.

      Specify this to display all the status information for each relevant instance.

      If SAVED is specified, this causes only common status information to be displayed, not current-only status information.

      If this parameter is specified, any parameters requesting specific status information that are also specified have no effect; all the information is displayed.

      This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies the disposition of the channels for which information is to be displayed, as used in the START and STOP CHANNEL commands, and not that set by QSGDISP for the channel definition. Values are:

        This is the default value and displays requested status information for private channels.

        If there is a shared queue manager environment and the command is being executed on the queue manager where it was issued, or if CURRENT is specified, this option also displays the requested status information for shared channels.

        Display requested status information for private channels.

        Display requested status information for shared channels. This is allowed only if there is a shared queue manager environment, and either:

        • CMDSCOPE is blank or the local queue manager
        • CURRENT is specified

      CHLDISP displays the following values:

        The status is for a private channel.

        The status is for a shared channel.

        The status is for a shared channel, tied to a specific queue manager.

      This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies how the command runs when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.

        ' '
        The command runs on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.

        The command runs on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue sharing group.

        We can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which it was entered, only if you are using a queue sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.

        The command runs on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue sharing group. The effect of this is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue sharing group.

      We cannot use CMDSCOPE as a filter keyword.

      Note: See Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 for the permitted combinations of CHLDISP and CMDSCOPE.

      CONNAME( connection-name )
      The connection name for which status information is to be displayed, for the specified channel or channels.

      This parameter can be used to limit the number of sets of status information that is displayed. If it is not specified, the display is not limited in this way.

      The value returned for CONNAME might not be the same as in the channel definition, and might differ between the current channel status and the saved channel status. (Using CONNAME for limiting the number of sets of status is therefore not recommended.)

      For example, when using TCP, if CONNAME in the channel definition:

      • Is blank or is in host name format, the channel status value has the resolved IP address.
      • Includes the port number, the current channel status value includes the port number (except on z/OS ), but the saved channel status value does not.

      For SAVED or SHORT status, this value could also be the queue manager name, or queue sharing group name, of the remote system.

      This is the default, and indicates that current status information as held by the channel initiator for current channels only is to be displayed.

      Both common and current-only status information can be requested for current channels.

      Short status information is not displayed if this parameter is specified.

      Specify this to display saved status information for both current and inactive channels.

      Only common status information can be displayed. Short and current-only status information is not displayed for current channels if this parameter is specified.

      This indicates that short status information and the STATUS item for current channels only is to be displayed.

      Other common status and current-only status information is not displayed for current channels if this parameter is specified.

      Specify this to return the set of online monitoring parameters. These are COMPRATE, COMPTIME, EXITTIME, MONCHL, NETTIME, XBATCHSZ, XQMSGSA, and XQTIME. If you specify this parameter, any of the monitoring parameters that you request specifically have no effect; all monitoring parameters are still displayed.

      XMITQ( q-name )
      The name of the transmission queue for which status information is to be displayed, for the specified channel or channels.

      This parameter can be used to limit the number of sets of status information that is displayed. If it is not specified, the display is not limited in this way.

    The following information is always returned, for each set of status information:

    • The channel name
    • The transmission queue name (for sender and server channels)
    • The connection name
    • The remote queue manager, or queue sharing group, name (only for current status, and for all channel types except server-connection channels )
    • The remote partner application name (for server-connection channels)
    • The type of status information returned (CURRENT, or SAVED, or on z/OS only, SHORT)
    • STATUS (except SAVED on z/OS )
    • On z/OS, CHLDISP
    • STOPREQ (only for current status)

    If no parameters requesting specific status information are specified (and the ALL parameter is not specified), no further information is returned.

    If status information is requested that is not relevant for the particular channel type, this is not an error.

    Common status

    The following information applies to sets of current status data and also to sets of saved status data. Some of this information does not apply to server-connection channels.

      The channel type. This is one of the following:

        A sender channel

        A server channel

        A receiver channel

        A requester channel

        A cluster-sender channel

        A cluster-receiver channel

        A server-connection channel

        An AMQP channel

      The logical unit of work identifier associated with the current batch, for a sending or a receiving channel.

      For a sending channel, when the channel is in doubt it is the LUWID of the in-doubt batch.

      For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt.

      It is updated with the LUWID of the next batch when this is known.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      For a sending channel, this is the number of messages that have been sent in the current batch. It is incremented as each message is sent, and when the channel becomes in doubt it is the number of messages that are in doubt.

      For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt.

      For a receiving channel, it is the number of messages that have been received in the current batch. It is incremented as each message is received.

      The value is reset to zero, for both sending and receiving channels, when the batch is committed.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      For a sending channel, this is the message sequence number of the last message sent. It is updated as each message is sent, and when the channel becomes in doubt it is the message sequence number of the last message in the in-doubt batch.

