Class JarLibDisplayTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JarLibDisplayTask
    extends Task
    Displays the "Optional Package" and "Package Specification" information contained within the specified JARs.

    Prior to JDK1.3, an "Optional Package" was known as an Extension. The specification for this mechanism is available in the JDK1.3 documentation in the directory $JDK_HOME/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html. Alternatively it is available online at

    • Constructor Detail

      • JarLibDisplayTask

        public JarLibDisplayTask()
    • Method Detail

      • setFile

        public void setFile( file)
        The JAR library to display information for.
        file - The jar library to display information for.
      • addFileset

        public void addFileset(FileSet fileSet)
        Adds a set of files about which library data will be displayed.
        fileSet - a set of files about which library data will be displayed.