List of provided MBeans
Liberty profile provides a list of MBeans and corresponding management interfaces we can leverage to manipulate and monitor the server.
For each MBean or MXBean in the list:
- The name is the value that uniquely identifies the MBean or MXBean.
When there are multiple instances of an MBean or MXBean, the ObjectName value can contain a wildcard (*).
- The Management interface entries specify the name of the Java interface used to construct a proxy object for the MBean or MXBean.
- Management interface:
- Comments: One instance is available for each endpoint in the system, where * is a unique endpoint name.
- Management interface:
- Comments: This MXBean enables us to perform various file-related operations on the host where Liberty resides.
We can find its class and API documentation in the following locations:
liberty_home/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/ exposed operations include the ability to query certain metadata (last modified date, size, and so on) for a given file or directory and also to query all child files (and corresponding metadata) for a given directory. Support for archive creation and expansion is also provided, which can be useful to compress Liberty log files or to extract an application before deploying it.
This MXBean contains two attributes: the read list and the write list. They represent the lists of locations that users can read or write to when using the FileService or FileTransfer capabilities provided by Liberty. Through the MXBean, these attributes can only be read, but they can be configured or customized through the following elements in server.xml:
<remoteFileAccess> <readDir>${server.output.dir}/logs</readDir> <readDir>${server.output.dir}/apps</readDir> <writeDir>${server.output.dir}/dropins</writeDir> </remoteFileAccess>If the readDir element is not specified, the default is the combination of: ${wlp.install.dir}, ${wlp.user.dir}, and ${server.output.dir}. If a writeDir element is not specified, the default is the empty set.The restConnector-1.0 feature must be included in server.xml in order for this MXBean to be loaded and to honour its configuration elements
Using Liberty-defined variables is allowed with all the server-side parameters that take a string representing a file path. Such variables are defined on the liberty_home/README.TXT file.
- Management interface:
- Comments: This MBean allows you to perform various file-transfer operations on the host where Liberty resides.
We can find its class and API documentation in the following locations:
liberty_home/dev/api/ibm/ liberty_home/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/ MBean is registered on the PlatformMBeanServer from the same JVM that its corresponding Liberty process is running, but it can be accessed only using the IBM JMX REST Connector. The connection can be local or remote, but the REST Connector must be used.
The exposed operations include the ability to download, upload, and delete a file. Each read and write request on the server is bound to the configurable read and write lists accessed through the FileServiceMXBean. The FileTransferMBean can also be fully accessed and operated from the built-in Java JConsole, provided that the JConsole is connected through the IBM JMX REST Connector.
Use Liberty-defined variables is allowed with all the server-side parameters that take a string representing a file path. Such variables are defined on the liberty_home/README.TXT file.
- Management interface:
- Comments: The RuntimeUpdateNotificationMBean provides notifications for server runtime updates. The user data object attached to the notification is a java.util.Map. The notification type for runtime update notifications emitted by this MBean is
- Management interface:
- Comments: See Configure a web server plug-in .
- Management interface:,name=*
- Management interface:
- Comments: One instance is available for each application in the system, where * is a unique application name.
- Management interface:
- Comments: Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled.
- Management interface:
- Comments: When the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled, one instance is available for each servlet that has been served, where * is of the form...
WebSphere:type=ThreadPoolStats,name=Default Executor
- Management interface:
- Comments: Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled.
Parent topic: Work with JMX MBeansConcepts:
Examples of accessing MBean attributes
Collective architecture
File transfer in a Liberty collective
Collective security
File transfer
Liberty collective troubleshootingTasks:
Set the default host name of a Liberty server
Configure a Liberty collective
Register host computers with a Liberty collective
Set the JAVA_HOME variable for Liberty collective members
Configure Liberty collective replica setsReference:
Example of setting up a JMX routing environment
Apache CXF
Overriding Liberty server host information