      For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt.

      For a receiving channel, it is the message sequence number of the last message that was received. It is updated as each message is received.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      Whether the channel is currently in doubt.

      This is only YES while the sending Message Channel Agent is waiting for an acknowledgment that a batch of messages that it has sent has been successfully received. It is NO at all other times, including the period during which messages are being sent, but before an acknowledgment has been requested.

      For a receiving channel, the value is always NO.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      The logical unit of work identifier associated with the last committed batch of messages transferred.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      Message sequence number of the last message in the last committed batch. This number is not incremented by nonpersistent messages using channels with a NPMSPEED of FAST.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      Current status of the channel. This is one of the following:

        Channel is performing channel negotiation and is not yet ready to transfer messages.

        The channel initiator is attempting to start a channel.
        On z/OS, this is displayed as INITIALIZI.

        The channel is waiting for the message-retry interval to complete before retrying an MQPUT operation.

        A local requester channel is requesting services from a remote MCA.

        A previous attempt to establish a connection has failed. The MCA will reattempt connection after the specified time interval.

        The channel is either transferring messages at this moment, or is waiting for messages to arrive on the transmission queue so that they can be transferred.

        A request has been made to start the channel but the channel has not yet begun processing. A channel is in this state if it is waiting to become active.

        This state can be caused by one of the following:

        • Channel manually stopped

          A user has entered a stop channel command against this channel.

        • Retry limit reached

          The MCA has reached the limit of retry attempts at establishing a connection. No further attempt will be made to establish a connection automatically.

        A channel in this state can be restarted only by issuing the START CHANNEL command, or starting the MCA program in an operating-system dependent manner.

        Channel is stopping or a close request has been received.

        The channel is switching transmission queues.

    On z/OS, STATUS is not displayed if saved data is requested.

    On Multiplatforms, the value of the STATUS field returned in the saved data is the status of the channel at the time the saved status was written. Normally, the saved status value is RUNNING. To see the current status of the channel, the user can use the DISPLAY CHSTATUS CURRENT command.

    Note: For an inactive channel, CURMSGS, CURSEQNO, and CURLUWID have meaningful information only if the channel is INDOUBT. However they are still displayed and returned if requested.

    Current-only status

    The following information applies only to current channel instances. The information applies to all channel types, except where stated.

      The keep alive time for an AMQP channel in milliseconds. If the AMQP client has not sent any frames within the keep alive interval, then the connection is closed with a amqp:resource-limit-exceeded AMQP error condition.

      This parameter is valid only for channels with a channel type ( CHLTYPE ) of AMQP

      Number of completed batches during this session (since the channel was started).

      The batch size being used for this session.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels, and no values are returned; if specified on the command, this is ignored.

      Number of transmission buffers received. This includes transmissions to receive control information only.

      Number of transmission buffers sent. This includes transmissions to send control information only.

      Number of bytes received during this session (since the channel was started). This includes control information received by the message channel agent.

      Number of bytes sent during this session (since the channel was started). This includes control information sent by the message channel agent.

      Date when this channel was started (in the form yyyy-mm-dd).

      Time when this channel was started (in the form hh.mm.ss).

      The technique used to compress the header data sent by the channel. Two values are displayed:

      • The default header data compression value negotiated for this channel.
      • The header data compression value used for the last message sent. The header data compression value can be altered in a sending channels message exit. If no message has been sent, the second value is blank.

      The technique used to compress the message data sent by the channel. Two values are displayed:

      • The default message data compression value negotiated for this channel.
      • The message data compression value used for the last message sent. The message data compression value can be altered in a sending channels message exit. If no message has been sent, the second value is blank.

      The compression rate achieved displayed to the nearest percentage; that is, a rate of 25 indicates messages are being compressed to 75% of their original length.
      Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.

      These values are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the STATUS of the channel is RUNNING. If monitoring data is not being collected, or if no messages have been sent by the channel, the values are shown as blank.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      The amount of time for each message, displayed in microseconds, spent on compression or decompression. Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.
      Note: On z/OS, COMPTIME is the amount of time for each message, provided that the message does not have to be processed in segments. This segmenting of the message on z/OS occurs when the message is:

      • 32 KB or larger, or
      • 16 KB or larger, and the channel has TLS encryption.

      If the message is split into segments, COMPTIME is the time spent compressing each segment. This means that a message that is split into 8 segments actually spends (COMPTIME * 8) microseconds during compression or decompression.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      The CURSHCNV value is blank for all channel types other than server-connection channels. For each instance of a server-connection channel, the CURSHCNV output gives a count of the number of conversations currently running over that channel instance. A value of zero indicates that the channel is running as it did in versions of the product earlier than IBM® WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, regarding:

      • Administrator stop-quiesce
      • Heartbeating
      • Read ahead
      • Sharing conversations
      • Client Asynchronous consumption

      Amount of time, displayed in microseconds, spent processing user exits per message. Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.

