RDBMS Realm-->General
Tasks Related Topics Attributes
The RDBMS security realm is a BEA-provided custom security realm that stores users, groups, and access control lists (ACLs) in a relational database. Use this page to define a name for the realm and specify the name of the WebLogic class that implements the RDBMS security realm. The Java class needs to be in the CLASSPATH of WebLogic Server.
When using the RDBMS security realm, configure a Caching realm. When configuring the Caching realm, select the RDBMS security realm as the Basic realm. The Basic attribute defines the association between the Caching realm and the RDBMS security realm.
To use the RDBMS security realm, you need to use Compatibility security. The use of the RDBMS security realm is deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0.
Configuring the RDBMS Security Realm
Defining Database Attributes for the RDBMS Security Realm
Defining Database Schema for the RDBMS Security Realm
Related Topics
Introduction to WebLogic Security
Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server
Securing a Production Environment
The Security topics in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide
The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation