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Set the JAVA_HOME variable for Liberty collective members

All Liberty collective members should have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed that meets the minimum requirements of the Liberty server.

In order for the collective controller to perform remote operations on Windows members such as starting or stopping a member server, the collective controller must run with an IBM JRE. Third-party JREs do not contain the required security classes.

To set JAVA_HOME on a Windows system, on the Control Panel, go to...

...and add the JAVA_HOME variable.

If we are running bash shell, we can add the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the .bashrc file in the user's home directory.

One option for setting JAVA_HOME is to create a server.env file in the ${server.config.dir} where server.xml is residing and add JAVA_HOME there.

For example:


  1. Collective architecture
  2. File transfer in a Liberty collective
  3. Collective security
  4. File transfer
  5. Liberty collective troubleshooting
  6. Set the default host name of a Liberty server
  7. Example of setting up a JMX routing environment
  8. List of provided MBeans