      These values depend on the configuration and behavior of your system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that your system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values may indicate a problem with your system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the STATUS of the channel is RUNNING.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      The heartbeat interval being used for this session.

      A name that identifies the MQ process that is currently providing and hosting the channel.
      On Multiplatforms, this name is the concatenation of the process identifier and the thread identifier of the MCA program, displayed in hexadecimal.
      This information is not available on z/OS. The parameter is ignored if specified.
      We cannot use JOBNAME as a filter keyword on z/OS.

      The keepalive interval being used for this session. This is valid only on z/OS.

      Local communications address for the channel. The value returned depends on the TRPTYPE of the channel (currently only TCP/IP is supported).

      Number of long retry wait start attempts left. This applies only to sender or server channels.

      Date when the last message was sent or MQI call was handled, see LSTMSGTI.

      Time when the last message was sent or MQI call was handled.

      For a sender or server, this is the time the last message (the last part of it if it was split) was sent. For a requester or receiver, it is the time the last message was put to its target queue. For a server-connection channel, it is the time when the last MQI call completed.

      In the case of a server-connection channel instance on which conversations are being shared, this is the time when the last MQI call completed on any of the conversations running on the channel instance.

      The maximum message length being used for this session (valid only on z/OS ).

      The MAXSHCNV value is blank for all channel types other than server-connection channels. For each instance of a server-connection channel, the MAXSHCNV output gives the negotiated maximum of the number of conversations that can run over that channel instance. A value of zero indicates that the channel is running as it did in versions of IBM MQ earlier than Version 7.0, regarding:

      • Administrator stop-quiesce
      • Heartbeating
      • Read ahead
      • Sharing conversations
      • Client asynchronous consumption

      Whether the Message Channel Agent is currently running. This is either "running" or "not running". Note that it is possible for a channel to be in stopped state, but for the program still to be running.
      This information is not available on z/OS. The parameter is ignored if specified.
      We cannot use MCASTAT as a filter keyword on z/OS.

      The user ID used by the MCA. This can be the user ID set in the channel definition, the default user ID for message channels, a user ID transferred from a client if this is a server-connection channel, or a user ID specified by a security exit.
      This parameter applies only to server-connection, receiver, requester, and cluster-receiver channels.
      On server connection channels that share conversations, the MCAUSER field contains a user ID if all the conversations have the same MCA user ID value. If the MCA user ID in use varies across these conversations, the MCAUSER field contains a value of *.
      The maximum length on Multiplatforms is 64 characters.
      The maximum length on z/OS is 12 characters.

      Current level of monitoring data collection for the channel.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      Number of messages sent or received (or, for server-connection channels, the number of MQI calls handled) during this session (since the channel was started).

      In the case of a server-connection channel instance on which conversations are being shared, this is the total number of MQI calls handled on all of the conversations running on the channel instance.

      Amount of time, displayed in microseconds, to send a request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response. This time only measures the network time for such an operation. Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.

      These values depend on the configuration and behavior of your system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that your system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values may indicate a problem with your system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the STATUS of the channel is RUNNING.

      This parameter applies only to sender, server, and cluster-sender channels.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      The nonpersistent message handling technique being used for this session.

      The port number used to connect an AMQP channel. The default port for AMQP 1.0 connections is 5672.

      The remote partner application name. This is the name of the client application at the remote end of the channel. This parameter applies only to server-connection channels.

      The remote partner product identifier. This is the product identifier of the IBM MQ code running at the remote end of the channel. The possible values are shown in Table 4.
      Table 4. Product Identifier values
      Product Identifier Description
      MQMM Queue manager on a distributed platform
      MQMV Queue manager on z/OS
      MQCC IBM MQ C client
      MQNC IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server
      MQNM IBM MQ .NET fully managed client
      MQJB IBM MQ Classes for JAVA
      MQJF Managed File Transfer Agent
      MQJM IBM MQ Classes for JMS (normal mode)
      MQJN IBM MQ Classes for JMS (migration mode)
      MQJU Common Java interface to the MQI
      MQXC XMS client C/C++ (normal mode)
      MQXD XMS client C/C++ (migration mode)
      MQXN XMS client .NET (normal mode)
      MQXM XMS client .NET (migration mode)
      MQXU IBM MQ .NET XMS client (unmanaged/XA)
      MQNU IBM MQ .NET unmanaged client

      The queue manager name, or queue-sharing group name, of the remote system. This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      The remote partner version. This is the version of the IBM MQ code running at the remote end of the channel. The remote version is displayed as VVRRMMFF, where



        Maintenance level

        Fix level

      Defines the security protocol currently in use.
      Does not apply to client-connection channels.
      Set automatically, based on the value you set for SSLCIPH.
      Possible values are:

        No security protocol

        SSL version 3.0

        TLS version 1.0

        TLS version 1.2

      SECPROT is not available on z/OS.

