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Work with JMX MBeans on the Liberty profile

We can access the attributes and call the operations of Java Management Extensions (JMX) management beans (MBeans) on the Liberty profile. In addition, we can register our own MBeans from an application running on the Liberty profile.

The primary interfaces for interacting with MBeans on the Liberty profile :

We can use an instance of either of these interfaces to access the attributes and call the operations of MBeans.

To access MBeans run...

Then click on the MBeans tab.

For application code running on the Liberty profile, we can use a javax.management.MBeanServer instance using the following code:

import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;


MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();

For external code running in a separate Java virtual machine, we can use a javax.management.MBeanServerConnection instance. See Develop a JMX Java client .


Parent topic: Access local and JMX REST connectors