Class LibFileSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Iterable<Resource>, ResourceCollection, SelectorContainer

    public class LibFileSet
    extends FileSet
    LibFileSet represents a fileset containing libraries. Associated with the libraries is data pertaining to how they are to be handled when building manifests.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LibFileSet

        public LibFileSet()
    • Method Detail

      • setIncludeUrl

        public void setIncludeUrl(boolean includeURL)
        Flag indicating whether should include the "Implementation-URL" attribute in manifest. Defaults to false.
        includeURL - the flag
      • setIncludeImpl

        public void setIncludeImpl(boolean includeImpl)
        Flag indicating whether should include the "Implementation-*" attributes in manifest. Defaults to false.
        includeImpl - the flag
      • setUrlBase

        public void setUrlBase(java.lang.String urlBase)
        Set the url base for fileset.
        urlBase - the base url