      Number of short retry wait start attempts left. This applies only to sender or server channels.

      The full Distinguished Name of the issuer of the remote certificate. The issuer is the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate.

      The maximum length is 256 characters, so longer Distinguished Names are truncated.

      The local user ID associated with the remote certificate. This is valid on z/OS only.

      The CipherSpec being used by the connection.
      For more information, see the SSLCIPH property in DEFINE CHANNEL.
      The value for this parameter is also used to set the value of SECPROT.

      Date on which the previous successful TLS secret key reset was issued.

      Time at which the previous successful TLS secret key reset was issued.

      Distinguished Name of the peer queue manager or client at the other end of the channel.

      The maximum length is 256 characters, so longer Distinguished Names are truncated.

      Number of successful TLS key resets. The count of TLS secret key resets is reset when the channel instance ends.

      Whether a user stop request is outstanding. This is either YES or NO.

      Current level of statistics data collection for the channel.

      Action being performed by the channel when this command is issued. The following substates are listed in precedence order, starting with the substate of the highest precedence:

        Channel is performing end-of-batch processing.

        A request has been made to the underlying communication subsystem to send some data.

        A request has been made to the underlying communication subsystem to receive some data.

        Channel is serializing its access to the queue manager. Valid on z/OS only.

        Channel is resynchronizing with the partner.

        Channel is heartbeating with the partner.

        Channel is running the security exit.

        Channel is running one of the receive exits.

        Channel is running one of the send exits.

        Channel is running one of the message exits.

        Channel is running the message retry exit.

        Channel is running through the channel auto-definition exit.

        A request has been made to the underlying communication subsystem to connect a partner machine.

        Channel is processing a TLS handshake.

        A request has been made to the name server.

        A request has been made to the queue manager to put a message on the destination queue.

        A request has been made to the queue manager to get a message from the transmission queue (if this is a message channel ) or from an application queue (if this is an MQI channel).

        A MQ API call, other than MQPUT and MQGET, is being executed.

        Channel is compressing or extracting data.

      Not all substates are valid for all channel types or channel states. There are occasions when no substate is valid, at which times a blank value is returned.

      For channels running on multiple threads, this parameter displays the substate of the highest precedence.

      The topic root for an AMQP channel. The default value for TPROOT is SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC. With this value, the topic string an AMQP client uses to publish or subscribe has no prefix, and the client can exchange messages with other MQ pub/sub applications. To have AMQP clients publish and subscribe under a topic prefix, first create an MQ topic object with a topic string set to the prefix you want, then set TPROOT to the name of the MQ topic object you created.

      This parameter is valid only for channels with a channel type ( CHLTYPE ) of AMQP

      Size of the batches transmitted over the channel. Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.

      These values depend on the configuration and behavior of your system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that your system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values might indicate a problem with your system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the STATUS of the channel is RUNNING.

      This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      Specifies that the client ID should be used for authorization checks for an AMQP channel, instead of the MCAUSER attribute value.

      Number of messages queued on the transmission queue available to the channel for MQGETs.

      This parameter has a maximum displayable value of 999. If the number of messages available exceeds 999, a value of 999 is displayed.

      On z/OS, if the transmission queue is not indexed by CorrelId , this value is shown as blank.

      This parameter applies to cluster-sender channels only.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

      The time, in microseconds, that messages remained on the transmission queue before being retrieved. The time is measured from when the message is put onto the transmission queue until it is retrieved to be sent on the channel and, therefore, includes any interval caused by a delay in the putting application. Two values are displayed:

      • The first value based on recent activity over a short period.
      • The second value based on activity over a longer period.

      These values depend on the configuration and behavior of your system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that your system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values might indicate a problem with your system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the STATUS of the channel is RUNNING.

      This parameter applies only to sender, server, and cluster-sender channels.

      This parameter is also displayed when you specify the MONITOR parameter.

      A value is only displayed for this parameter if MONCHL is set for this channel. See Set monitor values.

    Short status

    The following information applies only to current channel instances.

      The name of the queue manager that owns the channel instance.

    Set monitor values

    For auto-defined cluster sender channels, these are controlled with the queue manager MONACLS parameter. See ALTER QMGR for more information. We cannot display or alter auto-defined cluster sender channels. However we can get their status, or issue DISPLAY CLUSQMGR, as described here: Working with auto-defined cluster-sender channels.

    For other channels, including manually-defined cluster sender channels, these are controlled with the channel MONCHL parameter. See ALTER CHANNEL for more information.