Overview of Security Management



How Security Changed in WebLogic Server

Change in Scope of Security Realms
Security Providers
Security Policies Instead of ACLs
WebLogic Resources
Deployment Descriptors and the WebLogic Server Administration Console


The Default Security Configuration in WebLogic Server

Configuration Steps for Security

What Is Compatibility Security?

Management Tasks Available in Compatibility Security


Customizing the Default Security Configuration


Why Customize the Default Security Configuration?

Creating a New Security Realm

Testing a New Security Realm

Setting a New Security Realm as the Default (Active) Security Realm

Deleting a Security Realm

Reverting to a Previous Security Configuration


Configuring Security Providers


When Do I Need to Configure a Security Provider?

Configuring a WebLogic Adjudication Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Auditing Provider

Choosing an Authentication Provider

Configuring an Authentication Provider: Main Steps

Setting the JAAS Control Flag Attribute

Configuring an LDAP Authentication Provider

Requirements for Using an LDAP Authentication Provider
Configuring a LDAP Authentication Provider
Setting LDAP Server and Caching Information
Locating Users in the LDAP Directory
Locating Groups in the LDAP Directory
Locating Members of a Group in the LDAP Directory
Accessing Other LDAP Servers
Configuring Failover for LDAP Authentication Providers


Configuring a WebLogic Authentication Provider

Configuring a Realm Adapter Authentication Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Identity Assertion Provider

Configuring Identity Assertion Performance in the Server Cache


Changing the Order of Authentication Providers

Configuring a User Name Mapper

Configuring a Custom User Name Mapper

Configuring a WebLogic Authorization Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Credential Mapping Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Keystore Provider

Configuring a WebLogic Role Mapping Provider

Configuring a Custom Security Provider

Deleting a Security Provider


Migrating Security Data


Overview of Security Data Migration

Migration Concepts

Importing and Exporting Security Data from Security Realms

Importing and Exporting Security Data from Security Providers

Using the weblogic.Admin Utility


Single Sign-On with Enterprise Information Systems



Using Deployment Descriptors to Create Credential Maps (Deprecated)

Importing Information from weblogic-ra.xml into the Embedded LDAP Server
Avoiding Overwriting of Credential Mapping Information


Using the WebLogic Administration Console to Create Credential Maps


Managing the Embedded LDAP Server


Configuring the Embedded LDAP Server

Embedded LDAP Server Replication

Configuring Backups for the Embedded LDAP Server

Viewing the Contents of the Embedded LDAP Server from an LDAP Browser

Exporting and Importing Information in the Embedded LDAP Server

LDAP Access Control Syntax

The Access Control File
Access Control Location
Access Control Scope
Access Rights
Attribute Permissions
Entry Permissions
Attributes Types
Subject Types
Grant/Deny Evaluation Rules


Configuring SSL


SSL: An Introduction

Private Keys, Digital Certificates, and Trusted Certificate Authorities

One-Way and Two-Way SSL

Setting Up SSL: Main Steps

Obtaining Private Keys, Digital Certificates, and Trusted Certificate Authorities

Using the Cert Gen Utility
Using Certificate Chains (Deprecated)
Converting a Microsoft p7b Format to PEM Format
Using Your Own Certificate Authority
Getting a Digital Certificate for a Web Browser


Storing Private Keys, Digital Certificates, and Trusted Certificate Authorities

Creating a Keystore and Loading Private Keys and Trusted Certificate Authorities into the Keystore
Common Keytool Commands


How WebLogic Server Locates Trust

Configuring Keystores

Configuring SSL

Configuring Two-Way SSL

Disabling the SSL Port

Using Host Name Verification

Enabling SSL Debugging

SSL Session Behavior

Configuring SSL for the Node Manager

SSL Requirements for Administration Servers
SSL Requirements for Managed Servers
SSL Requirements for the Node Manager
Host Name Verification Requirements
Identity and Trust: Demonstration Versus Production
Node Manager SSL Demonstration Configuration: Main Steps
Node Manager SSL Production Configuration: Main Steps
Using Files and the WebLogic Keystore Provider


Configuring RMI over IIOP with SSL

SSL Certificate Validation

Controlling the Level of Certificate Validation
Checking Certificate Chains
Troubleshooting Problems with Certificates


Using the nCipher JCE Provider with WebLogic Server

Specifying the Version of the SSL Protocol

Using the SSL Protocol to Connect to WebLogic Server from weblogic.Admin

Ensure Two-Way SSL Is Disabled on the SSL Server
Use a Secure Port in the URL
Specify Trust for weblogic.Admin
Specify Host Name Verification for weblogic.Admin


Protecting User Accounts


Protecting Passwords

Setting Lockout Attributes for User Accounts

Unlocking a User Account


Configuring Security for a WebLogic Domain


Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Server Domains

Configuring Connection Filtering

Viewing MBean Attributes


Using Compatibility Security


Running Compatibility Security: Main Steps

The Default Security Configuration in the CompatibilityRealm

Configuring the Identity Assertion Provider in the Realm Adapter Authentication Provider

Configuring a Realm Adapter Auditing Provider

Protecting User Accounts in Compatibilty Security

Accessing 6.x Security from Compatibility Security

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