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Set the default host name of a Liberty server

We can add the defaultHostName variable to server.xml to set the default host name by which a Liberty server is identified.

This variable is available for use by service configurations. Setting this value is particularly important for multihomed systems (with multiple NICs and multiple mapped host names for example).

To set the default host name by which a Liberty server is identified, add the defaultHostName variable to server.xml.

For example:

Parent topic: Set up the Liberty profile


  • Collective architecture
  • File transfer in a Liberty collective
  • Collective security
  • File transfer
  • Liberty collective troubleshooting


  • Configure a Liberty collective
  • Register host computers with a Liberty collective
  • Set the JAVA_HOME variable for Liberty collective members
  • Configure Liberty collective replica sets


  • Example of setting up a JMX routing environment
  • List of provided MBeans
  • Overriding Liberty server host information