Class JarLibManifestTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class JarLibManifestTask
    extends Task
    Generates a manifest that declares all the dependencies. The dependencies are determined by looking in the specified path and searching for Extension / "Optional Package" specifications in the manifests of the jars.

    Prior to JDK1.3, an "Optional Package" was known as an Extension. The specification for this mechanism is available in the JDK1.3 documentation in the directory $JDK_HOME/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html. Alternatively it is available online at

    • Constructor Detail

      • JarLibManifestTask

        public JarLibManifestTask()
    • Method Detail

      • setDestfile

        public void setDestfile( destFile)
        The location where generated manifest is placed.
        destFile - The location where generated manifest is placed.
      • addConfiguredExtension

        public void addConfiguredExtension(ExtensionAdapter extensionAdapter)
                                    throws BuildException
        Adds an extension that this library implements.
        extensionAdapter - an extension that this library implements.
        BuildException - if there is multiple extensions detected in the library.
      • addConfiguredDepends

        public void addConfiguredDepends(ExtensionSet extensionSet)
        Adds a set of extensions that this library requires.
        extensionSet - a set of extensions that this library requires.
      • addConfiguredOptions

        public void addConfiguredOptions(ExtensionSet extensionSet)
        Adds a set of extensions that this library optionally requires.
        extensionSet - a set of extensions that this library optionally requires.
      • addConfiguredAttribute

        public void addConfiguredAttribute(ExtraAttribute attribute)
        Adds an attribute that is to be put in main section of manifest.
        attribute - an attribute that is to be put in main section of manifest.