Class JarLibResolveTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JarLibResolveTask
    extends Task
    Tries to locate a JAR to satisfy an extension and place location of JAR into property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JarLibResolveTask

        public JarLibResolveTask()
    • Method Detail

      • setProperty

        public void setProperty(java.lang.String property)
        The name of the property in which the location of library is stored.
        property - The name of the property in which the location of library is stored.
      • setCheckExtension

        public void setCheckExtension(boolean checkExtension)
        Check nested libraries for extensions
        checkExtension - if true, libraries returned by nested resolvers should be checked to see if they supply extension.
      • setFailOnError

        public void setFailOnError(boolean failOnError)
        Set whether to fail if error.
        failOnError - if true, failure to locate library should fail build.
      • addConfiguredLocation

        public void addConfiguredLocation(LocationResolver loc)
        Adds location resolver to look for a library in a location relative to project directory.
        loc - the resolver location to search.
      • addConfiguredUrl

        public void addConfiguredUrl(URLResolver url)
        Adds a URL resolver to download a library from a URL to a local file.
        url - the URL resolver from which to download the library
      • addConfiguredAnt

        public void addConfiguredAnt(AntResolver ant)
        Adds Ant resolver to run an Ant build file to generate a library.
        ant - the AntResolver to generate the library.
      • addConfiguredExtension

        public void addConfiguredExtension(ExtensionAdapter extension)
        Set the Extension looking for.
        extension - Set the Extension looking for.